The Importance Of Leadership And Evaluation In Public Health

Master in Public Health: Policy Development

The Role of Leadership in Public Health


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Public health is about the encompassing of multiple disciplines of healthcare such as anthropology, biology, medicine, education and public health (Lawlor et al., 2015). I feel that the leadership in the public health activities is important for achieving the success of the program. I feel that the effective leadership in this domain would lead to an improvement in the community’s outcomes through increased education, more disease prevention and enhancement of the current policy development. The public health needs good leadership so that there is overall improvement of the health care delivery system.

The leadership is important for implementing as well as sustaining the different levels of public health programs (Bowling, 2014). The leaders are the people with great vision and they have a different status quo (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2015). The leaders are grounded with varying levels of values and they have different levels of implementing them. I wonder that public health practice would be incomplete without effective leadership. I have observed that the basic challenge of public health lies in the prevention and equity of health services. There is issue with the vaccine availability, in which there is need for adequate leadership skills (Betancourt et al., 2016). I have seen that there are leadership issues in the smallpox vaccination and there are issues with the availability of heath for all. This has led me to think about the leadership issues in public health and how it can be solved.

There are issues with the effective use of the public health information, which is one of the duties of the public health leader. The leadership is needed in the areas of serious infection, Ebola virus, HIV and others (Aarons et al., 2014). I feel that the leadership issue is vital to the smooth functioning of the public health practice. I feel that the leaders are responsible for communicating the changing perception of public health to the society. It is important to use the health care delivery system for the prevention of diseases and this task should be done by the health care worker (World Health Organization 2015). The public health managers should display adequate leadership skills so that they can improve the public health awareness and public health research (Brownson et al., 2017). I have witnessed the fact that the leadership is not adequate as it doesn’t fulfill the challenges of changed health care scenario. I have seen that the public health leaders do not take adequate research on the health care activities and hence there have been global issues in the public health domain.

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Issues with Public Health Management and Leadership

The leadership is important in the areas of public health since it is important to change the public perceptions of the population concerning the various health issues. I feel that an inadequate public health leadership would not help in reducing the disease burden of the community. I feel that the leadership loopholes would prevent in enhancing the health standards of the entire population and there would be lack of medical facilities in especially rural areas. I have noticed the fact that the public health managers are in the need of constant upheaval. The leaders are responsible for heath reforms in the near future but if there is improper leadership, then there would be issues with the reform of the public health scenario. My opinions are that the public health leadership is important in future as this would lead to higher systematic as well as technical situation of the public health. I feel that it is not only important to improve the range of managerial and technical acumen so that the leaders can display accurate organizational expertise.


I feel that the public health leadership is in a rudimentary stage with the need of in-depth requirement of the creation of leadership competency framework. The leadership is concerned with the shared vision, and the act of motivating others. I have understood the fact that it is important to enhance the public health leadership so that the public health goals are fulfilled.

The effective evaluation of the public health programs is responsible for improvement of the overall framework of public health in the countries (Drummond et al., 2015). The objective of the public health programs is to control the outbreak of diseases and reduce the instances of disability, injury and even death. I felt that the program evaluation is important for increasing the impact of the public health outcomes. However, I have observed that there are several challenges that are faced by the practitioners, which prevent the actual evaluation of the public health program.

The public health evaluation program is aimed at the demonstration of the accountability to a wide variety of stakeholders, who would include policymakers, local agencies, community leaders and others that would implement the concerned programs (Cummins et al., 2016). The lack of program evaluation would not help in the reduction of mortality and morbidity. It would also be unknown if the money spent for program evaluation is being done effectively (Royse, Thyer & Padgett, 2015). However, there is often lack of tools for checking of the health care programs. I have found that there are several challenges when it comes to measuring the outcomes of the healthcare programs. It is difficult to measure the project outcomes like the modifications in the community norms. There are also challenges concerning the measurement regarding the prevention of the health care program (Loeppke et al., 2015). The ultimate outcome of the programs may not be known and hence it may be an issue for evaluation of the health programs. The public health program has multifactorial nature, which implies that the public health issue has multiple contributing factors such as environmental determinants, economic drivers, genetic influences and others (Grembowski, 2015).  I have learnt the fact the public health programs has may stakeholders and they have different perspectives which make them to view the public health programs in a different manner.

The Importance of Public Perception of Healthcare Issues

The evaluation of the public health programs is important to know if the program has met its desired objectives or not. The public health programs need to be implemented well and hence it is important to evaluate them on a regular basis (Wilkinson et al., 2016). The program effectiveness is a serious concern and I feel that evaluation is one of the most important mediums to do so. I feel that there are several issues while the cost effectiveness of the public health programs are difficult to manage. There are instances when the financial records of the health programs are difficult to find and hence they are difficult to evaluate. The value of the public health programs would be measured in terms of cost efficiency and hence it is important to monitor them on a regular basis.

The lack of evaluation of the public health programs would prevent the program to reach its desired objectives. I have felt that in the absence of adequate evaluation tools, the public health care facility of the rural population would not going to improve. I strongly feel that the public health programs should be strongly customized to be implemented in the rural scenario. I have also felt that the public health programs would be useless in the long run, if there is no evaluation measures in the long run. There would be loss of the financial resources, if the concerned public health program is not evaluated well.


The public health programs should be evaluated on a regular basis so that the program meets its pre determined objectives. The evaluation criteria are important so that the health program stays on track and it has smooth execution. I have decided that I would devise suitable tools so that I am able to evaluate the health care programs. This would enhance the evaluation patterns of the health care program.


Aarons, G. A., Ehrhart, M. G., Farahnak, L. R., & Sklar, M. (2014). Aligning leadership across systems and organizations to develop a strategic climate for evidence-based practice implementation. Annual Review of Public Health, 35.

Betancourt, J. R., Green, A. R., Carrillo, J. E., & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, I. I. (2016). Defining cultural competence: a practical framework for addressing racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care. Public health reports.

Bowling, A. (2014). Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

The Need for Effective Evaluations of Public Health Programs

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Drummond, M. F., Sculpher, M. J., Claxton, K., Stoddart, G. L., & Torrance, G. W. (2015). Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Oxford university press.

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