Age Related Motivational Segmentation In Wine Promotions

Promotional Budget for Goodwill Wines Company


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Discuss About The Age Related Motivational Segmentation Wine?

Promotional budget for firms is determined by the purpose for which the business was established. As such, Goodwill Wines Company is likely to restrict the cost to the minimum since they are not after profits like other players in the industry. Consequently, the stakeholders responsible for this task should extensively evaluate the available options in relation to the effectiveness in reaching the set targets. The budget is made for one year period based on what has been agreed upon by the team. Such a budget would include following items:



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  • Message Strategy
  • Key Messages
  • Charity Work Appeal

One of the prominent messages on the websites of the wine company is the appeal to consume the products if not just for the fulfillment of a demand, to support the charity courses supported by the company. They insist that more than half of the proceeds from their overall activities are channeled back to other non-profit organizations as well as non-profit organizations. Such a message is far more appealing to philanthropic consumers since they can attach their loyalty to the brand to their quest to give back to the society.

The company insists that their wines are of the best quality therefore in comparison to others in the market, clients should choose them over their competitors. As such, compared to other brands advertising similar products but fail to insist that their brand offers the best solution, they gain a competitive advantage.

The company prides itself on the variety of wines specializing in almost all different types offered in the marketing. Consequently, any wine buyer will be easily persuaded to purchase where every variety is available. For instance, a corporate or social event where they intend to serve wine, they are more likely to opt for a dealer with all varieties that the participants will likely need rather than from a shop that only offers either red or white wine since they end up spending a lot of time in the shopping process.

According to Weekly Times Now magazine, Goodwill Wines sells their good quality drinks at fair prices. As such they are able to appeal to the clients who would like to enjoy a good bottle of wine but is discouraged due to the high prices in the industry.

In the goodwill wines website, they have indicated that they participate in tree planting activities around the country.  Besides, they claim to practice environmental conscious activities such as recycling of their packaging products. As such, the brand name gets more popular in comparison to their peers who do not use similar strategies especially to the beneficiaries. In addition, other firms in the field may be more affiliated to the brand due to contributing to their line of work.

Promotional Messages of Goodwill Wines Company

The company website is a major source of the promotional messages, as well as, details about other activities the business engages in that are relevant to the general public. In the site, they are able to control the information they want to be in the public domain since the content is uploaded from within the enterprise.

The company has several social media platforms which they use as a media for promotional purposes. These include Twitter and Facebook where there can be direct engagement with a potential client through messaging apps offered. In addition, they are able to respond to criticism or concerns.

Advertisements through the mainstream media such as television ads as well as magazines in relation to the company are sometimes featured. These are able to reach a specific group of consumers that may not get the information through social media or do not necessarily visit their website.

Goodwill has not been focusing on advertising its products effectively. Therefore the objective of advertising goodwill products is to help ensure that customer get information that is clear and very informative. Goodwill’s adverts will help to inform, persuade as well as to gain the attention of potential clients and to remind other existing customers of the changes that Goodwill wines have made over the years with regard to quality. It will also help introduce new products into the market. Further objectives include the following:

  • To increase the membership of Goodwill Wines by at least 30%

When the activities and the course of the business are known to the public, it is likely to increase the chances of more people wanting to be a part of it. They may be involved as part of the shareholders by investing in the company shares.

  • To bring about an increase in the media uptake of Goodwill Wine’s press release.

The strategy also seeks to gain coverage of about 20%. When it is achieved, the company will be able to dominate the market since the more a product is known, the higher the chances of the people consuming it.

  • The advertisement will also focus on bringing about the development of Goodwill’s promotional packages for all of Goodwill Wine’s products.
  • Goodwill also seeks to promote attendance to all of its activities.

Most of the activities that companies engage in are supposed to be held with a purpose of needing to increase sales or promote the brand. Also, they could be in support of a course supported by the company. Consequently, when more people are persuaded to take part in them, they are likely to be moving in the right direction in their quest to fulfill the set objectives, especially in the brand promotion since increased participation can be equated to more coverage.

Advertising Strategies for Goodwill Wines Company

The company aims to reach all audiences regardless of their age, social or geographical aspects in order to achieve a country-wide market. According to Johnson and Brewer (2003), the wine industry is supported by consumers who are cut across the population but different aspects such as age, gender as well as a habit and other social factors determine the probability that an individual will consume the product. As such, the market should target to reach the established wine consumers based on research as they strive to impress those who are new to the product.

