Diversification Policy Of Kopitiam Group In China Market – A Case Study

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Kopitiam group is running its business in hospitality industry in Singapore. Hospitality business covers numerous businesses which focus on the money. Few of the categories of hospitality industry of Singapore are as follows:

As immense businesses are involved in the industry so, the hospitality industry is a large revenue market in Singapore. There is little unique business in Singapore hospitality industry such as medical tourism where people visit to the country for medical purpose. The medical tourism is one of the largest hospitality markets in Singapore. Though, Singapore is not a big country and the population of Singapore is dense. But the Singapore has several zoos, universal studios, museum, Buddhist temple and flower gardens and natural tree. The food, hotels and cafes of Singapore are also luxurious (Jie et al, 2014).

The current report of Singapore explains that the Singapore has 400 hotels and still they are building new. It is a small island in an ocean and enhance, the sightseeing of the country is quite better. The culture of the country also attracts the tourism. Its central location makes it a better destination for the tourist and visitors. The hospitality industry is also performing well at international level. It has been evaluated that the current position of hospitality industry is quite better and thus the firms are diversifying their marketing and new investors and ventures and investing their amount in the industry. The given report explains about the Kopitiam group and its diversification policy in China market (Jianrong et al, 2014). It briefs that how the company could diversify its market into china market and what is the feasibility of entering into china market.

The Kopitam group is currently running its business in Singapore market and following is the information about the company:

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Kopitiam Investment pte limited is a private limited company. Private limited comapny is a company that is privately owned and held by a small business. The member’s liability of private limited company is only limited to the invested amount or the shares which are respectively held by them. A private limited company could not trade its shares in public market. Though, the Kopitiam shares are not traded in the market and only few relatives, friends and family members are holding the shares of the company. Though, the company is trying to diversify its market in china and company is planning to Joint venture with a local company in china.  

The study on Kopitiam Investment Pte limited and its joint venture with a local company in china market explains that the company would enjoy various pros of joint venture in china market (Our company, 2018). The main advantage of joint venture is that it helps the company to grow faster, generate greater profit and increase productivity of the company. It would offer various attractive options to the Kopitiam Investment pte limited in china market. The company should invest 51% in the joint venture.

Kopitiam Group’s Business Information

The legal structure of the company has been evaluated and it has been found that a joint venture is required to register itself in the comapny registrar office. Joint venture is a form of FIE (foreign invested enterprises). A company is required to follow few steps to joint venture with a local company in china. Basically, there are few stages to register a firm and start a joint venture company. The steps are as follows:

A letter of intent which should be signed by the partners

Joint venture name

JV contract and AOA

Pre approval from NDRC

Approval from some other ministries

Obtain a certificate from MOC (Howell, 2017)

After licensing certain formalities such as tax authorities, technical supervision, bank account, administration of foreign exchange, certificate form bureau of statistics etc.

Through the above steps, the company could register itself in the china market as a joint venture company. 

Kopitiam Investment Pte limited is a prime site food shop in Singapore. It is one of the leading names in local food services in Singapore. Kotipiam is basically a traditional coffee shop which has been founded in south Asia supported by meals and beverages as well. The company has been founded in 1988 in Singapore. The company has enjoyed a lot growth in last few decades. The market share of the company has also been enhanced. Currently, the worth of the company is s$ 2.1 million and it is a prime site food shop (Scholes, 2015).

The main business key model of the company is to identify, select and bring into line with the right mix for each eatery item and manage the daily operations on an effective basis (Wang, 2015). Food stalls of the company are leased to identify and select the food vendors, drink, fruit and dessert vendors. The company has established the dessert shop in 1992 and The Pa set in 1977. The company has acquisition with 2 major competitors to manage the market share and enhance the profitability level.

The main strength of the company is its strong business identity, proven track record, and professional management team, expertise in crafting the thematic eatery, competency in managing various portfolios, quality food vendors, services and revolutionary cashless dining. The main mission and vision of the company is to enhance the market share and offer the good quality food to the customers.

  • Company principals:

The main principles of the company are offer an emotional connection to the customers so that they could feel connected with the stalls and the company, aim to surprise the customers by anticipating their needs proactively, Nurture the authenticity of the services and the products, be competent in comparison of the competitors, enable flexibility and be in touch with the customers (Johnson, 2016). 

