Effects Of Restaurant Environment On Consumer Behavior: A Study

Background of Study

Discuss about the Effects of Restaurant Environment on Consumer Behavior.

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The power of atmospherics in the context of marketing is based on the principle that the environmental design is supported on means like sounds, colors, temperature and layout, stimulating the perceptual and poignant responses in consumers and influencing their behavior (Hyun and Kang 2014). There are three segments of atmospherics that is being termed as ‘SERVICESCAPE’: spatial design, ambient conditions and functionality. Spatial layout submits the ways in which equipment, furnishings and machinery are being prearranged, the size and shape of the same along with the spatial relationship existing among them (Garson 2013). Functionality indicates those items ability in facilitating the performance and goal accomplishments. A layout is said to have a direct outcome on the perception of quality for consumers, levels of excitement and an indirect upshot to return o the same place (Parsa et al. 2015). Ambient conditions are stated to be the ethereal facet that has a tendency to influence the senses of non-visual nature and might have a subconscious consequence on consumer. This takes into account the factors like noise, music, temperature and lighting. Things like the music tempo affects the spending time of the consumers at their tables.

The feasibility of the project lies in the fact that it would look to focus on the influencing factor of atmospherics on the behavior of the consumers so that the owners of the restaurants along with managers find this study meaningful and understand the things that plays a major role in attracting the new consumers and retaining the old ones for a longer period of time.

The overall study objective is to enable the managers and restaurant owners in understanding the key offering of the atmospherics in effecting consumer behavior. The main questions that would accompany the research work would be:

  1. What outcome does the environment of restaurant have on behavior of consumers?
  2. Will the different intentions of consumer’s behavior be impacted by various aspects of restaurant atmospherics?

The factors that appeals to the preferences of the customers are not the beverage and food, but also the environment for dinning, which plays a major role for the customers to decide where to visit for a meal with family, friends and colleagues. Attention is duly given to not only the pricing factor and the food they eat, but also the provision of enjoyable and probably exciting dining atmosphere (Zhang, Zhang and Law 2014). Moreover, there has been a growing academic interest in the ways atmospherics persuades the behavior of consumers.

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Objectives of Study

A large number of studies has gone into focusing of the influences of the environment of restaurants on the consumer behavior in the retail sector. However, only a handful of the studies investigate the impact of atmospherics on the behavior of consumers and satisfaction in hospitality industry, especially in the business of restaurants (Brown 2014). Even though some researchers have been able to conduct surveys for investigating the impact of certain atmospheric dimensions, the study number that abridges the impact of measurement of consumer behavior are inadequate.

This study would take into account a targeted telephonic survey among 20 restaurant owners and 10 managers along with 20 customers in and around Sydney that takes care of the above mentioned three factors. Sydney boasts of some big restaurants that faces stiff competition in retaining their customers, so this place provides the perfect background for the survey. All the respondents would be monitored based on the previous six months.

The questionnaire would be developed keeping in mind the three that would be tested, the tentative survey topics would take in:

  1. Present restaurant environment and consumer behavior
  2. Awareness of the restaurant owners and managers about the ‘SERVICESCAPE’ factor along with things that are essential in providing a consumer with the perfect environment.
  3. Rating of the restaurants and the major factors according to the consumers.
  4. A brief analysis on the “emerging” restaurants in Sydney and how much importance they give to these aspects. Each of the respondents would be uncovered to the portrayal with one of the possible situation. This would be resulting in the decipherable sample size for the factor of environment.
  5. The overall rating factor of the restaurants as stated in some of the major websites that deals with evaluating various aspects of the restaurants.
  6. Expected use of the factors by new restaurants and the value of consumer behavior (high/medium/low).

For dealing with the interaction between the responses of the individual along with the environment to the environmental stimuli, there has been a presentation of the well-recognized model in the environmental psychology field. The model of M-R when formed was not being used for the purpose of evaluating the impact of atmospherics on the behavior of consumers in various settings of consumption (Chen, Peng and Hung 2015). The model of M-R displayed that the responses to the environment can be segmented as either “approach” or the “avoidance” activities. Environments of favorable nature are said to root the approach behavior, inclusive of the satisfaction enhancement with the task being performed along with the aspiration to stay and communicating to others. Conversely, environment of unfavorable nature are declared to source the avoidance behavior.

Moreover, some of the researchers have found that the atmospherics have been directly affecting the behavior of the consumer. The persuasion of the atmospherics of restaurants on the intentions of behavior is generally been mediated by emotions and apparent value. Nonetheless, certain researchers have found that consumer behaviors are not been directly affected by the physical environment. Physical environment is stated to have no considerable return purpose in a undeviating way, instead its influence was found to be interceded through the satisfaction of the consumers (Bujisic, Hutchinson and Parsa 2014). The main of this research proposal is in investigating the effects of the environment of the restaurant on the behavior of consumer (Solomon 2014).  Several journals on the related topic have been taken up that are applicable to the existing relationship between the consumers’ behavioral intent and the environment of the restaurant.

