Effective Human Resource And Management Strategies For Wilson Brothers

Significance of good HR policies and management strategies


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Discuss about the Organization Development and Criteria Decision.

After being recruited as a new director of Wilson Brothers in department of HRM for the region of Canadian department, I will not be entertaining any type of policies, which can have negative impact on the employees of the organisation. Even if the company is performing well and is gaining profit then also I will make sure that good human resource policy is been followed within the organisation. Human Resource and Management is considered as the significant asset for any organisation. If right polices of HRM is not been used and if the right of employees is not protected, then quality of performance can decrease and eventually it can affect the gain in profit.

If the company follows a good human resource and management policy then it can led to organisation’s long survival. Appropriate and right policies should be implemented for safeguarding the employees against discrimination. I will apply appropriate methods and implement required steps regarding HR policies to help the operation to be smooth for the Canadian organisation. I will also be ensuring that the policies introduced by me should abide by the union status.

In regards to the functional structure, it helps organisation to gain advantages. The top management does the process of decision-making. This helps the top management of Wilson Brothers for exercising control over the organisation. The organisational staff can also get a view over their career path. Every staff from the position of junior level to the high-level decision-making authority has a clear understanding over their career trajectory. In big and reputed organisation like Wilson Brothers, the functional structure helps the organisation by providing the necessity stability as well as efficiency, as every staff is using the same procedures (Shantz et al., 2013). It allows the organisation in taking the advantages regarding to scale of economies.

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Job Design is defined as the procedure of including various elements for forming a job. Job should be designed in such a way that the job designer should know about the requirement of organisation as well as individual employee. Job Designer should also consider elements like health and safety. Job Designing is also about designing the work set and arranging the whole position. Job designing is significant as proper designing of job can motivate the employee and can enhance the quality of the work (Freeney & Fellenz, 2013). The implementation of Total Reward System may be done within the organisation as this is considered to be the significant principle for employee attraction, retention and enhancing performance of employees.

Job Design

Input of employee: If the job is well designed then it has the capability of getting excellent job feedback. In this case, the employees have the space in selecting the different types of job responsibilities, which suits their personal as well as social requirements (Tims, Bakers & Derks, 2013).

Training of employees: A good design of job incorporates training of employees within the organisation. Employee training should be included so that the employees are provided with proper training in their respective job role. This helps the employees to perform well in their respective job category, which will help the organisation to gain their desired profit.

Schedule of Work and rest: A good job design provides employees with good work schedule. It helps the employees with proper understanding in the job schedule. Good rest schedule will also help the employees to motivate themselves for the work and perform well for their respective jobs.

Value: Employees should be given value for their respective job and should be treated well in the organisation. Job should be designed in such a way that proper polices of safeguarding the employees interests is given priority. There should be existence of range of compensation for each position with working responsibilities of each position should be defined. 

This is one of the simple steps in making the process of decision-making. Besides, being one of the simple steps it is being one of the significant steps. This step clearly defines the decision that would be taken. According to this step the following steps are been determined.

The aim of this step is not to sell my decisions to the other stakeholders of the organisation or achieving buy-in and justifying the action for taking specific decision. Managers are being well trained for taking the decisions and for that reason they need not provide any justification of the decision (Pettigrew, 2014). Therefore, I being hired as the head manager of Human resource and management will provide no justification by me for any decisions, which will be taken by me.

When an exact period is been implemented on the procedure of re-evaluation and reanalysis, it accounts for credibility of promise that the decision contains. Re-analysing procedure is a kind of tracking process, which tracks the capability of the decision, which had been implemented.

The decision taken might became complex if it is having impact on other individuals. This might spoil the atmosphere of organisation. Therefore, it is significant for developing the environment to be constructive (Aruldoss, Lakshmi & Venkatesan, 2013). This will help in exploring the circumstances and will give weight to my decisions and choice.

Employee Treatment and Compensation

If the choices are having wide scope, it will enhance the quality of the final decision. If the choices become diverse it makes the decision complex but it also helps in generating alternatives that will dig deeper and help in focusing at the problems from various angles.

Once the alternatives are been analysed the next step is to make the decision from the selected alternatives. If there is one particular alternative, which is better than the other alternatives then choice making will be easy. If there is existence of more competing choices then there will be many techniques, which will help in deciding them.

Employee should be treated fairly in every aspect. Besides, aspects of salary the policies of safeguarding the employees are also significant. The salary system should be transparent. There should also be an existence of equity where employees have the scope to feel that they are important to the organisation and they should be treated well by the organisation (Roman & Mason, 2015).

Culture plays a significant role in big organisations. In big organisation, there is existence of internal momentum and it is challenging to regulate the factor of culture.  Organisational size and the culture strength significantly contribute for the inertia of culture.

