Using Digital Social Media To Create Innovative International Marketing Strategies
The Power of Digital Social Media in Business
It can be analyzed that digital social media is one of the important factors for the business. There are several tools and platforms that are available to every individual or business to connect with more and more people across the globe. One of the examples of such technological tool is the digital social media. With the help of this medium, businesses are taking advantage not only to connect with people but also to generate potential clients and market their products (Ngai, Moon, Lam, Chin & Tao, 2015).
This medium has become one of the powerful tools for any type of business, whether it is a small-scale business or a large industry, to reach out to their customers. The people who are using such medium are already in touch with several brands and the businesses who are looking forward to expand their customer base can utilize this medium to create one of the most effective marketing strategies (Leftheriotis & Giannakos, 2014).
So, the paper will discuss about digital social media in reference to the international marketing strategies. In this paper, the discussion will be focused on a clothing product and how its business owners are utilizing this medium to target their customers.
Social media marketing is basically a form of internet marketing which is now preferred by most of the companies to market their products and reach out to people at international levels. It involves creating and posting content on social media that catches the eye of the audience and which may convert them into potential leads. Marketing the products using such medium increases the audience engagement and generates profits for the businesses (Marwick & Boyd, 2014).
Every small to large businesses, be it product based or service based, is using this idea to campaign their products and educate the customers what they can offer. The key to create a catchy marketing idea is to learn about your customers. It is very important to understand what type of customers a business may need to target and how to make those customers influence other prospects (Guesalaga, 2016).
The first and the most basic thing for a business who offers clothing products is to know who the audience are going to be. Not every social networker is going to be your regular customer. The advantage of marketing a clothing product is that it is a basic need of almost all people of different ages and this medium can prove out to be one of the major sources of profits. The people of all ages take into consideration social media as the source which can help them to get knwoldge of the services and products. Suppose if a business specializes in selling winter wear clothes only, then will focus on advertising the products with the help of social media and through social media channels it can be easy to target the audience in the competitive market. Using medium like Facebook and Twitter, different clothing brands have created their official page to market their products. So, whenever a range of clothing line is announcing, the first step that theses business opts is using social media (Felix, Rauschnabel & Hinsch, 2017).
Creating Effective Marketing Strategies for International Markets
It is also important for the businesses to create the right content at the right time. The content that is created for advertising should be focused on engaging the customers rather than setting them off. For a clothing product, every business prefers creating a content which is eye-catchy and the best way to do this is including a visual. It can be seen clothing brands prefer to advertise their products using visual of a man or women wearing the same clothes that the brand offers. Using an appealing background and dressing up the man or the women in the best possible way is a major appealing factor for the audience. Customers always tend to imagine how they would look after trying out any particular clothing product, and including a human already in the visual image of the advertisement always help to change the perception of the customer. The content creation is the key to increase the market share and to remember the fact that too much or too little may equally damage the brand’s image. Instagram is a powerful medium which people basically use to post their pictures and videos. More often, these clothing brands uses Instagram as a medium to attract the customers with its visually appealing images by posting pictures and videos (Braojos-Gomez, Benitez-Amado & Llorens-Montes, 2015).
Also, it is important for a clothing business to bring out special occasion discount to capture the customers hearts. By posting a limited time discount sale, clothing brands can attract more hits on their advertisements. As customers are more attracted towards an add which can offer them value for money, which often ends up in customers clicking on those adds to explore the offer. It is not necessary that the particular person may buy your product, but it creates an opportunity for the businesses to interact with multiple leads because it is a tendency that a product with discount is usually most talked about.
It becomes difficult for a business to achieve a better audience targeting. As people have different liking and perception and may be biased to any one specific thing. Today, using the digital medium, it has become easy for businesses to get a better understanding of your target audience and what are their profound interests. The businesses have the right tool in their hands to target the diversified demographics and to connect with the prospective customers in order to make your marketing strategy more precise and target oriented. Using medium like Facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter businesses can analyze how their audience behaves and whom they interact with. This insight can provide the detailed information about any person and what may drive them to be a potential customer (Hawkins, Duszak & Rawson, 2014).
Using Twitter as a marketing platform, clothing brands can analyze what is trending now-a-days and what people are taking in general. Using such information, the brands can direct their marketing campaign to a particular topic which is trending (Chung & Koo, 2015).
It is important to understand that every digital medium may not be same and may not have the same set of audience. For example, Facebook is different from LinkedIn and LinkedIn is in no way similar to Twitter. Each of these platforms has diversified audience with different mindset which is why it is important to know on which medium the potential customer is more active. Clothing brands may not be promoted on LinkedIn as effectively as it can be promoted on other mediums like Facebook, Instagram as this medium is usually preferred by people for employment-oriented services. So, it is important that the businesses should devise their marketing strategy on a platform which may be more result oriented (Brooks, 2015).
Engaging with Your Target Audience
A major fact that all businesses are aware of is the fact that their marketing idea should be at a level which reaches out to every individual available on the digital medium. So, it is very important to build the network of customers. Using twitter, clothing brands can find out what people are tweeting about and can retweet the same, respond to the questions posted by the customers and providing them the platform wherein they can connect with their favorite brands helps in engaging more people. By providing such medium and customer service, businesses can build themselves up and their network will be more valued. Clothing brands these days specially believes in engaging into customer’s conversation as this enriches the trust in their brand which helps in generating more leads (Boulianne, 2015).
