Discuss About The Journal Of Adolescent Young Adult Oncology.

Impact of automation on retail and hospitality industries

Discuss About The Journal Of Adolescent Young Adult Oncology.

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In the modern era, the competition among job market has become so intense that it is no longer easy for individuals to sustain in the long run. It is required by people to select a particular job cluster and acquire adequate skills knowledge to gain better opportunities in the same. I believe that cluster of The Generators is more suitable for me and to achieve desired employment opportunities; I am required to develop skills such as customer service, communication and relationship building. accounting to the latest trend in the Australian retail industry, companies are now looking forward to transforming the majority of their process from manual to automation. The reason behind this change is to improve efficiencies and reduce cost. I have identified that being emotional and highly sensitive is my major weakness.

From the test conducted, it has been identified that job cluster i.e. The Generators is going to be more suitable for me. The personal skills which will be required in this job cluster are effective relationship building, communication and customer service. I will be required to carry out high level of interpersonal interaction in this cluster (Chamorro-Premuzic, 2016). It can be expressed that entertainment, hospitality, retail and sales are the key industry where I can work in the future. Communication skills will support me to understand the changing need and demand of customers. Furthermore, the skills will allow me to inform others about my ideas and views. In fields such as retail, sales and hospitality, developing and maintaining a long-term relationship with customers is also essential (Jankowski, 2016). Thus, I am required to enhance my relationship building skills so that it can help companies to attain high degree of customer loyalty and retention.

The selected cluster, i.e. The Generators focuses on skills related to generating sales, hospitality services and the front house of the retail. In the field of sales, I will be required to have technical skills such as managing sales relationships, customer relationship management, customer services, sales support and business development. Skills linked to social media campaign analysis will be also needed in the sales industry (Gilal et al., 2016). On the other side of this, in retail and hospitality industry, stock control, store management and merchandising are the critical technical skills which will be required. To sustain in the industry and attain high growth, I will be required to adopt and develop all the mentioned above technical skills. 

Considering the case of the retail sector in which I am looking forward to work in the future, it can be stated that inventory manager or stockist is the job which is going to be disappeared (Karumur et al., 2016). Apart from this, fast food cook, cashier, telemarketer etc. are some significant jobs which will be vanished in the future. The people employed in the mentioned above job roles need to become careful as the disappearance of these jobs is considered as a big threat to their future professional career (Berger & Frey, 2015). The individuals are now required to constantly work upon acquiring new skills and knowledge to become competent in the marketplace. At the same time, they need to seek better employment opportunities or the job which will remain secure in the future. Even the jobs linked to sales, marketing, and customer relationship management are expected to change in the future to a great extent (Ways, 2016). People need to focus on developing digital skills so that they can remain competitive and irreplaceable in the future. 

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Identifying suitable job cluster and acquiring new skills

Automation and the introduction of robotic technology are considered as the primary reasons behind this scenario. Robots have now become very advanced, and they have the capabilities to replace human jobs in every possible manner (Hudson & Fraley, 2015). The calculation of misplacing items, stock items and pricing errors can be calculated more effective by robots in comparison with human beings. Another advantage associated with the use of robots is that like a human being, these robots do not need holidays, and they even do not get sick (Smith & Anderson, 2014). On the other side of this, many jobs are getting transformed from manual to automatic process, and the reason behind this scenario is the cost associated with the same. Making a process automatic is a onetime investment for companies, and in future, they can save their cost of operations.

At present, the changes such as the use of robots and automation are growing but at a very slow pace. The rationale behind this can be considered as loose markets and adequate supply of skilled and talented personnel’s. However, in the next years, many processes will become automatic, and the demand for workers with digital skills will be at the boom. Thus, the people employed in retail sector are required to update their skills sets to remain competitive in the marketplace.  

To identify my core strength and weakness, I have given 16 personalities test online. I was required to provide answers to the questions mentioned in the test. The test has helped me to gain insight into my personality type along with outlining my core strength and weaknesses. It has been identified that I am an entertainer kind of person who love spotlight and becoming the centre of attraction.  