The company is offering various eatery products and beverages in Singapore market and the company is now planning to diversify its market into China. The feasibility analysis on product and service of the company is as follows:

  • Product and service analysis:

The company should evaluate firstly that which product and services would be offered in the china market. Chinese food products are quite famous in the world wide. Though, the report of local Chinese people depicts that they are always ready to taste the new food (Armstrong et al, 2015). The taste of Chinese food is quite different that Singaporean food. It evaluates that if the company would offer the authentic and local Singapore food in Chinese market than there are more chances for the company to grow faster and generate more profits. The company should start a new restaurant in china market where all the authentic food and the beverages would be served to the Chinese people (Luthans and Jonathan, 2018)

Kopitiam Group’s Diversification Strategy in China Market

   A current report has evaluated that the Singapore food is making huge impact on the Chinese food. Both the food offers the authentic Asian taste and thus it would be easier for the company to attract the Chinese people. Further, Chinese people mostly eat the frozen food and fast food which affects their health badly. It says that if the fresh and authentic food would be served to the Chinese people than they would definitely love it. Kopitiam Investment pte limited should focus on the local Singapore food, fresh food and the authentic taste of the food (Rosario, 2016). Further, the service of the company should also be better. Company should learn the Chinese culture and must greet the people accordingly. The Chinese market is one of the huge       

Though, a report also explains that the Chinese food is fattier than the Singaporean food and thus the dietary people would prefer to have Singaporean food rather than Chinese food. People would also love to enjoy to different cuisine and it would make the restaurant more popular. Company could also focus on the Chinese cooking. Further, if Singaporean food would be cooked and served into Chinese style than it would also attract the Chinese people. It explains that the product and service analysis of the Kopitiam Investment pte limited is quite better. This diversification strategy would offer huge market to the company to grab and generate more profit.

  • Customer profile and demand analysis

Further, the customer profile and demand of the customers have been evaluated to identify that whether the Kopitiam Investment pte limited would be successful in china market or not. The customer of the company has been evaluated and it has been found that local Chinese people would be targeted by the company (Benz and Thomas, 2017). The company would focus on the Chinese people who are looking for some changes in their daily food or looking for dietary food. It has been found that the Chinese people are looking for some changes in their daily food. Chinese people mostly eat the frozen food and fast food which affects their health badly. So the company should offer the fresh and authentic food. Kopitiam Investment pte limited should focus on the local Singapore food, fresh food and the authentic taste of the food. It would attract the Chinese people towards the restaurant of the company.

A report explains that the Chinese food is fattier than the Singaporean food and thus the dietary people could be focuses by the company as they would prefer to have Singaporean food rather than Chinese food. Some people would also love to enjoy different cuisine and it would make the restaurant more popular. Further, the demand s of the Chinese people has been studied and it has been found that the people are looking for different cuisines but however, they are still connected to the Chinese culture and the Chinese taste. So, if the Singaporean food would be cooked and served into Chinese style than it would also attract the Chinese people and their needs would be fulfilled.

Legal Structure of Joint Venture in China Market

The company should also serve Chinese food in its restaurant as it would attract those people who always prefer Chinese food. The Joint Venture Company would make it easier for the company to cook the Chinese food and serve it to the customers of the company.

  • Competitive situation:

Further, the competitive situation of the company has been evaluated and it has been found that there are various restaurants which are offering the Singapore food to the Chinese people at china market. The analysis on the china market explains that the china market is one of the largest food markets for international food. The company’s are growing their business rapidly in the china market (Nebojsa and Sharma, 2015). The international department of chins explains that the international food joints are continuously opening their stalls into the china market with the help of joint venture.

It explains that there is huge competition in the market of china for Kopitiam Investment pte limited. It explains that the company is required to set up some competitive advantages so that the threat from competition could be lower. It explains that the new strategies of the company such as cooking the Singapore food in Chinese style etc would assist the company to set competitive advantage.

Environmental factors of china have been evaluated further to identify the position of the country and feasibility of Kopitiam Investment pte limited in the market. Following is the feasibility analysis:

  • Host country business climate:

The business climate of china has been evaluated and it has been found that the food industry of china is one of largest food industry. It has been found that the food industry of china is open for all the international flavours. The straits time (2018) briefed about the Singapore food firms in china market and explained that there is boom in Chinese food industry. The Chinese people always have cravings for the new taste and international flavours and thus the food industry climate is always in the favour off the companies. It also explains that the Chinese people are always ready to pay for the quality food and new concepts and thus the food players could generate good profit from the china market.  It also adds that Singapore is quite near to china and thus few cultural similarities are also there. It makes it easier for the Singapore food players to set their business in china market.

The Shanghai market is the best option for the food players as there are huge population as well as it is a tourist destination. On the other hand, the city is crowded with middle class families who are always ready to expose and receptive of new taste and culinary products. Various companies who have moved into Chinese market from Singapore market are running their business effectively as well as they are also making huge profits. Though, china market is always possessive about the quality of the food and thus the organizations should offer good quality food to the customers (Tajudeen et al, 2017).

