Dissertation Proposal For Effective Recruitment: Impact On Business Growth

Background relevance of the topic and the organization

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Recruitment and selection practices are very important aspects to enhancing business growth. Manaseer group is an investment visionalised group important in improving economic environment and industrial development in Jordan (Absar, 2012). The group invests in energy, fertilizers among many other fields. Effective recruitment selection process enhances its proper management activities important in ensuring their set goals and objectives are enhance to lead in achievement of their vision. Business growth in an organization is influenced by the effectiveness of both internal and external factors like effective recruitment process.

The title is relevant in sustainability of MBA because it helps examine the various ways in which effective recruitment section process enhances the rate of business growth in a given organization. Studying this topic is relevant to both the students and the stakeholders at large (Branine & Avramenko 2015). This is because, the field of recruitment in an organizational setting requires an individual to be relevantly skilled to enhancing a smooth selection process. By studying the topic contents, the student is able to carry out responsible and skillful recruitment selection assignment in a given business setting or even give proper advice to other interested stakeholder’s (Ash, et al, 2013).

To examine the impact of effective recruitment and selection practice on business growth

General objectives

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  1. To identify the various existing recruitment selection processes in a business setting
  2. To identify the various business recruitment selection objectives in an on organization
  3. To identify the skills required for an individual to be a recruitment selection personnel in an organization
  4. Literature review

According to Chungyalpa (2016), recruitment and selection process in an organization are critical aspects.  The business environments have become more competitive as the business units are globalizing more and more each day. To enable the unit handle this level of competition aspects, having the right personnel’s with the right skills and for the right tasks is very crucial and should be enhanced. Ramasamy (2011), in his publication, to enhance effective recruitment and selection of employees in an organization, the department concerned should come up with a job analysis document. This gives the requirements of all those who may qualify the position being advertised. Giving details of particular job requirement in each case.

Psacharopoulos (1991), in his publication quested for manpower in recruitment. He argues that effective recruitment selection of employee is only enhanced by the management understanding its main requirement of a particular job description. Failure of effective recruitment process is as a result of ignorance by the relevant authorities. Other than just predicting what the employee should do and what he or she needs, the management should be able to make a relevant turnover through prediction and the relevant replacement of the existing gaps.

Relevance of studying the topic to MBA students

Impacts of effective recruitment process on business growth is mainly enhanced by the need to have the right group of employee. According to Huhman HR (2014), in his publication, he states that the current trends in the recruitment selection process are detailed to enhance the right employees are taken in to perform their duties as required. Employment tests are important tests that are conducted to ensure qualities of potential candidates. The main aim is to ensure that the individual matches with all the job requirements to enhance business growth. Karishma (2016), in his article current trends in recruitment selection process analyses by saying that effectiveness of recruitment selection process do not only enhance business growth but also the employee’s abilities to deliver.

Recruitment selection process in an organization refers to the process of choosing skilled personnel’s in various organizational departments. Some of these departments include recruitment section, management, human resource, purchasing operations and supplier selection departments. All these sectors in an organization affect the wellbeing of its growth.  Recruitment of personnel’s to manage each department is very crucial and should be done effectively. This affects the level of business growth of an organization and hence it’s important to examine the impacts of effective recruitment selection on business growth as way of enhancing better improvements in the process if there is need (Mir, 2012).

What are the impacts of effective recruitment selection practice on business growth?

To enhance effective and adequate data collection, qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection will be relevantly enhanced.

This is a method of data collection that requires the researcher to observe in order to acquire data. The researcher can observe actively or passive. Active observation includes observe as he or she asks question or can while passive observation includes observing without asking any question. For this case, observation will be relevant while checking on the physical activities included while recruiting personnel’s in an organization. Example, observing documentations of individual joining Maseer investment group in Jordan.

This is a method of data collection that includes a researcher to be part of the subject being investigated as a way of accessing relevant data. A researcher has a role of applying the required skills in an organization to be part of it to enhance his or her activities. Example, in Manaseer Group, the researcher can be part of the recruitment selection team and also have another researching in the departments where the recruited personnel’s are working. This will help the researcher and his team get an insight of how the process is carried out effectively and also how the ones recruited perform to enhancing business growth (Fabel & Pascalau, 2013).