Johnson and Brewer (2003) insisted that men between the age thirty-five and fifty-four are the main wine economics in Australia. As such, the promotional method and their appeal should be guided by the specific aspects that are likely to get the attention of the group. The second group of the clients in the industry is women at around twenty-five to fifty-four years of age (Johnson and Brewer 2003). Additionally, on the basis of income per annum, they insisted that people making between thirty-five to seventy thousand dollars are likely to indulge in wine consumption than people whose earn an income outside of the bracket. Johnson and Brewer also insisted that the habitual drinkers are more reliable than those who drink only on occasion but also indicated that there are social factors such as the status and lifestyle of individuals that make them a better market to be targeted. As such, people who engage in many social events have more potential to consume than the ones who hardly engage in social activities (Johnson and Brewer 2003).

One of the product attributes the charity uses is to advertise their wine as vegan because they for finning them using other products that are not from animals. As such, they are able to appeal to the consumers who identify as vegetarians or are impressed by the name or associate the same with healthy living and practices. According to their official website, the company is able to offer a very detailed description of the specific bottles they have in stock highlighting the ingredients and the flavor as well as where and the time when it was made. In addition, the charity takes pride at participating in mixing several known brands of the drink to produce unique flavors that are precisely described in their official site for potential customers to access.

The first and most strategic idea is to tap into the clients philanthropic side by insisting that their consumption of these products goes beyond the traditional rules of business defined by supply and demand since there are other beneficiaries that are dependent on the client’s decision to consume their product from this charity that will definitely not be achieved when they choose a different business.

Age-Related Motivational Segmentation in Wine Promotions

In addition, the vegan wine is a great attraction for all the customers that are conscious about their consumption habits. For the part of the population that would indulge in these drinks but simply keep off because of health concerns, they are likely to be persuaded to try these wines hence tapping into a new market that was previously unutilized.  

Since there is competition in the industry, appealing to the customer’s conscience in order to change the quality perception of the charity amongst 50% of the 35-54-year old male wine consumers is necessary.  The charity’s main aim should be to understand the client-specific preferences since that is the only means of gaining and retaining consumer loyalty (Hanf 2014 p.364). Individuals in most cases will be more affiliated to the idea of having a greater course which is one dominant marketing tool the company uses to consume for charity events. As such, they can manage to increase 20% consumer for Goodwill website of males and female wine consumers between 25-54 years of age within a year. Furthermore, this will help to engage with nearly 40% of the male and female ‘enjoyment oriented’ & ‘social wine drinkers’ between 25 to 54 years of age, through internet within 2 years from the time of inception of this promotional plan.

Optimizing the use of social media platforms where they have a following to inform the users about their products, stock as well as launch new products. In addition, striving to get airtime on the television and newspapers would be an efficient method since most of the target age group people use them to get information or as a source of entertainment. The other effective mean is to improve their search engine rates in order to be easily found by consumers with no brand preferences searching for similar products.

Accompanying an advert with an image or illustration makes it more effective than when the same is missing. It is so since most of the time, the images capture the attention of the target that while missing they might not see it. In the websites where they can control how much can be seen by the intended persons, they should include testimonials of influential people who have consumed the same especially if the mentioned person has a positive contribution towards the same. They should also include the company logo which is the symbol of association of the advert to the brand. Also, the company slogan can be used.

Product Attributes of Goodwill Wines Company

Goodwill wines will use various media outlets to speak to its customers about their products. The different media to be used in promotion because clients targeted are not similar and specific area might work for certain consumers and not for others. In such a scenario, it is advisable to utilize as many areas as possible to ensure that if one does not get the intended information at one area they get it to the next. Apparently, the data will be accessible to customers and stakeholders via the internet and in charity’s branch offices to encourage stakeholders as well as for purposes of efficiency.

The company will utilize to a great extent its customer’s contacts to send them updates with regard to their new products and offers.

Direct messages sent to the loyal customers regarding important aspects such as new products.

The use of print media as well as television adverts  

Goodwill wines will also delegate some responsibility of communicating its messages to its communication department. This will enable it to offer quality services to its customers.

At this time when the use of the internet is rampant around the globe and most of the social media platforms enjoy a following globally, use of these spaces is essentially strategic move for a company such as Goodwill wines. It gives it massive exposure necessary for any thriving business.

