Analyzing Information Security Vulnerabilities And Threats And Their Controls

Literature review

Analyse Information Security Vulnerabilities and Threats and determine appropriate Controls that can be applied to mitigate the Potential risks. 

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The recommendations and commands given to worker regarding the utility of Internet opportunities like the Web e-mail and chat conferences. It demanded all prohibitions such as enter to pornographic sites, running illegitimate activities and sexual harassment. It sanctions who may imparted with associates of the press, rivals and other companies. Employees may be needed to inscribe such a policy declaration as a promise to honor its moralities or otherwise be banished. Through email policies the employees gets a clear notion that emails should be used for suitable business purposes only. Employees often examine e-mail as informal and may involve comments that could later spook the company (Zickuhr and Madden 2012).

For a business, a security policy is a document that expresses through writing what the company’s plans are to safeguard its physical and information technology assets. A security policy is frequently believed to be ‘living document’, which means that the document is never consumed rather it is constantly revised as per the changes in technology and employees. A company’s security policy is actually the plan where it clearly stated how to protect the company’s assets (Bayuk et al. 2012). This report deals with the chosen topic E-mail usage policy and a research report is being done based on this topic.

The purpose behind implying this email usage policy in workplaces are to guarantee the actual utilization of email structure and make users enlightened of what is considered as satisfactory and unsatisfactory utilization of its email structure (Schmidt and Cohen 2013). This policy shapes the basic essentials for utility of email within the network. However, technological solutions are not trustworthy (Zhao and Ge 2013). Final users will periodically avoid the network’s safety measures. It is very strenuous to block each possible Web-based e-mail site, and some are leap to be avoided. Umbrella coverage was launched by applying an E-mail Usage Policy. It clearly delineate what behaviors comprising adequate utilization of organization supplied computers, networks, systems and e-mail accounts, and by declaring the punishments that result from violating the policies, the company can eliminate prevailing risks (Kiesler 2014).

Email usage policy has been applied in various companies in various ways and with change in time companies are amending and accepting these policies differently. A study by Mark, Voida and Cardello (2012), stated that giving people continuous time where they are not associating with e-mail mostly keep them without stress and better focused. It further states that without e-mails, employees are less involved in multitasking and thus, found having prolonged focus in tasks as calculated by the lower frequency of switching between windows and an extended duration of the time spent performing in each window of the computer. Moreover, stress is directly calculated operating wearable heart rate detectors and established that stress level was much lower without e-mails.

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Prohibiting or restricting e-mails

Recently in French trade union, they have arranged an agreement for few employees in their company that permits their employees to switch off their cell phones and computers after 6 o’clock in the afternoon and not about to bother about checking in. Bit of their policy is that the organization cannot pressurize or make their workforce feel unpleasant about not exploring and replying to the mails. However, with this approach the pressure to handle e-mails after the working hours is minimized (Morgan 2015). Volkswagen group of automobile manufacturers made a deal with the organization’s work council to restrict workers access to e-mails on the Blackberry gadget after their working hours. Under this deal, the servers cease routing emails just 30 minutes after the employees shift has ended and again starting just 30 minutes before their reappearance in work. The employees are permitted to make calls from their gadget and this rule however is not applicable to the senior managers (Niehaves, Köffer and Ortbach 2012).

Intel semiconductor manufacturing company tried to experiment with 300 engineers and managers where they had to went ‘offline’ each morning of Tuesdays. During Tuesday mornings, they had to put their emails and IM clients to offline mode, redirecting their phones to the voice mails, circumvent fixing up meetings, and detaching themselves from the visitors by placing a sign of do not disturb at the doorway. This experiment was a success as it helped developing effectiveness of the staffs and productivity and excellence of life for many employees in various job roles (Tong 2017). Daimler automobile company took up this policy as in there will be no delivering of E-mails during the vacations of the employees. This company has executed a new agenda that permits the employees to set their e-mails software to automatically remove the incoming emails while their employees are in Vacations. However, when an email arrives the program named ‘Mail on Holiday’ on its own reply back to the sender that the employee is away from the office and so this email will get erased moreover also suggesting an information to contact another employee for urgent issues (Grey 2015).

Another software company in Ann Arbor, Michigan named Menlo Innovations has discarded internal emails in approval of ‘high speed voice activated technology’. Here if any information is needed from any of the colleagues then that information should be collected by physically talking to that person. Other companies use similar techniques though but still employees can obtain emails from outside sources like those of clients and traders but there is no ways of mailing to the colleagues. This actually showed the way in which other techniques can be used to replace emails in several cases (Shaer 2013). Ferrari car manufacturing company has took the initiative where they can enhance direct communication within their company and so they are encouraging more face to face conversations and lesser emails. Their technique is that they can at one time send a single email to three people within an organization. The imprudent posting of emails with abundance of recipients regularly on themes with no applicability to majority of the latter is one of the chief reasons of loss of time and incompetency in the normal working day in employment. However, Ferrari has determined to end the problem from its roots by supplying a very understandable and simple order to its workers and that is ‘talk to each other more and write less’ (Alidadi 2012).

