Environmental Consultant Job Profile: Roles, Responsibilities, And Contributions

Demand for Environmental Consultants in Australia

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Increased global warming and other environmental issues have led to increased demand for jobs in the environmental sector. Considering the higher rate of technological development, the surrounding environment is hampered and compromised largely. Australia is currently facing higher environmental issues that need to be mitigated for the benefit of the surrounding environment and nursing sustainability (Tranter, 2013). As a result, increased number of environmental consultant jobs are seen in Australia, so that the current developments are made after taking expert advice from the consultants thereby, taking care of both the environment and promoting urbanization. Over the years, the overall climatic condition of Australia has changed drastically that needs to be mitigated for the future generations to survive. The contribution of the environmental consultant provided an opportunity to address the climatic changes along with the contribution in ensuring sustainability in Australia. The job profile of the environmental consultant is developed in such a way that the recent environmental issues are identified and mitigated for the betterment of the place.

This report describes the job profile of an environmental consultant in detail by highlighting the roles and responsibilities of the designated post. In addition to, the report also sheds light on the contribution of the environmental consultant in addressing climate change as well as a contribution to sustainability.

The main motto of the environmental consultant is to analyze and advice on policies while developing designs along with including the government and commercial environmental operations and programs. The profession of environmental consultant works on contractual basis for both public and private sectors and addresses environmental issues such as water pollution, soil contamination and air quality (Dai, 2013).

The profession of environmental consultant requires analyzing the surrounding natural habitat, addressing the fisheries and wildlife needs. These roles and responsibilities allow the environmental consultant to formulate both short term and long term management objectives and goals. Identifying and analyzing the surrounding environment is an integral part of the profession of an environmental consultant, as this allows ensuring the protection of the surrounding environment along with facilitating urbanization and development. The environmental consultant is able to perform the above mentioned task due to scientific knowledge and technical expertise (“1220.0 – ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition, Revision 1”, 2018).

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Apart from the aforementioned responsibility, the profession of environmental consultant highlights the strict enforcement of laws and regulations in order to protect the wildlife and fish. The marine life is highly troubled and disturbed due to prevalent ignorance that is seen while development and urbanization of the surrounding environment. Enforcement of environmental laws and regulations ensures that the surrounding environment is protected and conserved in spite of facilitating urbanization and development. In addition to, enforcing the government laws and policies saves the private and the public firms from penalties and fines in future for non-compliance with the government regulations.

Roles and Responsibilities of Environmental Consultants

Another significant role of the environmental consultant is to conduct environmental impact assessments for the wide range of developmental projects. Environmental Impact Assessment is one of the crucial roles for the environmental consultant, as this provides an opportunity to analyze the probable positive and negative environmental impacts of a proposed project by considering the social, economic, cultural and human-health impact. After addressing the negative impact of the proposed project, the role of the environmental consultant is to propose solutions for mitigating the negative environmental impact of the project (Trenberth, et al., 2014).

The profession of an environmental consultant also demands to study the impact of various factors such as altitude, climatic change, environmental change, terrain along with various sources of nutrition and predators. The studying of the aforementioned factors is done in order to determine the impact of it on the plant, animal and human life. As an environmental consultant, it is also important to study and evaluate the reason of pollution, change in the atmospheric conditions along with studying the evaluating the ecology, demographic characteristics, minerals, water and soil samples (Murphy & Morrison, 2014).  

The profession of environmental consultant also includes developing management and conservation policies the the different biological resources such as the existing forest and the population of the fish in the marine ecosystem thereby, developing standards with the approach for controlling the pollution and facilitating rehabilitating the areas that has been disturbed due to activities such as overgrazing, mining and timber felling. The environmental consultants also organize activities in accordance with the government policies in parks and areas that need conservations and protection of both cultural and natural heritage (Short, Baker, Carter, Jones, & Jay, 2013).

Lastly, the environmental consultant profession also demands active participation in management planning by considering the available information related to the environment thereby, making inventories of flora and fauna along with items of cultural and heritage significance (Ciambrone, 2018).

