Case Study Analysis Of Rob And Evans
Leadership style of Rob
Discuss about the Case study analysis of Rob and Evans.
Evans Breyer is the chairman of Growing Places. He has put in lot of efforts for taking the company to the peak of success. Although this took a time of four years, however, the dedication, commitment and perseverance of Evans adds value to the time. As in all the workplaces, there are spoilers; here Rob takes the role of spoiling Evans’ efforts by ruining the moral of the staffs, buying the customers and conquering the company’s share price (Bolman & Deal, 2017). However, patience of Evans nullifies Rob’s trick. Aggravation of Rob’s tactics attaches an interrogative parameter to Evans’ position. Therefore, the objective of the essay is to clarify the doubts regarding Evans’ resign.
There are various leadership styles-transformational, transactional, people-centred, production-centred, supportive, directive among others. Along with this, one of the other types of leadership is situational, which relates with the concept of “rags to riches”. Situation is the agent, which invokes the leader out of an individual (Northouse, 2015). Herein lays the transformation from an ordinary individual to a leader. Transactional leadership can be correlated with people-centred leadership. This is because here, the leader or the bosses, through their activities, ensure the wellbeing of the workplace people, which are the stakeholders, shareholders and other staffs.
Production centred leadership contradicts people-centred leadership. This is because, thoughts related to the production of quality and branded products nullify the thoughts of ensuring the wellbeing of the employees and the customers. Countering this, production of quality products is for the customers (Nahavandi, 2016). Therefore, thoughts related to the satisfaction of the customers are included within the practice of the product centred leadership. Support of the stakeholders and shareholders assists the leaders to undertake the rightful for the betterment of the organization. On the contrary, misleading direction from the others deviates the leaders from the identified and the specified goals. Herein the directive leadership attains a negative leadership. Viewing it from the other perspective, directing the employees properly, enhances the personality of the leaders (bosses and managers) in the minds of the employees (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2013). This generates within them an urge to expose better performance for the attainment of professionalism in the right sense.
Critical reflection of the leadership styles, transactional, people-centred, production-centred, supportive, directive leadership styles are the components of transformation of a manager towards leader. Counter arguing this, support is the keystone, which enhances the relationship between the leaders and the team members, enhancing the personality of the leader (manager) (Fairhurst & Connaughton, 2014).
Emotional intelligence of Rob
In contrast to this, Rob’s leadership can be considered directive to some extent, as he was concerned only about the growth of the company instead of the people. Herein, the true essence of leadership takes backseat. Delving deep into Rob’s attitude, he is loud, diplomatic, which are against the leadership traits. A leader is supposed to perform his duties silently for achievement of praises and recognition. Turnaround leadership can be applied in Rob context through several connotations. One, it relates to the transformational leadership in terms of altering the personality of an individual (Daft, 2014). This has positive as well as negative as well as positive sides. However, in case of Rob, it is the negative, as he is only concerned about how to restrict others from reaching to the peak of success. This is also a limitation of scope and arena of leadership skills and abilities. Based on the circumstances, the companies need to undertake decisions, which can prove right or wrong. This reflects the life cycle of a workplace like Growing Places.
Emotional Intelligence is one of an important component, which the leaders ne4ed to possess for sharpening their preconceived skills, expertise and knowledge. Self-assessment through observation is the main method, which helps individuals to attain intellectual and emotional development (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2013). The sources for attaining this development are coaching or mentoring. Although these sources reflect negative vibes towards the aspect of independence, however, incapability to carry out self assessment individually necessitates the need of mentors and tutors. This is also applicable for Rob in terms of exposing appropriate leadership skills and abilities. Rob needs to alter his personality from a loud diplomat to a reserved and people centred (Renz, 2016). For this, attending personality development classes can be an effective option.
Delving deep into the characteristic traits of Rob, laughing out loud in parties contradicts his emotional intelligence. As a matter of specification, it reflects immaturity, which misaligns his physical and mental development. Possessing an oblivious attitude towards the happening of the surroundings is one of the other expressions, which necessitates the need for self-assessment in case of Rob. This expression, if not modified immediately, would prove harmful for him in terms of stabilizing his relationship with the employees and team members (Beck & Cowan, 2014).
Negative impression about Rob stains his personality, which reduces thoughts regarding Rob being a leader. This necessitates the need for his mentoring regarding the personality make over. Countering this, Rob needs to perform self assessment on his own, which would reflect an alteration in his attitude for enhancing his leadership image in the minds of the team members. For this, he needs to conduct evaluation of the exposed performance (Boezeman & Ellemers, 2014). This evaluation would bring to the forefront the major drawbacks in his approach. Spontaneity in modification of drawbacks would be an attempt to restore the lost honor and respect. On the other hand, negligence and delay in making up the mistakes would compel Rob to encounter taunts and mocking, which would make him a misfit in the company, especially in the position offered.
