Elastic Modulus Of Concrete Containing Fly Ash

Effect of fly ash on fresh concrete

Discuss about the Elastic Modulus of Concrete Containing.

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Pandian (2013) stated that fly ash is such a waste material which is formed as by the product of the coal combustion process. Yao et al. (2015) argued that it is used as Supplementary Cement Material (SCM) within the making of Portland cement concrete. It has wide range of physical as well as chemical properties as similar to the cement. In some of the marketplace, fly ash is a cost- effective substitute for the Portland cement.

The research study is based on analyzing the content of the Fly ash and its specific uses. Selection of the fly ash is focused on its properties for utilizing it in effective way. Its selection is based on monitoring the fineness as well as loss on explosion of the fly ash.  Literature review is conducted for reviewing the uses, benefits and applications of fly ash. Aims and objectives are also determined for identifying the purpose of this study. Experimental set up shows the content of fly ash and the results are analyzed to determine the research outcomes.

Franus, Wiatros-Motyka and Wdowin (2015) determined that fly ash is used as prime material into the blocks and bricks and its one of the important application is PCC pavement. It is used as larger quantity of concrete and substitutes the fly ash provides of economic benefits. It is used for paving of roads in addition to mine fills.

Ghosh et al. (2015) analyzed that more than 50 percent of concrete is placed in US which contains fly ash. The rate of quantity is based on type of fly ash; it is observed that ‘Class F fly ash” is being used by the side of dosages of 15-25 percent by mass of the cementitious material and then Class C fly ash is at rate of nearly 15-40 percent. Class F is a type of fly ash that consists of particles which is covered in melted glass, it lessens risk of expansion. Garrabrants et al. (2014) concluded that Class F consists of lower quantity of calcium fly ashes with a content of carbon of fewer than 5%; however it consists of 10%. “Class C fly ash” is opposed to development from the chemical attack; it consists of high percentage of the calcium oxide. It is fundamentally used for the structural concrete. Yao et al. (2015) determined that “Class C fly ash” is composed of high quantity of the calcium fly ash with a substance of carbon of fewer than percentage of 2. Franus et al. (2015) cited that fly ash is being identified as environmental friendly product as it is byproduct and inferior embodied energy. del Valle-Zermeno et al. (2013) concluded that fly ash needs of less water as compared to Portland Cement and it is simple to utilize in the chilly climate. The advantages of fly ash consist of cold weather resistance, substitute for the Portland cement, produce denser concrete and reduce heat of the hydration.  Ramezanianpour (2013) stated that fly ash also produces of lower water for comparable slumps when it is contrasted to no fly ash mixtures.

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Research Question, Aim/Objectives and Sub-goals

Fly ash expands the workability of concrete. It refers to easily handle, place and finish of fresh concrete. Zhao et al. (2015) determined that concrete of fly ash is more practicable as compared to plain cement concrete at correspondent slump. For the slump, less water is required, and then the concrete gets cohesive and there is decrease into occurrence of segregation. There is an increase into occurrence of total amount of the fines and produces concrete more practicable and compaction. Anastasiou, Filikas and Stefanidou (2014) analyzed that fly ash consists of 30 percent of greater volume as compared to cement. The concrete of fly ash is approachable to the vibration. Into larger concrete, 3.05*3.05*3.05 m, the highest temperature is reached into middle of concrete block was to be 54 degree Celsius when the starting temperature is 19 degree Celsius. Sar?demir (2014) investigated that the temperature of higher volume of the fly ash concrete be 15-25 degree Celsius which is less as contrasted to reference concrete with no fly ash. It is an advantage of fly ash where both thermal gradients with stress are issues.

Sar?demir and Billir (2016) mentioned that strength of higher volume of concrete of fly ash keeps increased due to pozzolanic reaction of the fly ash. It makes stronger bond between cement paste as well as aggregate. Concrete cores are taken from the experimental block which is made of mixed higher volume of fly ash concrete with strength of 110 MPa. It is a longer term gain of strength of this kind of concrete. Bingol and Tohumcu (2013) argued that concrete of higher volume of fly ash combined of 55 percent of Class F fly ash, one crude and finer fly ash.  Strength development of fly ash of concrete with blended cements is faster as compared to concrete of underground fly ash. Improvement of flow ability, reduction of hydration temperature an delay in setting time of the concrete of fly ash are considered as main factors for placement of concrete.

