Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project: Improving The Quality Of Life Of Torres Islanders
Project Objectives
Discuss about the Community Work in Action.
It has been found that Torres Islanders are communities of Australia. Australia-Indonesia Foresighting project works for the development of livelihood of Torres Islanders. It is seen that the rising sea level is increasing the vulnerability of low-lying lands located in the vicinity of Torres Strait Projected Zone. It has been observed that this zone is also facing challenges from enhanced shipping traffic. It has been observed that this particular project works for enhancing the quality of life of Torres Strait Islands. This is considered as one of the strength of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project (Lee and Hudson 2017). In this context, it can be stated that the project wants to maintain the ecological balance of the surrounding environment (Golini,Kalchschmidt and Landoni 2015). It has been observed that this particular project aims to improve the quality of life of the community members of Torres Islands. Moreover, they want to decrease the vulnerability of low-lying lands situated near the Torres Strait Project Zone (Read and Laschinger 2015). This particular projects aids the leaders in identifying and anticipating and responding to upcoming change. In this context, it can be stated that this is considered as a major strength of this Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project (Hilbrecht et al. 2017). However, this particular project wants to cause sustainable developments in Indonesia as well as Australia and this is regarded as a key strength of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project. It has been observed that economic issues exists in this particular project. This is considered as weakness of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project. Apart from this, issues related to resource management exists in this particular project. This is considered as weakness of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project. Identification of the shared issues is a weakness of the respective project. In other words, shared issues is one of the weakness of this particular project. In addition to this, resource management problems are counted as weaknesses of this particular project.
Community Development Theory
As per the concept of Community Development theory, social workers wants to bring a lasting change for people around them. In addition to this, the social workers wants to bring lasting changes among the community members. In this context, it can be stated that social workers wants to bring lasting changes in the society. In this context, it can be stated that the mission of this project is to make sustainable development to the community of Torres Islanders (Cohen-Rosenthal and Musnikow 2017). In order to implement this theory properly, it is required for the project team members to understand the ‘essence’ of the respective community. In order to apply this theoretical concept in a proper manner, it is required for the team members of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project to get a clear understanding about the ‘essence’ of Torres Strait Islanders (Cicmil and O’Laocha 2016). It has been observed that this theory can adjust to rest disciplines such as Neighbourhood Development.
Community Development Theory
Empowerment theory
As per Empowerment Theory, the experience of individual growth as well as development in self-definition are the outcomes of capabilities as well as proficiencies (Golini,,Kalchschmidt and Landoni 2015). In this context, it can be stated that by empowering individuals within the community, it is possible to make developments in their own community (Banks andCarpenter 2017). In this context, it is required forthe individuals of the same community to strive hard for bring a long-lasting change in their community. In other words, joint efforts should be made by the members or the project team to cause sustainable development to members of Torres Strait Islander community (Read and Laschinger 2015). The members of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project need to work as a team in order to make sustainable developments to the people of Torres Strait Islanders community. The proper implication of Empowerment theory is capable of making developments in the lifestyle of Torres Strait Islanders Communities.
It has been observed that the main objective of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting project is to improve the quality of life of Torres Strait Islander Communities. This project has been carried out by the team members for causing sustainable development in the Torres Strait Islanders. In accordance with the opinion of Read and Laschinger (2015) the main purpose is to enhance the quality of life of Torres Strait Islanders Community. In the opinion of Read and Laschinger (2015) in order to maintain sustainability, it is essential to reduce the extent of consumption among the individuals. In order to maintain sustainability in the environment, it is essential for the community members of Torres Strait Islanders to reduce the rate of consumption. In this regard, it can be commented that by reducing the high rate of consumption, it is possible to maintain sustainability in the environment. It has been observed that resources must be used at the rate by which it can be replenished. Furthermore, it can be stated that it is required for the individuals of Torres Strait Islanders to use renewable energy sources. In this regard, it can be stated that the by using renewable energy sources, it is possible for the Torres Strait Islanders to improve their quality of life (Snijder et al. 2015)
It has been watched that the primary target of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting venture is to enhance the personal satisfaction of Torres Strait Islander Communities. This task has been done by the colleagues for causing maintainable advancement in the Torres Strait Islanders.
