Prioritising Project Scope Definition Elements
Discuss about the Prioritising Project Scope Definition Elements.
The project goal manly deals with achieving a specific or anticipated outcome of project. Polyproducts mainly deals with the production of rubber components. The major goal of the project is to draft a proposal for Capital Corporation. The Capital Corporation is seeking a bid for manufacturing of 10000 rubber components according to the specification of the customers. Polyproducts is embarking on undertaking the project for which they need to draft a proposal.
The project mainly aims at undertaking the contract of Capital Corporation in development of 10000 rubber components according to a set specification. The vendor to be selected for the project should be a certified vendor. The quality control is an essential part of the project. If Polyproducts is successful in bagging the project, it will have the flexibility of selecting the materials for testing. The work breakdown structure of the project needs the approval of Capital Corporation for project implementation. The work breakdown structure of the project is elaborated in the following section.
The work breakdown structure for the development of 10000 rubber components from its planning to the implementation phase are elaborated below. It involves the phases of support, preproduction, production and project completion.
Task Name |
0 |
Rubber Component Production |
1 |
Project Starts |
2 |
Support |
2.1 |
Project Office |
2.1.1 |
Setting up the Project Office |
2.1.2 |
Performing the technical Feasibility |
2.1.3 |
Resource Estimation |
2.1.4 |
Selection of proper project methodology |
2.1.5 |
Gathering project data |
2.1.6 |
Production of information for management review |
2.1.7 |
Managing the portfolio management Process |
2.2 |
Functional Support |
2.2.1 |
Prioritizing and scheduling of the project work |
2.2.2 |
Documenting the plan |
2.2.3 |
Coordinating the department heads |
3 |
Preproduction |
3.1 |
Research and Development |
3.1.1 |
Performing the feasibility study | |
Technical feasibility | |
Economic feasibility | |
Operational Feasibility |
3.1.2 |
Understanding the market value |
3.1.3 |
Understanding the resource requirements |
3.1.4 |
Planning the project schedule |
3.2 |
Qualification |
3.2.1 |
Project Budget approval |
3.2.2 |
Planning the work course |
3.2.3 |
Materials identification |
3.2.4 |
selection of project team members/employees and labors |
4 |
Production |
4.1 |
Set Up |
4.1.1 |
4.1.2 |
Billing of materials needed |
4.1.3 |
Reserving Raw materials |
4.2 |
The Manufacturing/Production |
4.2.1 |
Compounding |
4.2.2 |
Mixing |
4.2.3 |
Shaping |
4.2.4 |
Vulcanizing |
4.3 |
Project handover |
4.3.1 |
Payment completion |
4.3.2 |
Final report submission |
4.3.3 |
Resource release |
4.3.4 |
Client sign off |
4.4 |
Project ends |
Table 1: The Work breakdown structure of the project
(Source: Created by author using MS Project)
The project is estimated to take 18 months, the detailed project schedule for manufacturing the rubber components are elaborated below. The different phases of the project are synchronized with each other and the schedule gives the detail about the project from in initiation phase to the completion phase.
Task Name |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Rubber Component Production |
503 days |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Tue 05-11-19 |
Project Starts |
0 days |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Support |
52 days |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Mon 12-02-18 |
Project Office |
38 days |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Tue 23-01-18 |
Setting up the Project Office |
0 days |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Performing the technical Feasibility |
12 days |
Fri 01-12-17 |
Mon 18-12-17 |
Resource Estimation |
10 days |
Tue 19-12-17 |
Mon 01-01-18 |
Selection of proper project methodology |
4 days |
Tue 02-01-18 |
Fri 05-01-18 |
Gathering project data |
2 days |
Mon 08-01-18 |
Tue 09-01-18 |
Production of information for management review |
5 days |
Wed 10-01-18 |
Tue 16-01-18 |
Managing the portfolio management Process |
5 days |
Wed 17-01-18 |
Tue 23-01-18 |
Functional Support |
14 days |
Wed 24-01-18 |
Mon 12-02-18 |
Prioritizing and scheduling of the project work |
3 days |
Wed 24-01-18 |
Fri 26-01-18 |
Documenting the plan |
1 day |
Mon 29-01-18 |
Mon 29-01-18 |
Coordinating the department heads |
10 days |
Tue 30-01-18 |
Mon 12-02-18 |
Preproduction |
111 days |
Tue 13-02-18 |
Tue 17-07-18 |
Research and Development |
51 days |
Tue 13-02-18 |
Tue 24-04-18 |
Performing the feasibility study |
30 days |
Tue 13-02-18 |
Mon 26-03-18 |
Technical feasibility |
10 days |
Tue 13-02-18 |
Mon 26-02-18 |
Economic feasibility |
10 days |
Tue 27-02-18 |
Mon 12-03-18 |
Operational Feasibility |
10 days |
Tue 13-03-18 |
Mon 26-03-18 |
Understanding the market value |
5 days |
Tue 27-03-18 |
Mon 02-04-18 |
Understanding the resource requirements |
8 days |
Tue 03-04-18 |
Thu 12-04-18 |
Planning the project schedule |
8 days |
Fri 13-04-18 |
Tue 24-04-18 |
Qualification |
60 days |
Wed 25-04-18 |
Tue 17-07-18 |
Project Budget approval |
10 days |
Wed 25-04-18 |
Tue 08-05-18 |
Planning the work course |
10 days |
Wed 09-05-18 |
Tue 22-05-18 |
Materials identification |
20 days |
Wed 23-05-18 |
Tue 19-06-18 |
selection of project team members/employees and labors |
20 days |
Wed 20-06-18 |
Tue 17-07-18 |
Production |
340 days |
Wed 18-07-18 |
Tue 05-11-19 |
Set Up |
30 days |
Wed 18-07-18 |
Tue 28-08-18 |
Management of warehouse |
10 days |
Wed 18-07-18 |
Tue 31-07-18 |
Billing of materials needed |
5 days |
Wed 01-08-18 |
Tue 07-08-18 |
Reserving Raw materials |
15 days |
Wed 08-08-18 |
Tue 28-08-18 |
The Manufacturing/Production |
280 days |
Wed 29-08-18 |
Tue 24-09-19 |
Compounding |
80 days |
Wed 29-08-18 |
Tue 18-12-18 |
Mixing |
65 days |
Wed 19-12-18 |
Tue 19-03-19 |
Shaping |
70 days |
Wed 20-03-19 |
Tue 25-06-19 |
Vulcanizing |
65 days |
Wed 26-06-19 |
Tue 24-09-19 |
Project handover |
30 days |
Wed 25-09-19 |
Tue 05-11-19 |
Payment completion |
12 days |
Wed 25-09-19 |
Thu 10-10-19 |
Final report submission |
8 days |
Fri 11-10-19 |
Tue 22-10-19 |
Resource release |
8 days |
Wed 23-10-19 |
Fri 01-11-19 |
Client sign off |
2 days |
Mon 04-11-19 |
Tue 05-11-19 |
Project ends |
0 days |
Tue 05-11-19 |
Tue 05-11-19 |
Table 2: The Schedule of the project
(Source: Created by author using MS Project)
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