It has been analyzed that there are companies who are emphasizing on promoting the products with the help of social media. In order to get more customers to the businesses, it is very important not to lose the existing customers, as they are the one who can act as a source of getting more new customers to the business. By leveraging your existing base of customers and learning more about their preference can give you an upper hand in strategizing the marketing technique more appropriately. Even if a business is having a handful of customers in its existing network, the same can be used to learn about their experience and knowledge and gaining an insight of whom to target. Similarly, clothing businesses can actually survey its customers in order to learn about the type of product they prefer, why they prefer and what type of social media they use etc. A feedback received thorough this channel is much important as it can give more clarity about your customers behavior. Even if any business is new or just growing, and do not have any current base of customers the businesses can start researching into their behavior and what exactly they like. By understanding, where and how the customers are investing more time and what type of content they are browsing can give you the idea of a more accurate way of marketing technique. The customers like to browse the product that they like the most are in a need of buying that product. If a customer is searching for a clothing product for wedding, then the business can understand the need of the customer and create advertisements of that product (Best, Manktelow & Taylor, 2014).
Digital mediums like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are now using a technique to hijack the buzz word. By creating a trending hashtag line or comment, clothing businesses can endorse their product and create a buzz among the people. Using hashtags technique, people will interact more and talk about the product which make other people aware of that product. This creates a separate community of customers and there is engagement of more new customers and followers. Several international clothing brands are now using this tactic to connect with more people. These brands often ask its customers to hashtag their brand’s tag line and post it on the social media, which in turn creates a chain of hashtags and that brand becomes the talk of the town, thereby gaining popularity and people talking and buying the product. This is certainly a cheapest and economical way of marketing a product especially if the business is offering clothing products. Twitter is one of the biggest medium through which business can promote their products using this tactic (Ainin, Parveen, Moghavvemi, Jaafar & Mohd Shuib, 2015).
A marketing advertisement which has a famous personality endorsing a product often gains the viewers’ attention and may spark up the need of buying a product. Every person likes to follow the lifestyle of a famous personality s/he is attracted to and if the same personality is involved in marketing a product then there is a shift of perception in the person’s mind which may convert him into a customer. Using digital platforms like YouTube, clothing businesses can launch their video advertisement involving a famous celebrity exhibiting the product. Various international clothing brands like Dior have been using celebrity endorsement techniques and posting them on social media to attract more prospect clients. It is one of the best ways that helped the company to attain the large market share in the competitive market. So, it is necessary for the company to emphasize on social media so that it can be easy to promote the products on the global platform and also it will help to boost the overall sales of the company in the market (Ruths & Pfeffer, 2014).
It can also be analyzed that there are tools which are important for the international marketing strategies as it is connected with the overall concept of social media. It can be easy for company to focus on promoting the products and services on the international platform. Like clothing products has been promoted by the different companies on the social media platform which has also enhanced the overall sale and also it changes the mindset of the customers towards the products and services offered in the competitive market. When the companies launch new products and services in the market it can be seen that social media channel is one of the best sources that can help the company to create the overall demand of the products in the market (Dwivedi, Kapoor & Chen, 2015).
When the products are introduced in the market, it can been seen that on social media channels the pictures are posted so that customers can get attracted towards the overall services or the products of the company. The companies also conduct the contests which can help to promote the products in the market. Like the company introduce the product which a tricky question which attract the attention of the customers towards the products and services. Then one of the participants can have the chance to win the product which is introduced by the company in the market. It will also consider as the platform through which it can be simple to promote the products on the social media sites (Bharati, Zhang & Chaudhury, 2015).
One of the strategies is also related with price promotion in which the company can consider the social media sites. It can be seen that clothing products can be offered to the customers by considering the method of promotions. Also, by offering discounts it can be simple to enhance overall demand of the products between the customers. By considering digital social media it can be seen that customers can be invited for the tradeshows in which the products are showcased in a proper manner. Also, tradeshow is a platform that can help the company to collect the overall feedback and also it can be easy to launch the clothing brand in the market (Tsimonis & Dimitriadis, 2014).
So it can be seen that digital social media is known as one of the best approach that can be considered by the companies so that it can be easy to attain the competitive advantage in the highly competitive market.
The satisfaction level is also one of the factors that can be considered by taking into consideration the digital social media concept. The overall queries of the consumers can be resolved with the help of social sites as the focus is given on promoting and solving the queries through social media platform. When the queries of the customers are resolved then it can be simple to boost the overall demand of the products in the market. Through social media sites it can be easy for the customers to enhance the overall knowledge in relation to the products and services offered in the market (Trainor, Andzulis, Rapp & Agnihotri, 2014).
So, through this paper it can be stated that social media is an approach which is necessary for the company to consider. If proper social media concept is considered then it can be easy to attain the positive outcome. Also, it maximizes the overall satisfaction level of the customers towards the products and services offered in the market.
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