Analyzing Factors Contributing To Customer Relationship Management
Research Questions
Anayse the Factor Contributing to Customer relationship Management.
Analyzing factors contributing to customer relationship management
The study examines and evaluates the factors that contribute to customer relationship management structure. In addition, the research conceptual framework focus mainly on factors that affect customer relationship management practices was developed by assessing the CRM strategies (Trainor et al. 2014). Establishing strong relationships with customers is significant for attainment of future success rates in any business enterprise. Business organization understand that customers are the real asset and viewed as maintaining customer relations as profitable transactions as well as opportunities that need in administration. Customer Relationship Management is one of the business strategies that attracts retains as well as elevates the clientele. It needs proper accomplishment of the strategy that will help business enterprise for performing the three tasks with lower costs. The current research segment uses mixed methods that include qualitative and quantitative approaches that come under research methodology section. In this study, data was collected by using interview and survey method with the staff members, clientele and administrators. Analysis will be done by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, multiple regression examination and factor investigation (Šebjan, Bobek and Tominc 2014).
- What are factors that contribute to customer relationship management?
- How to find out or what is parameter to understand whether customer is satisfied or dissatisfied?
- To find out the current services given
- To find out if customer is satisfied or dissatisfied
- To find out how information technology is linked with Customer Relationship Management (Peppers and Rogers 2016)
- To highlight facts on how commitment of management links with Customer Relationship Management (Šebjan, Bobek and Tominc 2014)
- To elucidate facts about knowledge of human resources and how it links with Customer Relationship Management
- To understand how knowledge of Customer Relationship Management links with CRM activities
H1: Information technology is association with Customer Relationship Management
H2: Management’s commitment is associated with Customer Relationship Management
H3: Human resource knowledge is associated with Customer Relationship Management
H4: Knowledge of Customer Relationship Management is associated with CRM
As rightly forward by Tseng (2016), Customer Relationship Management is one of the philosophies of clientele as well as marketing that had been derived from the advertising for creating association. In addition, Customer Relationship Management in marketing defines as the communicating process between customers as well as service of organization for attracting and maintaining the clientele who will become true customers of association and uses services. Furthermore, consumers will pay for the services that are provided by the association at a higher level (Šebjan, Bobek and Tominc 2014).
As opined by Peppard and Ward (2016), the factors for Customer Relationship Management that include people, technology and procedure. Furthermore, it is important to drive for other plan as well that include technology-driven process, customer-centric business process as well as cross-functional integration. Customer Relationship Management is composed of people, technology as well as culture and leadership (Peppers and Rogers 2016).
According to Lusch and Vargo (2014), the conceptual model of the research help in providing a general vision of the relations between management commitment, human resource knowledge as well as management commitment as well as knowledge of CRM and organizational culture.
Research Objectives
Figure: Conceptual Framework proposed by the researcher
(Source: Šebjan, Bobek and Tominc 2014)
In recent times, information technology as well as communication is used as a tool for knowledge administration, strategies and organizational communication (Ho et al. 2015). In addition, Customer Relationship Management Technology is one of the essential strategic tools of business for attaining success in Customer Relationship Management application that owns basic arrangement of information technology as well as information from the customer databases. At first place, Customer Relationship Management strategies are used as a center to store all types of customer news as well as information. Furthermore, the center will get access to competent information technology architecture that is adaptable in accordance to the changing work surroundings. It is all about the value of information that is sent to the consumers that deals with maintaining good relationship with the customers (Armstrong et al. 2015).
According to Bavarsad and Hosseinipour (2013), management commitment means to support implementation of Customer Relationship Management in a work environment that acknowledges Customer Relationship Management as an essential element of business strategy. In addition, when top management communicates strategy where Customer Relationship Management indicate strategic orientation of the company that leads to leveraging the effectiveness of organizational implementation
As opined by Davand and Hozouri (2013), employers are central to an effective to an effective Customer Relationship Management where business firms manage its relationships with their employees. The company gives employees all they need to be happy and satisfied so that they it can generate revenue for the business. If the customers are not happy, the company will not be satisfied customers in the near future.
The above factor deals with people or group that administers who is involved in drafting policies as well as driving Customer Relationship Management into success (Han and Hyun 2015). In addition, it is needed for administrators to have supervision capacity that they should know about Customer Relationship Management. It is expected to start visions that lead the business through use of Customer Relationship Management in an effective way for taking accountability for the growth of Customer Relationship Management plan and implementing some securities that support Customer Relationship Management that include resources, time, working environment and technology.
As rightly put forward by Demo and Rozzett (2013), organizational culture originates as well as accumulated from attitudes, beliefs, common values and expectations. Some of the aspects are involved in cooperative learning as well as implementing ways for attaining organizational aims and transferred to one generation to other.
Research Hypothesis
Research Philosophy
Researcher will be using realism research philosophy that includes Positivism and Interpretivism. Positivism means collecting scientific data by the researcher as they have conducted survey techniques for the current research study. Interpretivism means understanding the emotional side of human beings as the researcher conduct interview techniques for the present research study. Therefore, realism is the combination of Positivism and Interpretivism that are used by the researcher that aligns with the research topic on Analyzing factors contributing to customer relationship management (Peppers and Rogers 2016).
Research Approach
There are two types of research design that need to be evaluated by the researcher namely inductive approach and deductive approach. Deductive approach will be used by researcher as existing theories and techniques will be taken into study and then drawn conclusions at the end.
Sampling methodology
The researcher will be using both quantitative and qualitative method for analyzing the research topic. In case of quantitative research design, the researcher will be distributing survey questions to 150 people on matters relating to analyzing the factors that govern customer relationship management. In case of qualitative research design, the researcher will be conducting interview session from 5 managers and ask them about the factors that leads to customer relationship management.
Expected Outcomes
It is suggested that implementation of Customer Relationship Management is done in other domestic as well as foreign firms that uses cost and benefit analysis methods (Šebjan, Bobek and Tominc 2014). In order to become economically viable, it is recommended to further investigate by use of cost and benefit analysis by conducting human resource training as well as application of information technology.
Reference List
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