Over the past years, the environment in Australia has encountered drastic changes. The environmental changes have been encountered in terms of rising temperatures, change in the pattern of rainfalls, ocean acidification and rise of sea level. Thus, the environmental change has affected the water resources, health, agriculture, biodiversity, fishes, infrastructure and coasts. The role and contribution of the environmental consultant are crucial in addressing the climatic changes. This is because the environmental consultants have the knowledge and expertise to address the climatic changes and find ways to mitigate it along with promoting development and urbanization (“The science of climate change | Australian Academy of Science”, 2018).

The Importance of Environmental Impact Assessments

The environmental consultants implement their inter-disciplinary social science and environmental expertise and skills both in private and public sector and assess the clients by developing and applying adaptation and mitigation initiatives in terms of climatic change. The entire world is working together to combat with the adverse environmental effects, the environmental consultants work simultaneously with the clients and provide adequate support for designing and applying methods that help in mitigating adverse environmental impact due to the ongoing projects and programs. The environmental consultants emphasize on developing practical, attainable and cost effective solutions for mitigating the environmental consequences (“Fifth Assessment Report – Synthesis Report”, 2018).

The environmental consultants’ design and conduct assessment for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). The conduction of this assessment helps the environmental consultants to address the climatic change and find and develop solutions of mitigating it. The forest is highly affected due to increased competition of development and urbanizations. People are focusing more development without considering the harmful effect it is causing to the surrounding environment. Lack of trees and greenery is hampering the environment in terms of lack of oxygen as well as hampering the biodiversity, as loss of species is highly noticed (Ghimire & Pimbert, 2013).

The environmental consultants work with the clients’ hand-in-hand in order to address and assess the risks and impacts of the climatic changes on resources such as projects, people and communities. The environmental consultants work across various sectors such as agriculture, forestry and infrastructure by taking help of indigenous people, government bodies and local communities in order to develop adaptation strategies that support climate resilient decision making. The environmental consultants’ addresses climatic change by undertaking coastal zone management initiatives and determining the carbon stock assessment for the entire forest range. The coastal zone management initiatives and carbon stock assessment helps the environmental consultants to address climatic change by mapping historical change of the place over the years (Christoff, 2013).

The environmental consultants can also address climatic change by developing scenarios that facilitate the use of particular land in the future by using advanced spatial modeling. The use of advanced spatial analysis and modeling allows the environmental consultants to link the geometric data with the thematic data thereby, determining the use of the particular land and environmental scenario in the future. Other methods that are used by the environmental consultants for addressing the climatic change are conducting hydrological modeling assessment, downscaling and evaluating the change of climate for particular regions over the years by improving the accuracy of predicting the climate and weather data through the implementation of enhanced hydrology and climate monitoring (Cook, Smerdon, Seager, & Coats, 2014).

Enforcing Environmental Laws and Regulations

Considering the role of an environmental consultant, the contribution in terms of sustainability was in the field of ensuring sustainable fishing and developing sustainable forestry. The commercial fishing industry can engage in fish farming as well as other marine organisms of both fresh and salt water. The fishes are highly affected by the higher level of carbon dioxide in the water. Thus, carbon conscious fishing is one of the methods of contributing sustainability for fishing 1.        (“Sustainable Development Goals .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform”, 2018). It has been seen that the fishermen use boats for fishing that emits carbon dioxide thereby, harming and threatening the existence of different fish fishes. As an environmental consultant, the advice for reducing the emission of carbon dioxide is replacing the propeller with stainless steel. This helped in reducing the drag. In addition to, installing an electric fuel meter also helps in monitoring the consumption of the fuel thereby, finding the energy efficient method of the fishing boat.

Another method of ensuring sustainable fishing practice as an environmental consultant is the implementation of hook and lining method that is, pole catching. The use of this method requires the use of a fishing pole that has several hooks in a single line. As a result, the fishermen are able to release by catch quickly soon after the fishes have been caught. It is a more sustainable approach than dredging because mesh bags used in dredging scoops other types of marine life that are not required but are uprooted due to the process thereby, harming the marine ecosystem (Martens, 2013).

