Understanding Low Cost Airport Relationship: Advantages, Disadvantages And Self-Administration Methodology Involved In Survey

Self-Administration Methodology Involved in Survey

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The major scenario presented in this report is the analysis of the approximate administration in construction of questionnaire that has been set to distribute among 10 participants or respondents for the chosen subject simultaneously, few suggestive measures are introduced for the improvisations regarding the same. the prime concern was relative to the issues and the demands from the customers regarding the various perspectives of Full Service Carriers (FSCs) and Low Cost Carriers (LCCs). As an additional measure, this report is set to analyze in a descriptive way the presence of any challenges or limitations involved in this category of airlines through a social response technique. Alongside to the reviews, the area of improvisation is also suggested in a section of this report before it is set as a research paper for a large amount of population (Alava, Wailoo and Ara 2012). The report further discusses the advantages and the disadvantages involved in the administrative method of surveying. The main limitation in such a method is the lack of understanding from the respondent end. 

The prime focus of this methodology of the survey as mentioned in the previous section was to identify the limitations of the questionnaire that is set to analyze a situation surrounding FSCs and LCCs. This report is hopeful enough to suggest improvisations required in this technique of conducting surveys. Based on team decisions, the questionnaire method was set such that it provides the participants the required freedom to react and review the situations in accordance with the questions to provide an insightful feedback about the subject so chosen. Following this, a more relaxed interaction with the participants were held to get a detailed view of the present shortcomings on the topic (Fowler 2013). This method included a hybrid structure of introducing a face-to-face interview session, which seemed promising enough to provide a direct feedback from the respondents. This ensured a better communicating ground for both the researchers as well as the participants, which was primarily a self-administrative technique.

This method of self-administration refers to the set of actions comprising the setting of a list of questions relative to the chosen subject and allows the respondents to response without anyone intervening them in the marketing. The researchers provided simultaneous help to the participants to provide a better understanding of the questions whenever required. This method potentially would provide the correct perspective of the questions to the population.

Advantages and Disadvantages oriented in Self-Administrative Questioning Method

In accordance to relative theories and literature reviews, some important pointers are provided about the self-administrative method as enlisted in the following:

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  1. As a traditional approach, it provides a research paper to the respondents, which need to get filled and returned on completion.
  2. A more technical method is the online surveys providing a larger and genuine group for the objective. E-Mails are also an improvised to provide and collect responses.
  3. Another way to research is telephonic survey, which would comprise of interviewing the participants. (Eller and Moreira 2014).

Advantages of the Methodology:

  • This methodology for surveys is considered more practically appropriate.
  • This helps in gathering or collecting of large volume of data in a short-duration from larger amount of people from the population in a low cost and effective way.
  • Analysis can be carried forward without any effect to the validity and reliability. The results can be determined in a scientific way.
  • Such valid analysis can actually prove to be more appropriate while comparing variables based on a specific subject.
  • At times, only a face-to-face interview session proves to be difficult for the researchers to analyze the results properly, this indirect method can be helpful providing genuine responses.
  • In accordance to positivists, the quantitative data received using the methodology can be used to set relevant theories and examine any existing hypotheses. Positivists utilize the data received from the survey to set up relative theories and test the potential hypotheses present.

In accordance to a relative theory set in 1967 with collaboration of factual events and information it is an established truth that the self-administrative methods of survey in an actual way help the respondents to express their insightful feedback, which certainly proves beneficial in analyzing and generalizing the situations to achieve the objectives.

Disadvantages of the Survey :

  • There is no direct control on the interpretations set by the participants in the procedure of answering the questions.
  • A direct feedback from Phenomenologist reflects the fact that this method can be entirely artificial in the aim of collection of data as it gets limited with no proper explanations.
  • A lack of validity prevails, when associated with the respondents participation as it is not possible to ensure whether he/she will fill up diligently.
  • The rate of honesty maintained is a difficult field to measure.
  • Sampling problem can be a major issue regarding this methodology.
  • Researcher’s imposition can be direct issues as the analyst himself might set the questionnaire according to own assumptions and limit of knowledge, as a result will be unable to perform an in-depth analysis (Patten 2016).