If the organisation is having strong culture, it has capability of getting and maintaining excellent talent level. Excellent talented candidates will favour in entering the organisation, which give opportunities for the candidates to exhibit their talents in form of their performance. The talented and the good candidates have the scope to choose their organisation. They will naturally choose the organisation where the culture of the organisation is effective as well as positive (Luthans, Luthans & Luthans, 2015). Employee relationships are good and the employees work unitedly for completing their goals towards the organisation.

Every organisation needs changes after certain period. Changes are inevitable within the organisation. The changes that are been implemented by me as the head of Human resource and management is the applications of right policies for safeguarding the interest of employees (Cummins & Worley, 2014). I will also implement the Equity rule within the organisation so that all the employees receive equal treatment from the employees.

A powerful team can help an organization in accomplishing great outcomes. A group that is not performing may cause superfluous impedance, fizzled execution as well as failure in strategies. In recent time, it is practically difficult to abstain from being an individual from group. In case you are not in an official team, chances are there to work inside some in one way. Therefore, it is basic for personal and profession advancement to comprehend your group working qualities and shortcomings.  


Manager solves the conflicts. They are liable to keep up relationship in the middle of business and workers. The managers settle these kinds of issues before anything as it can influence efficiency. The change brought by association in this field is that issues are been comprehended with need as it is been connected with hierarchical efficiency (Ahmed, 2015). The contentions exhibits inside the association are a result of the hierarchical decent variety and subsequently the event of contradiction visits inside the association. Work environment clashes yields in loss of important time and in this manner influence profitability of association. The consequence of contention can be work renunciation and debilitating of representative connection.

At the point when an association take a considerable measure of its chance dealing with conflicts, employees take interests in conflicts rather than concentrating in their work. This led to the decrease in productivity. Conflicts make representatives to give careful consideration on the current venture and more on discussing on conflicts or venting about dissatisfactions. Because of this, the organization can lose cash, givers and access to vital resources.

Leaders are responsible for mobilising the team for achieving the mission of organisation. Leaders help the team for concentrating on end goals. Leaders always show the team the appropriate path of getting success.

Primary leadership- The organisation Wilson Brothers Limited has a well established centralise leadership. The organisation can also adapt the operations in compare to its rivals. The company can dispatch products within few weeks. The company is also looking for a local official for recruiting a CEO who can work for the development of business in remote places. They also acquired Canadian individual in the post of VP finance for observing and working on budgetary reporting as well as to have an overview on all the operations of organisation in Canada. Therefore, the organisation selected both the status of non-union as well as service adaptability.

Inspiration: Every employee in the organisational hierarchy status is happy for working in this organisation. Employees also appreciate prosperity of organisation. The employees feel proud by wearing coats provided by the organisation as it contains organisational logo.

The management style is generally consultative. The organisation consults before implementing any decisions. The decisions are been taken by safeguarding the interests of employees. The flow of communication is downward and is unilateral. The management provides feedback to the employees for keeping them motivated.

Decision Making

Power, Influence and Motivation (The types of power used by the Wilson Brothers and how they impact and influence employee behaviour and motivation)

Expert power is been followed in this organisation. Expert power is significant as it is been derived from skills and is based on knowledge. It also helps in understanding the requirements of customers. The experienced staff and the experienced managers also have the expert power as they are working with the organisation for a longer time.

The organisation follows reinforcement-based approaches for motivating the employees. The organisation explains the employees the reason for rewarding an employee for making it transparent. This also motivates the other employees in performing well for getting the reward. The explanation for rewarding an employee is given based on the performance (Miner, 2015). This helps the other employees in setting the goal and the motivation for performing well.

I will acquaint the policy for replacing present pattern where employing of administrators and officials compensation at beginning depends on their capacity of negotiating than the range of specific salary. I will present a particular compensation range for the most part in view of capabilities and set of working responsibilities. Equity of employment is an imperative strategy within organisation that guarantees that workers are treated equally. I will guarantee one is set up.

Set of working responsibilities that is description of job is essential as it indicates what is expected from worker as far as obligations and work process is considered. Absence of this approach can be a debacle for the organization and in this manner, I will guarantee I present it. Performance appraisal is essential as well as it demonstrates whether the representative performs as per the expectation and as per the job responsibilities. It rates worker execution and in this way critical for the association as a method for spurring its staff.

While rewarding other employees, unequal treatment of employees are been done. Many of the deserving employees do not receive the rewards after performing excellently. This led to the demoralisation of those employees who are performing well. I will guarantee that policy of equity is set up to address this imbalance at working environment.

It is critical for an organization to establish a succession policy as it will maintain a strategic distance from perplexity later on. It is not right for Wilson Brothers to decide an opening by offering the specific position to a current representative in view of the capacity of worker to execute vital goals. I will likewise guarantee that a lawfully restricting business contract is made to help the disposing of dread of occupation misfortune among representatives in the occasion they drop out of support.

The completion of stocktaking should be ensured with the help of significant meetings.  Meetings should take place in every hierarchical level. The workers who are in the low level should also arrange meetings with them. This strategy is valuable as this will led to the success of organisation.  I will present this strategy and prioritise it.

Reference List

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