Environmental Sustainability And System Thinking: Key Factors And Possible Solutions
Why economic system thinking is critical in developing solutions to sustainability challenges
Discuss about the Environmental Sustainability and System Thinking.
This report reflects the adamantine study on the key factors of environmental sustainability and system thinking which could be used to develop possible solutions for environmental problems and challenges. In the starting of this report, study has been prepared to showcase the why economic system thinking is critical in developing solutions to sustainability challenges for the betterment of organization. After that, study has been prepared to showcase key process and system to deploy possible level of problem mitigating solution for the betterment of society and environment at large. After that, uses of various methods and means have been discussed with the help of practical example which company could undertake to encounter economical sustainable challenges.
With the increasing ramification of economic changes, there are several sustainable practices and solutions which have been evaluated for the betterment of society and environment at large. System thinking is related to management of working environment by the government after undertaking systematic issuing policies and regulations for the betterment of society and environment at large. Sustainability could be defined as integration of social, environmental and economic system to improve the quality of life within earth regenerating, caring and assimilating capacity for the betterment of society and environment at large (Sachs, 2015). It is determined that government and political parties rules and regulations set up throughout the time has great impact on the society and environmental sustainability.
Economic system thinking should be more inclined towards deploying optimum level of resources for the betterment of society and economy at large (Pearce, Barbier and Markandya, 2013). Economic system should make efforts to reduce the cases like exploitation of resources, use of hazardous substance, banning life threating polluted factors in economic and society at large.
After considering various secondary data, it is determined that if economic of Australia have more cases related to coal seam gas extraction, then it will not only put the negative impact on the people of Australia but also result to destruction to the health of people at large (Higgins, 2014).
It is observed that national chemical assessment projects indulged in examination of the human health and environmental risks from chemical used in various big organizations which are indulged in gas productions and Coal- Seam gas extraction business However, for the betterment of society, Government of Australia with the collaboration of other authorities has banned the use of certain chemicals and other substance with a view to protect the ground water, surface water and health of people at large (Bravo, 2014). Nonetheless, banning harmful chemicals and determining the cap and installation of eco system are the key pillars for reducing the negative impact of coal gas extractions.
Key process and system to deploy possible level of problem mitigating solution
These practices in particular country not only put negative impact on the humans but also showcase low availability of natural resources for the future generation people (Wang, Wu, and Zhang, 2015) This could be inferred that if government of particular country fails to implement proper level of rules and laws then it will not only hamper the productivity of society and environment at large. For instance, various big organizations such as BP Billiton Plc, Rio Tinto and other big organizations which extract coal gas and other hazardous substance in environment and destruct the air and pollute the environment with their hazardous extracts It also has drastic negative impact on the exploitation of natural resources (Liu, et al. 2015). It is observed that coal gas extraction or franking will increase the overall cost of the society for the proper running of value chain activities. For instance, if government could implement proper level of coal gas extraction and eco system installation rules and increase the penalties and fines then it will perhaps reduce the overall % of negative impact of coal gas extraction on the society and environment at large.
Sustainability of resources and society could be defined as use of optimum resources and producing more productive goods and services. It is inferred that if people take less number of resources to produce certain output then it will surely result to better sustainability of society and environment at large. It is observed that if government provides a systematic rules and regulations for organizations and society at large for using natural resources in effective manner then it will meet people’s wants and needs in determined approach without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their requirements and needs. This could be described that coal seam gas extraction has several negative impacts on society, environment and people’s health at large. There are several rules and regulations which have been introduced by governments and political parties around the globe to reduce the coal gas extraction. For instance, coal gas cap limit, extraction of hazardous substance and its usage and other restricted compulsory program are the most prominent rules which have been introduced by some of the developed countries for the sustainable future of society and environment at large such as Australia, Malysia, UK and US (Wheeler, and Beatley, 2014).
It is evaluated that if Australia, UK and US would have less % of coal gas extraction cases and use of hazardous substance in society then it will not only increase the sustainability of economy but also create a positive working image for society and economy at large (CHENG, Fu, and Yu, 2009). It is further observed that if government of particular economy is not sustainability oriented then it will result to availability of fewer amounts of resources for the future generation people. Coal gas extraction or fracking in Australia has been gaining momentum throughout the time as production and trade of diesel and gas has 20% part of country’s GDP (Imran, Alam, and Beaumont, 2014). However, negative impact of the same could be controlled by Australian government and other regulatory authority by implementing strengthen policies and measures to impose penalties on people who enter into use of life threating and hazardous substance. However, If people around the globe are stuck in problems emerged from coal gas extractions then it will not only hamper the economic sustainability of society but also economic at large. It is observed that people indulged in problems emerged from coal gas extractions cases will tend to provide less efficient work then other persons who are free from these sorts of impacts. Therefore, it could be inferred that government and political parties of Australia should be more inclined towards setting policies and laws to reduce and curb coal gas extractions and its negative impact for the betterment of society and economic at large (Liang, 2008).