  • SWOT analysis:

SWOT analysis study has been done further on Kopitiam Investment pte limited joint venture in china with a local firm in Shanghai. Following is the strength, weakness, threat and opportunities of the joint venture company:


Strong business identity

Proven track record

Professional management team

Expertise in crafting the thematic eatery, Competency in managing various portfolios

Quality food vendors


Revolutionary cashless dining (Kumar and Ghodeswar, 2015)


New country

New culture

Different taste and demands of the customers


New market to capture

Customers are willing to taste the international flavour

New technology and cooking style

New eateries

Organic dishes and healthy food

Offer delivery services


Competition level

Potential rising price

Suppliers issues

Kopitiam Group’s Business Model and Principles

It explains that the joint venture of the comapny is china market would have some strength and opportunity as well as they will have to face few threats and weakness. The company could grab the opportunities through entering into the market and makes few changes into the operations as well as the strategies (Camilleri, 2018). Further, the weakness could also be controlled and vanished by the company. It briefs that it would be easier for the company to set the business into china market and generate profits.

  • Government constraints:

The government constraints have been discussed further and it has been evaluated that the Chinese market is open for the international business. A company could enter into the china market for the business. The company is just required to fulfil some legal forms and regulations. Though, the Chinese government has set some limits for the foreign countries such as investment limitations etc. a foreign company could not invest more than 51% in the venture in china (Zhang et al, 2014). Further, it also briefs that a foreign company is required to follow the rules of Chinese government as long as they are running their business in Chinese market. It also adds that a foreign company is required to contract with a local company to enter into the market and thus the Kopitiam Investment pte limited would contract of joint venture with a local firm in china with 51% share.

Further, the legal and administrative obligation of china market has been studied to identify the feasibility of the business. The law regulations brief that if a foreign company wants to enter into the Chinese market then it has to accomplish some legal formalities as well as some registrations are also required. Though, the process is not at all complicated. The foreign company is required to submit the name of the joint venture to the registrar office along with a letter of intent which should be signed by the partners, JV contract and AOA, Pre approval from NDRC, Approval from some other ministries and Obtain a certificate from MOC. It would offer a licence to the company to work into china market (Duan et al, 2015). After licensing certain formalities such as tax authorities, technical supervision, bank account, administration of foreign exchange, certificate form bureau of statistics etc. are also required to be done by the company.

Further, few business strategies have been evaluated which must be followed by the company to enter in the china market. The analysis on the business strategies are as follows:

Product positioning is an important element for a business. It assists the business to evaluate a way to communicate with the customers of the company. It evaluates the customer’s needs, the pressure from competitors and the communication channel which are available. Further, it ensures that a good positioning of the product could be set in the customer’s mind. The product positioning of Kopitiam Investment pte limited has been evaluated and it has been recognized that the company could set its position into the customer’s mind through advertisement and the promotion in the market. It has been explained that the positioning is not related to a product, it relates to the entire company. Positioning is the part when a single word or a line gets you remind about the company. Kopitiam Investment pte limited should set its position into customer’s mind through using some jingles such as “the best Singaporean food in Chinese style” (Trogisch et al, 2016).

It would always help the company to remind the customers about the best characteristics of the company and at the same time, people would also like to try the different cuisine with some similar taste. This positioning style would assist the company to grab more market.

Further, pricing strategies of the company has been evaluated. Pricing is the value of the product which is willing to give by the customers to the company against a product or a service. Kopitiam Investment pte limited’s pricing strategies in Chinese market has been evaluated. As the company is trying to enter into the Shanghai market as there are huge population as well as it is a tourist destination. On the other hand, the city is crowded with middle class families who are always ready to expose and receptive of new taste and culinary products. So, the pricing of the company should be medium or either comapny could use the penetration pricing strategy (Sia, Christina and Peter, 2016).

This strategy briefs that initially company could offer the products into lower price but with the time and with huge customer base, company could enhance the price of the product. This strategy makes it easier for the company to grab the market and make the customer satisfy. The strategy is one of the best strategies for the company to grab the market of china.

Further, distribution and logistics of the company has been evaluated. Distribution and logistics are the critical function of a company. Distribution and logistics are done by the company according to the customer’s demand, warehouse, nature of goods, inbound and outbound shipment etc. In case of Kopitiam Investment pte limited, it has been found that the spices would be purchased by the company from Singapore and must be distributed through the ship. On the other hand, the raw material would be of perishable nature and so company should not order much quantity at a single time (Cascio, 2018).

