System Analysis And Design For Headspace Project
Non-Functional requirements for Headspace Project
Discuss about the System analysis and Design for Headspace Project.
Following are the non-functional requirements for the headspace project.
Usability of the system: The developed system will provide ease of use for its different users such as physicians, patients and administrators at the health care facilities. Example of such usability incudes, the ease of navigation to the different web pages of the online patient record system in four clicks or less than that.
Reliability of the system: This is about the degree and level of the system uptime that is required for the better performance and execution of the different operations dependent on the developed information system for the patients (Weaver et al., 2016). It is desired that, the developed online patient record system will have periodical redundant backups that will allow near about 99.5 percent uptime of the information system.
Performance: This requirement is about how well the developed online patient health record system works for the different end users requirement in measurable parameters and degrees (Kho et al., 2015). This degrees includes response time of the system against some user service request, capacity and different other parameters.
Scalability of the system: The system’s ability to respond and increase the number of end users requests or interactions with the other applications used with the developed system is known as the scalability of the system. For this proposed system it is desired that the system can be scaled to 50% of the present capacity (the number of users).
Security: As the system will be responsible for storing the patient’s sensitive personal and physical health data thus it is desired to provide data integrity, confidentiality availability of the data round the clock while maintaining the compliance with the different legal clause and regulations (Woods et al., 2013). It is expected that, the system will store the activity log all users’ access (doctors, users) at least for 6 months so that if anything goes wrong the accountability of the accident can be confirmed.
The developed online health record system must provide intense level of information validation as well as error correction in real time (Weaver et al., 2016). The system must confirm that patient data is accessed by other users only after the patient has allowed access to the user.
The developed system must affirm and support (such as images, doc files, text files or different other types medical documents and files) all the patient information entered in the system. End users (patients, therapeutic specialist and employees at the health care facilities) must be instructed and informed about any error regarding the different operations over the period of using the developed online patient health record system (Kho et al., 2015). Only the administrators or higher level system users are allowed to delete records in the database, and the structure should have the capacity to include new functionalities according the requirement of the users in future.
Critical system qualities, Interfaces, Interface Requirements, and System Constraints
Critical system qualities: For the On line health record system following are the critical system qualities,
- The system can be integrated with different other existing applications that are used by the different health care facilities in the country (Weaver et al., 2016).
- System must be scalable as per the growing need of the physicians, patients and health care facility. .
- The generation of the reports is the most vital for the developed online health record system. The quality of the system will be as good as the quality of the repots it produces (Woods et al., 2013). The ability to create data that aides in the basic decision making process by the specialists/administrators or organizations is a key property for this sort of online system.
User interface requirement: For an information system the user interface of the system is the medium through which the users interact with the system, thus it is important that the user interface is intuitive in nature as well as easy to use.
- The system should have different user access level for various level users of the system (Kho et al., 2015). Proper authorization messages should be displayed for the users when any user tries to get to the different sections of the system without having proper authority to do so.
- The end users of the system will be able to create, delete and modify the patient informations simply after effective login to the system which will guarantee the best possible ease of use and dependability of the system.
- Patients must have the capacity to control who can access and modify their medical history using the developed and implemented system (Woods et al., 2013). This will guarantee the security of the patient’s medicinal and individual information.
- The online patient record system will give simple sign in process to access the system for the different end users such as patients or specialist at the health care facilities).
System constraint: Following are the constraints that may be faced in the development of the online health record system are
- Non availability of the co-operation from the different administrators and health care facilities. This needs to be managed tactfully.
- The cost of development of the information system needs to be minimized and the cost to ownership must be gained in between two years.
- The key performance metrics for realization of the benefits from the system would not be agreed upon by all the stakeholders as all of them have different interests from the system (Weaver et al., 2016).
- As the system will be a web based one, thus the health care facilities must have internet connection in order to access, create, modify and delete records from the system.
The cloud based solution has been seen as a suitable alternative to the traditional online health record systems as it provides a cost effective way to deploy and maintain the system and its administrations. Such as management of data, storage of the collected data, and resources required for computing and processing of this data (Kho et al., 2015). In addition to that it also provides the features like reliability, portability, elasticity and scalability conveyed by cloud service providers. With all this advantages Security and protection of the stored data have raised challenges for the selection of cloud-based online health record systems.
Utilization of the cloud services in order to manage the patients’ health information makes it more productive to deal with the developing measure of patients’ information and data created through the electronic and individual health records frameworks by utilizing the cloud based health Record System. Different complexities in the administration of the patients information can be seen from the point of view of required storage store collected data and the number of the servers expected to process these tremendous amount of information of the patients (Woods et al., 2013). The utilization of the cloud based online Health solution record will encourage the employees of the health care facility, physicians and patients to utilize handheld smartphones to get to the health care services from anywhere at any time.
In spite of the potential advantages of online health record systems, actualization of the cloud based patient record system can face multiple obstacles and limitations. Most of which the area; initial cost for the deployment, specialized restrictions, institutionalization limits, and authoritative limitations.
- This approach helps in the adjustment of the course of action with the progress of the development of the system.
- This approach also provides support for repeated development of the system that aides in easier risk management related to the different task of the project (Kho et al., 2015).
- Helps in accommodations of any change in the project at any period of the project.
- Incorporates the end users of the system at each phase of the project with the goal that their prerequisites can be satisfied. This in turn helps in enhancing the user experience.
- Only appropriate for expansive size of development projects where the unpredictability and the project size is considerably higher.
- Requires expert work force in the group with the goal that the vulnerabilities and risks identified with the development project.
- As each phase of the project incorporates risk administration in this way expands the cost related to the completion of the task.
- This approach helps in completing the project in the predetermined time frame.
- Documentation of each stage is completed in every stage. This activity helps in improved understanding of requirements of the proposed system as well as improved system development.
- This approach is one of the rigid approaches. As this approach is not able to accommodate any change after the project plan is developed and it is initiated (Woods et al., 2013).
- Communication among the project team and clients only occurs at the end or beginning of the project.
As the development of online patient health record system is an evolving project that faces changes in different stages thus it is suggested to use ‘Adaptive’ development approach. The approach proposes to separate the system development project into smaller parts over an expanded period of time to allow extraordinary adaptability in planning of the project. This approach additionally helps in the satisfying every requirement from the numerous stakeholders of the project. Along these lines as the advancement of My Health Record is an intricate venture including different sorts of partners in this way the Adaptive approach will be reasonable for this undertaking.
The adaptive approach is a considered as organized process for tirelessly enhancing project development decisions, organization methodologies. This approach includes the major standards of project administration. For instance, iterative methodology and inventive business conditions can help in better tracking and execution of the different smaller activities of the project. In this manner, adaptive approach used in this specific project incorporates the dynamic use of quantitative approaches to evaluate project tasks execution. The iterations of the project tasks can help in the improvements and addition of functionalities to the previously developed system.
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