Business Research Methodology For Multinational Firms

Effective communication methods for global teams

Discuss about the Business Research Methodology for Multinational firms.

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I have learned how the global teams are effectively engaged in the multinational corporations and they increase the efficiency of the organization. There are different experts who are involved in this multinational firms and they manage different the organization. I have also seen that these teams are engaged in taking important decisions in the organization. These teams communicate through different modes of digital communication processes. These learning experience which help me in my future to work in co-ordination with the team members. It will help me to unite with other group members and work in co-ordination with them. It has also helped me to understand and analyze critically the different challenges which are faced by an individual while working in a team. This paper will also help me in my future career. I will get the opportunity to develop the skills in choosing my team members. I can choose or appoint such employees who are proficient and can work for the development of the company. It will also be easier for me to communicate and understand the problems of my team members. It will also enhance my communication skill. This will also help me to develop my leadership skill. The value of this learning experience is that it will help me to become a successful leader. It will also help to identify the challenges which are faced by different organizations (De Massis and Kotlar 2014).

This learning process will help me to identify the challenges which are faced by organizations and find out alternative ways to mitigate them. It will also help in analyzing the skills which are faced by different organizations. It has also helped me to understand how the global leaders manage the team. This will help in me in my future to be a successful leader and it will be easier for me to manage the teams. As a leader it is necessary for me to understand the benefits which will be derived by the company when employees of different skills are appointed. This learning experience will also teach me how a leader needs to be fair in judging his or her employees. I had also learned how to be a keen listener and observer. It is my responsibility as a leader to understand the needs of the employees and motivate them to work for the development of the company (Bryman and Bell 2015. ). This learning insight will also help me in applying my knowledge in various prospects. I can be a good team leader and can thus manage and handle my team. I can effectively communicate with my co-workers and employees. As miscommunication and misunderstanding are the key factors which hinder the working of an organization, I can effectively work on these areas and thus make the organization successful. I must try to be emotionally attached with my team members so that they feel secured and are willing to contribute for the development of my company (Mellor 2015.).

Challenges faced by global teams in multinational organizations

In the entire learning process, I have found the challenges which are faced by the teams in a global organization. The problems which are faced by the team leaders in critical times are also highlighted in the paper. It is necessary to choose geographically dispersed workers so that a company can be successful in a short time nada lo gain brand recognition. I have also seen that it becomes risky to share the information of a company with its competitors. Moreover, it is also necessary to understand the intentions and emotions of the fellow team members in an organization. There must be mutual understanding and co-operation among the team members. The leaders must also conduct meetings so that the employees can share their problems and thus they can work for the development of the company. The leaders must also direct the team members in a proper direction. The organization can only be successful if both the leaders and the employees are supportive (Meyer and Peng 2016). I have also found that technological challenges also hinder the organization. The employees must stay connected with each other if there is no face-to-face interaction among them. They must try to stay connected through video conferencing or other modes of online communication. Proper communication between the employees, management and the customers are necessary for an effective functioning of an organization. The leaders must also try to manage the headquarters as well as the subsidiary branches of the organization effectively and thus be able to take proper decisions (Collis and Hussey 2013).

Business Research has helped me to analyze the secondary market and obtain information about the global teams which are involved in different businesses. This business research has also helped me in carrying out extensive research methods which will help a business to improve and grow in the long run. It has also helped me to understand the key factors which area associated with consumer satisfaction and carry out in-depth analysis about the customers likes and dislikes. Further, it will also help me when I will take the charge of team leaders in any particular company (Hair 2015). It will help me to track the consumer experiences in relation to a particular product or service. It has also helped me to understand the challenges which are faced by global teams of different organizations. Moreover, research has also helped me in analyzing the business data. It is important for managers to understand the shortcomings and errors that are likely to occur in any business. The managers must also know how to use it and become aware of the various shortcomings. I have also learned how the managers or the leaders manages the team and tries to maximize the development of the company (Wilson 2014).

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Leadership skills for managing a team on a global level

I have learned at the initial stage how the global teams work in co-ordination in a multinational organization. This also increases the efficiency of the workers when they work in a team. Proper communication and guidance also fosters their working capacity. I have also learned that the global teams can also communicate through various modes of digital communication and thus they can stay connected to each other. It also saves the cost of travelling and other expenses which are to be borne by the company. In order to assist the teams which are operating in dispersed places at different locations, proper communication plays a vital role. Moreover, there are various challenges which are to be faced by the organization. It is necessary to overcome the challenges (Sahay and Sarkar 2015). There are various companies which are operating in different parts of the world and also in certain remote areas. It is necessary that the teams are present in different areas so that they can reach out to the customers and also assist them in their work. The employees which are appointed in the remote areas must have proper efficiency so that they can assist the customers. It is necessary to appoint the employees of diverse culture so that they can assist the employees. I have also learned that though it becomes difficult for a manager to handle all the employees in an organization with different skills and expertise. It is essential for the managers to have skills and knowledge so that they can train the employees accordingly. It is also essential that the leaders must be sanguine about the team members and thus work for the development of the company. The working environment also gets enriched if different team members implement their ideas and thus this motivates the employees. The leaders must also check that they work in co-ordination with the employees and they must also implement certain ideas which will benefit the employees. They must be fair towards the employees and thus this will help in the overall development of the organization (Rana et al.2015).

This learning will help me in my future to be a successful leader or a manager of any organization. I can effectively manage the teams on a global level and can effectively communicate with them. This will also help me in my future career to improve my communication with my team members. This learning will also help me in my course. It has helped me to learn about the different prospects in an organization. It has also helped me in analyzing and identifying the challenges which are faced by every organization. This will help me in finding out suitable remedies for the problems in the organization. It will also help me to maintain a balance between different cultures in the organization. This research has also helped on developing my patience and improving my communication skills. I have learned how to become a keen observer of different situations in different times and manage the employees accordingly. This research has also taught me how to handle the organization and manage the employees in difficult times. This will help me in my future career as well as in completing the course successfully (Ho 2016).


Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.

Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013. Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave Macmillan.

De Massis, A. and Kotlar, J., 2014. The case study method in family business research: Guidelines for qualitative scholarship. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(1), pp.15-29.

Hair, J.F., 2015. Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe.

Ho, S.K., 2016. Keynote Paper: TQM Excellence Model for Lean Production & Sustainable Organisational Development.

Mellor, R.B., 2015. Modelling the value of external networks for knowledge realisation, innovation, organisational development and efficiency in SMEs. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 6(1), pp.3-14.

Meyer, K.E. and Peng, M.W., 2016. Theoretical foundations of emerging economy business research. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(1), pp.3-22.

Rana, N., Bansal, M. and Gupta, M.A., 2015. Organisational Development: A Paradigm. GLOBAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT.

Sahay, M. and Sarkar, S., 2015. ‘Way to Organisational Development’–Interpreting the Role of Spirituality Using System Dynamics. IIMS Journal of Management Science, 6(1), pp.72-86.

Wilson, J., 2014. Essentials of business research: A guide to doing your research project. Sage.

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