Security Concerns And Benefits Of Adopting Cloud Computing For Webb’s Store
Security deployment to protect the migration of database to IaaS instance
Discuss About The Distributed Systems Transactions Parallel?
Webb’s Store is the retail store located in Australia. Webb wants to grow and furnish their business activities and thus for better marketing growth, they have planned to migrate to the cloud. They are in a dilemma whether the cloud computing will help them the benefits or not (Beck, Hao & Campan, 2017). They are also concerned about how they should adopt the cloud in a secure way.
The report will showcase the security concerns that are associated with the move of Webb from the SQL server to IaaS cloud architecture. The benefits, as well as the issues correlated with the database and cloud architecture, will be discussed in the report. The backing up of data, retrieval and storage of data in the cloud will be elaborated in the report. The recommendations will be grandstand as well and this recommendation will help Webb whether they should adopt the cloud technology or not, what advantages they can get as a result of this cloud technology.
Webb if adopt cloud technology they will have to face the issues like data breaches and the data breaches generally occur by means of hijacking one’s accounts, illegal access to APIs, and malware and worms attack (Shufeng & Xu, 2012). These are the breaches are carried out by the hackers. For this reason, to protect the database from illegal access, following steps must be followed.
Proper follow-through of the network: The database admins must be aware of the data where Webb’s data will be stocked, the database admin must label those data so that those can be acquired from the database whenever needed (Azam et al., 2013).
Network information security: A set of rules and regulations must be set for each employee and the customers also their access to the database must be set to a certain extent (Dinh et al., 2013).
Security Intelligence techniques and procedures: The Event Management techniques and the Security Intelligence should be incorporated to detect any faults residing within the defence system (Sadooghi et al., 2017). Along with that suitable cryptographic technologies must be used to add more security to the system.
Benefits of security measures To become secured from the DDoS attack- The cloud security solutions is responsible to secure both the database and the system from DDoS attack and thus via security measures, the authenticity and the authorization can be assured.
Benefits and issues related to deployment of these security measures
Security assurance of the information- Cloud security solutions are capable of securing Webb’s data from all kinds of threats and risks.
iii. Regulatory compliance- The cloud security solutions assist Webb to monitor the advanced cloud infrastructure, in this way the financial data residing within the database can be secured (Varia & Mathew, 2014).
- Suitable solutions- The server can get crashed and this can mishaps can be averted by cloud solutions’ escalation. Later Webb can scale back to cut down the huge cost while the huge cloud traffic gets over.
- Enabling 24×7 services- Webb can communicate with the customers all the time throughout day and night 24×7 with the help of cloud solutions (Dillon & Vossen, 2015).
- Cost- Webb do not have to bear extra cost for hardware and software products, they only have to pay for the cloud platform which they will hire from Amazon.
vii. Integrity- The data integrity shows that data must be stored honestly and securely and since Amazon is brand name offering services to customers for a longer period of time, they can assure the data integrity solutions for sure.
The major issue they will have to face that they will have to pay the heavy amount of money to the cloud vendors for ensuring the security of their office system and database (Muthui & SISAT, 2013).
Data breaches- Webb’s data can be compromised if their data gets hacked by the hackers and the intruders, Webb can get into trouble and their reputation can suffer. Webb, for this reason, can heavy loss.
Accounting hijacking of customers and employees- Webb’s database contains the important sensitive information of the company’s employees and the customers (Tsai et al., 2014). If those data get hijacked by phishing or any other means the company, as well as company’s database, can be at risks.
Malware attack- The attack carried out by malware, virus and the worm can make the entire Webb database susceptible to attack.
The risks correlated with IaaS Cloud are-
Misconfigure- Webb’s existing hardware and software can misconfigure with the cloud vendor’s framework and so they need the updated hardware and software solutions.
Vulnerable issues- The Elastic Workload protector procedure by three procedures Remediate, Scan and Prioritize methods can detect the IaaS framework components which are susceptible to risks.
Shadow-IT- This Shadow-IT involves the non-usage of dormant assets for a longer period of time, the usage of Amazon AWS services which is the beta mode, usage of the server which remains idle for a long time (Manvi, & Shyam, 2014). In this scenario, Webb will use the cloud server provided by the cloud vendor so they will not use the database anymore which they are using right now. Thus this unused database can be a matter of concern.
Webb must use the IaaS cloud architecture provided by Amazon AWS. Amazon is known to provide the best cloud solutions among all the vendors. Therefore, they can be benefitted using the Amazon web services. They will provide the required hardware and software solutions for Webb, Webb just needs to make minimum changes in their prevalent system framework and database to comply with the proposed cloud framework model of Amazon (Gai, & Steenkamp, 2014). Amazon is known to cater the best cloud advanced technology solutions along with that the security benefits and Webb are sure to enjoy the features.
Risks associated with migrating database to the cloud
The threats and the security risks associated with backup of data are-
- Webb will need a strong bandwidth to both upload and download data that is how they can keep backup of their data. Webb has to keep in mind they have to spend money heavily for the fast bandwidth.
- The data can be compromised while it is being transmitted.
iii. Also due to the breakdown of the server, there will be a chance of data loss.
- The data if transmitted via insecure unencrypted network there is a chance of data breaches.
- During deployment of data in the cloud, Webb must be careful enough of the file they are storing if they are not stored properly the intruders can gain access to the important data that belongs to that file will be exposed (Manvi, & Shyam, 2014).
- The high bandwidth is required to download files and to work upon.
- The data downloaded from the cloud database may contain the virus contained in the file must be checked.
- Webb’s database can be scaled to gain maximum throughput and along with that, the profitable services can be gained.
- As Amazon will take the maximum responsibility to maintain and update the database, so Webb will not have to think to spend on hardware and software (Manvi, & Shyam, 2014).
iii. The cloud security solutions will be catered by Amazon, so, once again Webb can stay safe and secure and will not have to think about the data being getting compromised.
Webb adopting the Amazon AWS cloud services definitely can stay ahead of their times. They can get a competitive edge. Moreover, they do not have to bear heavy expenses for the hardware and the software (Sharma et al., 2017). They just need few hardware and software changes to integrate their existing framework model to their Amazon cloud framework model. Since Amazon is a global brand they just need to trust Amazon.
Amazon RDS for SQL server caters the facility so that Webb can utilise the capabilities of their SQL database to the utmost. The physical security must be assured to safeguard al hardware, software elements from illegal access (Dillon & Vossen, 2015). The digital certificate also comes handy while question arises for the database security.
Amazon is known for catering smart solutions for clouds and also the advanced security. The latest configuration system is required by Webb to enhance their business operations (Varia & Mathew, 2014). The latest configuration systems include latest software and hardware components and integration is absolutely necessary to execute the apps and performs the associated tasks.
Webb’s data will be transacted through a secure channel over the internet thus all kind of data breaches and intruders’ attacks can be mitigated with the help of Amazon AWS’s advanced cloud solutions (Sharma et al., 2017).
It can be concluded from the above discourse that Webb can get immense benefits simply by switching to the cloud. The Amazon AWS has a lot to offer to Webb and the consultant Webb hire must acknowledge Web about the potential benefits of the Amazon AWS cloud architecture. Webb can get a competitive edge over others while conducting their business activities in both Australia and New Zealand. The advanced security solutions associated with Webb’s switching of their SQL database to IaaS cloud has been portrayed in details in the report. The risks, threats as well as the advantages involved within the framework and the database has been explained in the report. The threats correlated with the backing up of data, storage and retrieval of data has been elaborated in the report. Also, the recommendations have been made on the procedures that Webb must follow to utilise the Amazon AWS cloud fruitfully in their premises.
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