Dhiyaneshwaran et al. (2013) analyzed that fly ash is commonly used as partial replacement of Portland cement which is used to produce of concrete. The rate of replacement is run between 20-30 percent while sometimes it becomes higher. Shafigh et al. (2013) observed that fly ash is reacted with lime as pozzolan into the cement as it hydrates, produces durable binder which holds of concrete. The result is that concrete is made with fly ash is stronger in addition to resilient. Fly ash is mainly used into the infrastructure project such as for construction of road, highways as well as bridges. Choi et al. (2014) concluded that it is used to overcome the issues such as alkali silica reaction that occurs when concrete declines are before time due to issues with combined quality. It is mainly used to compact with the issues. Uses of the fly ash results into positive environmental impact because of it conserves of landfill spaces, reduction of consumption of energy as well as water (Chindaprasirt & Chalee 2014). It helps to reduce of greenhouse gases. Fly ash dislocates the construction of Portland cement that emits one ton of carbon dioxide for each ton of cement creation. For each ton of use of fly ash, emission of carbon dioxide is reduced by one ton. Nie et al. (2015) investigated that while the generated fly ash is utilized in production of concrete, then reduction of emission of carbon dioxide is equivalent to eliminate 25 percentage of the globe’s total vehicles.

Theoretical Content/Methodology

Following are the research questions for the study:

  1. What does fly ash do into concrete?
  2. What are the effects of fly ash on fresh along with hardened concrete?
  3. How is fly ash used?

The aim of this research study is to test concrete based on its effects, strength as well as durable to make sure that it meets with requirement to standard concrete. The goal is to meet with the objectives and complete the plan within scheduled time. Following are the objectives of the research study:

  • To examine the concrete of the fly ash
  • To find out the effects of the fly ash on fresh in addition to hardened concrete
  • To identify with the use of fly ash into the concrete

In this particular study, mix concrete is added with the fine mineral dust. Ordinary concrete is mixed with Portland cement, coarse aggregate with water and sand is contrasted with improved concrete. It is seen that concrete is being tested based on some factors such as strength, durability in addition to workability. Slump test is conducted for calculating the slump value. It is done on smooth and level surface (Arezoumandi & Volz 2013). After this test, compaction test is done to calculate compaction index of the concrete. Using the simple replacement method, Portland cement is restored by fly ash. In this particular process, early strength of the concrete is low and high strength is being developed for 56-90 days. At the early on ages, the fly ash exhibits of cement value (Balakrishnan & Awal 2014). At the later age, liberated lime is resulted from hydration of the cement which reacts with fly ash. It adds to higher strength to concrete. This particular method utilizes of mass concrete wherever beginning strength of the concrete has lesser important as contrasted to reduction of rise into temperature. As the Portland pozzolana cement is a finished product, therefore it does not require of quality check for the fly ash at the concrete production time (Chindaprasirt & Chalee 2014). Into this method, proportion of fly ash as well as cement is fixed and it is limited to proportion of the fly ash into concrete mixes.

Addition method is that method where fly ash is added to concrete with reduction of quantity of Portland cement (Liu et al. 2016). It results into increase of cementitious content of concrete and increases strength of ages of concrete mass. Bingol and Tohumcu (2013) analyzed that modified replacement method is used to formulate strength of the fly ash concrete which is equivalent to strength of the control mix at the untimely ages of between 3-28 days. In this chosen method, fly ash is being utilized by replacement part of the usual Portland cement by the mass along with making modifications into amount of fine aggregate in addition to water. With use of this method, mixture of concrete is designed which have total weight of Portland cement (Ramezanianpour 2014). In the method, amount of cementitious materials is put superior than the amount of the cement in the control mix to compensate reduction into earlier strength. According to Zhao (2015), mixing method has an influence on the concrete mixes with fresh states. Mixing method is finalized for this research study on the concrete of the fly ash. It is a two stage mixing which outcomes pleased the researcher while fresh along with hardened properties are measured. The main purpose of use of fly ash into cement concrete applications is to provide of durable concrete at low cost.

