Project Management Methodologies And Risks Of Managing Geographically Distributed Teams
Major Project Risks
Discuss about the Process Based Project Management For Resolving Project Issue: Geographically Distributed Team.
This report depicts the role of a particular project management methodology to manage serious project management level issues. It is the role of the project manager and the project team members to serve their role accordingly to resolve the issues. A project based organization may ace different issues those are elaborated in this report. However it is not necessary that the risk level and complexity of the issues will be similar in all case. Thus based on the side effects and complexity proper project management methodology should be selected by the project managers to identify the reason and root cause of the issues. Not only this, but also it can be said that with the help of proper project management methodology a project manager may completely avoid the occurrence of risks.
The different risks that a project based company may face include communication issue, risk management issues, lack of expert team, distributed project team members etc. All of these project risks are required to be analyzed and resolves to gain effective project level success. The project risks cannot be avoided rather in order to resolve this issue proper project management methodology should be selected. For this particular project the nominated issue is geographically distributed project team. In order to resolve the issue agile project management methodology should be selected by the project manager.
Project Management Issue
The P3M framework stands for Project, Program and portfolio management frame work. The report will further discuss the issue that is generated while managing a project that is geographically distributed team members. The business organization is focused to develop a project which is very complex and large in size. On the other hand, the project of operated by different project units those are located in different geographical sites. Due to lack of technology and managerial approaches the project manager was failing to merge all the team members actively together.
In order to meet the requirement of this project application of tools, skills, knowledge and techniques are necessary. The project management methodology is comprises of all of these components. Projects management methodologies are the process of creating a product, service or results (Hornstein, 2015). Over a time period based on the resultant it can be defined that whether the project is successful or not. The different issues regarding projects are mentioned below:
Poorly defined project goals
Poorly defined project goals
The project manager and the developers some time does ton aware of what they exactly expecting from the project. If the objective of the project is not defined to the developers or the project manager then the project is tends to fail. Lot of confusion and chaos will happen if no one is aware of the what, whys and whens of the project (Martinelli & Milosevic, 2016). The project if started with the clear objective and vision then the project will get success. If there is no plan and objective then the lots of time and money will be wasted.
Unrealistic project deadlines
The next issue is arising with the stakeholder’s deadline. Unrealistic deadlines are the reason why many projects are failing. Because of the deadline from the stakeholders the project managers and the developers are struggle to complete the project within time. Most of the times in the project, some flaws are seen because they are tried to complete the project in the deadline (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017). For the time the quality is considered by the project management team. As the competitions are getting tougher in the market so the stake holders giving the minimum time for the project to save cost of the project this create a mess in the project management team.
However, beyond these for this particular project the project manager is facing the below issue:
Geographically spread teams
Many people work together in a single project who belongs to different location. The main challenge occurs if it is found that people who are working together cannot communicate with each other whenever they wish to. It is the responsibility of both the project manager and project team members to consider open communication and oter technical support so that one can share their point of views with others. The projects nature is collaborative. However, as the time has changed in the recent times, the companies also evolving in every year. The team of a project can be spread across the globe. Many times, multiple organizations are incorporated with one project. The team members are not only the employees of the company but they also extends to the vendors, clients and to the stakeholders (Pajares, Poza, Villafañez & Lopez-Paredes, 2017). The major challenge that the project manager and the members of the project team faced that is they do not have the proper details of the project. There are certain challenges with this kind of virtual teams the issues are: the time zones are different, language barriers are there, communicational barriers are there and many more.
Unrealistic project deadlines
One of the biggest challenges of project management is the gap in communication. The improper communication can affect the delivery of the project successfully. Communication is one of the biggest asset for the project team. When the project manager is giving instruction to the team that what needs to be done in the project, communication gap occurs due to the spread location of the team members. It may interrupt the success of the project and create risk for the project team. That is the reason why the project manager highly emphasizes on the effective communication for managing geographically distributed team (Marcelino-Sádaba et al., 2014). Communication is the key of success in the project management field.
A team can be call efficient when the members of the team member are efficient and full of skills. Examining the skills of the project team members who are from different location is another major an issue that is also needed to be resolved accordingly for obtaining project success. In most cases the team members were assigned in the project as per the availability of the employees, but not based on their skills. If the member who is assigned to the project is not having the skill required for the project then it makes no sense by appointing that member on that project (Heldman, 2018). This can lead the project to any kind of risk if the member do not having the skill work in the project. There are easy projects and there are tough projects as well for the tougher project it necessary to appoint experienced and expertise member to the project.
