Principles Of Environmental And Resource Economics For Planning
A synoptic overview of the article by (Maksym 2015)
Discuss about the Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics for Planning.
“Even though vegetation is a very key factor in our environment, in many parts of the world, natural vegetation has been cleared to allow agricultural production (Maksym 2015).” Over the recent past various scholars have discussed the essence of natural vegetation to mankind survival but inadequate change have yet been witnessed. The article by (Maksym 2015) focusses on various important factors which can have a great impact on the destruction of natural vegetation for agricultural production. The article by (Maksym 2015) which form part of the main issues in the American agricultural economics journal, discusses how long term flow of ecosystem services can be created without interfering with agricultural production activities by balancing the requirements of the public and private benefit costs (Polyakov 2014). The article by (Maksym 2015) also provides key information on how benefits accrued publicly and privately can be used to identify environmental conservation opportunities on non-public lands. The article further explains how environmental projects can be best evaluated as well as creation of an effective policy instruments. Even though the paper discusses more relevant issues to the literature some of the content proves not to be important.
The authors of the article (Maksym 2015) set out various key hypothesis and methodologies in contribution to the natural vegetation preservation. The author utilized a spatio-temporal hedonic model as a method to estimate the margin of private benefits of natural or native vegetation on the rural properties within Victoria one of the Australian states (Polyakov 2014). According to the authors, they directly estimated the marginal value of the native vegetation on non-public lands and examined its variance with the extent of vegetation within each property and across range of a given property sizes and types (Riordan 2014). The authors of the article in the American journal on agricultural economics came up with an understanding that the private profits of native vegetation are quite higher per unit area on medium and small sized private lands which are production oriented. Moreover, with the hedonic pricing method utilized by the authors within the study, it is evident that native vegetation indicates a reducing margin of profits as its fraction should have of the property increases. Even though the authors have adequately utilized spatio-temporal hedonic model, they should utilized the hedonic pricing method together with cost analysis model (Iftekhar 2017).
An assessment for the contributions of article by (Maksym 2015)
The standard methodology model used in real estate matches model methodology of price indexing thereby making it crucial for the next study to impute prices and consideration of standards of leaving index. This suggested method is based on interesting decomposition of spatial models and temporal effects as well as cost analysis. This combined ,methodology can enable a researcher to use hedonic pricing together with the cost analysis models to come up with land pricing data and estimate the costs and profits associated with environmental conservation, such pollution, growth control as well as tax policies in relation to time parameters (Polyakov 2014). This combined method will also allow the use of other techniques while coming up with the natural vegetation conservation strategies. For the combined method to work best it must also work simultaneously with policies and a standard time series analysis techniques (Iftekhar 2017).
The hedonic pricing method together with the cost analysis method should be used together in a way that should not be related to market valuation methods but should allow an individual to estimate the implicit utility prices of different commodities within the market (Polyakov 2014). The application of the method just as the one used by the authors of the article should have assumption in order to come up with a perfect way of benefits determination for example “the price of a rural property is determined by its production and consumption characteristics” (Maksym 2015). The combine method should have stages or processes and should also be utilized with a perfectly selected weight matrix with the consideration of its influence on the final results from the model (Iftekhar 2017).
The content of the paper article by (Maksym 2015) meets a lot the requirements and objective of the American Journal for agricultural economics which aims at creation of a sustainable environment and at the same time not interfering with the agricultural production. The content of the article also utilizers various hypotheses and methodologies which is crucial for policy makers and economists (Polyakov 2014). Native as reveled by the authors is a key environmental asset in various heavily cleared parts of the world such as cleared agricultural landscapes of Australia. The content of the article by (Maksym 2015) explains the benefits of native vegetation to both private and public landowners and states “Such vegetation provides a variety of benefits or ecosystem services to both private landowners and the public (Maksym 2015).”
Through provision of such information by the article to the entrepreneurs and members of the public, the authors of the article contributes a lot to the sustainable preservation of natural vegetation. The article further explains the benefits of natural vegetation to various private landowners who owns 77% of Australian land area by approximation. The content of the paper in this perspective meets the objectives of the American journal for agricultural economics by contributing to the creation of economic scholars with advance knowledge as well as contributing to the sustainable environmental conservation (Polyakov 2014).
The article by (Maksym 2015) even though utilizers other studies within the literature review part, it is new work basically containing fresh ideas. The majority of the studies in relation to this literature have mainly focused on the estimation of the value of environmental assets on a very particular types of property which is contrary to the focus of this article. The main objective of the article by (Maksym 2015) is the estimation of the value of profits to the private landowners generated by environmental assets such as natural vegetation in a multifunctional non-urban landscapes. Moreover, various studies conducted in the past have not showed any indication of testing structural shifts within the parameters of the hedonic model due to the varied types and sizes of property and none so far have discussed the quantity of the decreasing value margin of environmental assets on the rural properties.
The content of review article by (Maksym 2015) contributes a lot to environmental conservation and to creation of scholar economist through discussing the above gap in the literature review. The authors of the article have also contributed to the existing hedonic modelling methodologically through simultaneous control of spatio-temporal lag, spatial error dependencies witnessed within the data as well as spatial exogenous lag. The information provided within the article by (Maksym 2015) is crucial to policy makers as the information concerning private profits to the landowners from environmental assets in rural landscapes can be used as part of contemporary conservation policies (Polyakov 2014). The information can be used as policies as a result of its contribution to the betterment of investments which has over the years formed part of policy discussions.
The study has discussed above seems to be more useful to the environmental preservation and creation of economic scholars as well as important to the policy makers, the content of the paper however can only be understood by high level scholars but not a lay person (Groth 2017). The hedonic methodology and the hypotheses behind the study is quite technical for a lay person to understand. This therefore limits the study only to literate group of individuals leading to insufficient provision of information to the lay people who may be contributing massively to the destruction of natural vegetation for agricultural production (Polyakov 2014). The data provide and obtained by the others of the article is quite important and can be used in other parts of the as the study area was extensive and supplemented, however, the data obtained on the sales data by the study from the Valuer General’s Office of Victoria State cannot be fully regarded as true and the searchers should have come up with their private data (Pender, Weber and Brown 2014).
In conclusion, (Maksym 2015) set out to estimate the value of profits to the private landowners generated by environmental assets such as natural vegetation in a multifunctional non-urban landscapes. Generally the content of the article is well related to the topic and to the objectives of the American journal of agricultural economics and makes a non-trivial contribution to policy making and debates in agricultural economics and environmental conservation field. Nonetheless, the content of the paper shows some limitation by not being readable to a layperson through application of complicated hedonic pricing method and use of data from the Valuer General’s Office of Victoria State which cannot be fully regarded as true.
Groth, T.M., Curtis, A., Mendham, E. and Toman, E., 2017. Examining the agricultural producer identity: utilising the collective occupational identity construct to create a typology and profile of rural landholders in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 60(4), pp.628-646.
Iftekhar, M.S., Polyakov, M., Ansell, D., Gibson, F. and Kay, G.M., 2017. How economics can further the success of ecological restoration. Conservation Biology, 31(2), pp.261-268.
O’Riordan, T. ed., 2014. Environmental science for environmental management. Routledge.
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Pender, J.L., Weber, J.G. and Brown, J.P., 2014. Sustainable rural development and wealth creation: five observations based on emerging energy opportunities. Economic Development Quarterly, 28(1), pp.73-86.
Polyakov, M., Pannell, D.J., Pandit, R., Tapsuwan, S. and Park, G., 2014. Capitalized amenity value of native vegetation in a multifunctional rural landscape. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(1), pp.299-314.