Benefits And Challenges Of Maintaining A Diverse Workplace
Importance of a diverse workplace
Discuss about the Trainee and Trainer Opinion on Numbers.
The benefit of diverse workplace is it creates the ability to peep into various talent and culture and merge different culture into a single workplace (Barak 2016). A diverse work place allows people from different culture to interact and communicate in a single platform and thus give their best possible effort in the work and bring out the quality result in the work production. A diverse work place defines the mixture of inter culture workers belonging from different background, gender, caste, religion, country. Diversity in workplace has to do more than race or ethnicity. It is composed of various cultures that supports the communication and co-ordination of workers from different fields and areas. It is very essential to maintain diversity in work place. However, like a coin every phase has a dual side. The diversity in work place also faces few similar issues that can hamper the working system in the company. The company that encourages worker from different field might face chaos and confusion among the workers for this issue. There are also issues related to primary glass ceiling issues that dominates the women and minorities in the work place. These issues must be considered and steps must be taken by the companies to reduce chaos in work place (Adams and Bell 2016).
The primary aspects that has to be considered for maintaining a diversity in work place are accepting and respecting. This can be a major issue as everyone tends to be more superior than others and wants to maintain the position in every place. The practical consideration for reaching the company goal has not been given the first priority in the early days. People were more concerned about their self-esteem and respect and hence never gave an attention that why the productivity was declined or there were lack of motivation in work culture. The orthodox thought in human mind kept them engaged in the thought to proceed with this typical thought culture. The company and officials lately realized the need for modernization and modification. A continuous decline in the work strategy and motivation made them realize that a section in the work field was highly neglected and dominated. This led to a decline in work motivation. Soon that reflected in the whole work place. One of the most typical issues was female domination. The earlier society had a typical thinking culture that reflected the opinion about female that they cannot behold any superior position in the market. Female were dominated and neglected in the work field and in most cases were given only a minor position in the work field. The company had a belief that only a male dominating work culture can prosper and women do not have the potential to lead the market (Warner 2017). The society was highly dependent on men and believed them to be the most powerful and cable gender to run a business. However, soon the thought was changed when there were businesses run by women were introduced in the market and they flourished in the global market. The previous society also tends to make gender inequality and thus creating opportunity only for the superior caste or section management.
Challenges of a diverse workplace
The minor caste or sections were neglected and rejected from everywhere. The minor sections were not given their rights and were deprived of their chances to flaunt their talent (Podsiadlowski et al 2013). The growing market with new strategies and experiments thought of giving chances to the minorities and realized that talent cannot be divided based on class or creed. Talent is present in every individual, however, there are only few individuals in society who can uplift their talent and explore it in the market. The typical and old fashioned thinking process was changed when people from the minority sections started business and expanded their business worldwide. This proved that everyone is capable of exploring their qualities and talent is not limited to any class or gender, it is present in every one. Since these evolutions the society realized an urgent need for paying attention to the diversity in the work place. They realized that every individual has a capacity to explore their talent that will benefit the business.
The companies that oriented market strategies and aimed to succeed their business decided to encourage diversity in workplace thus giving opportunity to everyone to raise the business and explore their talent irrespective of caste or gender. Hence, the work force diversity has been given so much attention in the present market that intends to transact business in the market.
Diversity in workplace means to create a working environment that accepts all the differences between the people, embraces each individual’s strengths and weaknesses, and provides opportunities to achieve their maximum potential (Mertens 2014). The differences can be of race, gender, ethnicity, language, thinking style and so on. Diversity in workplace helps in the effective work of the business organization. A company faces many problems regarding the diversity issues that affects the brand image as well as affects the production of the business organization. The civil right acts of 1964, stated that it is illegal for the companies to engage in the employment practices based on colour, race, gender, national origin, age, disability (Dierenfield 2013). Executive order 11246 was passes in 1965 that gave immediate order to all government contractors for taking affirmative action’s so that they can overcome the patterns of discrimination and exclusion (Cascio 2018). These eliminated all the policies that discriminates employees of certain class and imposed fine on the organisation who failed to apply fair policies regarding the employment management.