In this particular research study, multistage of the mixing series with different time of agitation for every stages are adopted. There are mixed proportions of M50, M35 as well a M20 grade of the fly ash concrete with a percentage of 40, 50 as well as 60 percentage of th cement replacement levels (Sar?demir & Billir 2016). The properties of the fresh as well as hardened states of the concrete is mixture is produced by various types of mixing methods such as M50, M35 as well as M20 of the grade identified mixes. The comprehensive strength of results of the mixes is 14, 28 as well as 56 days which are produced by various types of mixing methods such as M50, M35 in addition to M20. (Garrabrants et al. 2014). The selected parameters for analyzing the properties of the fly ash are surface area, comprehensive strength, soundness, chlorides and silica. All the identified parameters are within the permissible limits.

The cement fly ash blends are rated as 10-50 percent by the weight of the cement which is step of 10 percent. There are various important factors which are significantly considered for doing the study such as consistency, setting of the time, workability and lastly the comprehensive strength (del Valle-Zermeno et al. 2013). In this study, M20 grade has normal mix with a concrete mix proportion of 1:15:3 by the volume and the ratio of the water cement of about to 0.5 is to be taken. The fly ash is to be unified into the cement at rate of approximately 5-25 percent by the weight of cement with step of percentage of 5.

Both workability as well as strength of concrete is increased due to dissolving effects of the fine materials dust. It is analyzed that slump losses for mixture of concrete with fine materials dust is reduced than other mixture. There is slightly fewer strength of concrete at early age whereas in some degree, it shows higher strength for 28 days (Anastasiou, Filikas & Stefanidou 2014). It is helpful for durability of concrete of fly ash. It is observed that the fly ash is being blended into cement at a rate of 10-50 percent by weight of the cement.

The cement of the fly ash is blended and tested base on some of the properties such as consistency, setting of time, workability along with compressive strength. Into the test sample of the concrete, it is filled with size of 15*15*15 cm and then top of the mould is being strike off. The researcher concluded that fly ash is being added in place of the cement into concrete of 6 percentage which starts from 0 percent. It is then raised for few days and then after 28 days, it is increased equally (Bingol & Tohumcu 2013). After storage for 90days, concrete remains 10 percent of fly ash which gains strength of 6 percent higher than concrete with no addition of ordinary Portland cement. When the fly ash blends of more than 10 percentage of fly ash, then both strength development with final strength is reduced with further added of fly ash.


Expected Start Date

      Milestone 1: Completion of project preparation

Thu 11/23/17

      Milestone 2: Completion of research methodology

Tue 12/12/17

      Milestone 3: Completion of project documentation

Thu 1/4/18

Figure 1: Gantt chart

(Source: Created by author)


It is concluded that fly ash is most advantageous waste materials. It is mainly used into the construction project and not only helps into disposal but also adds strength as well as durability into fly ash. It is also studied so as to fly ash is used as concrete of cement into minor amount as additives. It is a solid waster that is used for many purposes. Basically, it is used as raw material into Portland cement as leads to saving of cement. However, it is an environmental consistent method to dispose of fly ash. The researcher also concluded that power plant waste is used into concrete as temporary replacement for the cement as well as mixtures.  Fly ash helps in increasing the strength over time and it continues to associate with the free lime. There is upgraded into density and for a long time of pozzolanic action of the fly ash. It is resulted into fewer channels as well as decrease of the permeability. It is analyzed that fly ash is combined with alkalis from the cement which combined with silica from the aggregates and prevented from descriptive expansion. The pozzolanic reaction between the fly ash as well as lime is generated of less heat which results into reducing the thermal cracking when fly ash is used for replacement of Portland cement.


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