King Faisal Specialist Hospital And Research Centre: Organizational Behavior, Structure, Mission, And Vision
Vision Statement
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre is one of the finest tertiary/quaternary care and referral hospital based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the largest government funded hospital which was established way back in 1975 and boasts an operational capacity with over 1600 beds. The hospital is committed to provide quality medical facilities to its patients, and the hospital has been largely successful in raising the envelope of medical services in and around the Gulf. The hospital was established in the year 1970; the founding stones of the hospital were laid by King Khaled Ibn Andulaziz Al Saud. During the year 1973-85 the hospital was administered by the Hospital Corporation of America, the year 1985 saw hospital’s responsibility and administration being taken by the national team. The hospital has been facilitated a number of times for its excellence in services and numerous breakthrough it achieved in its tenure. Dr Tawfiq bin Fawad Al Rabiah sits on the chair and has a strong resolute team of trusted doctors and management experts. The hospital has now two centres; one is Riyadh and the other one in Jeddah.
The objective here of the report is to understand the principles of Organizational behaviour; this includes the structure, governance, mission, vision and the culture of the organization. All the information will be analysed theoretically and put in perspective with the Hospital. The report will further focus on change management, conflict resolution in the organization and the type of resistance one can encounter in the organization. At the end of report, key stakeholders will be identified and strategy to manuvere them, further analysis will be the impact of change in technology in the organization.
The report will be comprehensive in nature, covering all the points mentioned at length. The theoretical concept of organizational behaviour will blend into the ideology and the current practices at the Hospital. Hence, it can be said with absolute surety that the report will make the reader understand the concepts of organizational behaviour at both micro and macroscopic level.
Vision Statement- A vision statement can be seen as the company’s road map indicating what the company wants to becomes and the guiding transformational initiatives by setting up a defined direction for the growth of the company. It basically lays down the way ahead for the company, and the reasoning behind the guidance or the path it has to follow (Ayers, 2017, p. 13-15).
Vision- To be a world-leading institution of excellence and innovation in healthcare. The rationality and logic behind the vision is the scope of development in the healthcare, the emergence of technology to improve the healthcare ecosystem, with the above point in mind the hospital aims to achieve excellence and innovation in the healthcare service it provides and in the process push the envelope of health care services in and around the gulf.
Mission Statement- People at times confuse mission statement with the vision of the company, however there is a difference between the two. The vision statement gives an understanding on the company’s roadmap, its aspiration and what it wants to do, on the other hand mission statement is a statement which describes the functions of the company, its market and competitive advantages, and a short composed statement of the company’s business goals and the philosophies it truly believes in (McDonald, 2015, p.164). In short, a mission statement summarizes the following 3 points:
- What the organization is all about
- Why does the organization exists
- What is the need for existence of the organization.
Collating all the above mentioned points company’s one arrives at the company’s mission statement.
Mission Statement- King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research centre provides the highest level of specialized healthcare in an integrated educational and research setting.
A corporate structure comprises of the various departments in an organization which contribute to the company’s overall mission, vision, values and objectives. Some of the department which are pivotal to the corporate structure are Marketing, sales, finance, accounting, human resources and administration. It is not necessary that companies worldwide follow the same organizational structure; it may vary from company to company(Bolman & Deal, 2017)
As the name suggest, in vertical organizational structure the company relies on managers to command and control the work of the employees. Business owner in such types of structure sits at the top of the chain command. Vertical structure has its advantages and disadvantages of its own(Rothaermel, 2015).The biggest plus point of having a vertical organization structure is the clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the employees in the organization, its biggest drawback however is that it hampers the creativity and innovation of the employees by fixating their job roles. Some of the key facets of this type of structure are:
As the name suggest the main person or the entrepreneur sits at the top and has the power to command his ideas to the middle and the lower level of management. The managers are seen as the channel of communication for the staff; they control and command the employees according to the instruction of the top management. In this type of management the lower staff does not play an important role as his ideas do not get a channel of communication, the information and the ideas only from top to bottom (Kono, 2016)
Mission Statement
Rules and relationship in this type of structure play a very important role, the managers work according to the organizational structure, which explains to them their power and authority over the lower staff. Managers however are the most important connection between the management and the lower staff (Dunning, 2015, p. 113-132).