The methodology utilized proves to be beneficial without any doubt as it provides the participants the freedom to reflect their own thoughts and suggestions in accordance to personal interpretations and understanding about a subject or the matter of research, which then is collected as a valuable set of information to analyze the results. While, at times,  face-to-face interview can be a direct method to understand a response better (Graham 2013).

This procedure to conduct the survey with the objective to collect enough information to project a specific though-process is definitely a reliable and subjective technique. A statistical analysis would be helpful in generalizing results oriented around any aspect of research. The responses from the participants help in fixation of any present complexities. This method is capable of evaluating relationship between various variables and finally presents the results and reasons for the issues. Compared with a qualitative technique, this offers a brief data collection.  (Cameron, Glasier and Johnstone 2012). A hybrid technique inclusive of a face-to-face and a questionnaire survey proves detrimental for the evaluation of the issues.

Collectively as a team, it was appropriate to deduce that following a hybrid psychology, analysis becomes more appropriate as the samples can be considered as the representatives of the society.

Some of the shortcomings involved in the methodology have already been pre-analyzed in the previous section of the report. The major reason discovered was the lack of psychological approach towards the respondents, which can potentially ensure the consideration of human responses while evaluating the results.

Some improvising measures can be adapted in form of tactics, which might prove to be beneficial for the questionnaire method to be substantial. Among many, one of the most promising techniques would be the hybrid method to create a supportive communicating medium for the participants. Next, the questions should be chosen through operations management of a concept that comprises the translation of any abstract ideology involved. Units of analysis must be determined carefully in relative to the objects meant to be testified, likely, individuals, organizations or social activists (Marcano-Belisario et al. 2014). Choosing an appropriate method of delivery and collection regarding the questionnaires is crucial to conduct a successful survey. 

The questionnaire set for analysis of the situation in a definite way needs a more in-depth consideration of certain factors before it can get distributed among a larger volume of respondents. The prime concern surrounding the questionnaire is that there is no objective queries about any risk-management issues and details relative to the same. Any inconvenience related to the same is not discussed, which should be involved to analyze the overall services of any airline.

Secondly, an effective method deduced regarding the questionnaire method is a direct face-to-face interview, which would be nearly impossible to conduct , owing to the amount of participants required to fulfill the survey analysis. An online survey should be adapted as an alternative to make it time and cost-efficient.

More subjective and detailed questions should be set to analyze the entire performance of the airlines ensuring every field relative to the subject is covered to produce a genuine effective method to deduce theories relative to the same.


Analysis of the pointers in the report suggests that it can be concluded, the hybrid technique to conduct the surveys is extremely beneficial to evaluate the truthfulness oriented with the responses and hence develop a more generalized and relevant theory in accordance to the subject. Few factors, otherwise, needs a critical revision, as enlisted below:

  • Determining a specific methodology including the delivery and the collecting procedures of the data is extremely necessary to conduct the survey successfully.
  • Selection of specific group or individuals should be appropriate as that would br detrimental in accordance with the subject to maintain its importance.
  • Relevant questions should be included and that too those should be objective to avoid lengthy and irrelevant information.


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Cameron, S.T., Glasier, A. and Johnstone, A., 2012. Pilot study of home self-administration of subcutaneous depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate for contraception. Contraception, 85(5), pp.458-464.

Eller, R.D.A.G. and Moreira, M., 2014. The main cost-related factors in airlines management. Journal of Transport Literature, 8(1), pp.8-23.

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Graham, A., 2013. Understanding the low cost carrier and airport relationship: A critical analysis of the salient issues. Tourism Management, 36, pp.66-76.

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Patten, M.L., 2016. Questionnaire research: A practical guide. Routledge.

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