Business Foundation For Technology And Industrialization

Business Foundation: Technology and Industrialization

Background to the Issue

Discuss about the Business Foundation for Technology and Industrialization.

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Social action plan is a key component that is prolifically outlined for analyzing and evaluating to provide a successful solution to a key issue. The social action plan provides a generic overview about the major drawbacks that persists with the society which must be taken into action for bringing a major change to it. With the significant change in the society after the introduction of technology and industrialization our society has been able to get major positive aspects but there are significant drawbacks that have also created a major hurdle which needs to be effectively initialized (Aerts, 2006). Thus, this social action plan report will prolifically highlight a key issue that has to be taken care of. This report will strategically highlight the major objectives, outcomes and proposed actions to be taken in the course of time to bring a permanent solution to the issue.

As already mentioned above that with the rapid change in industrialization and technology there has been a lot of positive effects that has boosted major operations of the society. But with this implementation and growth one major aspect that has been negatively impacted the society is the rapid growth of global warming. Within the past decade it has been analyzed that our world has been facing huge rate of global warming which has created a disturbance in the ecosystem as well as the environment. Global warming has not only displaced the human beings in varied ways but also disturbed the entire ecological phenomenon. Global warming has led to depletion of the ozone layer by which there has been a rapid increase in skin cancer within human beings, it is due to global warming there is huge fluctuation in the climate, aquatic animals are being endangered, birds, animals are also facing significant consequences due to this global warming issues  (Baum, 2006). The global warming issue has prolifically cost the society and the major reason constituting this issue is the inaction of the human beings. Though there has been a huge degradation in every environmental aspect no significant measures are taken from the society’s point of view to make a difference. The green peace organization of the United States has taken the significant initiative to bring a significant solution to the issues persisting with global warming.

To be able to efficiently address the issue of global warming it has to be noted that we must first reduce the amount of the emissions significantly that helps in trapping the heat in the Earth’s Atmosphere. Well it is good to state that with the advancement of science and technology it is very much possible to control the emissions and the solutions by far are commercially available and practical in application (Zhang and Agarwal, 2012).

Objectives of the Action Plan

Although it has to be stated that more than the action of a single organization, the actions of individuals on a daily basis and collectively will help in significantly reducing the rate of emission. The following are the possible objectives of the action plan for handling global warming:

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  • Increase significantly the usage of renewable energy sources and transforming the energy system into a cleaner source of energy and having a negligible dependency on the fossil fuel type.
  • Increase the fuel efficiency of the vehicles that are being manufactured and used, thus reducing the dependency on the use of fossil fuel.
  • Limiting the amount of carbon that the different industries are permitted to emit from their industrial processes (Bhattacharjee, 2010).
  • Construction of an economy on clean energy by smart investments on technologies that are energy efficient and are practical in application in industries and commercial aspects.
  • Reduction of the deforestation process in the tropical regions of the globe.

It has to be noted that till date there was no concrete plans against the different industries from dumping their industrial affluent and wastes. It has to be noted that the industries were free to dump as much carbon as they wanted into the atmosphere (Wilks, 2013). Thus it has been observed that the industries were dumping a high amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and as per researches we already know that carbon dioxide is the primary contributor in the aspect of global warming. But with the setup of the new organizations and administrative bodies that monitors the emissions and the pollution levels, stringent laws are being formulated and put into effect, which helps in controlling the level of emission of carbon in the atmosphere (Budzianowski, 2011). These laws are the most significant steps in recent history that we have taken to act for reducing emissions and in the process decrease the effect of global warming and thus reducing the adverse effects of climate changes.

  • Climate Negotiations

It has to be noted that global warming is just not a local issue. It is a global phenomenon. It is evident that the works of a single organization is not enough to work effectively against such a global phenomenon. Thus it is necessary that the countries and global leader join their efforts in producing an international front for attaining for the reduction of emissions on a global level (Tokuc and Kokturk, 2011). Thus it is necessary that there is an interaction between the scientists, policy makers and other climate diplomats to meet each other and interact to formulate better methods to protect the climate and reduce emissions thereby decreasing the adverse effect of global warming.

  • Formulation of a national blueprint

There is a need to formulate proper strategies and implement laws that helps in creating a framework for protection of the climate. This framework can be created by investing in smart technologies and transforming the present source of energy to a cleaner and renewable source of energy.