The firms maintain the competitive advantage by using the style of the structure at its full advantage; managers put the faith on the employees, empower them and create an environment of learning and growth. Hence, they tweak with the chain of command and use it to boast the morale of the employees (Jaques,2017)
Vertical structures are seen as efficient due to its clear and defined lines of reporting, however the structure does not work well in evolving markets. Hence, the organisation has to implement changes in the organization to better suit the requirements of the organization.
Horizontal organization structure or as people these days call it as flat structure has few or no levels of middle management between the staff and the executives. This type of structure is highly decentralized in its approach and lays the emphasis on being employee centric, team collaboration and teamwork(Ashkenas, Ulrich,Jick & Kerr, 2015). The company in this type of structure leverages the energy and the high spirits of the workforce to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Some key characteristic of this type of structure can be:
Unlike the vertical structure, this structure breads innovation and creativity in its employees. Emphasis is given on the learning, development and training of the employees. With no or few middle managers to report to, the ideas flow seamlessly, both from top to bottom or vice versa (Johnson, Leenders & McCue, 2017, p. 60-64).
In horizontal organizational structure the focus is on the achievement of collective goals of the organization rather than the individual job roles. The company is more focussed on the process policies and procedures leading to the production of the final products or the desired result. Hence it can be said that the focus here is on teamwork rather than achievement of the individual job roles (Janis, 2015, p. 163).
As explained earlier, here the collective goal is to achieve the objectives of the organization. Hence in an atmosphere where everyone is working towards focussed goals, the benefits are attached to the collective team and hence are easier to achieve as positive synergies are built around(Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017)
Mission Statement
Horizontal organization structure is created on the pillars of openness, communication, collaboration and cooperation which create positive work environment and hence a good culture for people to contribute and work in. This structure also helps in increasing the job satisfaction of the employees by giving them equal opportunities and an environment of learning and growth (Daft, 2015)
As the name suggest, this type of structure involves dividing the entire organization into various department which performs tasks according to the specialization of that particular department. This type of structure can be founded in both public and private institution; it is one of the widely used organizational structures and is popularly termed as matrix structure. The underlying principle behind such structure is to divide the employees according to the needs of the organization and unify them under one particular department guided by one principle (Takahashi, 2016, p. 16). The department can be based on:
Customer departmentalization is the process of grouping the business activities and job function to respond and interact with particular customer segment or groups. This is adopted to offer customer better service and in a bid to be a customer centric and customer focussed firm (Ahmad, 2017, p. 4-7).
In this type of departmentalization, jobs and people fall into the category of specialized function. Such as marketing, sales, human resources will respectively have its own team performing their function. This is done to cater to all the functions of the organization.
This is done in accordance to the geographical constituency of the organization; this type of departmentalization helps the organization to serve all geographical location with focussed attention. Grouping of jobs according to the geography helps to better under the micro and macro environment of that geography and also the changing dynamics of that market(Butler & Wilson, 2015)
As the name suggest, many organization construct its entire organization revolving around the different products it creates. This approach helps in maintaining a clear well defined P&L associated with a particular product and at the same time helps in giving focussed attention to the product. All other business functions are then divided in line with the products.
In simplest sense, organigram is the graphical representation of the structure of an organization. It represents how the structure of the organization appears on papers.
The hospital in the report here follows the departmentalization organization structure. The departments are on the basis of function and geographical units. The departments are finance, administration, information and the geographical units are Riyadh and Jeddah. The departments are further broken down into further group and division, for example the finance department is further broken in two departments, namely; Accounting & Budgeting & Cost accounting.
Corporate Structure
The world is progressing at a pace which is really hard to catch up on, with the advancement of technology, business policies and practices, the businesses has to keep reinventing themselves to compete with the new in the market. Hence, comes the importance of the need for planned change in the organization. The old methods have to be replaced by new, organizational structure have to be tweaked, the obsolete technology has to be replaced with the new one and some innovation has to be brought into the current products of the organization. In the light of the points above, a planned process has to be followed to implement change in the organization.
