Customer Satisfaction And Service Quality In Hospitality Industry | Research Study

Importance of Customer Satisfaction for Hospitality Industry

Discuss about the Customer Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction In Hospitality Industry.

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Customer satisfaction is vital for the hospitality industry as it develops the economic condition of the particular country. Satisfied customers with products and brands are most likely become loyal customers and keep spreading good word of the hotel. In case of disappointment from products and services, they will most likely switch off brands and talk bad about provided bad services from the hotel. The research is conducted on “Customer service quality and Customer Satisfaction in hospitality industry”. There are some hotels that apply customer centric approach and provide the better services to the clients because customer contentment is a crucial component of their businesses. ADGE apartment hotel and Melbourne Marriot hotels are the example of them because these hotels are having huge range of services such as dining, fitness and effective deals. It has been found that all 185 rooms of Melbourne Marriot hotels features in-room childcare, in-room dining, pillow top beds and premium bedding, free news paper and supportive staff that help customers instantly. ADGE apartment hotel is situated in 22 Riley Street, Surry Hillls, Sydney, Australia. It has various features such as kitchen, parking, restaurant, pool, 24 hour reception and many more that are sufficient to make customer satisfied (Booking, 2018). The study is being conducted to analyse the importance of customer satisfaction in hospitality industry. there are various examples of hotels all over the world that provide high quality of customer satisfaction and customer quality services such as Sporting Club Hotel which is situated in Italy and adopted the critical incident approach with semi-structured and unstructured interviews to provide the better services to its customers (Dominici and Guzzo, 2010). However, there are many hotels in the hospitality industry that are facing issues to satisfy the customers from the services and it is ongoing due to increase competition in the industry and demand of the customers.

The rationale of the study is to define the role of customer satisfaction in the hotels of Australia. This study will help service givers such as hotel to know about the significance of care to their clients in term to know the role of customer satisfaction in the enlargement of the organization. Management and marketing is the significant part of the hotel industry. This research will evaluate the various factors regarding hospitality management and marketing which would be helpful to know the factors that may attract tourist towards organization and along with that there are various way by which customers can satisfied but there is need to be attentive. The way of attentiveness will be facilitated reader about which process should be implemented in an adequate manner to attract customers towards services so that the revenue of the hotel can increase. In the context of academic interest, this research will facilitates many researchers in the same filed to do the other research for another concern to the same filed.

Hotels Providing High-Quality Services Despite Challenges

Customer satisfaction is vital aspect for the hotel industry to attain the competitive advantages but there are so many hotels that may face challenges to satisfy the customer because of diversity, language difference, human rights and discrimination. Competition has increased significantly in the hospitality industry that makes it hard to keep maintain their customers.

The major objectives of this research are defined below:

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  • To determine the level of customer satisfaction in various hotels.
  • To explore the challenges faced by their clients for setting up the strategies to improve customer satisfaction.
  • To examine how different hotels can keep maintaining their current customer satisfaction and loyalty and concurrently attain potential customers to get better margins in profit.

The scope of the research is wide as the customer satisfaction is vital component for the hospitality industry. There are many travellers who visit ADGE apartment hotel and Melbourne Marriot hotel for business purpose and they prefer the age group between 30 to 60 years. The geographical scope of this research is international because Australia is the place where people come for business purpose from different countries. International guest is preferred who live outside from the geographical country border of Australia. The research will be conducted from June to August 2018.

As per Jana & Chandra (2016), customer satisfaction is considered as a vital component of the hotel industry. Customer retention is the major point for prospering the hotel industry. Basically, the faithfulness of the clients is dependent on the quality given by the hotel industry. Furthermore, the industry of hospitality has experienced of many new entrants who are enthusiastic to meet all requirements of their clients. On the other hand it has been stated by Clemes, Gan and Ren, (2011),  that customer satisfaction can be done by marketing efforts which should be guide to emphasize the environmental features of the area in order to draw attention of new customers.  According to Tsiotsou & Goldsmith, (2012), there are various reasons of lagging behind in comparison of others hotel and one of them is customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is considered as an element that reflects the effectiveness of the management and entire stakeholders.