  • Building up of proper support for the climate policies

Weather reports will indicate that there has been a sharp increase in the number of disasters related with the weather along with increase in droughts as well as storms. All of these natural actions can be accredited to the change in climate and the climatic conditions. This is a problem that affects everyone. So it is necessary that the politicians and policy makers come together and develop a framework for reduction of the emissions that increases the effect of global warming (Christie, 2013). The policy makers also have to understand the economic ramifications due to the change in climate and the positive boost that the economy can get from curbing down on global warming emissions. It is necessary that one country follows a single policy for climate control and emission control. This will keep uniformity in implementation of the emission reduction framework and at the same time increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the same.

Proposed Actions

  • Action for Clean Power: For implementation of Clean Power, it is necessary to first understand the technologies that are necessary for harnessing clean power. There is a need for proper investment in the sector of clean power. It is pertinent that we identify the clean source of energy that is best suited for a region and implement proper technologies in harnessing the same.
  • Action for Climate Negotiation: There needs to be proper seminars and meetings on a periodic basis that evaluates the actions taken by various nations against the reduction of emission of carbon gases, which helps in increasing the effect of global warming (Global Ocean Warming, 2012).

It is being expected from the above actions that there shall be a widespread movement against global warming. At the same time, it is being expected that the global energy needs shall be slowly but surely shifting from the non-renewable fossil fuels towards a cleaner emission-free renewable source of energy (Global Warming, 2010). The actions expect the global community to keep a check on the emission level of the carbon gases and work not only as a group but also individually to reduce the emission rate as much as possible through investments in better technologies and smarter ways of living.

The Green peace organization is significantly associated with the environmental issues since decades and the organization plays a key role in ascertaining the global warming issues in a prolific way. The roles and responsibilities are the major aspects that would prolifically provide a significant outcome to the implementation of the social action plan for dealing with the issue of global warming. As already mentioned above in the proposed action segment in the paper, action for climate negotiation and action for clean power needs to be implemented in a strategic way to bring in a significant difference. The organization has to take significant steps and initiative to analyze and evaluate the key aspects in an ethical way to deal with the actions. The organization members must play a critical role to attain the various objectives outlined in the social action plan.

  • The organization must significantly evaluate the action plan to the fundraising committee to analyze the amount to be invested to take the action plan into consideration.
  • The budget and finance committee must take the initiative to evaluate the financial plan and the investment of resources to outline the aspects of the proposed action i.e. action for clean power and action for climate negotiation.
  • The organization must evaluate all the necessary programs to the program committees to evaluate how, when and who will take part in the action plan and work on the specific issues.
  • The human resource department must play the significant role of recruiting new members if there is any shortage. Recruitment of new youthful members will allow the action plan to be effectively implemented.
  • It is the role of the operations manager to frame the program checklist and evaluate the jobs to the workers so, that the proposed actions must be evaluated in a significant way before implementing the actions for overcoming the issues.





Person responsible

Self Assessment

Evaluating the mission and vision of the social action plan

The mission as well as the vision will be analyzed and planed

7 days


Identification of available resources and information, support and skills

The information that is available i.e. the resources and skills will provide an overview in proceeding with the plan outlined

7 days

Organization advisor and Executive manager

viability Report

For further decision making viability report is the key and needs to be prepared

7 days

venture executive

Final decision to be made for proceeding

A prolific decision must be made whether to continue with the venture

7 days

venture executive

identify the Opportunity

Analysis of the market

The analysis of the current scenario with the issue will be defined by the use of analysis for the new venture to be implemented

7 days

production consultant

Identification of skills and information support

The information that is available along with the resources are identified in the due course of the project

7 days

Production consultant

Identification of elements of operating cost

The necessary budget has to be prepared

7 days

Financial Advisor

Identification of the needful resources

The resources that are needed must be identified for proceeding with the venture

7 days

Venture group

Preparation of the plan

The plan must be prepared

7 days

Venture executive

Modification and review of the strategic action plan

Modifying and reviewing the strategic action plan

Strategic plan must be modified and reviewed

14 days

Executive administrator

Confirmation of proceeding with the decision

For proceeding with the project final decision must be assessed

7 days


It is quite obvious that to analyze and evaluate an action plan it is necessary to prolifically look out the potential risks that are associated with the action plan. The major action carried out is to prolifically evaluate the core aspects of controlling the global warming factor. It is quite specific that actions taken to determine the global warming issues are quite complicated thus there are major risks that are associated in implementing the action plan in an effective way. The risks identified in implementation of the social action plan are diversified and therefore it is mandatory to critically evaluate each of the factors before implementing this aspect (Global Warming Feedbacks, 2009). 