As an environmental consultant, another method of ensuring sustainable fishing is by using harpooning. In this case, the fishermen use hand thrown harpoons fired from guns in order to catch larger fishes with minimal by catch. This is a sustainable fishing practice, as this method does not harm the rest of the flora and fauna in the marine ecosystem. The harpoons fired from guns targets the fishes directs and pierces the body leaving the surrounding flora and fauna. In addition to, the use of handmade harpoons does not uproot the surrounding flora and fauna thereby, leaving them undisturbed and untouched. Manufacturing lead free harpoons is another way to ensure sustainable fishing (Williams & Schaefer, 2013).

The advice of using traps for fishing is another contribution towards sustainability as an environmental consultant. The use of traps provides an opportunity for the fishermen to guide the fishes in to boxes or reef nets that are placed near the surface of the water. As a result, the fishes tip over the box or the reef nets. In addition to, the wire mesh traps can also be used sustainably provided they are not dragged along the floor of the ocean.  Methods such as trolling, long lining and purse seining are advisable as an environmental consultant that can be used for ensuring sustainable fishing (Lewis, Walls, & Dowell, 2014).

Developing Management and Conservation Policies


Thus, in this report, it can be concluded that the drastic environmental changes are a matter of concern around the world including Australia. Over the years, the Australian environment and climatic condition have changed drastically. The environmental changes have been encountered in terms of rising temperatures, change in the pattern of rainfalls, ocean acidification and rise of sea level. Thus, the environmental change has affected the water resources, health, agriculture, biodiversity, fishes, infrastructure and coasts. The role and contribution of the environmental consultant are crucial in addressing the climatic changes. This is because the environmental consultants have the knowledge and expertise to address the climatic changes and find ways to mitigate it along with promoting development and urbanization.

 The job profile for an environmental consultant in Australia has increased in order to combat with the extensive climatic changes. The contribution of the environmental consultants in addressing the climatic changes and contribution to sustainability is impeccable, as they possess required knowledge and expertise in mitigating the issues by conserving the surrounding along with facilitating development and urbanizations. The profession of an environmental consultant also demands to study the impact of various factors such as altitude, climatic change, environmental change, terrain along with various sources of nutrition and predators. The studying of the aforementioned factors is done in order to determine the impact of it on the plant, animal and human life.


Christoff. (2013). Four degrees of global warming: Australia in a hot world. Routledge.

Ciambrone. (2018). Environmental life cycle analysis. CRC Press.

Cook, Smerdon, Seager, & Coats, &. (2014). Global warming and 21 st century drying. Climate Dynamics, 2607-2627.

Dai. (2013). Increasing drought under global warming in observations and models. Nature Climate Change, 52.

Ghimire, & Pimbert, &. (2013). Social change and conservation. Routledge.

Lewis, Walls, & Dowell, &. (2014). Difference in degrees: CEO characteristics and firm environmental disclosure. Strategic Management Journal, 712-722.

Martens. (2013). Health and climate change: modelling the impacts of global warming and ozone depletion. Routledge.

Murphy, & Morrison, &. (2014). Introduction to environmental forensics. Academic Press.

Short, Baker, Carter, Jones, & Jay, &. (2013). Strategic environmental assessment and land use planning: an international evaluation. Routledge.

Tranter. (2013). The great divide: Political candidate and voter polarisation over global warming in Australia. Australian Journal of Politics & History, 397-413.

Trenberth, Dai, Schrier, V. D., Jones, Barichivich, Briffa, & Sheffield, &. (2014). Global warming and changes in drought. Nature Climate Change, 17.

Williams, & Schaefer, &. (2013). Small and medium?sized enterprises and sustainability: Managers’ values and engagement with environmental and climate change issues. Business Strategy and the Environment, 173-186.

Sustainable Development Goals .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. (2018). Retrieved from https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300

Fifth Assessment Report – Synthesis Report. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/syr/

The science of climate change | Australian Academy of Science. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.science.org.au/learning/general-audience/science-booklets-0/science-climate-change

1220.0 – ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition, Revision 1. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Previousproducts/76FE4DB3E4B44407CA2575DF002DA6FC?opendocument

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