Empowerment Theory
As per the conclusion of Banks and Carpenter (2017), the fundamental reason for
existing is to upgrade the personal satisfaction of Torres Strait Islanders Community. In the opinion of Golini, Kalchschmidt and Landoni (2015)keeping in mind the end goal to look after supportability, it is fundamental to decrease the degree of utilization among the people. With a specific end goal to keep up maintainability in nature, it is basic for the individuals from Torres Strait Islanders to decrease the rate of utilization. In such a manner, it can be remarked that by diminishing the high rate of utilization, it is conceivable to keep up supportability in the earth. It has been observed that assets must be utilized at the rate by which it can be renewed. Besides, it can be expressed that it is required for the people of Torres Strait Islanders to utilize sustainable power sources. In such manner, it can be expressed that the by utilizing sustainable power sources, it is feasible for the Torres Strait Islanders to enhance their personal satisfaction (Read and Laschinger 2015). These are the ethics, attitudes and philosophies that underpin the community work in Australia-Indonesia Foresighting project.
It is seen that the collaborators have adopted the strategy of reaching out each and every stakeholder. It is seen that the stakeholders for this community development project are children and families of Torres Strait Islanders. In accordance with the opinion of Naples (2014 ), distribution of leaflets among the community people is an effective strategy that will let them know about what changes would be facilitated by the collaborators. As opined by Sjöberg, Rambaree and Jojo (2015), by distributing leaflets among the people, it is possible to bring changes in the community by the collaborators. In the context of Torres Strait Islanders, it is seen that collaborators have distributed leaflets among the members of the community( Hilbrecht et al. 2017). It has been observed that by knocking at the doorsteps of the members of the community, it is possible for the collaborators to bring lasting changes in the lifestyle of community members (Loring, Gerlach and Penn 2016). It has been observed that collaborators have used the strategy of knocking at the doorsteps of the community in order to facilitate the changes among the Torres Strait Islanders. It has been observed that powerpoint presentations are shown to Torres Strait Islanders so that they gets an understanding what changes would be made by the collaborators associated with Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project (Fernandez and Moldogaziev 2015). In other words, powerpoint presentations enables the Torres Strait Islanders to get an overview of the changes and development that would be done by the collaborators for enhancing the quality of life of these community members (Lee and Hudson 2017). It has been observed that by reaching out each and every stakeholders, it is possible for the collaborators of Australia-Indonesia Project can facilitate changes in the community. It has been observed that collaborators can bring changes in this community and cam make necessary developments in the community. In addition to this, leaflet distribution enables the islanders to understand the fact that what kind of changes would be facilitated by collaborators of Australia-Indonesia Foresighting Project in order to improve the quality of life of the Torres Strait Islanders.
Strategies Used
It has been observed that Australians gets a scope to learn regarding halal food production from Indonesians. They also gets a scope to learn from the Indonesians about marketing of halal foods. It is expected that Indonesian expertise will provide support to agriculture’s engagement in Australia. In accordance with the opinion of Cohen-Rosenthal and Musnikow (2017), it is expected that the movements of individuals as well as goods via trade routes will increase. In this context, it can be stated that movements of individuals as goods via trade routes like Maritime Silk Road can increase. This movement gives rise to biosecurity threats for countries like Australia as well as Indonesia. It has been observed that the collaboration among the Indonesian agencies as well as Australian agencies as well as Australian agencies can improve the biosecurity management. It has been observed that both Indonesia as well as Australia will get a scope to decrease their dependency on fossil fuels. It has been observed that both the countries will be able to understand advantages from renewable energy resources. Research as well as innovation in the energy-efficient supply as well as consumption can be shared (Arensberg 2017).
There are high chances that Australia can provide power grid to Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This can be done by creating as well as connecting the energy production through a subsea cable to the Indonesia. In this regard, it can be commented that the voltage of this subsea cable should be high (Arensberg 2017). There are high chances that healthcare costs will become higher in Australia as well as Indonesia. In addition to this, it is expected that the life expectancy as population will rapidly increase in both the nations. Apart from this, Northern Australia will require developments in the maritime infrastructure. On the other hand, Indonesia needs development in infrastructure of its port as well as shipping.
I have understood that community development is a process where the membersof the community need to come together for causing sustainable development of the community. I have realized that it is very important to get an idea about the requirementsof the community. In this context I can share that by listening to their needs, it becomes easier for me to provide solutions to their issues. I have understood that in order to provide appropriate solutions to the community members like Torres Trait Islanders, I need to actively listen to their needs as well as challenges. I have understood that I need to use the existing carefully otherwise I would not achieve success in community work. I have understood that I would not interrupt when they are sharing their problems in front of me. However, I have understood that initiating an open conversation aids the islanders or the community members to share their opinions freely without feeling any sort of hesitation. From my experience, I can share that lot of investigation is required in order to understand the needs and challenges of community members like Torres Strait Islanders. Besides, I have understood that it is very important to gather knowledge on the Torres Strait Islanders otherwise it is not possible to cause sustainable development to these community members. However, I can share that I have learnt a lot of things while taking part in community work.
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