Developing Congruent Children’s Services: Insights And Ideas

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Why do replicas of some excellent schools, efficient job training, as well as wonderful and early childhood agendas remain merely models? The chapter deals with facts and tries to find out reasons why these interventions that really change odds for all of their higher-risk members succeed temporarily and then fail at the moment when people attempt to maintain them otherwise expand them? It also deals with reality that in child as well as family services within Australia as well as all over the world there exist a very rich variety of promising looms emerging in answer of issues like child abuse plus neglect (Axford, 2009). Though, very little is actually understood and known about the way in which and the reason why few innovations extend from one situation to other and on the other hand some innovators do not. The study draws upon “diffusion of the innovations” prose to highlight all complex relationship of innovation, individual, organization and also wider ecology on spread of the innovative policies, practices as well as programs. Innovations actually pervades the modern society in several forms, including the ideas, beliefs as well as objects, knowledge and services, products plus programs & policies as well as practices. All such innovations could also diffuse through diverse populations plus service schemes, and across the entire cultural as well as national boundaries. Few innovations spread very quickly like in response to the market forces whereas others spread very slowly or do not spread at all. This is very significant challenge within the field of child as ell as family services, as here evidence of the effectiveness of novel programs is generally lacking as use of the randomized managed trials, are seen as ‘gold standard’ of the research in health sector, that is hard for ethical as well as practical causes (Barber, 2003). Diffusion of the Innovation provides insights that might also be very much valuable to all the practitioners and policy makers as well as researchers and scholars in child plus family services. Word ‘diffusion of the innovation’ was initially brought into existence by the scholar named Rogers to explain the way of innovations, in form of novel ideas, programs, products, policies as well as even traditions of working also are ‘corresponding over time amongst members of the social scheme or organization (Bower, 2005).’

Many chapters in the book have highlighted some promising looms towards working and performing along with some vulnerable families in varied settings and conditions. This chapter also has identified many approaches to work with families and child services with different looms. The chapter also has highlighted the role of proper implementation within enhancing the results for the families (Breschi and Malerba, 2005). A real focus upon the implementation of child as well as family services actually has been recognized in this chapter as a forceful requirement within the field where practice might be brutally affected through political imperatives and goodwill as well as intuitive appeals. This chapter also deals with factors that influence the program adoption as well as implementation and has revealed that there are many general factors and elements which influences any agency’s appeal towards decision making regarding adoption of novel agendas and programs otherwise practice plus all of their efforts towards implementing it like a part and parcel of benchmark practices. Elements like implementation and management of child care and services even influence the extent and degree to which all the practice persons are capable of incorporating evidence right from research in all of their day to day practices along with children as well as families (Cash and Berry, 2003). The chapter has even demonstrated some practioner related element which influences the extent to which any agenda might get implemented and include beliefs and values as well as assumptions. These are shown in particular relation with the evidence oriented practices. In the child welfare past, there have been few notable instances of diffusion of the innovation. One is spread of late 19th century in South Australian replica of the state-managed boarding-out. Much of diffusion of the study also has focused on recognizing the stages within the procedure for implementation, with attention paid to conditions that appear to enhance or decrease likelihood which an innovation would be adopted at. 

Children’s Social Care Innovation Program is actually a two year agenda supported by some £30m within the initial financial year as well as substantially extra in second year. The program’s main objective and aim is to hold plus support improvements and enhancements towards quality of all the services with an aim that children and kids who really need help and support from social care scheme have improved chances in their lives. It will be an innovative one because:

Since program was announced, Department for the Education also has been evaluating all chances as well as opportunities attainable for innovation within the children’s and family’s social care. And have found that any such program has not been launched till date.

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Knowledge plus experience about the program also demonstrates that innovation will get better prompted through specific and defined issues of the agenda.

It is a two focus fields for program, and also rethinking support intended for teenagers, thereby opening doors for innovative ideas and concepts (Young, 2009).

The work requires to be a very “promoting uptake of the innovations which have been demonstrated to be very effective, delaying all spread of such innovations that have never been demonstrated to be effectual, and stopping the uptake of all the ineffective innovations. The study thus has crucial role to play within “scaling up” triumphant innovations. I think this is innovative as this would intended to change the traditional system of providing care and would bring in something new within the scheme. This chapter explores current understandings of the determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) and its development. We show that the determinants of this wellbeing are multiple, interconnected, and develop and act across the life course from conception to late life, all of which influence the expression of positive or negative wellbeing. The 6th chapter discusses all those determinants which prompt, facilitate otherwise constrain the social as well as emotional wellbeing within every person. It later discusses a varied range of danger plus risk elements identified by the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander populace as purposely influencing otherwise determining development as well as expression of all of their wellbeing. Prominently, this chapter focuses upon those elements, or mix of determinants, which enhance likelihood of the poor results for the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander populace—risk factors plus those which promote otherwise protect the positive wellbeing, as well as the sole protective elements contained in the Indigenous cultures as well as communities which serve like a sources of proper strength as well as resilience. In conclusion, the chapter shows that risk & protective factors impacting upon wellbeing of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait people actually differ in vital ways from the mainstream ideas of the ‘mental health’ as well as experiences of many other Australians (Turpin and Krishna, 2007). The 7th chapter starts with the overview of current epidemiological trends within suicide as well as attempted suicide intended for Indigenous as well as non-Indigenous Australians plus the way in which this compares with situation in some additional post-colonial English-talking nations like Canada, USA as well as New Zealand. The chapter then reviews the qualitative studies and explores meaning of the suicide in Indigenous society context, the way in which these inform people’s understandings of the suicidal behavior as well as their value and aim for informing the preventive activities. These also highlight individual, community otherwise situational elements that seem to be linked with enhanced risk for the suicide otherwise suicidal behavior. This also studies individuals who build suicidal behavior otherwise complete the suicide. Current Australian plus international data as per this study even indicate sure social situations, chiefly contexts of the ‘bereavement overload’, where the suicidal behaviors might become socially infectious, with the ‘copy-cat’ as suicidal behavior. Chapter concludes along with a talking of what tasks in prevention, early on intervention as well as post-prevention counting proactive grief support, repression of suicide bunch, plus longer-run strategies intended for community curative following jointly experienced trauma (Spil and Schuring, 2005).


