Buckley Street Project: Level Crossing Removal And Quality Management

Options for Level Crossing Removal

Discuss about the Procurement Management Of Buckley Street.

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Buckley Street is one of the popular projects at Australia. It is situated at north-west of Australia that connects Keilor and Avondale Heights in west. It has Mount Alexander Road in its east. It works started at 2018 to mitigate the problems of congested and dangerous level crossing situated at Buckley Street at Essendon.

However, the level crossing is been removed through building a road under passing below the railway line. This has included new service roads for maintaining local access. It has included the critical analysis for identifying and understanding various related theories. Then a review is made on the best practice models.

Relevant theories:

There are various ways in which the level crossing can be removed. It has included sinking and elevating the rail, sinking or elevating the roads of both closing the crossing. There has been review of options offering least road and impacts of community while the construction is on the way. A program must be developed that must allow for the ongoing level crossing removal. It has been depending in funding availability (Fuller et al., 2017). Buckley Street can undertake any effective planned system or various formats for scoping, determining collection of different intergenerational and intergeneratioally relevant data. Here the initial step has been to develop any methodological. It can be used to retrieve ideas and information pertinent for constructing a theory. This intergenerational field has seemed to be providing a relatively attention for creating a systematic approach for developing the theory. This has been relevant among various kinds of qualitative data where case studies are seen as excellent resource to develop an emergent theory. Particularly, collection of various case studies through various types intergenerational practitioners and researches. This must be done in collaboration has been a step for further advancing the intergenerational theory (Hornstein, 2015).

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Apart from this an evidence-based practice and transactional study can be conducted.  Both of them have been useful ideas needed to be considered under intergenerational theory creation. This practice based on evidences has turned out be a watchword in social services and social sciences in current years. It has been simply basing any program, activity or treat and empirical in nature. This empirical testing of intergenerational practice is vital for credibility and is needed to be included (Araújo, Alencar & de Miranda Mota, 2017).

Besides, it has been vital not to misinterpret different kinds of idea of evidence-based practice or let limiting the types of data that is needed to be considered evident in this construction theory. This evidence has been continuing indicating various multiple data sources and undertakes qualitative research methods (Turner, 2016). The finding has been leading to the next premises. Here, one should suggest this as a smart intergenerational theory that is able to increasingly develop that must continue to be utilized as a social science theory in conventional manner. This can generate hypothesis testable through empirical methods.

Intergenerational Theory and Evidence-based Practice

The causes of quality problems:

Current quality management approaches has been relating in many ways to overall management approaches. Here, more and more attention is been paid to human aspects of the process along with team approach towards quality and idea of total quality management. The process of quality management has been much more oriented towards permanent small incremental developments and various inspection points under the process that it has been in the past. The project of Buckley Street has been involving the identification of quality requirements for project, product and documenting how the project has been able to show the meeting of quality requirements (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017). Here, the outputs of the process have included quality management plan, quality metrics and quality checklists and an effective process improvement plan. Further, they can perform quality assurances. It is used for verifying that the project processes has been enough such that they are been adhered to project deliverables for good quality. Here, two methods are used for audits and project quality assurances. The next one is performing quality control. It has verified that the product as met the quality requirements. Ere testing and peer reviews are the two ways used to do the quality control. These results determine whether any corrective action is needed (Harrison & Lock, 2017).

Application of principles to quality:

The first principle has been customer focus covering customer services and needs. The businesses must understand the common people and preferably exceed people’s expectations. As a result customer loyalty has risen with rise in revenue and waste reduction. This is the way Buckley Street can spot the customer opportunities and satisfy them improves (Oakland & Marosszeky, 2017). Further, more effective processes have resulted in developed customer satisfaction.

The next step has been people involvement. This has included employee motivation and rise in innovation and benefits have been also present. As the people feel to be valued, they are able to work to their utmost potential and then contribute to those ideas. Further, it has emphasized on the importance to make employees responsible and then be accountable for all their actions. Further there has been process approach that has been all about effectiveness and efficiency. Further, it has been about consistency and understanding good processes speeding up those activities. It must be understood that smart process are helpful to reduce costs, develop consistency and eradicate waste and promote constant improvements (Liu, Meng & Fellows, 2015).

Next, Buckley Street must make factual approach towards in decision making. It has been a logical approach on the basis of analysis and data. Here, unfortunately the fast paced workplace the decisions have been often made rashly. This is done without proper thought. Here, the efficiency imbued in Buckley Street after implementing prior principles has allowed decisions to be made with effective manner and clarity. Further, the decisions have lead to developed understanding o marketplace as the data is collated and investigated having the ability to defend the previous decisions (Crawford, 2014).

Principles of Quality Management

At the last phase, Buckley Street must maintain mutually beneficial supplier relations. It has been dealing with supply chains. This has been able to promote relationship between Buckley Street and their suppliers. Further, it also helps in identifying that it has been interdependent. Here, strong relationship has enhanced productivity and encouraged flawless practices of working. The outcomes are optimization of resources and costs that fosters long term relations and flexibility of various joint reactions to change the market or the expectations and needs of people.

Roles and responsibilities:

Here the most important risk in the current project plan has been about hampering the various level of permeability of roads. This is because of the limited flow of traffic to design roads. Then there are various rises in pollutions originating from vehicles that stand in queues of one lane to access the surrounding roads as a major risk. The pollutions have been lead to various long-term reverse consequences. The main responsibility is to ignore this problem at first.

However, in no time they require to take case of or prevent long term diseases taking place among different citizens (Brones, de Carvalho & de Senzi Zancul, 2014). Further, safety at the sites of railway has not been effective. This has been highly dangerous to mitigate security instead of knowing the reality.

