Applications Of Qualitative Research In Education

Research Problem and Literature Collected

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Research management is the process, procedure and principles used to identify a problem and find a problem that will assist in finding a solution to the problem identified.




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Problem 1

Internet censorship is one of the major control parts in the internet world. Different stakeholders use internet censorship to help them secure their information and data when they use the internet. The internet provides necessary information as well as educating users. Despite internet bearing many benefits to its users, it also has different challenges associated to it that renders it reliable. This study aims at determining the different issues related to internet censorship in the world (Romano, 2009)

Internet censorship as part of the control mechanism in the cyber world is affected by different challenges.

Sub-problem 1

Censorship leads to users’ rights being violated. Many networks have been banned thus decreasing the number of internet users. This decreases educational resources for students.

Sub-problem 2

Censorship leads to problem of internet security and privacy of information and data.  Cyber bullying is an issue related to internet censorship. This can harass the user either physically or mentally (Sina, 2014).

Sub-problem 3

Censorship has led to information and data resistance in the process of transfer. In the process of transaction, data breaching may occur (State, 2013). This causes theft of property and copy right violation

Literature tries to review what other people did or said before.

Literature 1   

MacKinnon (2010, p. 125), gives tactics used to control internet. This strategies include cyber-attacks, network and device control, control of domain name and localized restriction and disconnection. This has reduced ability by users to complain about political issues and social problems.

Literature 2

Feng & Guo (2013, p. 234), in their study examining control strategies of internet censorship in China; they identified an online blocking system used (Toepfl, 2011). The Chinese government used this included URL blocking, hijack domain names, block main passwords and BGP hijacking. The government of China use internet censorship in a hierarchical system and internet carried out by operators in different region

Literature 3

Hearns-Branaman, (2009, p. 134), some websites give false information to divert the views and thoughts of common people. The increased number of users has increased internet censorship.  Many internet transaction leads to data breaching. The hacking causes huge financial loses theft and violation of networks and copyright. Therefore, various countries of various companies have employed data mining for security purposes

Problem 2

The number of internet users is growing rapidly in the day-to-day operations. The life of each individual has improved due to use of internet to provide a large amount of information and knowledge in different fields and social interaction. Despite all these benefits, different issues arise questioning the reliability and credibility of the use of internet. Therefore, the research aims at examining internet security and effects of social media in internet censorship.

Sub-problem 4

Social media has enhanced communication and connection among millions of persons together. Different challenges arise

Sub-problem 5

Social media has led to many illegal websites that brings social harm. This gives rise to pornographic images and videos. Some other websites provide procedures of bomb making and drug making. This causes major harm to the society. There is the problem of cyber-attacks

Literature 4

In the literature of Deibert & Rohozinski,( 2010), the educational resources for students has reduced the websites used by students provide reduced information for information and data. Government and other parties are therefore responsible for internet censorship.

Literature 5

Many studies examine the risks of interaction between cyber-censorship and online activism. In the study by Leibold, (2011, p. 126) showed a struggle between cyber-censorship and online activism as the evil versus good.

The study by MacKinnon , (2010, p. 126) analyzed the public discourse on online activism and censorship in China. He noted that single, open and free internet brings democracy and freedom. China’s network authoritarianism is the main control feature.

Research involves different types depending on methodology of research used, knowledge, user group and the type of problem investigated. This gives rise to the different types of methodology identified as qualitative, quantitative, basic, applied and problem-oriented and Problem solving. Qualitative and quantitative forms our major concern (Brennen, 2013, p. 26).

Quantitative methodology puts emphasis on numbers or numeric figures. This method aim to measure the amount or quantity compares past records and project the future. It also refers to systematic investigation of the phenomena and quantitative properties as well as their relationships. Its goal is to employ and develop mathematical theories, hypothesis and models of the gives an important connection between mathematical expression and empirical observation to quantitative relationships. Here, statistical methods are used and in the field of commerce and economics (Merriam, 1998, p. 67).

This method provides a non-quantitative analysis. This method collects, analyses, and interprets data through observation of what people say and do. It also involves meanings, characteristics, definitions, symbols, description and metaphors of things. It is subjective and use various ways of collecting data and information e.g. focus groups and in-depth interviews. This type of methodology is open-ended and exploratory.

