Critical Analysis Of Disaster And Crisis Management In Events, Hospitality, And Tourism Industry
Factors Influencing Risks in Disaster and Crisis Management in Events, Hospitality, and Tourism Industry
Discuss about the Crisis And Disaster In Tourism Industry.
Disaster management, also known as the emergency management, generally refers to the matters that pertain to the organization as well as the management of the various resources as well as the responsibilities of the concerned people that are responsible for dealing with the various humanitarian aspects of the various emergencies. The concept of disaster management is however different from the concept of emergency management. The concept of emergency management aims to help in the prevention of the conditions that might lead to a disaster in the concerned case. Disaster management however focusses on assisting the people and other animals after they have been faced with the disaster. Disaster management might however also be termed as emergency management (Ahmed, 2013). The following essay deals with the critical analysis of the disaster management within the industries that are related to the various events, the hospitality industry as well as the tourism industry. The essay opens with a discussion on the various factors that are responsible for influencing the varying levels of risk that are related to the management of the crises and the disasters that might affect the events industry, the hospitality industry as well as the tourism industry that is present all over the world. The essay further proceeds to discuss some of the options that are related to the various ways and manners related to the treatments of the risks that are related to the management of the crisis encountered.
The levels of risk within the disasters and the crises in the events, hospitality and tourism industry are influenced by the various factors that are related to the concerned industries. The analysis of the various factors that might influence the risks within the industry refer to the various risks that are related to the concerned industries in discussion. The huge amount of literature on this issue states that the risks might involve the various factors that are related to the political conditions that might exist within the concerned countries. These situations might relate to the conditions of war or the international political conflicts that are existent within the concerned society. These situations might hamper the tourism industry thereby leading to the decline in the economic growth of the concerned area. The terrorist activities might also be considered to be one of the critical situations especially within the concerned territories wherein the tourists who have been visiting the place are targeted by the terrorists. The other factors that are related to the crisis management within the tourism industry refers to the various activities that are related to the humans who are involved in the tourism industry. The crisis and the various disaster incidents in the tourism and the hospitality industry might also relate to the natural calamities that might affect the concerned area. The natural disasters within the country might affect the urban areas as well thereby affecting the tourists who are generally observed to have been visiting the area. The other factors that might affect the events, hospitality and the tourism industry might refer to the health conditions that are prevalent within the area. These health conditions might refer to the epidemics and other such medical factors that might affect the events, hospitality and the tourism industry at large.
Perceived Risks in Tourism Industry
There are a number of factors that might be identified as the risks to the events, hospitality and the tourism industry. However, there are a few factors that tend to influence these risk factors. The vast amount of literature in the matters related to the risks in the events, hospitality and the tourism industry reveal that the among all the various influential factors the major factors are related to the perceived risk in the matters related to tourism, the various characteristics that are related to tourism and the matters that pertain to the complexities that are involved in the crisis management in the tourism-related activities.
The perceived risks in the tourism-related matters are observed to play a major role in the matters that play an influential role in the risk levels that are related to the management of the crisis and the disasters that are likely to take place within the tourism industry. The risk perception of a certain area of tourism might affect the footfall of the concerned tourists at the concerned area of tourist interest. The tourism industry as well as the hospitality and the event industry might suffer due to the high perception of the risk within the concerned area. The tourists are observed to prefer to visit the various areas that bear low risk perceptions (Alexander, 2014). The risk factors are inherent in the tourism industry as the travel to the unknown lands might involve a certain amount of risk and there are various tourist destination choices that are made available to the concerned tourists. This has helped in the conditions that pertain to the lowering of the footfall in the areas that are known to have been having a high-risk perception. The crisis that had struck Paris in the recent times had led to the conditions wherein the tourist footfall at France especially Paris has been seen to be lowering at an alarming rate (Becken & Hughey, 2013). Thus, it might be stated that the image of the concerned tourist destination should be well-projected without any major negative factors in order to deal with the maintenance of the footfall within the area.