Further, the company should use a warehouse in china market to manage the raw material of the company. Through the evaluation on the market, it has been identified that the warehouse of the company should be chilled and refrigerators are also required for the company to manage the performance.  The evaluation on logistics and distribution explains that the huge amount would be spent by the company in logistic as the suppliers are from Singapore itself (Akter et al, 2016).

Promotion and advertising is the marketing tactics of a business which is used to promote the product and brand of the company. Promotion could be done by an organization through various ways such as sales promotion, media advertisement, and direct promotion, door to door marketing etc. the promotion and advertising tactics of Kopitiam Investment pte limited has been investigated and new strategies for the comapny has been evaluated to manage the performance and the position of the comapny (Armstrong et al, 2015). Through the evaluation, it has been found that the promotional and advertising strategy of the company could be as follows:

Dividing the potential customers of the company into discrete group is significant. Kopitiam Investment pte limited is required to segment the potential customers first so that it becomes easy for the company to manage the customers and target them t o promote the product and the brand. Segmentation is a broad price which classifies the customers on the basis of their demographics, age group, education, and behaviour, psychographic and geographic area.  In case of Kopitiam Investment pte limited, it has been evaluated that the entire Chinese population has to be divided by the comapny into few segment so that it becomes easy to identify the suitable customers for the comapny.

For the company, target people must be according to their age group and the good lifestyle and the people who care for new cuisines and international taste. This segmentation would provide huge revenue as well as profit to the company. Thus, it is recommended to the company to follow the above recommended segmentation.

Targeting is a next process of STP process. This process evaluates that the company should target only on 1 or 2 segments to make it easier to grab the market and enhance the profit of the company. In this process, the resources are directly allocated to the required target and thus maximum utilization could be done by the company of minimum resources. The target process of Kopitiam Investment pte limited explains that the target of the company should be on the people according to their age group and the good lifestyle and the people who care for new cuisines and international taste (Wilson et al, 2016).

This target would offer huge return to the company as well as it would also be easier for the comapny to promote its product. The target focus would make it easier for the company to manage the promotions quickly in china market.

Positioning is an important element for a business. It is the last stage of STP. It assists the business to evaluate a way to communicate with the customers of the company. It evaluates the target customer’s needs, the pressure from competitors and the communication channel which are available. Further, it ensures that a good positioning of the product could be set in the customer’s mind. The positioning of Kopitiam Investment pte limited has been evaluated and it has been recognized that the company could set its position into the customer’s mind through advertisement and the promotion in the market. It has been explained that the positioning is not related to a product, it relates to the entire company. Positioning is the part when a single word or a line gets you remind about the company. Kopitiam Investment pte limited should set its position into customer’s mind through using some jingles such as “the best Singaporean food in Chinese style” (Leonidou et al, 2017).

It would always help the company to remind the customers about the best characteristics of the company and at the same time, people would also like to try the different cuisine with some similar taste. This positioning style would assist the company to grab more market.

Sales mix is the variety of products which could be sold by an organization. A company’s sales mix could also be recognized the sales ratio for each product in comparison with the entire sales volume of the products of the company. The sales ix explains about the total estimated sales of an organization. Through the evaluation on the sales mix and estimated sales analysis of Kopitiam Investment pte limited, it has been evaluated that the company would offer different cuisine in the Chinese market and the USP of the company is Singaporean cuisines in Chinese style which is quite unique in the market so it is expected that the total revenue of the company would be SGD 10,000 per year which would enhance with the time and would reach to SGD 15,000 by the end of the 3rd year (Chaffey and Fiona, 2016).

The sales evaluation of the comapny explains that the comapny would achieve the high sales revenue from Chinese market due to its position in the customer’s mind and the different cuisines in the market.

Lastly, the production strategies of the company have been evaluated. Different organizations plan and schedule different manufacturing and production plan along with the help of different strategies. Some organization prepare the products only after receiving the customer’s order while some other companies make goods and distribute the products and goods to the distributors and retailers from where the customers could buy the product.

In case of Kopitiam Investment pte limited, it has been evaluated that the company should follow the chase strategy for the production. Chase strategy depicts that an organization should produce only enough products to exactly match the demand of the customer (Yan, 2017). This strategy has many pros such as the company could maintain the low inventory which frees the cash of the company and it also reduces the inventory cost of the company. It also offers the fresh product and goods to the customers so that they could feel satisfy.

