Advertising And Brand Promotion In Marketing

Company Background

Discuss about the Advertising and Brand Promotion in Marketing.

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Mediums and platforms which can be adopted by the business corporations for creating awareness regarding the products and the services is the concept of advertising and promotion. No product will be sold by the company or will be bought by the consumer until an awareness and will are developed about the same. The term has been considered as one of the significant and encomia topics for the society. Advertising is one of the elements of the promotion mix but has been also considered as one of the most prominent variables for the concept of a marketing mix. Advertising can be termed as the dissemination of the data which is concerned with the products and the services by non-persona means through paid media where the sponsoring entity has been considered as the source (Percy and Elliott, 2016). The concept of advertising and promotion proves very much beneficial for the business corporation as it creates awareness about the products and the services and which in-turn generates a will to buy the product. This will aid the entity in accomplishing the organizational goals, provides the boost to the sales graph and develops a clear path towards success and growth. The term advertising is a broader concept and brand marketing is one of the significant components of the same. The brand is one of the most empirical assets for any of the business organization. The concept of brand marketing is concerned with developing and establishing the brand equity in-front of the potential consumers ( 2017). The below-executed analysis has been made focused on the ABC PTE Ltd and an advertising campaign is required to be developed for the MAXI HOT POT which is a food container. The business entity is based in Singapore and is involved in providing support operations for the transportation industry.

ABC PTE Ltd is a Singapore based business corporation. The business entity is involved in the business operations of providing supporting activities to the transportation industry (Emis 2017). The business corporation is headquartered in Cecil Street 31, Singapore. 

The below-presented report has been made focused on the advertising campaign and which has been made focusing on the MAXI HOT POT which is a food container (Moriarty et al., 2014). This food container keeps the food hot for the duration of 24 hours and has a digital timer. This timer will aid the users to know the time till which the food will be kept hot. Moreover, the main purpose of the container is to preserve and maintain the freshness of the food items kept in it.

What is being advertised

Advertising and promotion done for a product are the marketing efforts which will be aiding the business corporation in moving a step ahead of that from the competitors. The advertisements will be enhancing and boosting the sales and this is even possible when the company is not able to make heavy investments or have a low budget (Ebeid, 2014). The below-executed report is based on the Ad campaign for Maxi Hot Pot which is a food container of ABC PTE Ltd company. The following are some of the problems which will be solved with the help of this Ad campaign:

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Making the brand visible: The brand should be visible in the market and for the targeted consumers of the business corporation and if not so then it can come up as a problem for the entity. ABC PTE Ltd can develop brand awareness in the target market by adopting various mediums and platforms for promoting the concerning product (Kelley, Sheehan and Jugenheimer, 2015). Moreover, the company can also increase the involvement of the social groups and communities and this can also be considered as one of the factors which will aid in solve the issue of brand visibility.

Launching new products: As in the case of ABC PTE Ltd. the company is launching its new product .i.e. Maxi Hot Pot, the business entity can face a number of problems (Hallahan, 2014). As selecting the target market and stimulating the same and developing a will to buy the product is a tough task and can come-up as a problem. The advertising campaign will aid the company in providing the required details about the desired product and this will aid in creating awareness about the same. The more the ad is presented well, the more of the consumers will be attracted and stimulated.

Creation of a desire in the viewers is the outcome of a successful advertisement campaign. And for doing the same the business entity is required to employ some advertising strategies which will aid the campaign in establishing the brand name in the market place (Mirabi, Akbariyeh and Tahmasebifard, 2015). ABC PTE Ltd is expecting to launch a new product and for doing the same the below mentioned is the advertising strategy which can be utilized by the entity:

Repletion: This advertising strategy has been considered as relevant one, as it is simple but yet it is very much effective (Wang 2014). The main focus of this strategy is creating awareness, building identity and developing an impression on customer’s memory. According to this strategy, the business entity is expected to mention the products name and details for multiple times through distinct mediums and platforms such as television, radio, social-media, newspapers etc.