Risk management is a procedure of assessment, identification and prioritization of the risk. Many of the times the project plans are not executed effectively so in that case the risk management can be applied. Risk management is one of the major issues with the project management. A project manager have the quality to identify the risk and then to solve the risk as per requirement. If the risk management does not work properly then it van impact on the project.
A business that is large or small is deals with multiple projects, plans, task, and people. To do the exact amount of work the project management software is a must have. If the project management software is not used then the members can ended up doing extra work than it’s needed (Mir & Pinnington, 2014). This can waste lots of human effort and time as well. Most of the companies those are successful are using the project management software for the better productivity by saving the extra time, cost and the human effort. This will keep all the project information and the resources in one place.
Geographically spread teams
A team is made by consisting multiple members, each members have their own personality and point of view. So many people are working for only one project together, there can be differences among them as the view can be differs from one to another. This can be affect in the project negatively (Korhonen, 2015). It is the challenge of the project manager to remove the issues within the team. The project manager have to constantly look in the team is there is any issue among the employees for the betterment of the project.
Each and the every project manager have the fear for just the one thing that is scope creep. The project changes gradually from the point it started and certain point comes where the project look different as from the beginning project. This leads to the project extension outside of the objectives that are planned earlier. This scenario is known as the scope creep. This puts the project manager in a situation where the project manager is not able to predict what need to be done or what changes are required (Peppard & Ward 2016). Sometime many little changes leads to the big change and that can affect the project as well as the project management.
As the project management team is located in spread geographical location thus, certain terms and conditions are required to be followed by the project manager and project team members. As technology is developing everyday thus according to changing requirements the project team are needed to be collaborated together. The project manager is responsible to create collaboration among the team members so that it can meet the requirements and objectives on the estimated time phase.
It has been found that in order to reduce or even resolve the risks with geographically spread team members the project manager should choose and apply the most suitable project management methodology in their business organization (Krajewski, Ritzman & Malhotra, 2013). It is expected that, with the help of proper project management methodologies budget, schedule, communication, resources related issues can be eventually resolved.
Defining the project management methodology
The project performance and the success of any project can be significantly improved with the help of the project management skills, knowledge, process, skills, techniques and tools.. All over the world across all the industries the project management mythologies are widely used by the business and enterprise owners (Dyba, Dingsøyr & Moe, 2014). Through outlining the project management knowledge, skills, techniques and tools a project management framework can add up values to the business organizations. In order to examine the way through which a project can obtain success at an administrative level the project management methodology is very much helpful. The actual expected performance can be performed by the project manager and the project develops team members if actual project practices are adopted and applied by the project managers (Peppard & Ward 2016). Different project management methodologies are there such as: Agile, scrum, process based methodology, change management methodology etc. Based on the background of the project details the project management methodology should be selected by the project managers.
Skill mismatch
In the above section different project related issues are identified those are needed to be resolves with appropriate project management methodologies (Machado, Pinheiro & Tamanini, 2015). For those issues the effectiveness of the usage of the project methodologies are elaborated in the below section:
Agile project management methodology
There are two different type of agile project management methodologies available such as incremental agile project management and iterative project management methodology. It has been found that the business organizations are frequently facing visibility, adaptability, and value and business risks as well (Obeidat & North, 2014). Instead of incremental agile project management methodology, for resolving the visibility issues and project risks iterative agile model should be used. It will give high product quality to the consumers.
Agile methodology can define and elaborate the requirements once, it can take advantages of the automated testing tools, it can incorporate the continuous integration and daily testing the projects and complete the total project work using accurate definition (Ramazani & Jergeas, 2015). Mainly the software development projects use this particular project management methodology. It can reduce the rate of inter organizational and intra organizational issues. Generally for most of the projects the agile project management methodology is chosen by the project manager and the developing organization.
The centralized project approaches deal with the stakeholders management, control management, communication management etc which may face serious issues those are needed to be mitigated accordingly. Agile methodology ensures effective usage of the time and money (Bourdeau & Barki, 2013). For any large enterprise the size of the project are found to be large , with the help of this particular project management methodology the large enterprise project can be divided into small segments.
During the sprint review the codes and tests resultants can also be developed (Krajewski, Ritzman & Malhotra, 2013). With the help of this methodology a project can move towards success much easily. Again there is phase where the project manager collect feedback from the consumers to make the necessary change for those they are requested. While managing any large project the project team members and the project manager may face inter organizational conflict due to their far placement from each other that can be resolved accordingly with the help of arranging the meetings. Agile methodology considers the efforts of each individual associated to the project.
In order to develop any project the project managers should consider all necessary steps in terms of project methodology (Mir & Pinnington, 2014). The commonly used agile project management methodology steps are project initiation, planning, execution and closure. It is found that, the output of one project phase act as the input to the next phase. Thus of any of the project phase is not elaborated properly then it may lead a total project towards failure.