As mentioned earlier, most of the wine consumers are middle-aged adults. As such, most of these individuals are at a stage where they have a lot of engagements including work and families. As such, they might not necessarily spend a lot of time on social media. Consequently, using the print media as well as television ads might prove very effective because these people tend to use these resources to get news or be entertained.

Directly engaging the faithful clients creates a personal touch with the brand hence increasing the chances of retention. As such, this is one mean the company intends to use in order to engage their customers in a manner that makes them feel like a part of the brand.

Carry out a survey of the target groups preferred channels to decide on who gets the contract for advertising. The time frames suitable for the target clients should be established to determine the specific time to air the adverts. Consequently, to get the attention of all the consumers, paying for ads to be aired during prime time would assist the charity get a lot of attention from everybody including those that do not use the product.

Promotional Strategy to Tap into Philanthropic Side and Vegan Wine

Osborne and Coleman (2008, p.13) indicated that there are two common means of outdoors advertising including the billboards and the soft boards. Both are effective means of marketing since they catch the attention of people using the roads where they are placed daily hence they play an essential role in allowing people to know about the products. Using the soft boards in busy streets where traffic jams are rampant would reach a huge number of people. The location of the specific means that is intended to be used would be essential to ensure that the objective is reached since erecting them in the wrong place would just add to the cost while producing no benefits.

The social media type to be used ought to be one that the intended audience subscribes to. There are numerous sites that people can practice the same but the number targeted and the message should go hand-in-hand. Additionally, some sites are limited to a small group of users hence are not effective. The global platforms such as Facebook and Twitter would be more effective.

The manner which a business interacts with clients or the picture they portray of the brand determines whether or not they will consider the business for products and services they require. As such, avoiding legal battles and corruption scandals retains company’s good names while the opposite destroy their corporate image and cost them the clients. Therefore, the company is advised to share stories of success and point out all the number of organizations that have benefited from the charity donations as well as provide financial statements for interested citizens to view.

Wine consumption is largely distributed across the whole of Australia Country (Hall, Binney and Barry O’Mahony, 2004, p.3). However, other scholars have established that a part of the northern part of the country experienced less rate of consumption as compared to other regions of the country (Johnson and Brewer, 2003). Considering the changes since the publishing, it is possible all regions have similar potential. Furthermore, it would be wiser to prioritize the whole country by using means that all citizens can access such as television, radio and through the internet.

It has been established that all the audience targeted can be reached through one method or the other. Television ads, social media, print and outdoors advertising are some of the means that the audience will be reached. However, this does not necessarily translate into the number of people willing to purchase the same product or that they definitely switch to the mentioned product from those they are accustomed to. Regardless, reaching people should be prioritized because one cannot consider a brand they do not know exists. Therefore, allocating more airtime sessions in the media within the small budget would contribute to achieving set goals.

As mentioned earlier, the cost of advertising, especially on television outlets, may differ with the time one has paid to reach the audience. Similarly with social media platforms, tweeting about a product when there is traffic on a trending issue might be more effective than practicing the same in an account with few followers.

It is important to assess the promotional means that have been employed to determine if they are effective or should be altered. The process can be carried out by determining if there was an occurrence of improvements since the establishment of the said strategies. In addition, there should be a means of establishing the exact type of impact that resulted from certain resources. Creswell (2013, p.203) insist that two methods of research including qualitative or quantitative as well as a combination of both to understand similar situations.


In conclusion, the promotional plan is an essential part of the business in that there are numerous aspects that ought to be properly put in place for the effeciency of the company. It is an essential training tool for students in this field for application in the field. Having followed the process closely from the implementation to the evaluation stage, one can conclude that there is ample market knowledge gained that should guide future endeavors on the same subject in diverse market situations.


Goodwill, W. (n.d.). healthcare. [online] Available at:

Creswell, J. W., 2013. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

Hall, J. Binney, W., and Barry, O’Mahony, G. 2004. Age related motivational segmentation of wine consumption in a hospitality setting. International Journal of Wine Marketing, 16(3), 29-43.

Hanf, J. H. 2014. The interplay between brands and private labels and its consequences on small and medium wine producers. Management & Marketing, 9(3), 359.

Johnson, T. and Brewer, J. 2003. An empirical confirmation of wine-related lifestyle segments in the Australian wine market. International Journal of wine Marketing, 15(1), 5-33.

Osborne, A. C., and Coleman, R. 2008. Outdoor advertising recall: A comparison of newer technology and traditional billboards. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 30(1), 13-30.

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