Problem solved by ad

SWOT analysis

  • Strength: The business approaches and the models used in this advertising campaign can be considered as one of the strengths of the advertising campaign. Moreover, face-to-face interactions with the targeted customers will also be noted in the list of the strengths as it will enhance the effectiveness and outcomes of the campaign.
  • Weakness: The low budget can be considered as one of the weaknesses of the campaign (Sadeghi et al., 2015). The ad campaigns require the business entity to make efforts and to go out and meet the targeted leads and this will be proven difficult for the entity and can rise as a weakness.
  • Opportunities: The advertising campaigns will enable the business entity to increase the memberships in the form of an increased market share. Moreover,
  • Threats: Intensification in the competitive environment is considered as one of the biggest threat for the business entity and also for the advertising campaign. The market is also saturated and this can also be one of the barriers in the campaign.

The term outlining creative strategy has been concerned with an outline or a frame work which has been created by the advertising agency for launching a product and the advertising campaign executed for the same. A creative strategy can be the outcome expected from a team composed of the copywriters, art directors, creative directors etc. The main concern of forming a creative strategy is the accomplishment of the advertising objectives of the campaign (Winer and Neslin, 2014). This concept can also be considered as an international strategic approach which can be adopted by ABC PTE Ltd for developing and implementing the procedures which will be aiding and supporting the business growth and success. It is the blueprint of the track, through which the attainment of goals is done. This approach will be providing the guiding principles to the creative team in for development of the advertisements (Businesscollective 2017). A creative strategy comprises of various moving parts such as detailed market research, imaging plan, and effective strategic delivery. These parts also play an integral role in the attainment of the goals and for the campaign. The below mentioned are some of the creative strategies which can be adopted by ABC PTE Ltd so as to enhance the quality of the outcomes and also for attaining the goals of the campaign:

Finding new ways to reach people: The audience is familiarized in seeing ads in familiar places such as TV, hoardings, internet websites etc.  And if the business entity expects the advertised message to stand out, new mediums to connect with the audience should be found out (Galician, 2013). For instance, the business entity can make use of contemporary mediums of promoting and also face-to-face interactions can be proven beneficial and more effective.

The target audience is the segment or the division of the consumers which are selected on the basis of some judgments and criteria (Lake 2017). It can also be considered as a demographic of individuals who are likely found to be interested in the product and the services. ABC PTE Ltd has been planning to launch a new product Maxi Hot Pot which is a food container. The target audience for the product is mainly the retailers who are into the business of providing containers f all types for household purposes. The next segment in this concept can be the food corners or the restaurants that provide the facility of food delivery at the door steps and the last segment in this section can be the housewives or the female consumers who are making the use of food containers for the household purposes.

Advertising Strategy

The concept is concerned with the methodology widely used in sales forecasting mechanism utilized for gathering the data which is associated with the market. As ABC PTE Ltd has been entering its new product in the market the firm will have to rely on the market survey to forecast its demand or sale. Since there are no past records accessible with the firm, so it needs to gather data from the market or from the clients straightforwardly to forecast the sales. Typically, the organization directs the survey among the sample of customers to comprehend their acquiring limit, attitudes and buying habits (Kumar, Kumar and Narayana, 2016). The major advantage of the market survey technique is that it aids in collecting the primary or original information particular to the issue concerned. Be that as it may, nonetheless, a gathering of essential information could be tedious and also costly.

Media planning is the way toward recognizing and choosing media outlets, mostly daily newspapers, magazines, sites, television and radio stations, and outside arrangement in which to put paid ads. The individual in charge of assessing the numerous media choices and strategizing efforts to help a specific item, administration, or brand is known as a media organizer or planner. It is of very much essential for a business organization to adopt a media plan for a successful advertising campaign (Altstiel and Grow, 2017). The below mentioned are the components which are considered as an integral part of the concept:

  • Defining the marketing problem:

The business entity should be well-aware about the origin of the business and the source of the potential. Moreover, the best market opportunities for the business entity and which segment of the consumer should be targeted are being involved as the components, which aid in defining the market issues

  • Transformation of the marketing requirements into attainable media objectives:

The main objective of an advertising campaign is to attain the target market on a large basis and this can be done by adopting any of the media options, for instance, newspaper or radio (Sheehan, 2013). These are the media options which will aid the advertising campaign by reaching a huge amount of target market at a time.

  • Determining a media solution by formulating media strategies:

There are numerous schedules which work best for different media plans. For instance, in case of thumb rule, an ad is required to be run for minimum 3 times before it gets noticed. Radio is an option which has been considered as most effective when running at certain times in a day.