Further, it must be kept in mind that misjudgments in perceptions have been leading to severe results for those passengers. Lastly, the noise pollution has been an important aspects having reverse affect on people that is a vital responsibility needed to be considered. For instance, honking car horns results in noise pollutions having has effect on people particularly the different senior citizens.

Risk Identification:

It is done through the following PESTLE Analysis:


 This must indicate how the Australian Government must extent Buckley Street project influencing certain industry and economy.


 Here, the factors have been the determinants of various economic performances. This has directly affected Buckley Street project and has been resonating different long-term impacts.


 Here, the factors have been scrutinizing the various social scenarios of the market and gauging various determinants such as population analytics, demographics and cultural trends and so on.


 Further, there have been various features that have been pertaining to innovations that can impact the operations at Buckley Street project.


 There are means of various financing procurements stated clearly according o the law, budgetary requirements and regulations. The must also find out that there has been internal control systems to assure compliances with legal and various regulatory requirements. Then it must be found out whether the procurements are been done in transparent way and been documented well (Rakos et al. 2015).


 Here, the factors have included those that influenced and are determined by the environment outside.

The first step is to map procurement risks. This is to detect suspected irregularities. Buckley Street, for example has outlined the major phases or components for procurements processes. It has also included some inquiries that procurement agencies must make to find out whether there have been any unacceptable risks that are inherent at every stage (Hwang, Zhao & Toh, 2014).

The analysis can be done at legal basis for operations and existences of Buckley Street through considering various issues. The project must find out whether there has been any legal basis for procurement agencies as per the laws. Next, they must identify the operations are set clearly, in well-organized and documented way according to the regulations and laws

Risks involved in Buckley Street Project

In the next phase there must be preparation of procurement. They must undertake steps for preparing the contract and purchase. The specific requirements must be reviewed of specific purchase both from financial and legal standpoint. Here the questions must include whether there has been any special procurement regulations present there that is applicable (Eger & Egerová, 2016). This must be particularly as the funding comes from restricted sources. Then they must determine whether the public authority has calculated values properly. Then they must determine whether there any description of service and good is been acquired.

The processes are been chosen for procurements since the public agencies has failed to consider various alternatives like purchasing and leasing. Then they must determine whether the public authority has decided to undertake admissible and proper processes of procurements (Kendrick, 2015).

In this way Buckley Street must solicit bids and proposals that has not just been the matter of meeting minimal requirements prescribed by the law. Here, the way of advertising must undertake the nature of service and good that is to be procured. Buckley Street must find out that whether the public authority has advertised procurement compliance with the laws. Then they must seek what the means of publication like the bulk of vendors have been able to access. Then they must find the equal and timely access for contracting documents and data provide for interested vendors.

The smartest model to be deployed in the project of Buckley Street is Adaptive Project Framework (APF). It is seen that changes has been constant and unpredictable. It has come with no surprise. The change itself has been changing at a rising pace. This has been a great deal of uncertainty over roads to breakthrough performances. The success has never come till they are accompanied by flexibility, creativity and courage (Tomer, 2014). As they have been simply relying on routine application of off-the-shelf methodology, the failure is most likely to happen. At Buckley Street there has been more necessity to change than the approaches undertaken to manage the class of project whose solution has not clearly been defined. The projects has been often occurring and never fitting the present at practices (Walker, 2015). Here the problem has been to align project management techniques and processes with the change in needs of the project, business environments and markets they have been serving. Here, the risks has been irrelevant and been dismissed. This indicates that they should embrace those changes in models and approaches and develop clear models that have been embracing those changes.

PESTLE Analysis and Procurement Processes

From the starting point, till the end, APF has been developed to adapt the change in situations of the projects. This change in understanding of solution has been prompting changes in which projects have been managed and the very approach is used. Discovering and learning the early cycles has leaded to change the approaches taken. For instance, beginning with APF approach, one can discover the entire solutions very initial cycles of project planning. They must continue to use APF and the new characteristics o the projects has been the basis of change in approach. However, it must be reminded that nothing under APF has been fixed. Here, every part of the APF has been variable and constantly adjusting the project characteristics. Here the changes are not been taken from predefined lists. All the parts of it comprised of possible changes (Qian et al. 2018). Here the changes in approaches have been including creative responses to the change in necessities of the situations. Hence, APF has needed meaningful involvements of clients and project teams that have been acting open and trusting partnerships.

For placing APF at proper context, envision of various approaches of project managements are been mapped to simple project landscapes. Project management scenario has been an ever-changing case. It has been defined by various independent variables. It includes characteristics of environments where projects are done. Next, it includes the characteristics of the projects, business process life-cycles, project management lifecycles, profile of project teams, profile of client teams and various software and hardware tools to support the overall endeavor (Edler et al. 2015).


Project managers of Buckley Street have been focusing on budgets, schedules and scopes. However, it has also needed to control risks, quality of deliverables, manage and engage people and procure services and goods. Here the various key functions that must be focused are identification, quantification and management of project risks, performing buy or make analysis, various kinds of contracts and risks related to every type along with four pillars of quality. The report has chosen the APF framework that has been aligned with the team of Buckley Street. This is also been needed to get aligned with clients. For example, clients of tackle-charge types have been quite comfortable in staying at the lead position and resist the approach where they have been taking the charge. As per as APF model is considered, Buckley Street must always keep backups as they tend to stray outside their scopes. Further, the report helps in understanding that they must be managing and planning project risks through identifying, analyzing, planning and carrying the risk responses. They must also manage and plan project procurements effectively. This can be done through creating vendor list, selecting vendors, creating procurement contracts and so on.


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