Application Process For Nursing Jobs At Lismore Base Hospital: Requirements And Tips

Occupational Screening and Vaccination

Discuss about the Nurse Graduant Applicant and Ethics.

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At the end of every graduation, then a job application is always at the end of a new graduant’s mind. One wants to find a job that they are happy with and one they are fit for by looking through the selection criteria. At the Lismore Base Hospital in NSW, the first step in application is the occupational screening and vaccination that has to be adhered to according to the policy that is set up to minimize the risk of getting infected by viral diseases. The information is availed in kit used for the application if the position one is applying for, is required to comply with the NSW Health policy. After the tests and vaccination, the procedures are documented for the following steps.

Application For The Position.

The method of application best preferred is usually the online application. This is a much faster application method that reaches to the respective office much quicker and it also gives the applicant an opportunity to trace back previous applications and also get notified on new job adverts. Its important for an applicant to have the right application documents, claim against the selection, resume, and a completed prohibited employee declaration. Its also important for the applicant to thorough go through all of his or her document to ensure they are true, free of error and contain contact information.

Late Applications

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These Are Not Accepted At The District Hospital And One Has To Make A Phone Call To Enquire Of The Employment Board Will Consider One’s Reason For Lateness In Application.

Organizational Overview

The NNSLHD started in 2011 and has been running since them. There is constant restructuring to improve on service delivery to the community and provide more services to the community.

The Recruitment And Selection Process.

When a vacancy avails itself, it is advertised for and short list applicants are selected for an interview. Here referred points are checked as well as criminal records. Appointment offers are then handed to the preferred candidates.

Notification Of Receipt Of Application

The LHD (local health district) doesn’t accept applicants upon receipt. They direct the applicants to the person in charge of their applications for confirmation of successful application upon receipt.

Writing Your Application

One needs to write a claim against the selections from the criteria inclusive of skills, experience and academic qualifications to take up the job. Each criterion needs a separate heading and description and show of how one applies them in line of work. Its also important at this point to emphasize on achievements using positive language. Criteria includes, experience I, ability to, demonstrate knowledge., EEO, Ethical practices and occupation safety and health amongst others.

Preferred Method of Application

Application Of Rsume

One need to attache a resume with the standard application kit.

The Role Of Selection Committee

This is convened to make the process of fair and impartial selections as al members have key ability in the applied for positions. It consists of the convener, the job specialist and the independent (NSW Government, 2018).


After a successful selection for the graduants, there is an interview followed where the applicants get to have a one on one conversation with the selection panelist about the role and the expectations associated with the position and how one is expected to address all of them.

A two to three days’ notice is given out to the interviewee and one is expected to use the time to research about the organization that they expect to be joining. More to that, all the available positions are published with the descriptions of the roles and information about the safety responsibilities and the responsibilities of the applicants (NSW Government, 2018).


After the interview process, the outcome follows. Every applicant that passed through section and interviews is entitled to know about the outcome of their interview in writing for those who passed, failed or put on hold for future vacancies (NSW Government, 2018).

Nurses and midwives are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia and Midwifery board of Australia (NMBA) and they are required to meet the NMBA’s professional standards in order to practice in Australia.

The standards expected of them include:

  • Codes of conduct
  • Standards for practice and
  • Codes of ethics.

The professional expectations are included in the codes of conduct and they include case studies for application of codes of practice, code of conduct for the nurses, as well as the fact sheet for the code of conduct for the nurses. There are also registered nurses’ standards for practice as well as fact sheets for the same on longer separate documents. The international council of nurses dictates the code of ethics for nurses that is effective for all nurses in Australia (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2018).

Demonstrated high level interpersonal verbal and written communication skills

This refers to the fact that a nurse is competent in written and spoken language pr exchanges and that one is able to understand information that he or she receives as well as making sure that others are able to understand what one is writing or saying. All these need to be done in a professional l and non-offensive manner (All Nurses, 2017).

Late Applications

An understanding and ability to work within an interdisciplinary team

There is an interdisciplinary team consisting of RN, LPN, MD, PT/OT case manager amongst others and this requires ne to be able to understand the other members and their specific job and how that relates to one’s patient and thus be able and willing to incorporate suggestions that will help in improving patient’s care and ensuring their safety as they recuperate.

Demonstrated knowledge and clinical problem-solving skills

This refers to the ability of the information that is given in nursing training and that one is able to apply it to the work setting in solving a patient’s problem or addressing patient care.

It’s easier to come across patients who are stubborn especially in taking medication. It’s the nurse’s duty to calm them down and respectively request them to take their medication while not being aggressive with them and using their knowledge to find the best way to make them take their medication. Like use of a story or distraction with something they like.

  • What are the values of this LHD

The LHD vales collaboration between all stakeholders so as to achieve the best possible outcomes for the patient who are the core reason behind the careers, by realizing that they are all key players for the greater outcome. It also values openness by keeping honest, straightforward communication so as to build trust and also create cooperation. An environment of honest feedback is created which assists in better health service performance. The other major core value is respect whereby stakeholders acknowledge that they have to respect each other’s abilities, skills, knowledge and achievements in the health system and thus they are all committed to serving the patients with their best of services so as to promote healthier lives for them. Lastly, it values empowerment that with quality health care services, patients will be able to make well-infirmed key decisions that are confident on the nature of their health and the best care and treatment, that is suited for them.

  • What are the research priorities of this LHD?

MCHD prides itself in making it happen by providing world class clinical care where the patient is always kept first so as to define and achieve the vision for stronger, healthier and safer NSW.  Innovation is seen as they key to achieving public health initiatives, communication for the effective, responsive and timely communication that creates a basis for being roles models for a trusted source of health information, great attitudes where all employees and community members are valued and where both parties treat each other with respect, honesty, care and awesomeness.  They LHD seeks to generate policies relevant to the research, drive research in the health system and make NSW a leader in clinical trials. The LHD also believes in timely delivery of key infrastructure in improving patient health care by over 80% and diversification in service providers in improving the quality and effectiveness of health are at the heath district.

  • What are the demographics of the population this LHD serves?

The NBM serves the entire Napean Blue Mountains region. This is a place with a population density that has over 120,000 people. There are more aboriginal people than another community. Most are inpatients with a significantly high number of emergency care patients. Others are outpatients with some being admitted for mental health issues (over 7000) and others dental (4569) and general clinical services (NSW Government Health, 2017).

  • Why do you want to apply for a new graduate position in this LHD?

The NBM have a motto that best attracts any applicant as they seek to always keep the patient first which is the sole reason for taking up my career. The health district also focuses on performance and quality deliver of clinical services through improvement of skills by way of experience, learning as well as use of the best technology vailed out there for the sake of the patient’s health. They also seek to always keep the patient’s safety a priority which shows responsibility and concern on their side.  They also seek to develop and support the people in the community (NSW Government Health, 2017).


All Nurses, 2017. need help with selection criteria. All Nurses, p. 1.

NSW Government Health, 2017. 2017-18 service Agreement: An Agreement between Secretary, NSW health and Napean Blue Mountains Local Health District for the pperiod 1st July 2017 – 30Th June 2018. NSW Government , pp. 1-26.

NSW Government, 2018. The Interview Process. Health Western NSW Local Health District, p. 1.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2018. Professional standards. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, p. 1 .

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