The need for change has to be acknowledged and comprehended by the organization; the need for change can be identified either by the top management alone, or during some kind of auditing the company is doing to review its existing process, operations and policies. The change might be important to introduce because of the internal or the external factors.
In case of the Hospital, the change which has to be bringing in the structure of the organization is to add either a Public relation team and also get marketing department into the structure. The need is recognized seeing the growing competition and the emergence of international players in the market.
Before taking any action towards planned change, the rationale and logic behind the change has to be established. All the pros and cons have to be envisioned before implementing the said change. Problem arising due the change and the opportunities which will be opened has to be evaluated. It is also important to define the needed change in terms of products, technology, structure and culture(Cumming & Worley,2014)
The rationale for the PR department in the structure of the hospital is necessary for creating brand loyalty and sharing with people content about the work hospital has been doing in the field of healthcare. As far as marketing is concerned, it will help in getting more patients in the hospital, create and spread the brand awareness and establish supremacy of the hospital in the region.
Change agent is a person who will take the responsibility of implementing the change, hence takes the onus and leadership responsibility to ensure that the planned change is implemented in a smooth manner. It is a pre requisite for the change agent to have an open mind set, alertness towards the changing scenario, ability to handle and objections, curb down the grapevine in the company and at the same time should be supportive of great ideas and take the company along the process of change(Anderson, 2016)
Vertical Organizational Structure
In the case of Hospital the Chief Administrative officer will become the change agent, as he is one of the oldest, most trusted and respected and in good books of the doctors and the management board.
The understanding of the above point can be drawn by saying that the change agent has to handle all the objection, negative feedback of the employees, he has to ensure that the entire company knows the present problems and is looking forward to the desired much better future state after implementing the change(Burke, 2017)
In this step the change agent has to ensure that he picks the best method to implement the change in the organization. He can take examples of earlier changes in the organization, or take help from other organization and any other source of inspiration he seems fit to pick the best possible implementation method of change(Coghlan & Brannick, 2014)
This stage primarily determines the when, where and how of the planned change process. The plan serves like a road map for the organization to achieve the desired result. Change agent has to ensure that by now he has delegated responsibility to different people who will assist him in driving the planned change and also are aware of the rationale behind the change.
50% of the work is completed after developing the plan and the rest is taken care after implementing the plan. Change agent has to ensure that any difficulty after implementing the change is removed permanently and he has to be far sighted to see any other problems which might occur in the future (Holten & Brenner, 2015, p. 2-10).
This is the last step of the planned change process; in this step change agent has to ensure that the change is happening according to the plan set in the first place. He has to ensure whether the SMART goals the organization set before implementing the change are being achieved after the change has been implemented. The evaluation has to be a continuous process, but the review can happen depending on the time and availability of the management.
All these steps would ensure that a planned process is implemented to bring a change in the present organization and business structure. The hospital is bound to gain from bringing in a PR and a marketing department. Both the function would help the hospital in achieving sustainability in its rising momentum and gain an unfathomable dominance in the healthcare sector.
Horizontal Organizational Structure
Corporate culture can be understood as analogous to person breathing in oxygen, it is that important, close and pivotal to the organization. A corporate culture refers to belief and behaviour that determine how the company and its employees conduct and handle themselves inside and outside business premises. Corporate culture in most cases is implied and not explicitly defined, at the same time it keeps on changing and develop according to new hiring. Corporate culture in totality refers to the dress code, break timing, line of management, control process, perks and benefits, fringe benefits, employee policies, discipline implication and so on. It basically helps an employee to behave in a certain fashion in accordance to the prevailing culture of an organization. Corporate culture helps in bringing uniformity amongst the employees and sets a process in place (Hogan & Coote, 2014, p. 1612-1620).
During the early 1980,s an American management professor by the name of Edgar Schien developed a model of organizational culture to make culture more visible in the organization. The model according to Edgar is directly influenced by direct mechanism, which includes exemplary behaviour, opinions, status and appointments (Hock, Clauss &Schulz, 2016, p. 435-440). The culture model is divided into three different levels:
Artefacts and symbols
Artifacts and symbols are found at the surface of the corporate culture. These are easily visible but are hard to understand. Examples being the doctor’s uniform, the logo, the infrastructure and so on.
