Developing Workplace Diversity And Communication Strategies

Determining the communication needs of a diverse staff and clients

  1. Background/Overview

Australia is an increasingly multi-cultural and multi-lingual diverse society. In order to communicate effectively and understand the changing needs of clients, community service workers need to have a comprehensive understanding of diversity and communication.

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Community services workers who are currently in the sector should be aware of diversity, however, it is the responsibility of managers and team leaders to develop, manage and promote diversity through effective communication strategies.

  1. Brief

In this assessment, you will demonstrate the knowledge required to develop workplace diversity and communication strategies to meet organisational objectives. This will include the ability to identify legal and ethical requirements, the relevance of stakeholders, both internally and externally, and the need to employ a range of different strategies to meet those needs. Your answers will require you to demonstrate you have considered the potential outcomes and impacts of your communication and diversity protocols.

Some of the questions in this assessment have multiple parts to the them, so please make sure you answer all the parts and pay attention to the numbers of examples required (where indicated) and the required word counts (where provided).

Answer the questions, complete the tasks in this document and submit it.

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To do list:

1.Write your name and student ID at the top of this document.

2.Read the background/overview and brief sections of this document.

3.Read the questions and answer in the tables provided or where it is displayed ‘click here and type your answer’.

4.Save the Word document using the naming convention: [your student number]_[assessment]_[assessment number].doc. For example: “12345678_31135_01.doc.”

5.Upload your document in Open Space using the relevant Assessment Upload link in this Module.

6.Use the assessment rubric (at the end of the document) to provide a guide to the assessment criteria.

Determining the communication needs of a diverse staff and clients

As an organisation, it is common to liaise and/or work in partnership with different stakeholders and other service providers within your local community to enhance service delivery for both clients and staff.

Prior to communicating any information about your service and to clients who engage with it, you must be aware of your organisation’s processes, reporting hierarchy and your legal and ethical requirements must be considered.

a)In the table below, provide one example for each of the legal and ethical requirements listed that may prompt your organisation to access external sources. Identify the relevant stakeholder/s to fulfil this requirement.

Legal and ethical requirements Example (25 words) Stakeholder/s

Communicating to show respectful workplace diversity

Example: Clients’ rights Client is not satisfied with the service and wishes to make a complaint. Ombudsman

Confidentiality of client information Information of a client leaked out without any legal permission neither with the consent of the client and is not happy with the same Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)

Equitable access to services Client not allowed access some services without any genuine reason as to why not to yet others are freely accessing the same. Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS).

Duty of care Employee not granted protection by the employer while in the field from an unruly community. Ombudsman

Mandatory reporting Any concerns of child abuse such as child sexual abuse Communities Child Protection and Family support

Informed consent The professional starts to obtain information from the patient without first disclosing appropriate information to a competent patient so that she/he can make a voluntary choice to accept or deny the process/activity Western Australia Health (WA)

b)In order to show respectful workplace diversity, there are various types of communication needs that are required in a community services organisation. With reference to the diversity of the staff and local community, in the table below identify three (3) types of internal or external communication needs, that could result in competing or conflicting interests. In the next column, describe why it is a competing or conflicting interest.

communication need Description of potential competing/conflicting interests

Example: Celebrating Christmas Not all cultures celebrate Christmas. How can we include these cultures?

Relational relationships Some cultures can freely associate or marry from their extended relatives while others may not only marry but cannot relate freely.

Competition Two communities or cultures may have competing ideas/activities that can hamper cooperation such as farming and pastoralism

Type of food served Some types of foods maybe considered unfit for consumption by other cultures and at the same time fit by others.

c)Communications within the workplace are required to keep staff updated of all policies and procedures. Based on the diversity of the CareShore staff profile, consider cross-cultural communication strategies. In the table below, provide three (3) types of communication strategies that could be used to share information and justify the selection of each method.

Communication strategy or improvement Justification of strategy

1.Verbal communication strategy (oral and verbal)

This method is faster and takes less time to explain a point. It also allows staff to express their feelings freely thus enhancing comprehension.

Adapting existing communication materials for inclusiveness

2.Non-verbal communication strategy

This method can be used with those who have various disabilities such as the deaf. The use of visual cues also helps to enhance understanding by deepening the impression.

3.Visual communication strategy

This method can also be used to seek attention and provide documentation. Various communication through visuals such as electronic newsletter can also be used by the HR at the workplace to comply with safety laws.

d)Describe the communication channel(s) or communication mediums that could provide the greatest audience reach (50 words

One is the use of employee app. An internal communications app is the best non-desk communication approach that combines most of the advantages of traditional channels and promises to be a powerful mobile employee communication method.   The staff can get any updates while at work or not and can respond appropriately. Secondly, the creation of a social media group where all employees are members can also be a great channel of communication. All updates and discussions can be accessed through this group.

e)In the table provide 3 (three) communication needs and identify how the communication may be adapted for use by audiences with other diversity needs.

We have provided an example.

Adapting Existing Communication Materials for inclusiveness

Communication need Communication channel(s) How it could be adapted

and for whom?

Audience Adaption

Example: Bathroom gender identifiers International symbols sign/plaque Visually impaired

Non English speaking Braille embossing

  1. Fire assembly point Fire outbreak symbols and pictures All in the organization Braille pictures

2.Parking of vehicles Using pictures Visually impaired

Non English speaking Braille embossing pictures

3.Board room behaviour Using pictures and Audio Non English speaking, old and Visually impaired Voice or audio output

In the table on the next page, develop a communication plan for the five (5) diversity-inclusive information strategies listed.

You will need to complete the following information for each of the five strategies:

a)Identifying the stakeholders and whether they are internal or external

b)Deciding the most appropriate channel or medium

c)Proposing the most appropriate timing

d)Identifying how to promote inclusivity

e)Justifying what makes the enhancement(s) to the channel more inclusive

Identifying how each strategy will be evaluated

g)Identify two (2) financial implications that need to be considered when completing your communications plan and the anticipated return on investment. (20-50 words)

Financial implications can include budget, physical and human resources.

1.Capital used to set communication plan More information will be shared out and thus the organization will be more known and as a result increase the number of clients to pay back the capital used to lay the communication plans

2.Physical resources Things like banners and pamphlets will be used to spread some points or advert, it will reach many people who will respond to the services and thus boosting the income

h)Consider the implementation of the communication plan. In the table provide one (1) example each of how political, economic, social and technological factors could impact on the effectiveness of the communication plan.

PEST Analysis – Implementation of communication plan

Political factors Economic factors

1.All legal factors should be critically considered so as to have and maintain the favourable relationship with the government 1.Economic growth indicators should be considered so as maintain favourable conditions for investment

Social factors Technological factors

1.Communication plan should meet the needs of all people in the ground including the physically impaired so as to be free and fair 1. the communication plan should meet the emerging technology trends in the market to remain competitive


Australian Human Resources Institute – diversity category –  –

Gender equality – 

HC Online Diversity –

Diversity Council –

Department of Human Services Preliminary Information –

Google search for best practice diversity policy Australia –  

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