Nursing People With Chronic Conditions For Chronic Illness

Diagnosis of Chronic Illness

Discuss about the Nursing People with Chronic Conditions for Chronic Illness.

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Nursing people with chronic conditions requires special attention (Barrett, 2013). With the increasing rise in cases of chronic illnesses, then demand for nurse services increase. Chronic diseases require great attention such as medication and psychological care. Nurses should equip themselves with the relevant skill in order to take care of patients. The nurses should consider cost effectiveness when giving services to chronic disease patient. Moreover, they should ensure that they give quality services to the patients (Bensley, 2011).

The case study is about a patient suffering from a chronic illness. The nurse should give special attention to the patient according to the specific illness. The nurse should care for the patient’s mental health and reduce the effects of illness through proper medication.

Daniel could be suffering from both obesity and heart failure. Heart failure would have most likely resulted from Daniel being obese (Coplan, 2011). Daniel’s heart failure could result from genetic transmission from his father who died of cardiac complications. Daniel suffered from acute myocardial infarction, which goes hand in hand with heart failure. Daniel has an unhealthy habit of smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and drinking alcohol. Alcohol and cigarette are widely known as causative agents of heart conditions. Therefore, the conclusion of heart failure derived from the habit of drinking alcohol and smoking cigarette. Heart failure results to artery blockage, which reduces, air supply and thus could be the cause of Daniel’s recurring emphysema (Coplan, 2011).

Moreover, Daniel shows signs of obesity evident from him being overweight and abdominal fats. Additionally to that, fat deposits in the arteries result from Daniel accumulating fat in the body. The reason for obesity would be due to excessive eating caused by stress. Daniels stress results from his family economic condition. Further symptoms of obesity is arthritis, which Daniel suffers from. Daniel has pain on the lower back and has an arthritic knee. All this symptoms lead to the conclusion that Daniel is obese (Fertman, 2014).

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Individually, Daniel is at risk of suffering from high blood pressure. Weight increase raises the rate of heart beat lowering blood transfusion in the body (Hall, 2011). Moreover Daniel could suffer from respiratory problems such periodical loss of breathe. This results from the increased chest weight, which presses the lungs. Heart failure also causes this since the arteries fail to circulate blood resulting to shortage of oxygen. Daniel risks social problems such as blame for the weight and termed as lazy. The society feels that obese people are lazy and do not participate in physical activities.additionaly Daniel could participate less in physical activities due to breathe shortages and fatigue. Heart failure patients should stay away from strenuous physical activities (Hodges, 2011).

Impact of Obesity and Heart Failure on Daniel and Family

Daniel and the family risk financial strains. This results from Daniel being unable to generate income from the family. Moreover, most of the family income goes to medication, which reduces the family’s disposable income. Psychological problems such as stress on both Daniel and the family caused the financial constraints and worry on Daniel’s health. Daniels family could suffer from poverty due to lack of a breadwinner and the added medical expenses.


Daniel risks complications resulting from the illnesses and requires taking measures to supress these effects. The right medication is necessary and living the right way as instructed by the doctor. Nursing services are required to ensure close supervision on Daniel’s health to avoid complications. The family should support Daniel to ensure that he gets the right medical attention.

Daniel’s condition requires special attention to prevent complications. The model chosen should manage obesity and heart failure at the same time. The model chosen should focus on quality and cost effectiveness. A dedicated and qualified nurse should lead the model to ensure its efficiency. Daniel should cooperate with the model to ensure success in managing obesity and possibility of heart failure. The model selected focusses on the reduction of impacts of disease on both Daniel and family. The period for the model should suit the medical requirements to treat the chronic illnesses (Insel, 2017).

The suitable model is the nurse led model of chronic disease management (Nelson, 2015). This model refers to care for chronic patient led by a qualified nurse. Health care for chronic patients done by nurses’ results to more benefits (Roth, 2013). The reason for success is that nurses do better routine maintenance when compared to general practitioners. Nurses also focus on using guidelines better than other practitioners use. The nurse led model over time has proven to be of high quality and to patient’s satisfaction. This model consists of a general practitioner being the lead caregiver. The nurse then does follow up care and treatment following the general practitioners instructions. The nurse contacts with Daniel according to scheduled plan of visits.

The processes required should focus on impacts of reducing obesity and heart failure. The first process is Daniel’s acceptance to undertake the process. Without Daniel’s acceptance, the process cannot succeed. The nurse should convince Daniel on the importance of the model and the dangers exposed to if the model fails. Daniel should understand that the process is for the betterment of his health. Moreover, a nurse requires instructions from a practitioner who gives care to Daniel illnesses. The practitioner advices on the proper medication and care to give Daniel. The nurse should identify the right hospital for Daniel to visit in case the complications persisted. The lead nurse comes up with the right model of physical activities for Daniel to reduce weight. The nurse should also ensure that Daniel eats healthy meals avoiding high calorie intakes. The aim of reducing Daniel’s weight is to treat obesity. The nurse should also give the right medication to protect Daniel from heart failure. Daniel should stay away from stressful conditions to reduce chances of heart failure. The nurse should give psychological counselling to Daniel to help cope with the effect of chronic illness (Videto, 2011).

