Bhopal Case, OHS, Mexico And North Sea: Risk Management, Safety And Climate Change

Bhopal case

Discuss about the Case Study Of Mitigation Relating To The Event.

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Bhopal case

On December 3, 1984 a grey cloud from formed in the cloud which had emerged from the Union Carbide India Limited throughout the city. The main issue which was generated was that a water carrying catalyst material had entered the Methyl Isocyanate (MIC). The following impact of the event was catastrophic (Yang, Khan & Amyotte, 2015). The gas had spread to all part of the city. There were no type of alert or evacuation process which were implemented so that it impact was less and a result of which it had a tremendous impact on the life of the people. The impact of the event was clear the next morning when the magnitude of the devastation was clear.

OHS (Occupational health and safety act)

Relating to the OHS it can be stated that the Bhopal case can be considered one of the most vital factors which directly impacted the event. It can be stated that in recent times there are different laws which are related to the chemical use in different factories and the precautions which should be taken into consideration in each of the organization who are involved into the working related to the concept.

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The Mexico case study which is under the Major’s task can be considered to be bringing together existing and new technology knowledge which is related to the dealing of the climate changes, urban poor management and disaster risk. The case study was prepared in the collaboration which is between the World Bank and the Mexico government. As an effort in this case a complete documentation was made in Spanish “Pobreza Urbana y Cambio Climático para la Ciudad de Mexico”.

OHS (Occupational health and safety act)

The OHS related to the different factors which may include the sector of the natural risk factor can be stated to be one of the major sectors which are focused by the law. Different laws are enforced with directly provide a basic framework which deals which the precautions and the protection measures relating to the activity. In recent times it can be stated that the avidness to the laws can be considered as a primary factor.

North Sea

In the year 1990 tax which is related to the oil production accounted for nearly 9% of all the tax receipts. It can be stated that the production of the oil is decreased in recent times which has also affected the decrease in tax receipts. The concept can be considered very much beneficial in a way of which increases the profit of the organization and the overall working of the organization. In the year 2016 the budget of the UK Chancellor announced that the cut of the tax which is related to the North Sea oil. It can be stated that before the actual decrease in the tax there were many issue which were faced by this type of organization. Most of the activity were cut down due to the intense break which is related to the breakthrough in the technique which is related to the oil sector (Mendes, Plaza & Wallerstein, 2016).

OHS (Occupational health and safety act)

OHS (Occupational health and safety act)

There are different laws which are stated by government and other bodies which directly emphasize on the sector of the oil generation sectors. These laws can be considered as laws which has forced the organization related to the activity to be more inclined in abiding to the laws and this has resulted in lessening of the profit of the organization.

Bhopal case

The main safety and the risk management can be directly related to the cause of the accident and how to mitigate the problem causing factor in the near future. In the event of the accident there were several lessons learnt which directly triggered the importance of the safety and the management measures and also elucidate a minor change which can lead to major consequences. There was appointment of industry safety division, safety study committee and safety review committee which directly identifies the major hazards and review the requirement or the availability of the system of protection and safety plants.


The main approach which is used in the case study can be stated to be based on the aspect of the Urban Risk Assessment (URA) framework. Taking into consideration the framework assessment of the hazards risk factors were considered which mainly impacted the se tor of the vulnerability, socioeconomics and the institutional aspect which is related to the disaster and the climate changes in the city of Mexico. The case study can be directly valued to the groreferenced information which is relating to the location of the increased risk factors to the landslides as a result of the extreme rain events and directly identifies the shortcoming of the current operation framework of the shortcoming in the climate changes and the disaster risk management.

North Sea

The safety and the risk management can be directly related to the precaution which should be taken into consideration when any activity is performed in the North Sea. There are different precautions which can be taken into consideration  when the overall activity which is related to the oil extraction are taken into consideration. In most of the time due to restriction of the government there are many factors which directly force the companies to indulge into unethical issues. Involving in the concept there should be involvement of the safety and the risk management so that the overall process is done in a proper manner which does not affect anyone in the scenario. The safety concept should also be taken into consideration in the aspect of the life of the sea living animals and no harm should be enforced towards them. The safety aspects which are involved into the working which is applied by the government can be considered as a policy which would be directly providing a means of precaution.