Civil rights act and diversity training
Diversity in workplace creates a mutual respect among the employees of the organisation. The employee relation improves and the difference between them tends to decrease. Conflict is a common thing in any business organisation but workplace diversity helps to reduce the frequency of the conflicts by acknowledging the cultural and other differences. Diversity in workplace gives more exposure to the employees who are from different backgrounds, different culture. Conflicts in the organisation happen when there is a lack of acceptance between the employees. Spiritual and political beliefs create a challenge for the workplace diversification. Individuals tend to grow ego when they are from superior culture or have different religious backgrounds. In some nation women are prefer as the inferior sex and they are often said to be the weaker section of the society, which creates a social barrier in front of them In many global organisation there are more diversified age groups ranging from teenagers to seniors. Their social circle is formed according to the age.
Language barrier and communication are present in every workplace and this creates communicating gap between the employees. Diversity in workplace helps in reducing the workplace, which eliminates the time consumption on unnecessary conflicts (Powell, DiMarco and Saeedn 2015). This helps in increasing the production of the organisation. Working with people from different backgrounds, working style and experience helps in forming a creative idea that helps in innovation. Employees feel more happy and comfortable in the organisation. Equality in the workplace is very important as it encourages the workers to feel more confident about their ability. Diversity in the workplace helps in improving the employee’s performance. They feel motivated and they tend to work harder to achieve the goals of the organisation. A company with diverse workplace attracts many candidates from different backgrounds, classes. Naturally, the chances of finding talented individuals also increase. Bringing people from different backgrounds and culture helps them in effective marketing to consumer of different ethnic backgrounds and races that helps them in acquiring a huge market share. Reports have shown that human capital of a nation substantially increases when more women, ethnic and racial minorities, transgender and gay individuals joins the workplace.
A diverse workplace helps in sustaining and creating competitive market in the globalized world. A diverse workplace brings out the full potential of the organisation. It helps the company in increasing the revenue of the company. Diversity training can help the employee to understand and accept each other’s difference and will also provide them opportunity to achieve their full potential. Diversity awareness programmes and cultural sensitivities practices in the workplace can help them reducing the problems caused by cultural differences. Employees should prevent the gender discrimination and should increase equality in terms of salary, opportunities, hiring and promotions. Creating an open communication system between the people of different age group can help in diversifying the age group (Mason 2013). Diversity in workplace helps in better financial results of the organisation.
Improving financial results through diversity
Number of researches has shown that companies that have a diverse team are much more profitable than the business with homogeneous teams. In 2015, report published by McKinsey has shown that companies with more racial and ethnic diversity have a 35% more chances to be financially successful (Mourshed, Farrell and Barton 2013).
The foreign companies presently employ millions of American citizen. Companies that have topped the list of fortune 500 are global companies and they are the perfect example why diversification in the organisation is necessary. Diversification is important as it helps in gathering people from different culture, backgrounds. That gives information about their culture and by this way the organisation becomes successful. Understanding others decision, choices influence the work process and environment of the organisation. Lack of diversification increases the conflict between the employees of the organisation. It increases the labour turnover ratio. Employee of the organisation tends to leave the organisation due to the conflicts, which affects the production of the organisation (Redpath et al. 2013). Diversity in the organisation is necessary as it develops a good relation between the employees.
There are many organizations that have worked for diversifying their workplaces and that have helped them in improving the relationship between the employees. Diversity in workplace helped them in increasing the productivity and also helped them in retaining their employees (Huston 2014). Good diversified workplace also helped them in attracting more skilled employee into their organization. It has also helped them in innovating more and that have attracted more and more customer. Global companies highly required a diversified workplace as they recruit from different parts of the world and there may contain many differences like language barrier, cultural barrier, which will affect them, but a diversified working place can change that into their advantage. Northern trust, a banking and financial sector has a large success by adopting diversity programs in their organization (Davenport and Low 2013). They have a global presence and they recruit from many foreign countries, they faced many problems but diversity in their workplace made it easier for them. People from different countries helped them in knowing the requirements of the people of their individual countries. Harvard university also created a diverse environment that helped their student in interacting between them and which increased their education level (Commons, Kacelink and Shettleworth 2013). Apart from this two, there are many organizations like Smithsonian, Levy restaurants, Intuit, Wegmans that have worked for diversifying their workplace, which helped them in increasing their goodwill.
The managers are trying to expand their business anyhow and their main aim is to globalize their business (Yeung 2017). To globalize their business they are focusing on diversifying their workplace.
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