Digital Marketing Mix Of Noor Carton And Packaging Industry
Overview of Company
Discuss about the Digital Marketing Mix of Noor Carton and Packaging Industry.
Overview of Company
Noor Carton and packaging is considered as the most popular industry in Saudi Arabia. Headquarter of the company is situated in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The company is a commercial organization which is trying to enhance the market in the Saudi Arabia. The company also try to enhance the profits which give success to the business. The company is trying to expand its operations globally. It company is specialized in the production of paper and paper board packaging. The company is established in year 1994 with a vision to be a sustainable packaging company which provide continuous and high quality services to many industries in the Middle East Region. The company has variety of important clients like KFC, McDonald which are satisfied with the quality products and services of the company. It helps the organization to achieve their goals and objectives in effective way. The company has many skilled workers who help the company to attain the goals in effective way. The workers are specialized in paper board packaging technology. The main competitors of the company are Saudi Pack, Al- Ghadeer Group and packaging factories. The company has a connection which consist both B2B and B2C industries. The company is not only working to expand its market operations but also giving main focus on enhancing the digital marketing in this field (Orey, 2014).
Internal communication:
Digitalisation has expanded with high advanced cell reception rate and expanded utilization of web-based social networking. The Middle East organizations are prepared to lead carefully improved lives. There are still many opportunities which are not vanished by the organization and government. The external environment plays a great role in changing the opportunities. The people are so much involved in latest technology and now a day the usage of mobile phones is increased. The people of every age group are using smart phones. This gives a great platform to the business to conduct their marketing in effective way and also by this they reach maximum number of customers. It provides an opportunity to the company to enhance the operations on a high level (Ford, 2014). To make the best use of this opportunity the company should offer mobile friendly which contents are displayed on their websites. It is very important to take into consideration the experience of the customers so that the customer relations can be enhanced in effective manner and by this the company can attract reliable clients. This will not only enhances the goodwill in the market but also increases the profitability. Digital platform gives the benefits to the company (Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly and Kynighou, 2016). The company can consider and implement these technologies in effective way. The technology gives the advantage to make relation with clients in more effective way. By social network and by innovative online articles the target audience can be targeted easily which will enhance the success of the business For internal communication the company should include methods such as staff training which motivate the employees of the organization who are working in effective way so that the organization can easily achieve its goals and objectives (Ghose, Heiman and Lowengart, 2017).There are various more techniques which can be used by the company to achieve success. One of the techniques is to publish the content or the matter on the popular websites so that customer gets knowledge about the company. By using Arabic Content the company can enhance its operations and also it can induce business to business customers. The content can be published in the newspaper or in the famous magazines (Zimmermann, Gomez, Probst and Raisch, 2014). It will help the company to explore their information to many customers and also the customer gets induced towards the organization. It will not only help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives in effective way but also enhanced the profitability of the organization. The internal communication will enhance the profitability and also gives main focus to maximize the level of satisfaction of customers. By giving proper training to the staff and enhance the level of communication of the employees who are working in the organization. The staff training can also improve the communication of the employees and by this the employees can enhance their level of motivation which can give enhancement in attracting prospective customers towards the organization (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).
Internal communication
Internal resource
Customers are like king in today’s market. Resources are very essential part of every organization. Without resource no organization can work in effective way to attain the objectives of the organization. There are financial as well as human resources which are very important for every organization. Human resource conducts day to day operations of the business which give enhancement to the business. If the organization is effective enough then it will give enhancement in the day to day operations of the business. A financial resource gives encouragement to conduct the operations in the business and also helps in the expansion of the business. Nowadays customers have many options in every sector. They take their final decision by comparing one thing with another (Rad, Akbari, Ghorabi and Motevaselian, 2014). There are many ways through which customer grabs the knowledge of the company like blogs, sites. The customer takes into consideration the price and also the features of the product for making final decision. Customer purchases those products which not enhances their level of satisfaction but provide various benefits. It is very essential for the marketers to create an efficient digital marketing strategy which enhances the experience of the customers. The customers are aware about the latest trend and technology which are prevailing in the market and also the decisions are taken into consideration on the basis of that only. There many options or choices available to the customers and if the company wants to retain the customers then the benefits are very important to be provided to them (Dwivedi, Wilkie, Johnson and Weerawardena, 2016). The correct digital marketing strategies can be taken into consideration if the company focuses mainly on customers for this it is essential that the company should have sufficient financial resources. Customer behaviour also plays a great role and gives enhancement in the strategies which are adopted by the customers. If company take into consideration the behaviour of the customers than it can give boost to various digital marketing strategies of the company. To implement the strategies and also to appoint the customer it is very essential to know about the customer behaviour. Noor Carton and packaging company should give focus on the needs and wants of consumers taking into consideration business to business segment and business to consumer segments. This will give boost to various digital marketing strategies. There are various types of consumers and all of them have different type of characteristics, so it is very essential to take into consideration the characteristics to implement efficient marketing strategies. The financial resource with the company should be sufficient enough so that the company can easily take into consideration different techniques to enhance the objectives of the organization (Mishra, Boynton and Mishra, 2014).