Political: Despite global warming is an environmental factor major complications are associated with the political reasons. It is the government that has the specific hold on the environmental laws and regulations and interference in the political level can be a major drawback and risk that is associated with the effective implementation of the social action plan (Smith, 2014). The political aspects need to be correctly taken into consideration before the implementation of the plan. The laws, rules and regulations must be critically followed. 

Anticipated Outcomes

Economic: The social action plan being implemented on the major impact f global warming would prolifically enable to evaluate how to deal with global warming issues and bring a permanent solution to it. But, economic analysis is a basic risk associated with it. There are major aspects that boost the economic diversity and balance of a country i.e. mining, industries, oil drilling etc. but overuse has significantly led to global warming (Herman, 2014). The social action plan can become a major prospect that would portray to stop all these aspects for a better environment. Stopping all these can significantly affect the economical balance and thus it can also become a major risk for the social action plan implementation. 

Environmental: For implementing a new prospect environmental laws must be critically followed. The same is applicable in this scenario too. Implementation of the social action plan needs proper use of resources which can negatively impact the effectiveness of the social action plan. Thus it can also be a major risk for the social action plan for following the guidelines of environmental aspects and implementing in an efficient way (Kerr, 2011).

Social: For implementing a social action plan, coordination and cooperation is quite important from the human beings of the society. In implementing the plan there can be a risk that many societies can have negative feedback over the use of resources and implementing these aspects. Therefore, it also becomes a major risk for the organization to handle the social aspects significantly before implementation of the social action plan (Paudel and Hatch, 2012). 

The set objectives can be evaluated by measuring the global climate temperature. If we are able to reduce the effect of global warming, we should observe that there has been a significant drop in the Earth’s Surface temperature and that the disasters based on climatic changes have gone down significantly as well (Rosen, 2009). Global warming is due to the carbon gases present in the atmosphere. The concentration of the gases can be measured with the help of modern technologies and proper implementation of the action plan will show a drop in the concentration of the same in the atmosphere when measured.


Aerts, R. (2006). The freezer defrosting: global warming and litter decomposition rates in cold biomes. Journal of Ecology, 94(4), pp.713-724.

Baum, R. (2006). Global Warming News. Chemical & Engineering News, 84(7), p.5.

Bhattacharjee, P. (2010). Global Warming Impact on the Earth. IJESD, pp.219-220.

Budzianowski, W. (2011). Time delay of global warming. International Journal of Global Warming, 3(3), p.289.

Christie, I. (2013). Global warning … global warming. Futures, 25(2), pp.215-217.

Global Ocean Warming. (2012). Science, 287(5461), pp.2113a-2113.

Global Warming Feedbacks. (2009). Science, 284(5413), pp.397b-397.

Global Warming. (2010). Science, 247(4945), pp.919-919.

Herman, B. (2014). The Influence of Global Warming Science Views and Sociocultural Factors on Willingness to Mitigate Global Warming. Science Education, 99(1), pp.1-38.

Kerr, R. (2011). Global Warming: Greenhouse Warming Passes One More Test. Science, 292(5515), pp.193-193.

Paudel, K. and Hatch, L. (2012). GLOBAL WARMING, IMPACT ON AGRICULTURE AND ADAPTATION STRATEGY. Natural Resource Modeling, 25(3), pp.456-481.

Rosen, M. (2009). Combating global warming via non-fossil fuel energy options. International Journal of Global Warming, 1(1/2/3), p.2.

Smith, H. (2014). Deep-sea warming slows down global warming. Science, 345(6199), pp.886-887.

Tokuc, A. and Kokturk, G. (2011). Sustainability in the city scale to fight global warming. International Journal of Global Warming, 3(1/2), p.173.

Wilks, D. (2013). Global Warning . . . Global Warming. Journal of Environment Quality, 22(4), p.872.

Zhang, Z. and Agarwal, R. (2012). A simple integrated model of global warming and policymaking.International Journal of Global Warming, 4(2), p.134.

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