Espoused values
In the Schein diagram, Espoused values fall below Artifacts, these constitute of the strategies, goals and philosophies of the company. In case of the hospital the Espoused values stand for the mission and vision of it. Hence the espoused value in this case is the company’s ambition to be the most innovative player in the healthcare industry and raise the envelope of service excellence (Schein, 2015, p. 240)
As the word suggest, these are the assumptions critical to the organization and are really hard to discern. These are understood in the light that why things happen the way they do, and are a result of human understanding of the emotions, how they conduct themselves in the office environment, their activity, reality and the truth. In the case of Hospital the assumptions are Professionalism, service excellence, care of the patient, being responsible and accountable for the medical procedures (Hatch, 1993, p. 660-667).
It is often seen that organizations which has a strong corporate culture are able to achieve at least 20-30% differentiation from organizations which does not have any culture in place. There are numerous factors which build a foundation for great culture, some of the good components of culture which the hospital follows are:
A great corporate culture starts from defining a valid and a futuristic vision statement. A statement so strong that it resonates with all the employees and all the actions they take while performing their duties are moulded by the vision statements. For example in case of the hospital the vision is to be the innovator and an excellent player in the healthcare sector, all the doctors , staff and relevant personal are focussed on achieving the said vision which is clearly visible in the ways they conduct themselves.
Vision helps in articulating the purpose of the company while values from the core of the culture. The values inflict how the employees conduct themselves in and out of the premises. The values of the hospital are integrity, discipline, excellent customer service and innovation. The same is reflected by the conduct of its employees. These values define the culture by far to the fullest and help the hospital to practice the culture at all levels.
Values are no good, if the practices reflecting the values are not in place. For example the hospital believes in its doctors, support staff and so on, thus all its efforts go on being employee centric in nature. The organization ensures that they take good care of the employees so that they can take great care of the patient. The hospital aims to be an innovator in healthcare, the same is reflected in the amount of spend towards its Research and development wing.
There are no two doubts that it is the employees or the people who are working in the organization that takes any company to the Zenith of success. People play a very important role in defining the corporate culture of the organization and at the same time is treated as the biggest asset for the organization. The hospital thus ensures that the employees are aligned with the vision and mission of the company as they are the biggest contributor towards the success of organization.
Narrative means the ideology and the thought process behind creating the organization. It is the simplest story or a light bulb moment which defined the entire company. For example creation of Apple has been a great narration to its employees, and hence even after Steve Jobs passed the company is following the culture of consistent innovation which he imbibed in the company. Narration in a way act as a success story for its employees and they all deeply believe in the narration and do their duties in line/sync with the oriented culture.
Another important factor shaping the corporate culture is the space. Many organizations have different setup for its employees, for example some believe in cubicle seating, some in side by side, in some organizations managers are always on floor and the employees bump into each other. Hence it can be said that there is no right definition of place to define the corporate culture, however place plays an important role. Hospital has to ensure that is really large and doctors have private cabins to keep the privacy of their patient, but at the same time, the hospital ensures that doctors and the support staff have their lunch in the common areas and not in solace. This helps in building a sense of commitment towards each other and a feeling of solidarity and cooperation, which then converts into positive synergy, further translating into great healthcare services.
There are several other factors for good corporate culture; however these factors are the most important shaping cultural factors for the hospital.
