Challenges In Global Project Management: Improving The Research Proposal

Gap in Knowledge and Statement of the Problem

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The aim of this paper is to discuss the problems with the research proposal and explain the way of taken action in order to make an improvement. The answers to the questions will be given in this paper for the purpose of making a better understanding regarding the research proposal.

The ultimate goal of the problem statement is to modify the widespread problem into a targeted problem; one that can be determined during focused research and suspicious decision making. The problem in the problem statement was that it had focused on the description and activities of the company instead of expressing the issues and challenges that company faced or facing (Aarseth, Rolstadås & Andersen, 2013). There is some key quality of a statement of the problem. The problem statement should deal with a gap in knowledge and it should be substantial enough to contribute to the existing body of the research. I refined my problem statement by focusing on those factors that were not involved in the research problem statement. The problem statement should be made as per the following problem statement.

Global project management is the wide concept that encompasses plenty of better outcomes and challenges but these aspects rely on the performance and the understanding of the global project (ARUP, 2017). ESI was established in 1981 and has facilitated more than 1.5 million professionals grow their skills in program, project and portfolio management as well as contract management. Moreover, ESI has more than 100 courses delivered in above a dozen languages at hundreds of locations globally; it provides a wide range of professional education certificates.

However, the company is providing a number of facilities of education to the student and gives professional training to more than 950,000 professionals in all over the world but there are some challenges that project manager is facing at the time of handling the team or providing the training. Geographical boundaries, cultural differences, using wrong applications and technical capacity are the major problem while managing a global project. In local projects, there are ample of meetings held on a constant basis to get the ongoing information by the project team and to make sure that everything is on the way. But, it would not be possible for the global project and managing the project team across the geographical distances is the huge challenge. The manager of the company is facing issues due to cultural difference as it affects the communication between the project team and the project managers.

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Challenges in Global Project Management

In response to these problems, the study proposes to find various options for making more effective project management. The report will consider all possible way to reduce these issues so that the company can provide plenty of facilities without any hurdles. The proposed strategies would be helpful for all global project management company. Without having a proper understanding of project and coordination, it is not feasible to attain the mission of the company. Thus, there is essential to investigate the solutions to these issues, which is the aim of the proposed research.

The research aim, objectives and research questions are a significant part of any research that is why it is essential for the research to focus on the aim, objectives and the research questions as they are the synopsis of the entire research. They express what will be going to discuss under this research regarding the research topic. It has been critically analyzed that the aim and objectives of the research were not completed because these factors were not emphasized the solution of the issues in global project management. It has been found that instead of focusing on the description of the challenges, there should be a focus on the aim of the research which can be made like the below statements.

  • To analyze the issues in global project management.
  • To investigate the resolutions of such issues in order to make satisfy the employees as well as that person who is connected with global project management.
  • To evaluate the role of the global project management in the development of the country.

The objective of the research is to be made for the purpose of summarizing what is to be attained by the end of this research study. It states the entire aim of the research, which is to take the researcher closer to resolve the huge research problem. The improvement has been done in the research objective by reframing it in a systematic manner. The objective of the research should be framed in an appropriate manner. The objective of the research is to find out the concerns facing by ESI International Company at the time of handling the project worldwide (KPMG, 2007).

The research questions in the research proposal should be made by keeping consideration of the research aim. There were some issues with the research questions in the research proposal like the primary questions had been given on the challenges and opportunities for ESI due to cultural diversity.  However, the secondary questions have been given in the research proposal of this primary question but it could have more widely as the main focus of the research on the global project management (Kardes, Ozturk, Cavusgil & Cavusgil, 2013). The research question should have been framed by covering issues which had been discussed in the problem statement. The improvement in the research questions has been made by focusing on the aim while making the research questions. The research question should be made as per the following way.

  • What are the major issues in global project management?
  • In what way ESI International Company can resolve the issues for growing in the competitive environment?
  • What is the role of the global project management in the development of the country?

Proposed Strategies for Improving Project Management

It has been found in the justification that instead of giving rational of the overall study, the researcher has focused on the gap of the research. The justification expresses the rationale of the research or the cause of why the research is being conducted, entailing a description for the ways and design helped in the research. The improvement in the justification part of the research was made by making changes. The justification should involve the reason behind the discussion on the issues of global project management. The best part of global project management has been described in the literature review, the improvement was being made by elaborating the reasons why are they best part of the global project management (Gemünden, 2015).

In the context of potential output, it has been found that the discussion on this subject was not discussed under this research. The potential outcome of the research should be made after evaluating the research topic. It is apparent from the study of the research that many businesses related to global project management would be benefitted due to this research as it covered the resolutions of the problems in the global project team (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017).