Internal resource
The company takes into consideration digital marketing across marketing mix.
There are 4Ps which are taken into consideration by the Noor carton and packaging. Digital marketing mix is taking into consideration the traditional marketing mix which has given a direct impact on the usage of the internet.
The company has taken into consideration many products which gives enhancement to the company. Research and development is considered by the company to achieve the goals and objectives in effective way. The company take into consideration the changing choice of the consumer which need investment on continuous basis to meet the challenges which are involved in packaging evolution. Packaging is considered as a silent seller. The company gives main focus design and quality of the material which is used for packaging the item. The company consist of well equipment which gives enhancement to the business (Khan, 2014).There is separate graphic department which combine human skills and technology and present its valuable graphic art in front of its customers. The company also provide a variety of packaging like detergent packaging, dry food packaging, tissue boxes and also the packaging of meat products. The main focus of the company is to maximize the level of customer satisfaction by offering total quality management. The effective products can only be created by using latest technology and also by conducting online surveys. The online surveys provide assistance to the company to know the mindset of the customers (Aaboen,Dubois and Lind,2013).
A price also plays an important role in deciding the success of the business. Everything thing even the prices can be seen easily on the internet. The prices which are offered by the competitors are also analyzed by the consumer before making any decision regarding the product or services. The company does not take into consideration the prices of the product on online basis. The company has taken into consideration the value based pricing strategy which give prices taking into consideration the value that should be given to the customer. The customer discuss with many competitors and were prices are low the customers get attracted towards that company. So the competition in this sector is very high. The prices are set by taking into other competitors in the same field. Pricing strategy is also an important strategy which helps the organization to achieve the goals and objectives in effective manner (Soleimani and Govindan, 2014).
Noor Carton and Packaging Company
The orders which are taken by the company are through online. The business to business orders are taken through emails. The company does not take into consideration the retails order online. The company provides information which is required by the customer. Company products are available in the Middle East. The company has a great reputation in the Middle East for supplying the packaging which is concerned with paper board and the operations are conducted under one roof. Company conduct its main operations under one staff and many skilled labours are also appointed by the company so that the goals and objectives of the company can be achieved in effective manner (Rundh and Rundh, 2016).
The company promote its products by taking into consideration digital marketing activities. There are many promotion sources which are used by the company other than the print media and radio. The company is giving main focus to the digital marketing. It takes into consideration the social media, content writing and also give or response to the customers by using websites. The digital marketing mix should be taken into consideration by every company (Rad, Akbari, Ghorabi and Motevaselian, 2014). It enhances not only the level of satisfaction of customers but also gives growth to the business. The customers who have a link with the company expect that the company should also have the commerce website which can make every action easy and also with this the company can attain more orders in effective way. To fulfil the expectations of the customer the company should take into consideration digital marketing which will give growth to the business and will also help to achieve the goals and objectives of the company in effective manner (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung, 2016).
The main competitor is G.S packaging. The marketing mix is given below:
The company does not have a wide variety of products. The noor carton and packaging industry has a wide variety of products in this sector. The company take into consideration many other services like it maintain the spare parts in stock for fast repairing and also provide technical assistance to the customers. The good quality and also cost effective products are offered in the market which gives enhancement in the business. The company take into consideration many other things such as container lashing, strapping system and Dunnage bags.
The firm uses high level of technology and the prices of product are decided according to that only. The company takes into the price of other competitors and also the trends which are prevailing in the market. The prices are different by taking into consideration different nation. It gives company to achieve its goals and objectives in effective way. The prices are set according to the market and country. The profits are also enhanced of the company and the price of the company also decides the growth of the company. The prices should be reasonable enough so that the customer can easily purchase the products without giving a second thought.
Noor Carton and Packaging industry Marketing mix
The company sells its product in many parts of the world and also the services in effective way. The firm do not take order online that are concerned and focused on the huge orders which are taken by using mobile phones. The company send the quotation by using email when the demand for the product arises. The company is located in the centre of the city and it helps the organization to attain the growth (Cornelissen and Cornelissen, 2017).
The company take into consideration many promotional techniques which help the organization to attain its goals and objectives efficiently. The company promote the products and services by taking into consideration print media. The company only conduct social media marketing for promotion of products. The company do not take into consideration the digital marketing. The firm is not concerned to sell the products online so the company do not have an effective digital marketing system which should be taken into consideration (Rushton, Croucher and Baker, 2014).