Uses of various methods and means to encounter economical sustainable challenges
Sustainability is the very critical factor which could only be achieved by effective government economic system and set policies (Xia, et al. 2014). It is related to establishment of proper nexus between consumption of natural resources and its availability for the future generation. If people in today’s world consume all the available natural resources then future generation will be deprived of these available resources. However, with the ramified economic growth and changing stakeholders wants and needs, organization and economic system of Australia is more inclined towards increasing capacity to supply goods and services, requires increased productions and consumption and requires more consumers (Griggs, et al. 2013). Nonetheless, if economic system of Australia wants to make economic development then policies and standard would be set to improve the standard of living of people of Australia (Leigh, and Blakely, 2016).
This Ice Berg system thinking model helps in understanding global issues and implementing proper level of system global level of thinking (Sun, Hylan and Cui, 2014).
The event level
It is the level at which impacts of coal gas extraction on the economic and world are taken into consideration. It is observed that economic of country should grow without corresponding increase in environmental pressure. In many of the cases, it is observed that if economic of country is increasing then it will surely raise pressure on the environment (Rose, 2017). For instance, Coal- Seam gas extraction is the major problem which is putting negative impact on the society and environment at large. The main negative impact on the society comes from the emission of hazardous substance from the Coal- Seam gas extraction in Australia. However, the national chemical assessment projects examines the human health and environmental risks from chemical used in various big organizations which are indulged in gas productions and Coal- Seam gas extraction business
Patter level
It reflects the activities and systematic working system of government which is implemented for the betterment of society and economic at large. After collecting details from the various secondary sources, it is evaluated that Australian government and is committed to regulating industrial chemicals, including those associated with coal seam gas extraction, for the protection of Australia public, environment and workers at large. However, government and political party need to establish proper level of nexus between environmental sustainability and economic sustainability.
Structured level
It reflects the structure and possible format which government and political party implement to reduce the negative impact of coal gas extraction. It is evaluated that Coal- Seam gas extraction arise from the deep below the ground using world best practice to save the environment and society from the hazardous substance of Coal- Seam gas extraction. Government of Australia with the collaboration of other authorities has banned the use of certain chemicals and other substance with a view to protect the ground water, surface water and environment at large (Bravo, 2014). Nonetheless, banning harmful chemicals will surely increase the sustainability of society and environment large. It is easy to consider that if organizations and people are indulged on consistent basis to use natural resources irresponsibly then it will not only reduce the availability of available natural resources but also deprive future generation people from use of resources at large (McDonald, 2014). In Australia, Coal- Seam gas extraction is plentiful and major Coal- Seam gas resources are found onshore in eastern Australia. If the use of Coal- Seam gas extraction is not controlled then it will put negative impact on the availability of water and result too injection of chemical addictive into this water. Risk of sustainability of natural resources could be seen on the basis of removal of large amount of ground water which affects the aquifer levels in some cases deplete them completely. However, with the negative impact of Coal- Seam gas extraction on the environment and economic of Australia, there are several positive economic benefits which arise from the use of Coal- Seam gas business such as increased level of availability of foreign exchange, increased gross domestic product and future growth of economy. It is considered that if government in collaboration with the other authorities does not strengthen the Coal- Seam gas extraction policies and measures then organizations indulged in this business create crucial level of losses of natural resources (Moyle, et al. 2014).
The relation between system thinking and management of working environment
Mental model level
It is observed that increased delivery of hazardous substance in economic environment due to Coal- Seam gas extraction will increase sustainability risk of natural resources such as water, air and availability of other required substance in environment of Australia. However, if emission of hazardous products increased in economic environment of Australia from Coal- Seam gas extraction then it will surely result to various illness and destruct the health of people living in Australian environment (Hatfield-Dodds, et al., 2015). Therefore, it could be considered that social and local environmental impacts are very crucial risk which should not be taken lightly. This is observed that government of Australia should set a particular level of bar for using natural resources. Nonetheless, it is observed that if excess level of Coal- Seam gas extraction is found in Australian economy then it will surely destruct the economic resources but also result to no availability of natural resources for future generation people and deprived from available resources. Coal- Seam gas extraction has to be managed in determined approach as per the instructions, rules and regulations set by government of Australia to reduce the negative impact of Coal- Seam gas extraction on the water and other natural substance (Hu, 2015).
This report has reflected the key understanding on the natural resources and other economic factors which should be taken care by government and other authorities for mitigating the negative impact of various cases such as use of life threating substance, coal gas emission and its impact on the environmental and social sustainability of Australia. It is observed that if government provides a systematic rules and regulations for organizations and society at large for using natural resources in effective manner then it will meet people’s wants and needs in determined approach without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their requirements and needs. Now in the end, it could be inferred that if all the organizations and people in Australia use natural resources as per the proper instructions and set government policies and system then it will increase the overall productivity of economy and reduce the sustainability risk of Australian environment. In simple word, it is considered that positive economic system accompanied by strengthen economic policies and rules on the use of natural resources and sustainability of economic environment of Australia would have parallel graph and will increase both on the same side of graph.
Definition of sustainability and its importance
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