Public Relations Plan To Reduce Teen Pregnancy, Campaign Facts
Background and Objectives
Discuss about the Civic Engagement and Public Relations Roles.
Below is a model Public Relations plan. These plans do not follow a strict order or model to follow for the realization of it. Therefore each plan that is made will be different to all. Creativity and adaptation to the organizational context are the keys to carry out this project. They also offer definitions, concepts, and suggestions to follow for a better understanding and strengthening of the project, which in turn, will serve as a guide to the company for a better arrival towards the objectives set out in said plan. The goal is to show teen pregnancy can be done away with. Educating the teens in schools and giving them moral lessons on the consequences of everything is the basis of reducing the teen pregnancies.
The facts in this campaign are that more than 700,000 teens become pregnant each year. This is an alarming number considering how many children are in school. The girls do not know how the pregnancy will affect their lives in the future. Two out of ten fathers will stay with the mother of their child. The rest eight will only pay less than $800 in child support (Karanges, & Lings,2015). This is too little considering that someone’s life has been changed forever as she has become a new mother. This campaign also works hand in hand in teaching about abortion and the negative impact of abortions. The campaign goal is to encourage teens to practice abstinence, work hard in school, graduate and become parents at the right age. If one has to have sex, then safe sex is always encouraged by using protection. The company tries to protect teenage pregnancies by educating teens, especially in high school through showing them the impact of teen pregnancy on one’s life. More facts from the campaign are that less than half of the teen mothers graduate from high school. Parenthood is the reason why teenage girls drop out from school. Three in five parents that started as teenagers end up in divorce management.
The primary objective for which it is decided to install this place is to give one more option of to those who still do not identify with any place already existing in the locality, trying to make a difference.
- The practice of sexual relations of young people without contraceptive methods.
- Marriage at an early age and the role of gender that is traditionally assigned to women.
- Peer pressure, which encourages teens to have sex.
- The consumption of alcoholic beverages and other drugs produce a reduction in inhibition, which can stimulate unwanted sexual activity.
- Lack of information and sufficient knowledge about contraceptive methods and not having easy access to their acquisition, as well as the lack of proper sex education.
In addition to the above reasons, it is considered that there are some risk factors:
- The early onset of menarche (first menstruation).
- Family disintegration.
- Early sexual relations.
- Sexual freedom.
- Search for a relationship.
- Particular circumstances such as prostitution, rape, incest and adolescents with mental problems.
The Facts About Teen Pregnancy
Therefore, it is considered that to prevent adolescent pregnancy, a complete sexual education, access to contraceptive methods and support for parents of adolescents to talk with their children about sex and contraception are necessary.
Early pregnancy is one that occurs in children under 19 years of age, and today it continues to be a problem that mainly affects developing countries, although it also increases alarmingly in developed countries. And it is a problem because there is high mortality related to childbirth (Kent, 2015). Complications during the same are the second cause of death among girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide.
Since 1990, policies and actions have been carried out to try to reduce adolescent pregnancy, however, they are not easy actions to implement since many pregnancies are not due to the little sexual education received by minors but to social factors. That is, traditions and customs lead families to marry their daughters who are pressured to have children soon (Holland, & Seltzer, 2017).
These policies have helped reduce birth rates among adolescents. However, 11% of all births in the world occur among minors; the figure is alarming, it is 17 million girls under 19 years. Of those births, 98% occur in countries with low or middle income.
What is the reason for early pregnancy?
– Abuse, sexual exploitation or rape.
– Early start of sexual relations.
– Influence of media.
– Levels of poverty.
– High level of deschooling and few professional goals.
What risks do teenagers suffer when they become pregnant? They are high-risk births, and complications during the same make the risk of death of mothers is very high. Also, babies of teenage mothers are 50% more likely to have prenatal deaths.
What solutions are proposed to avoid the problem of teenage pregnancy? WHO together with the United Nations Population Fund suggest that countries adopt measures such as:
– Education in society to reduce the number of marriages before the age of 18
– Increase the use of contraceptives to avoid the risk of involuntary pregnancy.
– Create policies to protect minors against abuse and forced sex
– Increase the use of prenatal, delivery and postnatal care services for adolescents
The world radiography on pregnancy in minors is shown by a new report from the United Nations Population Fund (Unfpa), which raises for Colombia that in the country the pregnancy rate among adolescents between 15 and 19 years is 10% greater in the poor population, 7% higher in women living in the rural sector and concentrated in three regions of the country:
Understanding the Risks and Consequences
The children of these girls will suffer because of the lack of opportunities. Also, the study highlights the economic effect of pregnancy for a country, especially due to the costs in lost opportunities and productivity. It is not a problem that affects girls, families, and children. Teen pregnancy is a problem of the whole society.
At the end of the high season, the place decides to close its doors due to internal problems among the members.