In this study I, will use qualitative method because it will help me collect, analyze and interpret data through observation of what people say and do. In addition, it is open and exploratory to provide me an opportunity to use various methods to collect data and information e.g. Focus groups and in-depth interviews to get and understand more information.

  • Both quantitative and qualitative methods are that the use observations in order to collect data of what participant do.
  • Both qualitative and quantitative methods compares past records and predicts for future happenings.

Literature tries to review what other people did or said before






Literature 1    MacKinnon , (2010, p. 125), gives tactics used to control internet. This strategies include cyber-attacks, network and device control, control of domain name and localized restriction and disconnection. This has reduced ability by users to complain about political issues and social problems.

Literature 2

According to Feng & Guo, (2013, p. 234), in their study examining control strategies of internet censorship in China, they identified an online blocking system used. The Chinese government used this included URL blocking, hijack domain names, block main passwords and BGP hijacking (BBC, 2010). The government of China use internet censorship in a hierarchical system and internet carried out by operators in different region.

Literature 3

From Hearns-Branaman, (2009, p. 134), some websites give false information to divert the views and thoughts of common people. The increased number of users has increased internet censorship.  Many internet transaction leads to data breaching. The hacking causes huge financial loses theft and violation of networks and copyright. Therefore, various countries of various companies have employed data mining for security purposes.


Internet in China has appositive impact on politics and individual growth. Despite media growth and commercialization, internet remains under government contro

Problem 2

Continuous use of internet leads to lack of internet security and privacy of information and data. In addition, cyber bullying is another challenge.


Data breaching  and illegal websites.

Method 1

The methodology used was qualitative to enable researcher collect, analyze and interpret data and information collected (Alexa, 2014).

Method 2

Empirical study was used to determine the control strategy used by China.


The exploratory and quantitative  study was used to determine the number of financial transactions and financial loses that accrue from use of internet.

Sub problem

Social media has led to many illegal websites that brings social harm. This gives rise to pornographic images and videos. Some other websites provide procedures of bomb making and drug making. This causes major harm to the society. There is the problem of cyber-attacks

Relevance 1

The study has helped me determine the tactics that a country may employ in order to reduce the number of internet users who violate the rights and copyrights of other

Relevance 2

Since the internet use has many challenges, the review on the study of control mechanism will assist me in determining the strategies used to control insecurities in the internet and ways to improve privacy.

Relevance 3

Having the idea of false information and data breaching over the internet, this will enable the users of the internet to be careful on the type of information to share as well as knowing the importance of data mining in securing data.

Literature 4

In the study Deibert & Rohozinski, (2010), content rating system, the educational resources for students has reduced the websites used by students provide reduced information for information and data. Government and other parties are therefore responsible for internet censorship.

 Problem 4

Education and internet

Method 4

Quantitative study to examine the  percentage of information that has reduced from the internet as well as the number of students affected

Relevance 4

Reviewing the literature will help me to suggest more educational resources for students. In addition, it will assist the students to concentrate in their studies.

Based on the existing research methodologies I will propose Survey as a method of data collection. This is because developing it is easy by use of survey software.  Survey can be in form of online, mobile, paper survey or any of the combination. It allows a wide coverage.

  • It is easily administered.
  • Compared to various methods, survey is developed within short period.
  • Cost effective depending on the mode of survey
  • Survey can be used in the remote areas through mobile, online, email and telephone.
  • Survey is used to collect information for a large group.
  • Advanced statistical tool, survey software are used to analyze data in order to determine reliability and validity of variables
  • Respondents may give inaccurate and false information.
  • Participants may feel uncomfortable to give information in an unfavorable manner.
  • A closed-ended survey is less valid compared to other questions.
  • Presence of data errors due to lack of reference (Brennen, 2013, p. 70).
  • Planning of the survey

This is the initial stage of survey and begins with plans on who to participate, which mode to use, where to go and how results will be analyzed.

  • Delivery of Survey Form

The surveyor delivers the survey form to the participants for the response about the research topic.

  • Data Collection and promotion of survey

The researcher collects data and information to be used for analysis.

  • Data Analysis & Results Report

Data is analyzed and a full report generated for further implementation.

  • Interpretation and Action.

The results and findings are interpreted so that future actions are planned.

  • Implementation & Monitoring

The actions are implemented a monitoring takes place to identify the successes and challenges for feedback.

  • Feedback & Promotion of Feedback.

The feedback is sent back on challenges and achievements for further recommendations and solutions

References List

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