Media and Budget planning for 2017


Amount ($)

Miscellaneous Expenses


Remuneration to brand promoters




Labor (20 Staff*$1,000)


Office Staff (10 officials*$2500)




SWOT analysis

The below mentioned are the stages which can be considered as the steps executed for evaluating the advertising campaign:

  • The more data, the better: The advertisers before conducting the campaign should have enough pool of relevant data that will make everything clear. For instance how the funds and resources will be utilized (support.indiegogo 2017). Campaigns that are not transparent and clear with their ideas, goals, and objectives the project will not tend to attract the target audience.
  • People behind the campaign: This variable comprises of the team or the staff members which are involved and engaged in the advertising campaign. These are to be considered as very much significant as no operation can be executed without manpower. The workforce provides motivation to each other and which enhances and builds the interest and dedication among the team for executing work.
  • What is the purpose of the campaign: The purpose or the objective of executing the advertising campaign should be made transparent and crystal clear (Davis, 2015). This will aid the business entity in enabling the audience with the required details about the products and the services on which the campaign is focused. This will develop interest among the audience and an increase in the approaches will be more.
  • Other options for getting the information about the ad campaign: The websites and the online portals of the business entity can be considered as the alternative mediums for obtaining the required data, whether it can be about the ad campaign or about the product which is advertised. A clear description of good presentation should be done on the websites. Moreover, the past campaigns and their records can also be considered as the relevant option for obtaining the data.

Mediums are the supporting agents for the advertising campaign which aids by assisting and supporting the campaigns by offering the varied range of channels. The media channels have been segmented into two main sections that are the traditional and the contemporary one. These channels can be utilized by the business entity in the campaign so as to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the promotional event (Davis, 2015). Due to modernization and globalization, the business entities are expected to choose contemporary means or media channels. The below explained are some of the media channels which can be adopted by ABC PTE Ltd for advertising the product.

Websites/Blogs: These are the online portals operated by the business entity and the consumers or the viewers can easily get the required data about the products or the services. Moreover, when the firm has been conducting the advertisement campaign all the concerning information about the campaign can be presented in an attractive manner so as to attain more and more audience.

Social media: This medium can be considered as one of the largest channels for promoting the advertising campaign and also for the product, which is expected to be advertised for the promotional event (Kelley, Sheehan and Jugenheimer, 2015). Social media has been considered as the most used platform or medium due to an ease of access and usability. For instance, Facebook, YouTube are the two media channels which have been ranked as the highest viewed and operated channels from social media. These mediums will be proven very much beneficial for the business entity.

Apart from all these mediums, the business entity is also required to use various other mediums such as vehicles or transportation for promoting the advertising campaign (Thorson and Moore, 2013). The business entity can make use of the goods carriers such as trucks for carrying the hoardings and banners and by this medium, the campaign will be making their reach to the local audience. Small vehicles attached with speakers and sound systems can be used for advertising the product through audio.

The advertising campaigns should e made so presentable and attractive that t should be able in developing and establishing a positive impression on the audience. A positive image should be developed about the product which has been advertised through the advertising campaign. Also, a will or an interest should be developed regarding the purchase of the product. Moreover, the audience can also have a thought about the quality of the product .i.e. Maxi Hot pot (Katz, 2016). The mind can generate several questions such as preserving time and quality of the hot pot should not have any effects on the items preserved in the food container. In case, if the advertising campaign is related with any of the social cause, then it will automatically connect and enhance the image of the business corporation and which in-turn will impact brand image.

Outlining the creative strategy

The brand equity, goodwill, market credibility are some of the variables which define the trust and loyalty level of the business corporation. A positive sense in all of the above variables will tend the audience to think positively about the product and the advertisement campaign. Moreover, a good and clear message content, presentation and execution of the operations in the event will also the belief in the suggestions provided by the ad.


In the limelight of the above-executed analysis, it has been concluded that advertising campaign is one of the best media which can be adopted by the business corporation for advertising and promoting the goods and services. In the above-presented analysis, ABC PTE Ltd is the business entity which is launching a new product in the market.i.e. Maxi Hot Pot which is a food container. The company has been planning to execute an advertising campaign so as to advertise and promote the product in the new market region. The advertising campaign has been segmented into various sections and which will be proven beneficial for the business entity for establishing the brand image in the new market place.

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