Meaning- It is actually very hard to discuss of this topic and also extra difficult to properly acknowledge such abuse of children belonging to several ages that also includes the infants happening each day. The sexual abuse of the children also has become a matter of extra community worries as well as focus of several legislative as well as professional initiatives. This also is the evidence by expanding the body of the literature upon the sexual and public declarations through adult survivors as well as enhanced media coverage for the sexual abuse problems and issues.

Catholic sexual abuse cases actually are a variety of allegations and investigations plus trials, as well as convictions of the child sex abuse crimes that are committed by the Catholic priests and nuns, as well as members of the Roman Catholic orders all against boys plus girls as very young as some 3 years, with majority amid ages of about 11 to 14. 

Myths- A very common as well as dangerous public myth is that some person who actually looks normal as well as acts normal just cannot be child molester. Also sex offenders also are knowledgeable regarding importance and vitality of their image in the public, and can also hide their personal behaviors from all of their friends and neighbors and colleagues, as well as even from their own relatives and family members. Sex offenders generally use many of strategies that allow them for gaining access to the children at the time of hiding their real actions. Several perpetrators also seek out volunteer otherwise employment positions which are on place adults within close proximity towards children. Few child molesters also seem to be very charming and socially responsible plus caring, compassionate and morally sound as well as sincere. Parents plus other adults trust all such individuals. This also leads to very continued access towards child victims.

Good practices- I think this is innovative as this would intended to change the traditional system of providing care and would bring in something new within the scheme. The agenda also has a design of Innovation program and change implementation which sets out the definition for innovative programs and thus makes this program innovative as well.  It makes the people feel involved and changed and even intends to alter the traditional way of providing social service to the adolescents. In a nutshell all the innovation has to be creative and new for fulfilling the definition of innovative services (Young, 2009).

Summary-The real accusations initially began to obtain wide publicity within late 1980s; several span and several decades, as well as were brought too much forward years after abuse occurred. The cases also have been brought all against the members of Catholic hierarchy who even did not actually report the sex abuse allegations towards legal authorities. It even was demonstrated that they consciously moved sexually insulting priests to some other parishes, also where abuse at times continued. Such an act also led towards a count of fraud and unethical cases, in which Catholic Church was also accused of the misleading victims through deliberately relocating the priests who were accused of the abuse, in spite of removing all of them away from their actual positions.

Working with Aboriginal families

Worldwide, just more than ten and half million populaces were classified as a refugee otherwise asylum seeker within the year 2007-08. Most of them arrive from nations experiencing the conflict as well as abuses in the human rights (Reynolds and Ou, 2004). Australia supplies humanitarian resettlement intended for the refugees under Refugee & Humanitarian Program that is meant for the same purpose. The program actually has provided average of some thirteen thousand plus four hundred areas annually, since the year 2003, for all the applicants beneath the list of Refugee and Special Humanitarian, as well as Inshore Protection and security.

Providing proper care to refugee families as well as children are challenging and also rewarding. Such families actually come from several dissimilar cultures and have several different attitudes behaviors and beliefs. There also exist vital differences in the subgroups of the cultures related to the gender, socioeconomic status as well as ethnicity. Such differences can also affect:

Understanding of the health as well as mental health of such people

Thinking and beliefs regarding the best course of treatment

Some expectation from the outcomes of the treatment.

the care providers must take efforts towards understanding as well as respecting the refugee families both culturally and socially and get all information about their behavior and beliefs so that the task becomes easier. Such providers might enhance their actual cultural competence while they perform the following:

Reading the basic details about the nation to which these refugees belong and understand their language as well as culture and also social norms.

Utilize a proper interpreter who might know these cultures and has an understanding about the same.

Try to understand the phrases and words used by them

Care providers must make some efforts towards learning plus understanding as well as interpreting all the symptoms like asking why do one thinks in this way and also many more

The care provider must also try to evaluate the available symptoms that represent all culturally acceptable paths towards expressing the metal health and distress.

Families face several life changing issues and are generally beneath struggle towards meeting all of their family’s fundamental needs as well as help their families in settling in the novel nation.

Generally school is foremost place where all the refugee children can actually experience consistency as well as emotional containment. Thus, psychologists from every discipline could actually take benefit of liaising along with the school employee to share data and information, help along with the initial assessment a well as collaboratively plan the program of intervention as well as support.
There is also much good carry out that the schools are previously engaged in which addresses general requirements of the refugee pupils plus has also become part of day to day school curriculum as well as practice, along with the published guidance that are also available.


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