Different organization and their leaders have different leadership styles, the reason for different style is that leaders have different traits which make them successful leaders and hence they are required to use those traits which will help the company in maximization of its productivity and revenue(Turner & Muller,2005) The leadership at the hospital is composed of two styles; one is followed by the CEO and other by the Chairman. Based on the above statement the leadership style which is eminent is:
This is one of the popular forms of leadership style. The leaders here are seen as blue-sky thinkers and hence think mostly out of the box, something which others find hard to imagine or even put into action. However these leaders require some managers to implement their thoughts on papers and convert them into reality. These leaders effective manage the employees and lead the team by their strength in communication and by stimulating intellectual simulation amongst them.Dr Tawfiq bin Fawzan follows the transformation leadership and he has infused all his intellectual ability and influencing power in taking the hospitable to unimagined heights. He is the chief visionary of the hospital and his long standing association with hospital makes him extremely knowledgeable about the business surroundings, operations, finance and any other business vertical(Antonakis & Day,2017)
CEO is one of the most important components of the organizational structure of any organization. He is the one who translates the ideologies, philosophies of the management and the chairman downwards. In order to do so, democratic style of leadership, also popularly called as participative style is one of the widely adopted and accepted leadership styles. In this style, the person arrives on a final decision after collating the inputs from his managers and the people below him in the hierarchy. This type of leadership style is very effective as the people feel that their feedback is valued and they are an important part of the existing ecosystem. Thus, the CEO of the hospital follows democratic style of leadership, he listen to the feedback of the managers and the employees and further translates it into decision which is great for the firm(Northouse, 2018)
Control system contains a set of rules, policies and procedures which an organization implements in order to have the assurance that:
- The financial reports are reliable
- The operation which are followed are effective and highly efficient
- The activities of business comply with any existing legal and business requirement.
The points mentioned above describe the control system. The board of directors, top management and other relevant personal are responsible for the control systems.
Measurement systems which can be both financial and non-financial, planning, budgeting, standards set in the organization and the resource allocation system constitute of what is called as the visible control system. The Board of directors, senior management, Chairman and the CEO are involved in the above mentioned activities.
This type of control system is not concern with the visible artifacts and the symbols; it is mostly reliant on how the organization and its employees conduct themselves in and outside the premises of the organization. Socio cultural systems, communication, meeting, value systems constitute the part of invisible control systems. As it is clear from the elements of invisible systems, these things are set in place the first time and keep on evolving with time; people have limited control on it. However invisible control system lays the base of the organization and its culture.
Change is seen as an alteration in the present working system of the organization and hence people are slightly wary of it. People in the organization are already comfortable in the scenario, and they do not want somebody to change it. This is one of the biggest problems when organization wants to implement some change in the organization. It is seen that when change come along, the employee has to reach a state of equilibrium to accommodate the change(Cameroon & Green,2015). Resistance to change can thus be seen behaviour of the employees designed to discredit, delay or prevent the implementation of a work change. Employees by far resist change because they see it as a threat to their:
- Security
- Social interaction
- Status
- Competence
- Self-Esteem
- Blind resistance
- Political resistance
- Ideological resistance
- Logical Resistance-As the name implies, this is based on the disagreements with facts, logical reasoning and science. This type of resistance occurs due to less time and efforts in the process of change implementation(Burnes,2015)
- Physiological or Emotional Resistance-As the name suggest, it is based on the emotions, sentiments and attitude of the employees. They in their headspace feel that the resistance is logical because they fear the unknown, scared about the job security, mistrust the leadership and so on; hence they show resistance to change(Cummings & Worley,2014)
- Sociological Resistance- This type of resistance is seen when the employees feel that the change is challenging the status quo of the already established social system will be lost.
All these resistance pushes the organization in the backseat while implementing the change and hence they have to take proper measures and strategies to remove the resistance by giving logical reasoning to the people opposing change.
- Selective information processing by the individual
- Fear of the unknown
- Economic Factors
- Security
- Habit
- Structural inertia
- Threat to established resource allocation
- Threat to already established power relationship
- Threat to expertise
- Group inertia
- Limited focus of change
- Education and Communication
- Participation and involvement
- Facilitation and Support
- Negotiation and Agreement
- Manipulation and Co-operation
- Explicit and implicit Coercion
Globalization, liberalization and advancement of technology in the last decade has forced the organizations to grow in size and set up best practices and policies to retain the customers and be efficient in the business operation. In a big organization where people come together from different nationalities, social class, culture, economic state and ethnicities, differences are bound to arise, this difference can lead to conflict. Thus, it is the duty of the managers to comprehend any such reasons for conflict well in advance and create strategies to overcome them. Few months later a conflict was identified amongst the team of administrative staff relating to their overlapping responsibilities with the HR team, this was causing a lot of trouble for the hospital as the work was getting affected. The manager took the following step to overcome the conflict:
The reason for the conflict was the structure of the organization. Manager understood that the lacunae in the responsibility of the two departments are because of the not so clear defined job duties and overlapping structure in the organization. He then decided to change the structure and make it clear to the conflicting teams.