The characteristics of tourism is another major factor that might influence the risk levels involved in the crisis and the various disasters that are related to the events, the hospitality and the tourism industry. The tourism industry is observed to depict a number of qualities that lead to the exposure of the industry to varied number of risks. The major factors that might lead to the increase in the risk factors are the factors that are related to the intensive nature of the labor that is involved in the industry and the high amount of the integrity that is related to the customer groups that are targeted by the concerned organizations that are involved within the tourism industry (Mason, 2015). The effectiveness of the complete performance of the industry is generally dependent on the various factors that are majorly related to the clientele who has been availing the various services that are offered by the industry. The tourism industry requires the movement of the concerned tourists from one place to another. This might lead to the conditions wherein there might be a chance of having the involvement of a number of risks (Chew & Jahari, 2014). The products offered by the tourism industry are known to be perishable in nature thereby leading to an influence over the efficient overall performance of the industry in the matters that pertain to the tourism industry (Sawalha, Jraisat & Al-Qudah, 2013). The lowering of the footfall of the tourists within a certain tourist place of attraction might lead to the conditions wherein the economy of the area might get affected. This lowering of the footfall might arise due to the fact that the discussed area might be facing a natural disaster. The occurrences of the natural disasters might lead to the disturbances in the matters that pertain to the proper and smooth functioning of the tourism industry (Rittichainuwat, 2013). The major reason behind the influence is the fact that the natural disasters as well as the political upheavals within the concerned industry leads to the conditions that might result in the declination of the number of tourists who have been visiting the area. The lowering of the number of the tourists who have been visiting the area might result in the lowering of the economy of the concerned region and the country at large (Orchiston, 2013). The revenue that had been lost due to the crisis factors are often irrecoverable thereby leading to the conditions that are related to the major loss in the performance of the tourism industry in its entirety.
Characteristics of Tourism Industry
The complexity of the management of crisis within the tourism industry might be referred to as one of the major factors that is influential in the matters that deal with the risk levels involved in the crisis and the various disasters that are related to the events, the hospitality and the tourism industry. The tourism industry is observed to be uncertain and unpredictable. This uncertain and unpredictable nature of the industry might lead to the increment of the higher amount of the risks that are connected to the industry (Becken et al., 2014). The natural calamity occurrences as well as the calamities that are caused by the intervention of the human beings such as the terrorist activities are unpredictable and uncertain. This helps in the increase of the complexity that is related to the management of the tourism industry within the given country. This further increases the risk in the matters that pertain to the overall efficient performance of the tourism and the hospitality industry. The other factor that might affect the industry is the ill-preparedness of the various small-scale organizations that are related to the tourism industry (Bac, Bugnar & Mester, 2015). According to Baker (2014), the lack of the proper resources has led to the conditions that are related to the matters that pertain to the exposure to the higher level of threats that are included within the performance of the tourism industry.
The concerned organizations that are involved within the tourism industry are generally advised to put forth the implementation of the proper risk management techniques in the matters that pertain to the tourism industry within the concerned country. The concerned management might be advised to take into consideration the various issues that pertain to the effective management of the concerned activities due to the fact that there are varied number of issues that are present within the area and thus are related to the matters that pertain to the smooth and effective performance of the concerned industry. The technique that might prove to be the most effective in the matters that are related to the risk management within the tourism industry is the effective and efficient leadership within the concerned organization (Saha & Yap, 2014). This might help in ensuring the safety and the security of the concerned clientele of the organization, the tourists in the given scenario. The various tourism organizations are often advised to develop certain plans in order to deal with the emergency situations that might arise within the given industry (Raza & Jawaid, 2013). This might help the concerned organizations to deal with the various matters that pertain to the dealing with the certain situations that might arise in an unpredictable manner. The effects of the natural calamities might not be predictable or managed by the concerned organizations that are involved in the events, the hospitality and the tourism industry (Lisle, 2016). However, the concerned organization might bring about a change in the matters that are related to the operations of the concerned organization by putting forth an analysis of the concerned calamity that has struck the given area and the various ways in which the conditions might be avoided in the future days (Baker, 2015). The management of the concerned organizations might be advised to have some alternative plans that might be implemented in the conditions of emergency within the tourist location or the concerned event that is being attended by the various people who have been visiting the area as the tourists.
Complexities in Management of Crisis in Tourism Industry
In lieu of the above discussion, it might be stated that the tourism industry might face a huge number of issues that are related to the management of the crises, the disasters and the various risks that are involved within the activities of the same. These emergencies might result from both the natural calamities and the activities of the human beings who have been present within the country or area of tourist interest. The above analysis had resulted in the revelation that the major influential factors are related to the perceived risk in the matters related to tourism, the various characteristics that are related to tourism and the matters that pertain to the complexities that are involved in the crisis management in the tourism-related activities. The analysis further states that the concerned risks might be taken care of through the implementation of an efficient leadership that bears a far-sighted knowledge on the various issues that might arise within the industry and the effective solutions that might be implemented in order to deal with the concerned issues.
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