Bhopal case

The Fatal accident rate (FAR) and the Potential loss of life (PLL) are the most common used tool which is related to the risk management taking into consideration the Bhopal. The FAR gives the expected number of fatalities per 100 million which is related to the working hours. The potential loss of the people can be considered as an expected number of fatalities which are directly associated with certain type of event without taking into consideration the aspect of exposure. The FAR takes into consideration the exposure time into consideration. It can be stated here that the probability of failure on demand (PFD) and the Risk reduction factor (RRF) are the quantitative measures which are directly related to the security and they can also be considered as tool of management (Fink & Caponegro, 2018).


The risk management tool which can be related to the Mexico case study are stated below:

  • The consolidation of the institutional framework which is related to the driving of the small and medium and long term challenges which is posed by the climate changes and the aspect of natural disaster for the aspect of the protection of the most vulnerable events. These type of framework can be related to the aspect of the agencies role while of collaboration and synergies.
  • The main tool which should be taken into consideration is common language relating to it a common strategic direction which is related to the assessing of the progress and the challenges towards the aspect of the resilience and adaptation for the mainstreaming the agenda in the government of the metropolitan.
  • Social prevention which is community based can be also considered as an important tool which is related to the risk management tools.
  • Early warning system are also taken into consideration which would be emerging as a vital tool in the near future (Malave et al., 2017).

North Sea

The risk management tools in the concept of the working in the North Sea can be stated and explained in the following points.

  • Appropriate practice: It can be stated here that the practice which is involved in the sector of the operation in the North Sea should involve appropriate measures. it can be stated here that the practice which is related to the sector can affect the life of the people in many ways.
  • Risk mitigation: It can be stated here that the risk factors should be taken into consideration before the actual risk factors are initiated into the working. In most of the cases it is seen that the event of the risk factors are limited if the event of the risk is reduced at the start of the risk factors.
  • Proper planning: The factor of proper planning can be considered as one of the most important sector when relating to the risk management tool. In most of the cases it can be seen that it plays a very vital tool which directly emphasis of the sector of the proper working relating to the oil sector.

Bhopal case

The main aspect which can be related to the concept of the risk management taking into consideration the aspect if the Bhopal gas is that the design of the gas scrubber was poor. On the other hand it can be stated that the flare tower, water curtain were very poorly managed which form the basis of the disaster. The main aspect which can be related to the management of risk is the training of the people, education and creating awareness among the people. The preparedness which is related to the industry disaster management and disaster management should be a power point of focus.


The management of the risk factors relating to the Mexico case study can be directly be related to the aspect of the communication and the interest of the people. Most of the people which are connected in the case study should be having a sense of responsibility towards the interest of the other people. In order to achieve the aspect which is related to the management of the risk the identification sector can be considered one of the important consideration. If the risk are identified beforehand it can be stated that the impact of the risk in the sector of the working of the organization would be very much less. People always tend to learn from past experience onto how to deal with the factor of the risk (Ball, 2014). In the future this would be directly helping to remove the different factors of the risk and decrease their overall impact on different sectors.

North Sea

North Sea

The management of the risk factors can be considered as a vital role because if the risk factors are implemented it would be providing a good support taking into consideration the working of the oil shore. In most of the time the activity of the people are mainly responsible for the activity which are done in the North Sea. In most of the cases it can be stated that there are different types of activity which are done in the North Sea which directly impact the sector of the working in the shore (Li, Meadows & Dygert, 2017).

Bhopal case

The industry should take into consideration more of the investment in the sector of the risk minimization which would be making accidents costlier. It can be stated that if the rate of the accident are costlier the occurring of the event would be lesser. In fact there should be a safety document from the view point of the public so that the public will be directly checking on regulatory bodies’ periodically. This aspect would be working as a decision making tool which would be changing the mentality of the people and would be directly assisting in the concept of the precaution of the risk factors.