External communication is very essential for the company. It is the transmission of the information between the business and also with the employees who are working in the organization. The external communication helps the organization to achieve its goals and objectives in effective way. The external communication can be conducted by organizing the campaign so that the consumer can easily analyze the function which is related with the organization. The company gives focus on the informative appeal which provides information to the customer about the product of the company so that the customer can effectively analyze and make final decision regarding the buying of the product. If the customers have the knowledge about the product then only the company will be able to achieve its goals and objectives in effective way. The firm give main focus on the marketing activities through social media. The social media gives enhancement to attract more and more customers towards the organization. It is the easy way to give popularity to the product and the best way to do promotion of the products. Live streaming is also an effective way to attract the attention of the customers towards the product. It not only enhances the goodwill of the company but also helps to attain the goals and objectives of the company. The company can showcase their discounts and offers in effective way. The customers are mostly attracted towards the discounts and offers which company introduce in the market. The customer purchases the product where there is low price available in effective way. It not only encourages the customers to purchase a product but also enhance the profitability of the organization. Digital marketing should be taken into consideration in effective way so that it can be easy for the organization to conduct its operations in effective way. The business should take into consideration the innovative ways which has given encouragement to the customers also to purchase the products easily. Now days the customers are using and purchasing products mostly from online source. It not only induces the customer to purchase the product but also it’s a convenient source for them. By sitting at home they can order easily what they want or desire. There are many opportunities which are available for the company to enhance the market of the organization (Oghazi, 2014). The company can upload the offers and discounts on many websites such as snap chat, face book which help the organization to upload the pictures for a limited time period. The company can easily promote the products of the company by taking into consideration these websites.
Branding helps the organization to improve the image of the organization. The trust is enhanced of the employees who are working in the organization. The organization branding enhances the customer involvement if the company has achieved its goals and objectives in effective way. The branding gives many advantages to the organization and also help to achieve the goals and objectives in effective way. Branding helps the organization to create goodwill in the market and also helps to enhance the recognition of the enterprise in the market. If the company is involved in branding then it can be easy for the company to achieve goals and objectives in effective way so that growth of the company can take place in effective manner. Branding enhances the identity which is relatable and also it creates the awareness of the customers who are not active enough to search about the product (Gzara,Nematollahi and Dasci, 2014).
Three different communication methods:
There are many different methods of communication. The proper communication is very essential for the company. It helps the company to achieve its goals and objectives in effective way. The different communication method which should be adopted by the company is:
Advertising: This method will help the organization to promote the products in effective manner. The customers are induced by seeing various advertisements. So, company should take into consideration advertising which can enhance the communication with the customers. By this the direct impact will be on sales. Different advertisement should be given on websites so that when the customer accesses the website the advertisement induces the customer to buy the product or to avail the services. The company should also focus on the social networking which gives promotion to the products on large scale (Grunig, 2013).
The company can also consider sales promotion as one of the communication methods. The sales promotion includes discounts and offers which are given to the customers. It involves many communication activities that give incentives to consumers and also to the organizational customers to enhance the sale of the product. It includes coupons, samples and contests. Sales promotion is taken into consideration to attract more and more customers towards the organization. This is a very effective method if taken into consideration it will give enhancement and helps to achieve goals and objectives of the organization. A sales promotion induces customers to buy the product and it results in enhancing the profitability of the company (McQuail and Windahl, 2015).
Direct marketing will also enhance the profitability of the company. If the company markets its product directly to the customers then it is an effective method of communication. It will help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives in effective way. It helps the company to conduct a communication directly with the customers of the organization by various media such as by email, cell phones, and database marketing. The communication between the customer and the company can be enhanced in this way which can give effective results to the organization. Direct marketing always give positive impact to the company. It helps in enhancing the organization and also in attaining goals and objectives of the organization.
Effectiveness of online and offline media
Online media plays a great role in achieving the growth of the business. The online media is more effective than offline media. It helps to enhance the level of the satisfaction of the customer. By online media the customer can easily access and take knowledge about the product by sitting at home. The company should give main focus on enhancing the website and also to provide more and more information on the website so that it can be comfortable for the customer to give orders without wasting much time. The customer engagement is increased by online media because now a days the consumers are more focused and maximum number of consumer prefer to but online. By online media the company can easily inform the customer about the new and existing products and also about the offers which are prevailing in the market. The company can easily attract customers towards the product by marketing its product online.
Offline media has effectiveness in increasing the customer involvement. It helps the customer to see the product effectively which will give enhancement in the growth of the company. The business can also maintain customer relation in effective way. It helps the customers to solve the query immediately and also to improve the profitability of the organization. Offline media also gives growth to the business and enhances the level of satisfaction of the customers. Many people think that the product should be analyzed properly before purchasing. So it is very effective both for the company and also for the customers. By offering product offline increases not only the goodwill of the company but also increases the relations with the customers. By purchasing product offline create a direct relation with the customer which helps to analyze the mindset of the people in effective way.
Integrated communication planning include
1) Review of marketing plan: The marketing plan is established in effective way which gives enhancement in working operations of the business. The marketing plan which is decided is reviewed before implementing.
2) Analysis of promotional programs: The analysis is made which review the promotional programs and activities which should be taken into consideration and also it enhances the organizational objectives in effective way. By taking into consideration promotional programs the organization can achieve the goals and objectives in effective manner.
3) Analysis of communication process: The proper evaluation is made take into consideration the process of communication that gives enhancement to interact with the consumers in the market.
4) Budget determination: To enhance the communication planning it is essential that budget should be taken into consideration.
5) Develop the communications program: The communication process should be develop various programs that are advertising, direct marketing and also personal selling.
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