Customer service quality and satisfaction are the major aspects that are the cause of the marketing theory and practices. In today’s era, competition has increased day by day and the key to a sustainable competitive benefit remains in providing upper quality of services those outcomes in satisfied customers. It has been evaluated from the research of Ladhari, (2009), that there are many customers of hotel that face challenges in the form on inadequate services from hotels such as improper guidance, lack of greetings, unhygienic facilities, inappropriate infrastructure and many more (Bharwani and Butt, 2012). These challenges are being the biggest reason for customer dissatisfaction that reduce the goodwill of the company. Along with that there might be potential challenges such as professionalization of hotel workers, government requirements and competition among hoteliers have to be faced by the hotels for developing the competitive advantages and retain profit in operating the business of hotel in Australia (Rivera and Upchurch, 2008).

Role of Management and Marketing in Hospitality

It has been found that ADGE apartment hotel and Melbourne Marriot hotel are come under top most hotels of Australia that provide number of services to the clients. International tourists come to stay in these hotels for business purpose. Melbourne Marriot hotel is situated in the central business district and other well known places for visiting is situated nearby which helps to attract customers to visit this hotel in comparison of others (Marriott, 2018). As per Pearce and Robinson, (2011), the relationship between price, value and service quality is enormous. Price is the major factor of every hotel all over the world that is regarding to service excellence and in specific behavioural purposes. Bai, Law and Wen, (2008), acknowledges that the hotel services has the nature of intangible and therefore customers of the hotel cannot determine for what they are paying, which in revolve makes it hard for the factor of price to be obvious.  According to Hu, Kandampully and Juwaheer, (2009), if the perception of customers for value is positive only then customer will buy the services due to acceptable prices. If customer recognize the price of same product is too low, in such case they may refrain to buy things due to suspicious of the quality. Other researchers have different perception regarding above mentioned description that customers are enthusiastic to pay more money in order to get high quality services (Chand, 2010). Thus, the customers of Melbourne Marriot hotel are satisfied as they are getting high quality services from the hotel while they have to pay more money in comparison of average hotels. It has been analysed that branded services has high rate in comparison of others.

In the context of ADGE apartment hotel, it can be stated that the service of this hotel is different from other one. It has the customer centric approach which makes it top most hotel of the Australia. The property of this hotel is situated in one of the best location in Sydney (Booking, 2018). It has been defined by Jahanshahi, Gashti, Mirdamadi, Nawaser and Khaksar, (2011), the major input to quality of services is by the supervisors who direct hotel employees. The role of the manger influence to the employees’ role, service delivery system and greatly impact organizational cultures. All of these factors have huge influence on the interactions between service employees and customers. The mangers of these hotels are entirely responsible for the activities of the staff as they guide them how to treat customers in what way. It is essential for hotels to offer training and development program to the staff after analysing the amending demands of the customers towards the services (Rivera and Upchurch, 2008).

Significance of Attentiveness in Attracting and Retaining Customers

It has been found that the customer service is the keystone of any blooming business and in today’s era people lives in a service economy where it has been demonstrated that it expenses more than thrice times to get potential customers in comparison to sustain the satisfaction and customer loyalty of an existing customers. There is various reason of customer dissatisfaction in the hospitality industry such as improper training, amendments in government policies, inadequate staff, lack of infrastructure and lack of managerial skills within the organization. it has been found from the article of Chand, (2010), that in the highly competitive environment where the expectations of the customers should be exceeded, managers require to increase in information collecting, action taking and decision making, mangers of both hotels should be engaged in planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling in the activities. It is very hard to manage the hotels in an adequate manner because the sector is fragmented and includes a huge number of contacts. On the other hand the employees’ role is in service quality is as important as managers’ role. It is vital for the employees of the hotel to provide the full respect to a customer. Personality is the dimension that refers in the form of behavioural pattern that constrains staff to be with people in continuous manner and enjoy that interaction. Skills are the major capability of the employees of the hotels that offer effective services to the customers and make them connected with the hotel for a long period.

From the above overview, it can be concluded that the role of managers and employees in both hotels ADGE apartment hotel and Melbourne Marriot hotels are major as they are responsible to provide the effective services to the customers in order that they can get satisfied from the provided services. It is vital for the hospitality industry to consider customer satisfaction on prior basis. It has been found in the term of argument that employees are a vital component of the services provided, but it is essential to be balanced with the perception of the customer of what represent affordable prices of the services for the specific location with huge facilities that should be able to satisfy the customers


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