Risk management
In order to resolve the geographically distributed team issues proper technology is required to be installed so that all the project team members can atleast communicate with each other (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm, 2013). From the enterprise point of view all necessary collaborative measures are to be collected together to avoid the issues of distributed team. The units associated to the project team will operate from different location thus one cannot start a phase before the successful completion of the previous phase. In order to manage all project units’ accordingly three different pillars of observability in terms of monitoring, logging and distributed tracing should be prepared.
The agile project methodology is associated with helping business organization by improving the likelihood of delivery of the outputs of which are of high quality (Mir & Pinnington, 2014). This is mainly achieved by providing certain guideline to the organizational unites from the stage of maturity where the risk of the project or program is very high and the quality is low through different stages. In the maturity stage, the risks this risks will be greatly reduced and the quality would also be increasing at an extensive rate. It has been seen that, from the year of 2005 many of the organizations has been associated with the undertaking of more than 500 Project management assessments (Krajewski, Ritzman & Malhotra, 2013). P3M is a well-proven model which is consisting of a body-of-knowledge and experiences in order to provide support. Along with this, various high-profile global researches has been associated with finding the fact that various significant returns can be gained if any organization is associated with the adaptation of the P3M methodology
The major issues faced by the project management which has been discussed above are mainly because of the undefined goals and objectives of the project. It is very much essential to start a project with a clear objective and a specific direction along with preparing a plan. Some of the major recommendations regarding the problems which has been identified above are listed below:
- Proper project management approaches are required to be developed to co-ordinate the project team members belongs to different geographical boundary .
- Proper communication in terms of technical support such as online chat, live conference, live chat should be incorporated so that issues of project team members co-ordination can be resolved.
- Managing of the projects can become very tough if the communication between different sections of the project is not proper. So it is recommended that a specific communication platform or software should be used to maintain communication between each and everyone involved in the project. Other latest technologies can also be used for establishing a proper communication.
- Culture is referred to as a mystery that may interrupt the process of the organization and the act as an obstacle to reach the project objective. It is necessary for the project manager to organize cultural awareness among the business organizations to make the project managers and the project team members’ familiar about the cultural diversity. All the project team members should consider necessary
- Another major risk that is the unpredicted risks which might occur during the execution of the project. These risks can be tackled in an easy way by having a proper strategic planning and by collection of the information before the occurrence of any type of risks. Such project managers are to be hired who have the capability of anticipating regarding the part of the project which are likely to fail. By having proper information counter measures can be created and this would be greatly helping in dealing with various types of risks.
- The project management might be facing a problem when some type of negativity exists in amongst the team members. The recommended way of eliminating this issue of negativity is by creation of a positive work environment.
- A continuous emphasis and amplification of the training should be done for the professional development of the project managers. This recommendation builds on the existing level of commitment to training for project managers and team members.
- It is also recommended to establish the project management as a visible as well as attractive departmental career path for the employees and the team members involved in the project.
- An accurate time to time technical conference must be arranged by the project managers and project team members that they can use to share their opinion to rest of the project team members from different country or locations.
- Apart from this, live conference must be arranged so that the project manager can discuss about the project details with all the units at a time and make them familiar with the project requirement.
- It is recommended to move away from a strict discipline of project “deliverables” toward project outcomes which would be having a real business impact on the bottom line in order to maintain the competitive advantage of the organization.
- Interpersonal communication and intrapersonal communication including the open communication should be used by the project team members of different location to deliver the expected job roles for their tasks.
From the overall discussion it can be concluded that, the purpose of using an accurate project management methodology is to resolve the different project oriented issues. There are many issues those effecting the project objectives. The main aim of the projects is to meet the requirements and expectation of the consumers. The different issues that the business organization may face are illustrated in this report. However, it has been fund that, among all of those issues the most highlighted issue is the distributed project units and project team members in geographically distributed areas. It has been found that with the help of accurate project management methodology this issues can be resolve. The ways through which these issues can be mitigated are illustrated in this report. Among different project management methodologies the most suitable methodology is the agile project management. Agile project management methodology is a process based methodology that collaborates team members together from wide geographical boundaries and maintains the cost and time of a project accurately also. The phases of project management methodologies are all the phases are inter-related to each other. It is necessary for the project manager and the project team members to maintain all those phases professionally to get the expected resultant. Project management methodology is referred to as valuable tool that is widely used by the project owners and project managers to evaluate and implement the business projects. It is expected that with the help of agile project management methodology the issues of geographically distributed team members can be easily resolved.
Project management software
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