Metal Casting And Heat Treating Industry
Product(s) produced by Dydo manufacturing company
Discuss about the Metal Casting and Heat Treating Industry.
For over to 56 years now, Dydo Manufacturing Ltd has been meeting the expectations of its clients by helping them with finding solutions to their problems as far as manufacturing is concerned. With its aim of “ Provision of quality workmanship as well as speedy turn around and delivery on commodities, the company has managed to handle the job from go to woe hence successfully able to manage the project. Through its Arum Product division, the company has manufactures, repairs as well as supplies besides maintaining consumable for furnaces, ovens and kilns.
Dydo manufacturing company was founded on 21 March 2005, in Lower Hutt New Zealand. It has specialized in manufacturing, bending and roiling of metals, welding, die casting, furnaces, heat treatment, and kilns. Its services have expanded over time and it is involved in the landscaping of many streets in New Zealand as it is involved in the production of street sitting spaces, street lights, railings which are used to control pedestrians in the different towns in New Zealand (Kaye, 2015).
Since its formation, the company has only been managed by one manager who ensures that Dydo manufacturing company is kept in the track of the latest global and New Zealand manufacturing landscape. The manufacturing sector of New Zealand had expanded evenly in the recent past and it’s through that DyDo manufacturing industry was formed to deal with the fabrication of the metals in the lower Hutt which was to enable more developments of other sectors such as the construction industry which depends in manufacturing companies such as DyDo to do the fabrications of window casings, doors, staircases among many other building components (Mukherjee, 2014).
Dydo manufacturing company is fast growing and with time there are plans to increase its operations to other parts of New Zealand, it has been considered as one of the best manufacturing company Hutt New Zealand which deals with different metal products. DyDo manufacturing company has been dealing with maintenance and repair of kilns and furnaces in many parts of New Zealand (Alez, 2014).
The number of employees who are working with the Dydo manufacturing industry has been increasing in the recent past this has been attributed to the increased acceptance of the products which are produced by Dydo manufacturing company among the people of Hutt and New Zealand in general.
Dydo manufacturing company has specialized in the rolling and bending a variety of aluminium, steel, and stainless steel sections. DyDo manufacturing company also provides assembly, manufacturing, and fabrication, die casting of zinc and aluminium and welding. There arum products division DyDo manufacturing they offer repair services, manufacture, supply and maintain consumables of the kilns, ovens, and furnaces (Jain J. P., 2014).
Flexibility concept
They also heat treatment to all types of metals. There are other products which are provided by the DyDo manufacturing company such as the metal works of all kinds, specialist l fittings for lights, street lights, street furniture, and different types of handrails, window frames, spiral staircases, ceramic kilns, and heat treatments and die casting (Azhar, 2012).
Dydo manufacturing company is also involved in bending, rolling and curving. DyDo company do the bending all around the corners which enables them to put curves in things such as in the designs which seems impossible to be achieved because of their complicated shapes and sizes .the company also manufactures, gates, fences such as sliding or hinged, balustrades and handrails according to the client’s requirements (Beeley, 2016).
The products and services which are produced by DyDo Company can be summarised as aluminium and lead die casting, furnaces which are either made of brass, steel or aluminium, manufacture of pottery kilns, security seals, curving of metals, rolling of metal works, and bending.
Photos showing some of the products which are produced in the Dydo manufacturing industry. Most of the products which are produced in this company are consumed within Hutt while others are consumed in the larger parts of New Zealand. The products from Dydo industry has greatly been accepted by many people within Hutt and other parts of new Zealand because most of them are high quality products which meets the internally set standards concerning the metal fabrications. Also most of the services which are offered by the Dydo manufacturing industry such as maintenance and repair to the kilns and furnaces have been considered to be of high quality due to the professionals who highly experienced in terms of services provision (Bhardwaj, 2013).
A new manufacturing strategy was formulated which was enabling the DyDo manufacturing company to be able to adapt to the working environment in which they were carrying out their operations to be much more flexible and to be in a position of satisfying all the client’s requirements (Blair, 2015).
The equipment above which have been adopted by the dydo manufacturing company are very flexible in that they can move from one point to another without necessary using the lifting equipment and machineries to the points where they era required. The flexibility of the equipment and machineries in the Dydo manufacturing company enables them to carry out fast production of services and products without being hindered by the immobility of the equipment (Blair, 2015).