            The key constraints which can be related to the decision making tool which is related to the Mexico case study are stated below:

  • Common platform of Data: Currently there are multiple platform which is related to the aspect of the executing of the series of the action. This concept does not take into consideration information exchange or limited communication. On the other hand it can be stated that every agent has its own information platform which hinders the sharing of the data.
  • Institutional coordination: Taking into consideration the aspect which is related to the interinstitutional commission the main aspect of the challenge can be stated to be very much continuous. Even though the aspect which is related to the concepts designed to cut the border which is related to the aspect of the boundaries of the institution, limited ownership can be stated to be participants might hinder the factor the success (Barbato et al., 2014).
  • Budget allocation: the allocation of the factors of the risk can be considered to be vital role. It can be stated here that the allocation of the risk should be also done towards the aspect of the risk identification. If the budget towards the risk are properly taken into consideration it would be directly helping the identify the risk and form a risk mitigation strategy which would be resolving the factors of the risk.

North Sea

The main decision making tool in this context can be referred to the decision making which is related to the event which is being taking place in the north sea. The people include the main decision making aspect in this case study. The main factor which can be stated in this context is that the proper functionality of the people and the way they directly execute their plan. There are different tools which can be implemented which would be directly affecting the quality of the North Sea and the different levels of the quality which is related to the concept. It can also be stated here that the quality of the shore can be one of the factors which affecting the life of the people as well as the life of the sea. It can be stated here that if the quality of the sea decrease it can affect the life of the people. It can be s

Bhopal case

The industries should be directly encouraged to adopt new means of management tools such as the ISO 9000, ISO 14001 etc. The main sectors which are related to the aspect of the risk communication plan are stated below:

  • Adequate process risk evacuation
  • Engineering should be adequate which would be coping up with the aspect of the deviation, human factors and process demands.

The main risk management plan for the Bhopal case can be the development of the EHS management system (OSHAS 18000 and the ISO 14000 certifications). On the other hand it can be stated that safety audits which is done during the post and pre commissioning stages of the plants.


The communication sector of the risk in any scenario can be considered one of the most vital parts which is related to the mitigation of the risk factors. In the case study which is related to the Mexico it can be stated that in most of the cases the people are directly responsible for the event. The communication aspect between the people play a very dominating role in the mitigation and the detection of the factors of the risk and how they directly impact a sector of the issues. People should be more responsible towards the different actions which are taken by them and they should have a clear of the actions of the words which should be done. The actions of the people should also be a strength in the mitigation strategy which is related to the risk factors which are involved into the case study.


The risk communication plan in this context can be considered to be the factor of the communication between the different bodies which directly indulge into the knowledge of the area. In most of the cases it is seen that the risk factor increase due to the lack of the communication which is applied between the different bodies which are involved into the working. There are wide range of risk which can be associated into the concept which would be directly deteriorating the standard of the operation which is related in the concept. In most of the cases it can be noticed that the aspect of the event of the oil shore can be considered very much vital which basically forces the different organization and the other non-government bodies to indulge into the various laws. Communication can be considered as one of the basic levels which directly protect any time of event which could be or can impose some sort of threat to nature or other sectors (Labib, 2015).


The report can be concluded on a note that the Bhopal Disaster can be considered one of the most vital events which have taken place in the history of the chemical factory disaster. In the report different strategy are incorporated which would be directly providing a protection measure which would be helping to secure the process in the near future. The main aspects which were taken into consideration in the report was in the sector which demanded the safety standard and the safety planning and directly the threats about the risk factors.

Taking into consideration the Mexico case it can be stated that the overall concept which is related to the risk factors can be considered one of the most vital aspect which is related to the people. The people are directly responsible of the activity they involve into. Most of the cases which are seen in the sector of the industry are related to the activity of the people and how they indulge into the issues. The risk factors should be mitigated in a proper way which does not possess and type of threat to the sector of working.

The North Sea case study can be considered one of the most significant event which basically enforce different laws relating to the aspect. There are at present different types of law which are mainly formed for the sector of the maintenance which is related not only the North Sea by other water bodies in the sector of the maintaining the oil and the gas sector. Most of the people should also take into consideration that the maintenance of the sector can be one of the facility of the people as well.


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