Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing To A Business

Project objective

Discuss about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing to a Business.

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In the modern world, the internet is revolutionizing the way people interact and conduct business activities. Traditionally, both the software and hardware are exclusively accommodated by the user’s computer. In other words, the data and programs saved by the user can be fully accessed by the user’s computer (Masiyev, Qasymov, Bakhishova and Bahri, 2012, pp 4). Cloud computing enables a person to access programs and data outside their personal computing environment.  Therefore, users can store their data in the ‘cloud’ rather than store it on their computers. Some of the data types stored in the cloud could include databases, file services, emails, and applications. Basically, a person can connect to the cloud through internet after renting capacity from a service provider. Therefore, users do not need to purchase their personal IT requirements. The choice of a cloud model on the basis of business needs and data requirements is important.

This project seeks to explain the meaning of cloud computing and also explain its advantages and disadvantages in a business setting. Cloud computing increases business efficiency and hence services can be rapidly deployed to the business. In a few minutes, services can be readily availed to a business. Traditionally, it took weeks or even months to avail the services. Despite business owners enjoying the numerous advantages of cloud computing, some drawbacks may be realized in the process. This paper will seek to expound on these benefits and also discuss the drawbacks that arise from the use cloud computing.

This paper will form a great reference point for business owners who intend to adopt cloud computing for their businesses. It is evident that business owners need to understand the different models and adopt the most appropriate for their businesses. A proper choice may lead to the success of a business. On the other hand, the wrong choice may be detrimental to a business. However, the right choice may also experience some drawbacks. For instance, server applications may not have some features that are crucial to a business. Therefore, this project will serve to enlighten the business owners on the pros and cons accrued to the use of cloud computing. A business should not fully rely on cloud computing since even the most dependable cloud services providers’ experience blackouts.  

Cloud computing models

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It is important to identify the type of model that suits a given business before moving data to the cloud. There are basically four cloud computing models namely hybrid, community, private, public, and clouds. To start with, the private cloud is managed and maintained by an individual or a third party (Dinh, Lee, Niyato and Wang, 2013, pp 1590). A person or the third party is in charge of the infrastructure and services of the cloud. This option applies where a business deals with sensitive data which requires a high level of confidentiality. A community cloud is shared by a number of organizations, but the shared cloud is private. All these organizations have similar security requirements and considerations. The services of a public cloud are reserved off-site and can be accessed via the internet. The stored services are managed by organizations externally. Such organizations may include Microsoft and Google (Qi and Gani, 2012, pp 200). A public cloud saves on cost and enhances the level of flexibility. However, its vulnerability is high compared to a private cloud (Gupta, Seetharaman and Raj, 2013, pp 865). The final model is a hybrid cloud. It offers the services of both the private and public cloud. This being said, business owners should be able to study the benefits of each model and finally adopt the most beneficial model.

Project scope

Advantages of cloud computing

While businesses may have distinct motivations, business owners seek cloud services regardless of their geographical location, industry, and business size. There are any benefits that are associated to use of cloud computing in businesses. To start with, cloud computing enhances the efficiency of service delivery within businesses (Kliazovich, Bouvry and Khan, 2012, pp 1263). Traditionally, it would take weeks or even months to deliver the same services. It should be noted, however, that cloud computing entails more than just accessing services and resources within minutes(Berman, Kesterson-Townes, Marshall and Srivathsa, 2012, pp 30). Cloud computing improves the agility of a business. The time taken to complete projects shortens resulting in quicker delivery of services. A quick delivery of high quality and cheap results would ensure a business gains a competitive advantage. Also, cloud computing facilitates the creation of new business models. The innovativeness of a business can be increased by the availability of cloud services. Proper utilization of the cloud resources ensures that the innovativeness of a business is enhanced and new streams of revenue are created (Avram, 2014, pp 530). In some cases, businesses are creating value propositions and new business models by entirely making use of cloud services. This is mostly the case with medium and small business enterprises.

Use of cloud computing also reduces the operational costs of business entities. The defects and issues within a business can be reduced by maximum and proper utilization of the standardized cloud services (Fernando, Loke and Rahayu, 2013, pp 101). Moreover, the continuity of a business is increased and more time is spent on other issues rather than operational matters. Cloud computing enables business owners to use the same services repetitively and achieve the same results.  Therefore, business organizations can predict and deploy applications, server images or applications by use of design patterns. Businesses realize the better use of available resources. Minimal operational issues and effectiveness of projects ensure that more time is spent on other meaningful activities that will eventually lead to a high business potential (Garrison, Kim and Wakefield, 2012, pp 65). Generally, cloud service providers offer a more efficient service option that is more meaningful and beneficial compared to the traditional approach.

Disadvantages of cloud computing

Despite the numerous benefits accrued to the use of cloud computing, some drawbacks may arise in the process. Notably, cloud computing does not solve all the problems that a business entity may be facing (Arora, Parashar and Transforming, 2013, pp 1925). Small businesses, for instance, may have distinct comfort levels and needs. Therefore, it would be more beneficial to adopt cloud computing only for specified services or applications. It is important to note that certain applications such as video editing applications are performance-intensive and may not suit the cloud (Beloglazov, Abawajy and Buyya, 2012, pp 760). The use of cloud computing is also associated with possible down time moments. Basically, cloud computing for small businesses depends solely on the internet connection. In a scenario where there is no internet connection, the business goes offline (Apostu, Puican, Ularu, G.E.A.N.I.N.A., Suciu and Todoran, 2013, pp 120). Also, slow internet speeds and frequent outages may render cloud computing useless for a business. It is important to note that even the best cloud service providers experience outages from time to time (Aljabre, 2012, pp 5). This being the case, the business owners should determine the level of their business dependability on cloud computing services. The application of cloud computing also results in some security issues (Chen and Zhao, 2012, pp 650). The question of data security arises given the fact that cloud computing could also mean internet computing (Zissis and Lekkas, 2012, pp 585). Therefore, it would be inappropriate for a business to use the cloud to store data that they would not like available on the internet. In the meantime, some cloud computing service providers may not be credible enough to offer data security.

Literature review

Cloud computing services may seem better, cheaper, and efficient compared to other solutions. However, it is important to have a good and well-informed comparison (Xu, 2012, pp 80). It is a fact that cloud applications are associated with less support infrastructure and capital investment. The cloud applications, however, may not have some important software features which are crucial to a business (Jadeja and Modi,  2012, pp 878). It is also important to note that there are some charges associated with the transfer of data. This may be the case where a business intends to transfer large data sizes.


In reference to this paper, cloud computing has some advantages and disadvantages. The modern businesses are quickly adopting the use cloud computing because it is cheap and efficient. Most businesses that use cloud computing are characterized by quick and cheap service delivery which enables them to establish and maintain a competitive edge. However, cloud computing has some disadvantages. Currently, data security is one of the major concerns. It is evident that storing data online may prompt hackers to penetrate the servers and access confidential data. Some cloud computing service providers may also not be trustworthy. As seen in this paper, business owners need to study the various cloud models and choose the one which would best suit their businesses.

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