Material handling
The flexible system which was observed in Dydo manufacturing was according to how the employees who were working in this company were much employee was able to perform a number of tasks this was to enable easy shifting of the workers within the company (Company, 2015).
Flexibility concept: The Dydo was able to adopt the system of flexibility which was to enable them to provide their products at low cost but high-quality products. In the flexible manufacturing, the dydo company was able to produce different products using the same equipment and tools without retooling. Also, there were measures which were to ensure that the company was able to convert its products and process to produce a new product from the old one.
Dydo manufacturing company had adopted a system which enables them to produce efficiently high-quality products which are unique from the other products which are produced by similar companies. This system also enabled them to exploit various ways which enabled them to deliver quickly products and services quickly to the customers (Company, 2015).
This flexible system enables the dydo manufacturing company to be able to rapidly increase the production or decrease the production of the products without doing a lot of changes to the staff or their resources. This was greatly achieved by adopting machines which were flexible in a way which was to enable a single machine to carry out different operations at the same time. Adopting such machines was able to reduce the number of machines and equipment which were in dydo manufacturing company.
The flexibility of material handling: The different products which were produced by dydo manufacturing industry were to enable to be distracted into different parts so as to make the transportation and handling of the products much easier. This was also to enable the different operations to handle the same product (David Fofi, 2010).
Dydo manufacturing company is much deducted to provide quality products and services which meet all the international standards which are set. They are able to maintain high-quality levels through the different techniques of quality control such as the quality audit of all the process which take place in the production of the products and services. Also, there was a strict inspection to all materials which were coming to the company so as to ensure that they were meeting the required standards, in that way all the materials which do not meet the required standard were not allowed into dydo manufacturing industry as they were to lower the quality of the products being produced (Davis, 2017).
Quality control
Dydo manufacturing company do usual checks of the first sample being produced and what the clients want before doing the mass production of the same this allows room for improving the product or the service being produced in that way they were able to reduce the wastes which may occur if mass production is done which does not meet the clients most cases the client was invented to the company once the sample was produced so that that they can confirm that it is to the level of his/her expectations (Palade, 2017).
There was a constant oversight the company in terms of production and quality. This enabled the staff and management to work toward achieving the production of high quality products, in cases where there is no constant overview of the company operations there is a high likelihood of the employees performing poorly due to lack of assessments which can enable them to know where the main cause of production of poor products and services (Jain J. P., 2014).
During production checks: The checks which are carried out during the production process in dydo manufacturing g company enables them to identify the problem in the products and to ensure that the necessary actions are put in place to reverse what may lead to the production of low-quality services and products. Most of the things which results in the production of low quality products can be changed in the processes (Kimber, 2014).in Dydo manufacturing there were regular checks as the process of production was on this was to ensure that any mistake which may lead to poor products is corrected at that time through that they managed to produce high quality products which certifies the client’s needs (Jain J. P., 2014).
Dydo manufacturing industry ensures regular and constant inspection and analysis of the production methods which were used, in that case the methods the methods which might result in production of low-quality products were done away with and new methods were put in place which was to ensure production of high-quality products in that way the level of service provision was also improved. There are always new production methods which are witnessed day in dayout, Dydo manufacturing company does always regular checks to their manufacturing methods to ensure that the new production methods are implemented which leads to production of quality products (sarts, 2015)..
The above photo shows an employee in the dydo manufacturing company trying to compare the produce sample with what the client wanted so as to ensure that the standard were met before the mass production is done (philips, 2013).
Dydo manufacturing company welcomes all recommendations which can enable them to improve the production of their products and on how to improve the delivery of the service to the clients in time as it is known quality does not refer to the quality products alone but also refers on how the services are offered to the clients. Most of the clients who were not certified with the services or products which were produced by the company are welcomed to give out suggestions on how to improve the quality of the products and services in that way Dydo manufacturing company has been able to maintain the production of high quality products over a time now (Kimber, 2014).