Research Problem

The main aim of this research study is to find out the impact of the environment of restaurant on the behavior of consumers. For obtaining of the primary data, the self-administered questionnaire would be distributed to the owners, managers and customers in some of the selected restaurants in and around Sydney. The customers who would be questioned would either be waiting for their turn to check-in or the ones who are about the leave the restaurants after having their meals. This approach would be ensuring the fact that the consumers would be offering their responses that can precisely reflect their assessment of the dining incident. The prepared questionnaire would be measuring the perception of the participants of the environment of the restaurants along with the behavioral intention of the consumers. There would be two set of questionnaire for this research study, one that would be intended towards the restaurant managers and owners, and the other one for the consumers.

For this research work, factor analysis will be performed along with the factors that are mostly associated to the total rating of the restaurants that would be recognized. On the basis of such factors, a perpetual plan would be generated in displaying visually the existing relationship between the current environmental factors and the behavior of consumers, based on the factors and their perception (Jang, Chung and Kim 2015). A gap evaluation would also be performed by the researcher in order to understand and highlight the potential differences in the projected image by the atmospheric factors (Jani and Han 2015). Once the survey would be completed, each response’s frequency would be computed along with proper summarization. The data analysis would be offering a general idea about the attitude of the consumers to the environment of the restaurant. This research would be beneficial for the managers and owners of restaurants in finding proper ways in developing the satisfaction of the consumers and increasing the profits.

The estimation of cost of this particular research study would be based on the following supposition:

  1. Number of completed interviews: 50
  2. Average length of the interview: 10 minutes for consumers and 20 minutes for the restaurant owners and managers.
  3. There would be no open-ended questions
  4. Type of sample: Targeted unsystematic or random digits
  5. Factor analysis would be taken in, perceptual maps along with the gap analysis.
  6. Report
  1. Developing of the questionnaire, in combination with the several restaurants in and around Sydney.
  2. Generating sample within the target area.
  3. Programming of the survey.
  4. managing the project and administering of the same.
  5. Investigating and overseeing the telephonic (managers and owners) and face-to-face (consumers) interview.
  6. Processing of the data and compiling of the statistical tables.
  7. Analyzing of the data and preparing of the report.

The cost for conducting of this research would be certainly high, considering the fact that it requires proper amount of time, travelling and materials for conducting of the interviews and analyzing the same. The travelling expenses would be well maintained and would be billed at cost once the research ends. The data collection process needs to be closely monitored for the fact at no time should the actual experience of data collection differ from that of the assumptions and specifications stated within the study.

This is another important factor that needs to be maintained by the researcher. There should not be any leakage of the information gathered for this research from the respondents. Complete secrecy needs to be maintained by the researcher. The researcher should be honest with his work and should not be biased on any of the factors while collecting the data, doing which would jeopardize the overall research study. Any kind of biasness from the researcher would be manipulating the research result of the data analysis and the total objective of the research would be inundated.

Once the approval of the final questionnaire comes, the project would involve roughly five to six weeks time as has been outlined below:

Programming of the survey along with control of quality: 4-5 days

Data collection process: 3.5 weeks

Tabulation of the final data: 4 days

Final report: 1.5-2 weeks


Brown, T.A., 2014. Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. Guilford Publications.

Bujisic, M., Hutchinson, J. and Parsa, H.G., 2014. The effects of restaurant quality attributes on customer behavioral intentions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(8), pp.1270-1291.

Chen, A., Peng, N. and Hung, K.P., 2015. The effects of luxury restaurant environments on diners’ emotions and loyalty: incorporating diner expectations into an extended Mehrabian-Russell model. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(2), pp.236-260.

Garson, G.D., 2013. Factor analysis. Statistical Associates Publishing.

Hyun, S.S. and Kang, J., 2014. A better investment in luxury restaurants: environmental or non-environmental cues?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 39, pp.57-70.

Jang, S.Y., Chung, J.Y. and Kim, Y.G., 2015. Effects of environmentally friendly perceptions on customers’ intentions to visit environmentally friendly restaurants: An extended theory of planned behavior. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(6), pp.599-618.

Jani, D. and Han, H., 2015. Influence of environmental stimuli on hotel customer emotional loyalty response: Testing the moderating effect of the big five personality factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 44, pp.48-57.

Parsa, H.G., Lord, K.R., Putrevu, S. and Kreeger, J., 2015. Corporate social and environmental responsibility in services: Will consumers pay for it?. Journal of retailing and consumer services, 22, pp.250-260.

Solomon, M.R., 2014. Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being (Vol. 10). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. and Law, R., 2014. Relative importance and combined effects of attributes on customer satisfaction. The Service Industries Journal, 34(6), pp.550-566.

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