It has been analyzed that the conceptual framework has not been made under this research and it is the major part of the research as it covers a specific component of the entire research. The theoretical framework is considered as the structure that can hold a theory of the research study. It has the capability of the conceptual framework that it introduces and elaborates on the theory that expresses why the research problem under research study remains (Thamhain, 2013). There should be the proper structure of the conceptual framework but due to not encompassment of this structure, it has improved by making a conceptual framework for the research study which is going to be shown below:

There are various challenges in the global project management that can hamper the position of the company. Due to different time zones, the teams working at different geographical locations get limited time to contact and communicate with each other. It hinders the significant projects of the company where hindrance cannot be accepted. People from different cultures make a challenge for the teams (Reilly, 2015). It is the liability of the project manager to overthrow the issues and to make an environment among the teams which facilitate them in linking with each other. With respect to technical capability, it can be observed that every country has different capabilities in technology and due to the difference in the technologies, it is the accountability of the project manager of the company to set the criteria as per the availability of the technology in a specific country (Bergerud, 2012). The manager must set the criteria of performance which should be standardized for entire teams. It facilitates in informing the outcomes of the efforts of the team.

Significance of Research Aim, Objectives, and Questions

The methodology is the core factor of the entire research that facilitates to understand from where data has been gathered in order to complete the assignment. It has been critically analyzed that there was no a problem in methodology as mixed research method has been chosen to complete the research in which qualitative as well as quantitative data has been utilized to get better outcomes. However, the depth information has been given regarding the mixed approach but it could be better if the type of qualitative research and quantitative research have been there (Gibbs & Boyraz, 2014). To make an improvement in this problem, the discussion has been made on the kinds of qualitative and quantitative research.

The descriptive, as well as exploratory research designs are being taken to complete this research. It is being done because the use of exploratory design helps the researcher to gather in-depth data regarding the global project management. On the other hand, the utilization of the descriptive design facilitates in getting a better understanding of the characteristics of the group or individual.

The use of exploratory design is helpful in gather the information regarding the topic in-depth way while the utilization of the descriptive design sustained in gaining better understanding of the characteristics of individual as well as group. The secondary data was presented in the assignment by describing the source of the collection of the secondary data in which the articles, journals, newspaper books and online sources have been mentioned. The way of presenting the secondary sources was not effective and this improvement has been done by evaluating the secondary sources which have been utilized under this research in order to complete the research (Wilson, 2016). The secondary data will be used under this research by taking books and journal articles on global project management and by using financial statement, the structure of the company and the chart of the issues of global project management.

A factor of the organization of the study is to offer a map that might guide readers by the understanding of the research proposal. It is the process that helps in making better understanding that how each factor of the research is formulated to attain the objectives of the research. The problem in the organization of the study is that the research proposal was not shown how the final report will be organized (Zikmund, Babin, Carr & Griffin, 2010). It expresses the number of chapters and what aspect will be covered in each aspect. With respect to project budget, it has been found that the assumption amount of project study has been mentioned under this research but the amount for each activity was not covered and shown in the tabular form. The time schedule was not clear under the research proposal as it should be properly formulated. The action plan should be made in the research proposal so that the description of each activity can be described in a sophisticated manner with the detail of budget.


Aarseth, W., Rolstadås, A., & Andersen, B. (2013). Managing organizational challenges in global projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 7(1), 103-132. Retrieved from

ARUP. (2017). Future of Project Management. Retrieved from

Bergerud, C. (2012). The top 10 challenges to effective cost controls. Retrieved from

Gemünden, H.G. (2015). Success Factors of Global New Product Development Programs, the Definition of Project Success, Knowledge Sharing, and Special Issues of Project Management Journal®. Project Management Journal, 46(1), pp.2-11.

Gibbs, J L and Boyraz, M. (2014). International HRM’s Role in Managing Global Teams. The Routledge companion to international human resource management, pp.532-551.

Kardes, I., Ozturk, A., Cavusgil, S.T. and Cavusgil, E. (2013). Managing global megaprojects: Complexity and risk management. International Business Review, 22(6), pp.905-917.

KPMG. (2007). Managing global projects. Retrieved from

Nicholas, J.M. & Steyn, H. (2017). Project management for engineering, business and technology. Taylor & Francis.

Reilly, P. (2015). Managing across borders and cultures. Strategic HR Review, 14(1/2), pp.36-41.

Thamhain, H (2013). Managing risks in complex projects. Project management journal, 44(2), pp.20-35.

Wilson, V. (2016). Research Methods: Mixed Methods Research. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11, 56-59.

Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C. & Griffin, M. (2010). Business research methods, 8th edn, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio.

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