Computerization of the quality control: Dydo manufacturing company a computerized system which enable them to be able to produces standardised products because of the recent past of the manufacturing industries have adopted computers to their system of production so as to ensure that the products whichare produced are of the required qualities. The standards are easily achieved through the computerization process because the set out standards are fed into the computers and to the system which results in production of quality uniform products which meets the international standards (richards, 2013).
Computers also are very flexible in that they can do many tasks at ago trough that the Dydo manufacturing company was able to carry out the production and provision of the services at a much faster way.
Dydo manufacturing industry has ensured that the control of their quality by ensuring that their process, machinery, equipment, and systems meet the standards that are required. Their comprehensive system of quality control is mainly achieved by certification of their staff which makes them comply with all the requirements of the dydo manufacturing company so as to meet the standards which are set (Janes, 2014).
Dydo manufacturing company has highly qualified staffs which ensure that they have the required skills and resources as required by the company so as to produce quality products. Regular inspection, testing, certification, and verification ensures that the client’s requirements are achieved and the quality of products and services provided to them is of the required quality (jones, 2014).
The qualified and experienced technicians and the availability of resources also contribute to the provision of high-quality products. Regular repairs to the machinery which are used in the manufacturing of the products also contribute to the controlled provision of quality services.Most of the employees who were working in the Dydo manufacturing company are motivated because of the tools and equipment which they were using most of the machinery were well serviced which made the workers to work efficiently without any challenge (Kutz, 2011).
Dydo manufacturing company has ensured that the quality of their machinery does not deteriorate to the point of putting the lives of those people who are working with them at risk. The self-employed and other relevant companies have been contracted to maintain the machines and equipment in a state which ensures that they work efficiently and that they are usually in a good state of repair (Zhang, 2011).
The type and nature of maintained which is to be done on given machinery are determined through the assessment which is carried out so as to determine the risks which the equipment imposes to the employees (Zhang, 2011).
Manufacturer recommendations on how regular repairs and servicing should be done are highly observed to all levels. The equipment which is used in Dydo manufacturing company all were obtained from licensed supplies and manuals were issued out on how they should be operated and the regular servicing which should be put in the company, I witnessed that all the directions on how to maintain the machinery had been observed to ensure the quality of the equipment is met.
The intensity at which the equipment is closely monitored: The Maintenance of a given equipment or machinery is controlled when the intensity of how the equipment is under control. The equipment which is under regular intense usage is prone to wear and tear. There was a team of experts which was responsible to ensure that the maintenance of the equipment was up to the standards and they set out guidelines on how regular the given machinery and equipment should be done (Rao, 2011).
The maintenance of the equipment was well controlled by ensuring that the people who were using that equipment have the required level of experience to reduce the damages which happens on them due to the carelessness of the users. The regular maintenance which was done on the equipment was carried out regularly was done by the people who have adequate knowledge concerning the equipment and machinery.
All the equipment was normally shut down when they were not in use and any of the remaining energy which was stored in them is released. For the equipment which poses high levels of risks measures were put in place so that the equipment disconnects it selves from power the moment they are not in use (SINGH, 2011).
Dydo manufacturing company has set up services the team of technicians who are responsible for maintenance knows the kind of service which each equipment requires, the interval between the services and the alternative method of servicing the equipment through that they have managed to have a consistent close attention to the serving which is the drone to the equipment (Singh, 2012).
All the warning alerts for each equipment are put in place so as to ensure that before any form of repair or maintenance is done the requirements are met. This ensures close monitoring to the repairs and services which are carried out.
Purchasing information of the equipment is well recorded so as to ensure that during the time of repair all the tools which were given together during the purchasing of the equipment are input in place and are used as per the instructions which were given during the time of purchasing (Tari, 2015).
The warranty information of the equipment is well recorded in dydo manufacturing industry which enables the technical team which is responsible for the servicing to know the type of warranty and what it covers .in that order the servicing of the equipment is controlled by the nature of the warranty because some of the repairs of the equipment in the company was covered by the warranty.
I visited Dydo manufacturing company on 24 October 2017 to learn more about their operations, products and services. I met Tony Van Dyk who guided me throughout the visit and gave me the contacts through which on can contact Dydo manufacturing company. Fax: 04-5673836, phone: 04-5672688, postal address P.O Box 3034 Lower Hutt and email [email protected]
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