It was also noticed that it was not like all the members of both teams were creating troubles; it was just two members from each of the teams, who were responsible for creating trouble. The management after changing the structure, decided to move one in a different branch, after consulting with the relevant personal.
Another strategy which the management applied was asking the group to vote for what has to be done in this particular case. The management wanted the employees to understand that they value their opinions and a wise decision will be taken only after consulting them.
Both the opposing team members were asked to focus on the problem, and what can be done in order to solve the problem and create a positive work environment and restore peace and efficiency in the system. The problem was solved after some time.
Management experts have given five conflict management handling strategies which are arranged in a grid according to the level of cooperation and level of competitiveness. Any of the style or combination of two or more can be used in handling the conflicts
Avoidance- This type of conflict handling style is seen both as uncooperative and unassertive. People adopting this type of style tend to avoid the conflict until and unless it gets resolved on its own.
Accommodation-This type of conflict handling style can be seen as both cooperative and unassertive. In this style, a person gives whatever the other person requires, keeping his personal goals less preference than the relationship. However, this style is not very well received because the other person is always taken for granted.
Compromise-This is one of the best conflict handling strategies. In this style, both the parties tend to give up certain part of their problem and reach on a common ground. This style reduces the damage that can be created by the situation.
Competition-People adopting this kind of conflict resolution style wants the achievement of goals rather than laying ground to keep the parties happy. This approach is effective if one person has strong moral objections to the alternatives one is opposing are unethical or harmful.
Collaboration-The collaborative style ranks high both on the cooperation and assertiveness. This strategy is used to achieve the best outcome possible from the conflict. The objective here is to find a win-win situation for both the parties and achieve equilibrium in the organization.
It is very hard to suggest which style is best, managers have to adapt to different styles of conflict handling according to the situation they overcome. They have to use their best judgement and help in reaching a ground of harmony and positive synergy.
Some people really do struggle while choosing a right strategy for the organization, they have analyse strategy according to the pros and cons of each strategy, analyse the strategy from each and every angle and then finally come up with a resolute strategy implementing organizational change.
The model was created way back in the year 1940 by Kurt Lewin. The model is extremely helpful in business for making and communicating the go/no strategy. The basic idea behind the model is that situations are supported by equilibrium between the forces which drive the change and the others which resist change. In order for change to happen, the driving forces have to be strengthened or the resisting forces have to be weakened.
Steps |
Implication |
Describe the plan or proposal for change |
The goal here is to be excellent in healthcare services and drive innovation in healthcare services. In order to do so, Hospital has thought to come up with marketing department and a PR team in place to spread the awareness on the great work the hospital aims to do. At the same time, establishing a R&D wing to further strengthen the efforts of innovation. |
Identify the forces for change |
· Less innovation · Less awareness · Increased competition · Ambition to be excellent in healthcare service and push the envelope of healthcare services. · Need to increase the profitability · Sustained growth and momentum |
Identify forces against the change |
· Increased cost in setting up a new function. · Increased cost in R&D activities. · Overlapping of certain job function of the administrative, marketing and the PR teams |
Assigning scores |
· Less innovation-4 · Less awareness-4 · Increased competition-4 · Ambition to be excellent in healthcare service and push the envelope of healthcare services-3 · Need to increase the profitability-3 · Sustained growth and momentum-3 The score of the forces for the change is 21 · Increased cost in setting up a new function-3 · Increased cost in R&D activities-4 · Overlapping of certain job function of the administrative, marketing and the PR teams-3 The score of the forces against the change is 10 |
Analyse and Apply |
Used in two ways: · Deciding whether or not to move with the change · Think on what supportive forces have to be strengthened and which opposing forces have to be neutralized. Hence, The opposing force in overlapping roles can be reduced by clearly defining the roles. R&D cost can be contained by apportioning budget towards R&D for every year until 10 years |
Involving and communicating the change to the stakeholders is pivotal to the organization. It is important to communicate with the stakeholders because they from a very important part of the organization ecosystem. They are the component of the change process and thus very important. In order to implement successful change; some points have to be kept in mind with respect to the stakeholders:
- How will the success be measure and evaluated, what does the stakeholder truly want to see
- How much influence does the stakeholders have on the team
- Could the stakeholders stop the change and undermine the process of change management
- How important the stakeholders are in the ecosystem.
