Organizational Behavior For Public Administration And Governance
Contemporary theories of the organizational behavior
Discuss about the Organizational Behavior for Public Administration and Governance.
The organizational behavior concept in the organization is one of the most vital parts as it involves the study of the way people interact with each other as well as with the other groups. The study is applied to the organization to create more effective business strategies. The main aim of the organizational behavior is to implement the scientific approaches to the management of the workers. The various theories of the organizational behavior are mainly used to find out is the Organization Man relevant in today’s trends of outsourcing, job hopping etc. (Whyte, 2013).
The concept of the organizational behavior has been divided into various models and philosophies. From several types of research and reports, the scientists have found the magic of the organizational behavior concepts in the organization that helps to increase the teamwork, performance of the individual, enhance the leadership quality, and increase the job satisfaction and much more.
The theories include the motivation concepts as well other five concepts that were developed later after the motivation concepts. The motivational concepts are the traditional concepts that contain the empirical evidence and various explanations for the employee behavior at the workplace. The theories provide a strong foundation for the modern culture and theories of the organization (Beal III, Stavros & Cole, 2013).
The framework is used to understand the situation of the employees and to motivate them in a deeper insight in order to know the factors like the job satisfaction reasons, attainment of the future goals and hence the motivation (De Vries, 2015).
Every human being is different from each other. There thinking, demands, values, norms as well as the beliefs differ from each other. So, it is quite important to resolve the shortcomings of the people, to integrate them into one group and work as a team. The important aspects of the organization are to find the potential of the individual talents and to provide them the contest for their growth and development in the company (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2015).
To solve all these issues and problems of the organization, motivation theories really work well. Hence, the motivations are defined as the need for the inner state and the shortage of the deprivation of the individual within the organization. The main of the motivation is to make the considerable changes and puts efforts to meet the desires and target of the organizations.
Concepts of the organizational behavior
There are few fundamental concepts of the organizational behavior that are used to revolve around the organization as well as around the nature of the people. Those few concepts are the perception, holistic concept, desires for the involvement, motivational behavior, individual differences, organization as a social system, human dignity, and mutuality of interest and mainly the value of a person. The individual difference explains the difference between the two people, about their thoughts and behavior (Ibrahim & Aslinda, 2013).
The perception is the way to see an object. To grow in a particular field, motivation is always required. The desire for the involvement seeks opportunities to work in the decision-making problems. The value of a person is very vital to understand (Jena, Pradhan & Basu, 2016). The human dignity needs to be maintained within the organization whether they are labor or the CEO of the company. The employees need to understand the social system of the organization that includes the social and the government laws. The mutual interest between the employees is necessary to maintain.
The organization always strives to find the maximum efficiency from their staffs. To study the scenarios in a better way, the organization has divided the behavior into eight types. The commander who are generally domineering and aggressive, the drifter who is the opposite of the commander, the attacker who has several superiority complexes in life, the pleaser who makes the other people to feel good, the performer who can easily impress their boss, the avoider who always keeps a low profile, the analytical who are quite meticulous and double check their work and the achiever who always holds the confidence with them (Malingumu, et al., 2016). Based on various surveys, these behaviors have been analyzed by the head of the organization. The evidence-based approaches helped the leads to study more about the mentality of a person, to analyze more about the working environment and their reaction towards it and much more.
During the deployment of a project, the team needs to work in a cooperative way. The lead of the team watches the progression of the project along with the behavior and reaction of each member. When the critical situation came, some employees react in an unnatural way that creates the chances of losing the project (Malisetty & Kumari, 2016).
In such situation, the team leaders need to manage the entire situation by motivating the employees, arranging the resources in a proper way group the team according to their capabilities and fix the target according to their convenience. This way helps the team to complete the project in time along with following with basic norms and rules of the organization.
Different behaviors in the workplace
Even as per the “Organization Man”, US giants like Ford, IBM etc. during 1950s to 1980s has set some set protocol like wearing only dark blue suits, white shirts and dark ties as a symbols of their lifetime allegiance to Big Blue (Whyte, 2013). But in today’s it has been changed. It is because these companies are more focus towards employee satisfaction. If an employee is not satisfied then he/she will be unable to work. They will find the environment is strict and they will switch to different company.