Being bold and original is considered as my major and most important strengths. My strength of being bold allows me to move out of my comfort zone and get things done in the expected and the best possible manner. Being practical is another important strength which I have and this strength supports in the process of decision making. Instead of relying on theories and concept, I am keen towards the practical aspect of life and activities. Apart from this, strength such as excellent people skills allows me to get the things done by people in every possible manner. I love paying attention to people and this supports in creating high degree of satisfaction among them.

On the other side of this, it can be argued that I am very sensitive and this personality trait can be termed as my key weakness. I am very emotional, high vulnerable to criticism and this can create obstacles in my future growth and professional development. According to the results of test given, it has been identified that I am poor in long term planning and this is another major weakness which I have. In the present scenario, effective long term planning is essential for growth and long term success of an individual. Most of the time, I stay unfocused and this is also a major weakness of mine. It becomes very challenging and complicated for me to do things and activities which needs long term dedication and focus.   

Overcoming weaknesses by identifying personality traits

It can be stated that event planner, tour guide, trip planners and sales representative are some careers which are suitable for people with entertainment personality type. I prefer the jobs where I can get opportunity to work with others and I believe that career path as a tour planner or sales representative will be more suitable for me. 

I always look forward for new task and challenges while carrying out my roles and responsibilities at workplace. I am also interested in learning new things and adopting changes quickly. At workplace, I prefer to give feedback which are honest and which can support in growth and development of other staff members. I am more comfortable in working in an organisation where the environment is not strict and has fun. I like to handle a team of personnel’s and meet their needs in every possible manner.

It can be concluded that I am more interested in dealing with people and motivating them to give their best towards success and growth of the organisation. I prefer to do accept and do new task, activities and usually avoid repetitive actions and tasks. However, I am required to emphasise on areas such as straying focus and carrying out long term planning so that I can acquire potential opportunities for professional growth and development.  

1 Structure

3=Very strong presence, 0 no preference

Less Structure


More Structure

I never plan my work

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

I always plan my work

I never use bookmarks

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

I always use bookmarks

I enjoy creative chaos

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

I enjoyed being very organised

2 External direction

3=Very strong presence, 0 no preference

Less external direction


More external direction

To develop my own projects

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

To be given set of assignments

To develop my own reading list

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

Tutors to give the reading list

To work out how to solve new problems

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

Clear guidance on how to approach new problems

3 Working with others

3=Very strong presence, 0 no preference

Preference for working with others


Preference for working alone

In a library I prefer to sit near others

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

In a library, I prefer to sit  on my own

I prefer group work

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

I prefer to work on my own

I like to discuss study assignments with others

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

I prefer to working alone on study assignments

Above shown is my personal performance style. Mainly it has been identified that in terms of structure I am more structured where I prefer to plan my work always, I enjoyed being very organized. This is one of my strength as through organized activities I am directly benefitted. On the other hand I never use bookmarks and it is my weakness.

In terms of external direction I am inclined towards less external direction where i develop my own projects and the reading list. Moreover, I have clear guidance on how to approach new problems.

In terms of working with others I prefer to work along as this represents my real ability. I prefer to sit on my own and working alone. Apart from this, I prefer to discuss my study assignment with others. So, this indicates my personal performance style.

According to the results generated from a test of 16 personalities, it has been found that I belong to consul personality.  It can be stated that people with this type of personality always respect the wisdom of leadership and the same results were reflected when I was provided with a leadership role in my school (Gilal et al., 2016). There was a classroom activity, and the students were divided into five different teams. I was the leader of one team and according to the consul personality trait; I have taken my responsibility of leader very seriously. As a leader, I have also encouraged my team members to follow the instructions and rules provided by the teacher strictly (Hancock, 2015). However, I was leading a team of students, and some of them were from a different background. Through this activity, I have realized that respecting views, opinions and perception of other people is also essential to become a successful leader.

People with Consul personality type are considered as social creatures and they always prefer to remain up-dated

People with this personality type has high sense of duty and responsibility

Consul needs to put constant efforts in improving their skills and overcoming their weakness. 