One of the most important pillars of this work will be to try to achieve the change of image that is already in progress. The negative image caused by the lack of information from the public and the use of competition. The misinformation that took public state was that being two of its couple owners, the place would be only for homosexual people.
The vision is an image of a future state, desired for the actions of the organization. In other words, it is a description of what things would be in a few years, it is a commitment, and it is the result of putting imagination to the knowledge to project a possible future that guides the actions.
To achieve the goal set out in the vision, it is important also to establish a mission, that is, to limit the path through which the company will cross during its development.
The mission can be defined as the “reason for being” of the company and is the concept that distinguishes one organization from another. It is important to explain it because it offers the employees of the organization a unity of meaning that transcends particular needs, fosters a sense of shared expectations, consolidates values ??among the members of the organization, gives a sense of belonging and creates an “Institutional Culture” The realization of these concepts is of utmost importance to achieve internal stability in the organization, which in turn would cause an improvement in the institutional image. Institutional Vision: Achieve local leadership regarding nightlife venues. Reaching the best level regarding competition is referred.
It proposes a new way of thinking about the challenge of teenage pregnancy. Until recently this phenomenon was conceived as a problem in which the behavior of the girl had to be changed, blaming her, without considering the underlying challenges. Now we believe that the role of men in fundamental: we must educate them on the subject with programs that contemplate much more than geniality and reproduction. We must stop gender equity, for example.
Proposed Solutions to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
This campaign treats in a simple, but severe way, a problem that today worries diverse sectors of society: the causes and consequences of teen pregnancy. This is an issue that despite the many millions of pesos that the State spends annually in programs to prevent it, these are not only insufficient but also ineffective, even some scholars of the subject point out that “the state was shaved on this issue” by various reasons, since every solution must be comprehensive and as we advance in this campaign work we find that a large percentage of the causes lie in poor family relationships, poverty, education that has not transcended all of its competences in order to contribute in the solutions; and the effects of technologies on the daily life of young people who, without wanting to demonize them, have a drastic influence on these wrong decisions made by adolescents, as well as forced displacement, lack of employment and other factors that are a breeding ground for that this problem continues to grow, upsetting many of the dreams of young people, who instead of enjoying their lives, building and contributing with their youth to the community have had to postpone and even forget their projects to dedicate themselves to assume their responsibilities of fathers (Gregory, & Thurlow, 2017). Throughout this campaign, we will observe how they live, feel and suffer the consequences of the wrong decisions that at some point and from the church’s point of view are in the absence of education in ethics and values, with an emphasis on sexual education.
This has a very well defined vision in the transversely, participation and the concretion of processes aimed at generating results in the community, in general, starting from the premise if a person is trained in ethics and values ??can make more coherent and mature decisions (Gregory, & Len-Ríos,2017). The problem is addressed from various educational areas, pointing out that Philosophy is not a task alien to life and reality nor the lucid awareness of individual problems; for this reason, its study is the path that leads to the very reality of human character, which allows us to discover the meaning of life, of the reality that it offers us daily as a problem. In the same sense, the proposal seeks that the adolescent understands that he must work in the construction of his project, understood as the result of an effort to give meaning to his own life during the temporal dimension of the same, to the vocation and to the mission in history at a time when learners begin to become aware of new experiences of human love and uncertainty in the search for a preparation to be integrated into a rewarding and useful way to society, by choosing professions or trades (Duhé, 2015).
Importance of Ethics and Values in Decision-Making
Education from ethics and values ??is a very valuable alternative as a tool to build a society more aware of its role in the promotion of rights and duties and therefore it is essential that from there be promoted through the religious and moral importance of cementing in each girl, boy, and adolescent the practice of a life with more dialogue, communication, respect, love, responsibility, loyalty, as synonyms of peace and coexistence. The philosophy is responsible for studying the problems or current situations and this issue is one of them and is considered to have great value for this race because it is a topic with high content and social impact not only humanism built with ethical and moral values as tools that will allow you to make decisions with great responsibility (Lee, & Sargent, 2015). Teachers who are aware that educating knows how to model the way of being, feeling, thinking and acting, guiding moral values ??and principles to students, that they reaffirm as they mature; because those principles and values ??create in the student a state of consciousness that allows them to discern what is right or wrong and in the same way, will determine if they act in this or that way. In the same sense, this work has a sense of importance because this phenomenon affects a large percentage of the world’s population and defines a large part of the life goals of young people who will be responsible for leading the processes to come and on which they will depend.
From the norms it is possible to frame not only the foundations of the investigation but the many elements of judgment that are proper to a good project that from the authorities even today is cracked, because the normative conception sounds very nice and even logical, but that in reality has not been achieved not only the proposed results, but deserved by the population in general and while it is in these terms the youth is on a wrong path that is leading them to thwart their dreams with dire consequences not only for them but for a state that spends as much money as efforts that in truth and according to studies have not achieved the expectations of the possible beneficiaries.
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