The human resource management also plays an important role in achieving the target. It is the process of selecting; recruiting, providing the orientation and induction, training and development, motivational training, performance appraisal, maintain a proper relationship with the employees as well as with the trade unions and much more. The process helps to maintain a healthy compliance with the labor laws and lands (Sonnentag & Pundt, 2016). As per the above example, if IBM still continues to follow that Big Blue protocol then it could have huge disasters for them (Whyte, 2013). As change is the only constant so everybody need to adapts the change and try to do in that way. So here we can say that the organization Man is not relevant in today’s organizations.
The interpersonal and personal communication skills are not only necessary for the growth of the organization but vital to have healthy atmosphere in the organizations. In order to have positive environment, there has to be a proper coordination between the managers and employees in order to understand the requirement before the deadline. The role of the interpersonal communication is crucial and helps to achieve the goals.
These concepts are important to understand the organizational goal and to achieve it with full efforts. It helps to understand the intention of the client and the other stakeholders (Jena, Pradhan & Basu, 2016). To improve the collaboration between the team and to achieve the vision of the project, the interpersonal skills are necessary.
The teamwork in the organization always offers the chance to learn how to work together. The teamwork is the key to success. It offers the chance of knowing each other in a better way, to understand and solve the issues easily, to achieve the target in a less period of time, to understand the strength and weakness of an employee, increases the team efficiency and also helps to generate new solutions for every critical condition. It creates a strong support among the members to improve the output (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2015).
An evidence-based approach applied to interpret management and organizational behavior
To develop an effective team, the initial step is to establish the leadership, then establish a healthy relationship with each employee, build strong bonding among the teammates, foster the teamwork and set some ground rules for the team to follow.
There are many organizations that didn’t follow the organization chart and are unable to define the job description of the employee. Due to the poor communication between the departments, the organization fails to achieve the goals and always face the loss. The companies couldn’t get the desired profit due to lack of planning and the motivation. In such cases, the theories of the organizational behavior provide the necessary information to the employees.
The theory of Intelligence works for the emotional nature of the employees and control it so that the company shouldn’t face any problem (Beal III, Stavros & Cole, 2013). The theory of personality works on the personality of the employees as well as on their communication skills. The theory of motivation helps the employees to get the motivation whenever they feel low and stressed. The theory of perception sets the goal of the employees and the theory of the attitudes and behavior works for the modification of the behavior, nature, and reaction of the employees.
Beal III, L., Stavros, J.M. and Cole, M.L., 2013. Effect of psychological capital and resistance to change on organisational citizenship behavior. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 39(2), pp.01-11.
De Vries, H., 2015. The influence of lean thinking on discrete manufacturing organisational structure and behavior (Doctoral dissertation).
Hitt, M.A., Miller, C.C. and Colella, A., 2015. Organisational behavior. John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Ibrahim, M.A. and Aslinda, A., 2013. Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Organisational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) At Goverment-Owned Corporation Companies. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 3(3), pp.35-42.
Jena, L.R., Pradhan, K. and Basu, E., 2016. Employee engagement and citizenship behavior: the mediating role of organisational commitment in Indian manufacturing industries. Emerging challenges in HR: VUCA perspectives’(Emerald Publishes, New Delhi, India, 2016), pp.53-68.
Malingumu, W., Stouten, J., Euwema, M. and Babyegeya, E., 2016. Servant Leadership, Organisational Citizenship Behavior and Creativity: The Mediating Role of Team-Member Exchange. Psychologica Belgica, 56(4).
Malisetty, S. and Kumari, K.V., 2016. An Investigation on Relationship of Deviance Workplace Behavior with Organisational Justice, Abusive Supervision and Work-Family Conflict. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(39).
Sonnentag, S. and Pundt, A., 2016. Organisational health behavior climate: Organisations can encourage healthy eating and physical exercise. Applied Psychology, 65(2), pp.259-286.
Whyte, W.H., 2013. The organization man. University of Pennsylvania Press.