Monitoring e-mails

E-mail draws up 23 percent of the usual employee’s working day, and that usual employee conveys or accepts 112 emails each day. Taking a view over these statistics, one begins to understand email as a current structure of knowledge pollution. In fact, that precise closure is one that Thierry Breton who is CEO of the France-based Information technology facility firm originated in Atos appeared at some years back. Breton observed that his workers appeared continuously inattentive by the flow of emails they received per day. Therefore, he took measures to abolish what he thought were pessimistic effects on organization’s productivity. In February 2011, Breton declared that he was forbidding email. Within three years’ of time, he desired Atos to be an organization with “zero-email” (Silic, Back and Silic 2015).

Prohibiting or placing restrictions on e-mail, a research proposes that it can histrionically increase employee’s work rate and decrease stress (Wang et al. 2016). Investigators from the University of California, Irvine and the United States Army cut out email utility for thirteen civilian workplace workers and restrained the consequences on production and stress. The investigators first took contestant across a three-day baseline interval in which they are interviewed and scrutinized in visual as well as with computer observing software. They even studied the contestants’ heart rates as a representative for the levels of stress. However, they dragged the plug on e-mail, fixing a strainer on the contestants’ email program— that would report all incoming messages for future reading and erase all notifications (Okoye 2016).

The secondary data, which means collecting the data on behalf of the original user, has been researched from the Journal articles and peer reviewed articles and E-books (Silverman 2016). For this very research report, the search engine has been used such as Google scholar and online library for passed data collection. Descriptive analysis has been done for this particular report. Here descriptive analysis means short illustrative coefficients that outline the set of data that can be a sample from the entire population or the population as a whole. Resources of the books are also got from the Google Scholar, which were reviewed as well.

From this report, it can be recommended that email usage policy assists prevent wasting of time, save security of the data and lessens the chances of legal issues. However, the policy must wrap all the e-mail observing the employees works that they want to carry out. The employees must keep in mind and be conscious that the email systems that they are using from their company’s system must be used for business purposes only. Employees must be encouraged to apply filters so that they can separate the business and personal mails separately. Employees’ personal use of the companies e-mail should be restricted. Restrictions should be on repetitive sending of personal mails, illegitimate content in the mail like sending insulting jokes, involving in illegitimate activities and most importantly apart from the employees other peoples are restricted from using their official e-mail accounts. Company should aspire with at what time the employee should and should not utilize their e-mails.

Training and awareness programs

Employees must be clearly guided on what devices they can opt to use their companies email account to inbox or outbox emails. Employees should be given a briefing on what formal style and tone they must make the content while sending formal emails from their company e-mail account. This will however help them realize the difference between informality in a telephonic conversation and a formal letter, which solely depends on the clients the employees are contacting. Basic content formal must be clear for example, typing in capitals might sound rude in a formal letter, when starting a communication with a person for the first time a formal style is e-mail is important and too short e-mail might look blunt so these must be avoided. Employees should be motivated to use e-mails when they wish to keep the documentation of the conversations. Lastly, the companies must provide rules for handling private information. The potential contractual importance of e-mails must be explained to them thoroughly. There must be a policy that both inbox and outbox messages in the company’s email account should be stored. Employees should be aware that for what reason emails are monitored by using software by the company and the most important part is that each employee’s privacy should be respected. Employees must also ask for recommendations that what changes can be brought to the existing e-mail policies and every policy must be equally available to all.


To conclude this report it can be said that e-mail usage policies are the recommendations and guidelines that are abided by the employees of the organizations who wish to keep their official information to themselves. This type of a policy is accepted as to enhance the moralities of the company’s aims and objectives and through this employees gets a clear conception that e-mails are for formal purposes only and they not use it in any illegal affair for which the company may face the consequences latter on. However, the security policy of the company actually notifies in written what the companies measures are to keep the informational and physical assets of the company.

Moreover, many companies have taken over various policies for emails, which in a way may be beneficial as well as stressful after their working hours and so few top most companies have inscribed some amazing policies related to e-mails. Organizations such as French trade union, Volkswagen, Intel, Daimler, Menlo innovations and Ferrari as well have taken up certain policies regarding email that help them evolve. However, the main purpose of this e-mail policy is to assure the employees about the actual utility of the e-mail formation and the users educated with what is deemed as satisfactory and disappointing utilization of the email formation.


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