Future Sanitation And Wastewater Flows: The Role Of Technology

Need to technology in sewer system

Discuss about the Future Sanitation and Wastewater Flows.

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In today’s era, we are living in a world where technology has surrounded us in every field.  Technology has made the life easier by offering various opportunities. It is the innovation of new technology that has made the work automated.

In this report the focus is on how the use of technology has changed the inspection of sewer system and how technology provides protection. Development of technological use in sewer system has gained success in recent years. There are various challenges that are faced in sewer system thus technology assures that all the risks associated are resolved. Technology offers better equipment’s that improve the efficiency of work (Stani?, et. al, 2017).  Thus it can be stated that use of technology improves the way a work need to be done as it incorporates new innovation that makes the work easy. The overall objective of this report is to demonstrate the innovative ideas in sewer system so that proper deployment takes place. This is made possible by using high technology equipment’s.

Population is increasing day by day which in turn also increases need to water supplies. Sewer system is a collection of pipelines that is used to transfer water from one area to another. It includes implementation of various technical things so that the system operates correctly (He and Ducoste, 2017). In the 20th century distribution of water is an important task, if there is a well-defined sewer system it will make sure that during the time of floods water will be managed properly. It also makes sure that filtered water is transmitted and take care that all the harmful containment are removed from water.

Various challenges are faced in the sewer system due to the hazardous agents like the discharge of pollutants in water bodies that reduces the life of water animals. Thus it is important to manage the waste water treatment with technology. If the sewer system is not managed properly it may lead to various diseases and can cause overflow of water on roads (Presgrave, 2015). The bacteria and diseases that spread it the environment due to poor management of sewer system can lead to serious issues. Equipment’s used in the sewer system often gets blocked due to heavy garbage. Some of the challenges faced in building sewer management system are consumption of energy. In treatment of water lot of energy is consumed. This can be reduced by using biological treatment process (Pulido, 2016). Other issues that are face in sewer management system is sludge protection that is treatment of excessive disposal produced during the process. The long term solution of sludge protection is recycling it.

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Technology used in sewer system

Technology is used to reduce the manual work and make the system work effectively as it helps in maintain and cleaning the sewer system. The cost may vary if compared to old traditional method but technology make uses of equipment’s that are portable (Hannouche, Joannis and Chebbo, 2017). The use of technological equipment’s helps in rapid assessments of the risk associated and the area in which pipe cleaning need to be done. Use of high technology helps in knowing if the pipe is blocked. The inspection using technology is cost saving if comparing to old traditional method (McGranahan and Mitlin, 2016). New and advanced technology has made the system efficient but they are costly and staffs have lack of knowledge to implement it.

It is important to manage the sewer system and this could be incepting the sewer lines and checking the blockage so that it could be removed by monitoring. The purpose of sewer inception is finding the actual condition of lines and then determining the actions plans so that lines function properly. Inspection in sewer system monitors the lines so that pre and post ways of maintaining the line could be identified (Galfi, et. al, 2016). Advanced technology available today has the capability to nullify the physical presence of a human being in a sewer for inspection purposes. The physical presence of humans has been replaced by the digital technologies. Inspections in sewer lines helps in keeping track of  all the connected line so that it prevent the chances of blockage There are possibility due to which failure can occur in the pipeline thus inception helps in understanding the sewer blockage properly (Carpenter and Gardner, 2017).

Inception has become easier by using advanced technology like video inspection provides a clear and précised image of the drains. It saves the manual efforts as humans are not required to do field work (Banks, et. al, 2018). The use of advanced technology has resolved the concern of digging as the internal image can be captured using video inspection.

Technology has replaced the old traditional method that was used to manage the sewer system. Some of the methods that have been used for managing the sewer system include infrared thermography system, ground penetrating radar technique, sequencing batch rector, bio reactor and sonic distance measurement method (Zarrei and Nelik, 2010). These methods are used in sewer system and have been used majorly as they offer various advantages. Discussing these methods in detail:

Infrared thermography system- It is a non-destructive testing method, no digging is required. It automatically inspects the pipelines and gives a 3D view of the damage in the lining method. Thermography check the damage using electrical inspections in the underground lines so that it could be identified in which area destruction has taken place. It provides video of the patterns of the surface of the pipes, these videos help in finding the logs so that actions could be taken by looking the conditions under it.