Financial planning has been evaluated further to identify the position of Kopitiam Investment pte limited in the china market. Financial planning has been evaluated to identify the estimated expense, revenue, and financial strength cash position etc of the company after diversification into Chinese market. The financial planning of Kopitiam Investment pte limited is as follows:

Firstly, the cost of the company has been evaluated and it has been found that what would be the cost of the company and how much would be the cash flow of the company after the first year. Following is the Cash flow statement of the company:

The cash flow statement of the company explains that the company would be able to manage the cash inflow and outflow in a better manner in Chinese market. The cash outflow of the company is quite lesser than the cash inflow of the company. It explains about a better position of the company (Renz and Robert, 2016). The funds would be invested by the owner of the company as well as Chinese local company which has made a contract of joint venture.

Profit and loss account explains about the financial position of the comapny in terms of expenses and the revenue of the company, profit and loss account of Kopitiam Investment pte limited is as follows:

Profit & Loss Statement


Apr 18

Apr 19

Apr 20


Total Sales




Less Total Disc/Comm.





Total Net Income





Less Total Cost of Goods Sold





Gross Profit







General & Administrative





Marketing & Promotional





Operating Expenses





Motor Vehicle Expenses





Website Expenses





Total Employment Expenses





Occupancy Costs





Other Expenses




Total Expenses




Monthly Net Profit / (Loss)




Total Year to Date Net Profit / (Loss)




(Bekaert and Robert, 2017)

Profit and loss account of the company explains about the revenues and the total expenses of the company. It briefs that in initial year, the profitability level of the comapny would be lesser but with the time, the position of the company would be better. The profit and loss ratios of the company are as follows which explains about the future prediction of the company and the performance of the company:

Profit and Loss Ratios





Gross Margin
(Gross Profit / Net Income)




Net Margin
(Net Profit / Net Income)




Mark Up
((Net Income Less Cost of Goods Sold) / (Cost of Goods Sold)) x 100




Break Even
( Expenses/((1-(Cost of Goods Sold/ Net Income))




(Lau, 2016)

Other financial statement of the company includes balance sheet. Balance sheet explains about the financial position of the company. It explains about the total assets and total liabilities of the company. Following is the balance sheet of the company:

Balance sheet of the company explains about the total assets, owners stock and total liabilities of the company. It briefs that in initial year, the financial position level of the comapny would be not strong but with the time, the position of the company would be better (Finkler et al, 2016). The balance sheet ratios of the company are as follows which explains about the future prediction of the company and the performance of the company:

Balance Sheet Ratios

Current Ratio (Current Assets / Current Liabilities)




Quick Ratio ( Current Assets less inventory) / (Current Liabilities less bank overdraft)




Working Capital Funds
 (Current Assets Less Current Liabilities)




Leverage Ratio (Total Liabilities / Total Assets)




Debt to Equity Ratio
 (Total Liabilities / Total Shareholder’s Funds)




(Brooks, 2015)

It explains that the financial position of the company would be better in Chinese market.

Management consideration evaluates all the data related to the management team of the company to evaluate the performance and the position of the company (Gunn and Simon, 2017). It has been evaluated the management of the company should consider the following factors to manage the performance and the position of the Kopitiam Investment pte limited:

  • Personnel and sales force factor:

Management of the company should consider the sales and human resource factor to manage the performance of the company.  It has been evaluated that the management of the company is required to evaluate the sales factor to enhance the sales of the company as well as the personnel factor of the company should also be evaluated with efficiency by the company.  

  • Business advisers:

Management of the company should consider the factors, decision and changes in the organization after evaluating and considering the advices from the professionals.  It has been evaluated that the management of the company is required to evaluate all the related factors to manage the performance of the company so that the business could be run with the efficiency and effectively (Bar et al, 2018).

  • Contingency plans:

Lastly, the management of the company is required to check all the marketing strategies, sales strategies, business strategies, financial strategies etc to manage the performance and impalement the action plan in perfect way. Company is required to prepare the contingency plan prior so that the business plan could be run by the company efficiently.


To conclude, Kopitiam Investment pte limited is a private limited company. The study on Kopitiam Investment Pte limited and its joint venture with a local company in china market explains that the company would enjoy various pros of joint venture in china market. The main advantage of joint venture is that it helps the company to grow faster, generate greater profit and increase productivity of the company. It would offer various attractive options to the Kopitiam Investment pte limited in china market.

The study on company explains that the legal position, financial position, marketing position, product position, environmental position, business strategy position, marketing position and financial position of the company explain that the performance of the company would be quite better in the company. Though, it s recommended to the company to make few changes in the business strategy, sales evaluation etc to manage the performance and the position of the company.


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