- Answering all the questions, give certain clarity on the importance of stakeholders.
- Feedback to the stakeholders- Feedback taken by the stakeholders and the entire organization will help to analyse the utility of the change and why is it extremely important to bring the change in the organization. The feedback can be collected either by mail or by individual and group interview, feedback forms and so on. The collation of all the feedback result has to be translated into clear cut structure for the ease of the stakeholders.
- Participation and involvement- Involve the key stakeholders in the process of change management. Giving them additional responsibility apart from the routine work will bring them more closer to the problem the change will be able to tackle, thus they will act as supporting hands to manage the change.
- Education and communication-This is by far the first step in influencing stakeholders, communication will help in keeping the stakeholders at the same page of the organization. Openness in communication will keep aside the resistance faced by the employees and the stakeholders will be more open in sharing their wisdom with the change management.
Advancement in technology can be seen as both positive and negative for the business, the positives and the negatives largely depends on how the business deals with the technology and use for its disposal. It can be seen as a double sided sword, by leveraging the benefits of technology in the business, the business can grow leaps and bounds, and by eliminating the negatives, the destruction can be limited.
Social media marketing & Customer care- This in itself is the single largest factor which shaped up due to advancement of technology. Social media marketing is good for business in the way that positive review, information about the hospitals and doctors which is available online gives the patient a sense of trust in the hospital. This highly adds to the care of patients.
Intelligently integrated hospital management systems- These days, IT is infused or rather integrated with every device possible in the hopsitals.Information about the patient who has already visited is stored and hence reducing the hassle of the patient to track the previous records. All the other new patient records can be seamlessly extracted from the other departments and collated in one single file. Al such features help the Hospitals to work effectively towards improving the life condition of the patient.
Increased accessibility due to mobile phones-Mobile phones has made life easier of people. Any information about the doctor, process, technology, diagnosis etc. can be accessed online and they find themselves knowledge to comprehend the problem in a better way.
Hi-Tech devices for customer treatment- The days are gone when X-Rays had to be taken for different parts and to get the result it took ages. Advancement in science and technology has reduced the time and the efficiency of the devices. The devices these days are in a position to talk each other and easy transmittal of information helps in reducing time and saving cost.
The only flaw I can see due to the advancement in information technology is that with too much of information to consume through the internet, the patient and their family members at times doubt the doctors and hospital and go by what they read online. This disturbs the patient care and a lot of time goes in convincing the family and the patient. It can thus be said that half knowledge is ignorance
The aim of the assignment was to analyse the present organizational structure of the organization and implement certain changes wherever necessary. At the outset of implementing changes, there would be a lot of resistance to change, identification of key stakeholders, strategy for implementing change and so on. Thus it is advisable to have openness in communication if any change has to be brought forward in the organization.
- Hospital must and should have a marketing department to cater to the need for promotion and understand the competitive landscape effectively, the same has to be thus implemented in the organization structure
- The vision of the firm is to bring innovation in the healthcare sector to the extent that it improves the patient care and helps to effective serve them. In order to do so, a research and development win has to be opened in the Riyadh centre of the hospital.
- At times it happens that Hospital solves cases which were rejected by other hospital due to no diagnosis/poor diagnosis/terminal hospital, the hospital then takes such cases and puts its best team to treat the patients. Such successful cases have to be highlighted in media for the people who have been struggling for diagnosis. Thus setting up a PR team, either as a part of the Marketing department or as a function of the HR.
The said changes will definitely bring a dent in the healthcare sector as if one player does the best it can to push the envelope of the services to its customers. Other hospitals too have to come up either with the same or different strategy to build the same system. All the efforts are directed towards the vision of the hospital “Provide the best healthcare services to its patient”
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