Rob’s approach towards industrial values
Every manager in company and organizations are entrusted with certain responsibility, which they are expected to follow diligently. Along with the employees, the managers are also responsible for abiding by the core values. Conscious attitude towards this adherence creates a positive image about the personnel, especially the managers (?erne, Jakli? & Škerlavaj, 2013). In case of the employees, this adherence and compliance to the core values is an invocation to their leadership skills and abilities. On the contrary, non-compliance towards the organizational values generates conflicts, discriminations and biasness, which destroys the sanctity of the workplace. Along with this, it also creates fissures in the relationship between the personnel, just as the intentions of Rob to destroy the efforts, which Evans has put in for achieving sustainable growth. This intention of Rob makes him a misfit as a CEO in the workplace. Delving deep into these aspects, failure of the managers in executing their duties attaches a negative tone to the workplace culture (Komives & Wagner, 2016). The previous sentence nullifies the demarcation factors of culture as the approach of the personnel, as a whole determines the workplace culture.
Rob has succeeded Evans in Growing Places as the new CEO. There are heaven and hell differences between Rob and Evans in their approach towards the industrial events. Like other companies, customer satisfaction is one of the core values of Growing Places. When Evans was the CEO, he dealt each and every business issue patiently. If there was an issue, he exercised participated management style for achieving effective and efficient solutions for the problems (Chemers, 2014). This reflected his oriental approach towards enhancing the reputation of the company. His contributions in achieving financial flexibility are mentionable. When Rob succeeded Evans, he turned the integrated and systematic environment of the workplace chaotic.
Evans was a people’s leader. He thought the well being of the employees, providing them every facility needed for carrying out the allocated responsibilities. He involved the employees for taking the decisions for the betterment of the company. This provided the employees with an opportunity to voice out their opinions regarding the issues, which they are facing while doing the business activities (Sanders, 2017). On the other hand, Rob practiced directive leadership style, which strained his relationship with the employees. He was concerned only about the manufacture of quality products rather than the wellbeing of the employees. This reflects his non-compliance with the company values, which attaches a negative tone to the workplace culture, as the leader himself is not supportive. Delving deep into this assertion, the determinant cycle of the culture gets disturbed due to the exposure of inappropriate and irrational attitude towards managing the performance of the business activities (Johnson, 2017).
In relationship, Evans is superior to Rob. Along with this, Evans is senior to Rob in terms of experience. When Evans revisited the office, he was awestruck at the renovation, which Rob had made of the office. Here, one of the positive traits of Rob emerge in terms of knowing specifically how beautiful is his office. This inquisitiveness can be considered as an attempt of Rob to the ways and means through which he can alter the scenario of the workplace (Raelin, 2016).
While going to the events like Child Care parties, Evans thinks that if Rob is made to sit at the backseat of the car, he would sit quietly. But Evans is proved wrong through the garrulousness of Rob. This extravagance creates a negative image about Rob in the minds of Evans. Along with this, oblivious expression of Rob could have generated negative thoughts about the growth of the company in the minds of Evans. If he had complained to the Board, it would have resulted in Rob’s termination. This would have generated fissures in the relationship between Rob and Evans. However, seeing Rob making desperate attempts makes Evans feel positive in terms of handing over the charge of the company to the right person (Miner, 2015). His guiding approach is reflected from dusting Rob’s table as he takes the tour of Rob’s office. Using his sleeve for this action reflects Evans’ down to earth nature, which contrasts the pride of Rob in terms of the rapid growth, which Growing Places has achieved.
Evans thinks Rob would consider this achievement in a lighter tone, but here also Rob’s extravagance proves his thoughts wrong. However, Evans is familiar with Robs’ approach; therefore, he does not express any surprise.
The Child Care event, which Rob visits, can be considered as a transformation in his character, making him caring. However, his loud, extravagant and oblivious approach nullifies this assertion (Miner, 2015). Countering this, sponsoring Child Care for almost 60 companies gives Rob credit for thinking about the provision of proper nutrition to children. All these activities enhance the feeling of respect for Rob in the minds of the Evans, nullifying all the negative characteristic traits, which he has.
Feeling the pain of the mothers to breast feed the babies makes Rob realize that he needs to take the Child Care events to the closest proximity of the customers. This activity nullifies the tag of directive leadership from the professional outer appearance of Rob. All these attempts by Rob make Evans think that termination would not be a proper valuation of his initiatives towards the company’s growth (Komives & Wagner, 2016). On the contrary, he thinks proper coaching and guidance would alter Rob’s personality as a leader. Face to face conservations would shed off all the conflicts, strengthening their relationship.
This essay emerges successful in providing an insight into the dynamics of leadership. Through the means of a case study analysis, the essay enhances the clarity of the readers in terms of exposing appropriate leadership skills and abilities. This is especially applicable for the managers, handling the responsibilities of the workplace. Rob and Evans might be the ex and present CEO of Growing Places, however, their characteristics generalizes the competition between the managers in terms of grabbing the hot seat. Evans is exempted from this connotation, as he is a people’s leader. On the other hand, Rob’s lack of oriental and rational approach towards execution of his role places him in this category. Caring for the children results in transformation of Rob’s character providing him the right track towards leadership.
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