Careers such as administration are best fit or suitable for the person with such kind of personality type

Till now, my academic performance can be termed as satisfactory as I have always looked forward to giving my best in the completion of activities and tasks assigned to me. During my academic tenure also, I have always looked forward to harmony and cooperation in the school. I was a very responsible student, and during the entire academic career, I have held a strong sense of duty (Tyrer et al., 2015). Furthermore, I have always been loyal towards my study and my personality trait also indicates that I am highly sensitive towards the feelings of others. This can be justified by the fact that I have always been there for my mates and other students and I have supported them in their assignment and studies in every possible manner. Role plays, and solving case studies are the two important units where I have done well, and I have always enjoyed these activities.

According to my personality type, I am very good at social interaction, and this can be considered as one of my major strengths. Further, I have always stood with my friends irrespective of whatever the conditions or circumstances are, and this can be termed as my strength (Karumur et al., 2016). In future also, I can demonstrate this strength by helping and supporting other team members in accomplishing their tasks and activities.

Apart from this, my loyalty can be termed another major strength which is going to support me in long-term growth and development. I am always eager to preserve the status quo, and this has resulted in enhancing the overall degree of loyalty in me (Emerson et al., 2016). Nowadays, companies seek for candidates who can remain faithful and loyal to the organization in the long run and therefore, my loyalty is going to support me in acquiring better growth in the career (Hudson & Fraley, 2015). The organization and management will easily rely upon me for important task and activities because of my loyalty towards the same.  

However, there are certain areas where I need to improve myself to achieve desired growth and development in the future. For instance, I am highly sensitive, emotional and this can affect my future growth in a negative sense. Instead of looking at a situation practically, sometimes I get emotionally connected with this situation, and the result of this is wrong decisions. Apart from this, I am highly vulnerable to media manipulation, superstition and this sometimes results in affecting my overall performance to a great extent (Jankowski, 2016). I have a very stable and caring approach towards life and in situations of uncertainties; I find it very complicated to deal with the situations.    

Table 1: SWOT Analysis


·         Strong practical skills

·         High degree of loyalty

·         Maintaining good connection with others

·         Strong sense of duty


·         Emotional and sensitive

·         Inflexible

·         Worries about social status

·         Reluctant to innovations 


·         Growing need of digital skills

·         Increasing demand of loyal employees

·         Rising need of interpersonal skills


·         Increasing use of robotic technology

·         Abundant supply of skilled and talented labour

·         Growing process of automation

From the mentioned above SWOT analysis, it has been found that reliable and effective practical skills are my biggest strength. I am very good at managing the tasks linked with day to day operations and functions. I am also very careful and concerned about the people who work with me, and this helps in developing an environment of trusts and teamwork. I have a strong sense of duty, responsibility and this can be considered as another major strength which I have. I always look forward to accomplishing the tasks and activities assigned to me irrespective of whatever the condition or circumstances are (Husson et al., 2017). I am also good at making a connection with others, and this is my another strength which will support me in future growth and professional development. I am looking forward to work in the retail industry, and here this strength will help me to develop a good relationship with employees and customers which are essential. However, it can be argued that I am emotional and high sensitive and this sometimes creates issues for me. I prefer to stay within my comfort zone, and this can be considered as my other weakness. In future, I have the opportunity to acquire certain skills and become a very valuable employee for companies operations in the retail industry. However, the increasing use of robotic technology and automation are the major threats which I am going to witness in growth and development of my career.   

Digital and interpersonal skills are the major and most important skills which I will be required to develop to meet the industry standards and attain desired growth. I am looking forward to building my career in the retail industry of Australia and nowadays, digital skills are in great demand in the entire industry. I need to develop skills and knowledge about the use of digital marketing channels such as social media, internet and emails. Furthermore, skills related to the use of software such as electronic customer relationship management and electronic stock management also need to be developed (Kroeger & Thuesen, 2013). Interpersonal skills will support me to understand the need and demand of other employees and customers and then deliver services according to the same. 


From the above study, it can be concluded that the growing automation and increasing use of robotics in the retail industry is a threat to the job market in the Australian retail industry. The job cluster to which I belong is The Generators where effective relationship building, communication and customer service are essential for the growth and development of an individual. It can also be inferred that my personality is of a Consul which reflects that I am observant and extroverted kind of person. My strength lies in practical skills, maintaining a connection with others and strong sense towards duties and responsibilities assigned. To acquire desired opportunities for growth and development in the retail industry of Australia, I am required to work on my skills such as digital and interpersonal skills.  


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