Model Care of Daniel


Daniel should fully undertake the model of chronic illness care to reduce effects of illness. The model should involve fun activities for Daniel to enjoy and participate fully. The nurse should show love and support to Daniel to create a friendly environment for Daniel’s treatment. Daniel should receive proper care and attention.



Letter to Daniel



29 Bukit Timah Road.

5th October 2017 

Dear Mr. Daniel, 

Thank you for accepting to cooperate with the care plan designed for your illness. A nurse will give you proper attention to take ensure reduction of disease impacts.

The doctor diagnosed you with obesity and heart failure. These are chronic diseases, which require proper medical attention to treat. The signs of obesity could be evident from,

  1. Being overweight with visible fat deposits on the abdominal. These are possible signs of obesity and therefore the plan will help you reduce weight.
  2. There are also signs of obesity evident from the painful lower back and knee, which is arthritis. Arthritis causes pain in the joints and the lower back and could lead to immobilisation of joints if not checked. Excess weight increases pressure on joints leading to arthritis.
  3. The artery blockage suffered from fat deposits are additional signs of excess body fat. Excess body fats accumulate around veins and arteries causing problems in blood transfusion.
  4. The recurring emphysema also shows increase in body weight caused by obesity. Emphysema results from short supply of oxygen in the body. 

Heart failure results form: 

  1. Possible genetically transmission from your father who died at age 57 due to cardiac complications. Heart conditions have the possibility of genetic transmission. Therefore, there is a high chance of cardiac complications resulting from your father.
  2. The obesity condition could also result to heart failure if not properly checked. Excess fats in the body accumulates around artery walls causing difficulties in blood supply.
  3. In addition to that, the habit of smoking 40 cigarettes per day and two bottle of alcohol could result to heart failure. Cigarettes result to reduction of oxygen supply in the body resulting to heart failure. This results by lack of enough oxygen in the blood.

The following actions will help in your treatment:

  1. Physical exercise and diet management to reduce calories. This is through physical exercise such as jogging and regular walks. The aim is to reduce weight within the shortest time possible.
  2. Proper medication to treat arthritis and the painful lower back. The right dose is necessary and given at the right time and according to the current health situation.
  3. Counselling to stop use of cigarettes and alcohol. Daniel require assistance to stop harmful habits due to stress. Daniel need to focus on other stress relieving activities to prevent smoking and taking alcohol.
  4. Possible gastric surgery if necessary. Administration of surgery in the case of failure to reduce weight through exercising and dieting.

You are required to fully adhere to the treatment plan and avail yourself as scheduled for treatment. 

Yours sincerely

Mark Author (nurse)


Mr Silva Morales

Chronic Care Nurse

345 two-way road avenue

5th October 2017

Dear Mr. Morales 

Receive lots of gratitude for accepting to give care for Mr Daniel who is suffering from obesity and heart failure. 

Doctor diagnosed Daniel with heart failure and obesity. Moreover, he is overweight, smokes 40 cigarettes a day and takes two bottles of alcohol daily. Daniel played football at young, which the doctor claims is the cause of lower back and knee pains. Daniel has one wife who is unemployed and a son who takes care of the family. Daniel is a grab car driver but is currently unable to work due to illness. He suffers from stress due to lack of proper income and has stated that he is not ready to comply with medication. He has a constantly recurring bronchitis, which he takes medication. He has showed signs of failure to cooperate with hospital staff.

It is clear that you offer home based care nursing services to patients at their place of convenience. I would therefore ask that you give Daniel medical attention for obesity and heart failure. I would like that you give him weight loss plans and psychological counselling.

A gastric procedure would also be an option.

Kindly get back to us in case of any questions.

Yours sincerely

Mark Author


Barrett, S. (2013). Consumer Health. McGraw Hill.

Bensley, R. J. (2011). Community Health Eduaction Methods: A Practical Guide. Jones and Bartlett.

Chalmers, V. K. (2015). Leadership Excellence. New Possibilities Press.

Coplan, S. (2011). Project for Health Care Information Technology. McGraw Hill.

Fertman. (2014). Health Promotion Programmes. Blackwells Publishers.

Hall, M. A. (2011). Health Care Law and Ethics in an Nutshell (3rd ed.). West Publishing Company.

Hodges, B. (2011). Assessment and Planning in Health Programmes . Jones and Bartlett.

Insel, P. (2017). Connect Core Concepts in Health (15th ed.). McGraw Hill.

Nelson, B. D. (2015). Essential Clinic Global Health. Wiley-Blackwell.

Roth, P. M. (2013). Core Concepts in Health Brief. McGraw Hill.

Teena, L. W. (2012). Problem Based Learning in Health and Social Care. Wiley Blackwell.

Videto, B. H. (2011). Assessment and Planning in Health Programmes. Jones and Bartlett.

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