This is a method of data collection that requires the researcher to identify existing cases relating to research problem and enhancing the main objective of the study. The researcher has to identify the existing case, study the case, analyze is it to acquire relevant data. Manaseer group has been in existence for some time now and has various cases written on the impacts of effectiveness recruitment process. The researcher should identify the written cases, study them and acquire the required relevant data (Cousin, G2005).

Content analysis. This is a method of qualitative data analysis that involves coding and classifying data collected by the researcher. It’s the process where the researcher categorizes the collected data to make sense on the important findings identified.

This is a method of data collection that deals with acquiring broad information about a particular subject. The research involves use of question that can either be closed or open. The survey questions are given to individual understanding the subject and its background. Example, for this research the survey prepared should be directed to stakeholders or even members of Manaseer group who understands its practices and developments in a broad manner. The questions administered should directly acquire information relating to recruitment selection process of the organization and its impacts on organizations growth. Whether closed or open questions, they should be simple and direct as wrong as they refer to the content in question. The questions can also be directed to particular personnel who are believed to hold a particular and significant position in the recruitment department as it’s the subject matter. This can be the department manager or even an employee who has knowledge of the matter in question and is willing to assist.

The method of data analysis enhanced in this case is bivariate data analysis method.  It’s a comparison of two variables which are effective recruitment process and impacts of effective recruitment process on business growth.

Both secondary and primary data will be used in this research. Secondary data will be from written publications or articles on effective recruitment selection practice and its impacts on Manaseer group business growth. In case of primary data to be used, the researcher will follow the given ethical procedure to get permit and other requirements of assessing data from any Manaseer group party or source.

Project plan and time scale

Timetable for project research Activities


Research Activity




Structure of chapters of final project

Recruitment selection methods

Examine and analyze various recruitment section practice methods

  1. Recruitment selection goals and objectives

Outline and explain various recruitment selection goals and objectives

  1. Skills of a recruitment selection manager
  2. Factors of enhancing effective selection practice in an organization
  3. Impacts of effective recruitment selection practice on business growth in an organization

These are challenges that can be experienced during the study

  1. Inadequate time and resources to enable the researcher explore all relevant data sources
  2. Inadequate cooperation with the organization members while accessing primary data


Absar, MN 2012, ‘Recruitment & selection practices in manufacturing firms in Bangladesh’, Indian Journal Of Industrial Relations, 3, p. 436, Academic OneFile, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2017.

Ash, r, Hodge, P, & Connell, P 2013, ‘the recruitment and selection of principals who increase student learning’, Education, 134, 1, pp. 94-100, Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2017.

Branine, M, & Avramenko, A 2015, ‘A Comparative Analysis of Graduate Employment Prospects in European Labour Markets: A Study of Graduate Recruitment in Four Countries’, Higher Education Quarterly, 69, 4, pp. 342-365, ERIC, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2017.

Chungyalpa W, Karishma T (2016) Best Practices and Emerging Trends in Recruitment and Selection. J Entrepren Organiz Manag 5:173. doi:10.4172/2169-026X.1000173

Cousin, G 2005, ‘Case Study Research’, Journal Of Geography In Higher Education, 29, 3, pp. 421-427, Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2017.

Fabel, O, & Pascalau, R 2013, ‘Recruitment of seemingly overeducated personnel: insider-outsider effects on fair employee selection practices’, International Journal Of The Economics Of Business, 1, p. 57, Academic OneFile, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2017.

Huhman HR (2014) 6 Recruitment trends you can’t ignore in 2015.

Mir Mohammed Nurul, A 2012, ‘Recruitment & Selection Practices in Manufacturing Firms in Bangladesh’, Indian Journal Of Industrial Relations, 3, p. 436, JSTOR Journals, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2017.

Psacharopoulos G (1991) from manpower planning to labour market analysis. Int’l Lab. Rev 130: 459

Ramasamy T (2011) Principles of Management. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt ltd, Mumbai, India.

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