Ground penetrating radar technique- It is a new technology that has been highly successful in recent years. It is better than traditional CCTV surveys as CCTV’s are only presided to visual assessments of the pipelines. Ground penetrating radar techniques provide the location of the damage as well as accuracy of the damage is estimated correctly. This technique helps in seeing the result behind the beyond the lines which is not possible by humans. This method helps in removing the shallow covers and overlays that might be present.

Sequencing batch rector- This makes use of multiple basins where each basin has different function. Some is used for aeration and other is used for discharging the waste. This method is very useful as it removes the gases that are in appropriate and improves the aesthetics. IT requires less man work as tasks as task is completed automatically and given high quality result without using separate filtration process.

Bio reactor- This is a technology used to minimize the growth of microbes and bacteria in the tank. It uses systemic flow approach which has lowered economic and construction cost. This method is very easy to operate a do not require to train the staff. This system is expandable to large scale and has low power consumption.

Sonic distance measurement method- This method is used to find the distance in the pipeline where the damage has occurred. This device is used to find the distance is small enough but have various sensors to track the errors, it is a low cost process but given a clear picture. It is basically used n sewer blockage system were obstacles could be seen and removed accordingly.

Sonar assessment- It actually measures the magnitude of the defects and is basically used in pipelines that is semi-submerged. It can be used deep inside the water levels and provide a real time view. It provides a view of two dimension view of internal parts as well as medical MRI.

Laser profiling- It has the capability to provide 3D image of the aptitudes. It is a laser technology which is best in terms of providing a clear and detailed image. They provide an integrated view of the damage but measuring the distance, time of flight as well as calculating the pixels. It is efficient method as helps in understanding the condition properly.

Geographic mapping- It is a high technology methodology that is used for internal measurements of the pipelines. It involves various additional sensors that are used to understand the problem and solve it accordingly to fulfil customer requirement.

The traditional sewer system was very poor in terms of technology; advancement in technology has made the work easy.  In the recent time cameras have mounted the role of humans as they inspect the damage in every corner. There are various pool mounted cameras that have the ability to zoom over the lamping’s on the lines. In case of poor lighting where man finds difficult to work, these cameras can work in dim lights as well. The technology has provided robotic methods that operate automatically from any remote area and allows seeing the damage in 360 degree.

The high standard technology has been adopted in the sewer system from CCTV cameras to high coded machines. The above discussed technology provides standardized description of the defects and this helps in taking actions fast (Van Puijenbroek, et. al, 2015). These technologies have met the standards and provide complete solution for blockage.

The old methods that were used in sewer system mostly included manually work that required lot of hard work, apart from that it was difficult to observe the defect. The use of high technology has helped in making better decisions as it provide clear and précised image (Stani?,  et. al, 2017). Minor damage was not able to be observed using the old traditional method but the latest technology has helped in knowing the significant damage inside or outside the sewer lines. With the use of latest technology it has led to the development of portable equipment s which has improved the flexibility.

The future of the sewer system would be effective as it have better technologies that help in working with higher effectiveness. The future of sewer system has better ways to analyses the damage and use better recycling methods (Hlodversdottir, et. al, 2015). These advanced technologies will help in making friendly environment and avoid the chances of heavy blockage or poor management of water supplies. The challenges faced in today’s time will fade with time as there are high technology equipment’s that could be used to resolve the problem. Before the innovation of technology the process was very slow but technology has almost changed the ways to deal with the problems. It is difficult to analysed manually were the defect has occurred and which location pipelines are damaged, if they are not identified at the right time it cause damage to the entire locality (Dtu, 2015). The future will not have such issues as technology has helped in highlighting the areas were damage has occurred and access is needed (Epa, 2015). The sewer system will not is difficult to be managed as technology has deployed various ways in the modern society.


In this report it can be concluded that use of technology has ensured safety in sewer inspection. It is necessary to manage the sewer system which was a difficult task before the innovation of technology. Technology has made the work faster and automated by reducing the manual work. Technology is used to resolve the challenges that are faced in the sewer system. Use of technology has made the inspection of defects easier in the sewer system and has provided better sewer management techniques. It has designed the methods that are cost effective and provide clear picture and have removed the consequences of digging. Various technologies that have discussed in the report are Infrared thermography system, Ground penetrating radar technique, sequencing batch rector, bio reactor, sonar assessment and laser profiling. These technologies mostly use video inspection that will help in identifying the potential problems before they become emergency and difficult to be managed.


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