Zeemh Pty Ltd Services Marketing Plan
Mention what is the service that you are familiar with
Zeemh Pty Ltd was founded Fighting infant mortality, since that time, the company has been constantly updating its range with new products: now it manufactures products under 8500 trademarks known to consumers of each continent (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker, and Brennan, 2015).
Briefly describe the characteristics of the service
The desire to satisfy customers. Customer loyalty to the company is based on satisfaction with their quality of goods and services. Any competent marketer knows how important it is to have loyal customers to strengthen the brand in the market and to build a solid business foundation.
Briefly describe the consumer behavior specific to the service (use the table provided to record your answer)
Zeemh Pty Ltd strategy is not only to strengthen and modernize the production infrastructure of enterprises, to introduce innovative technologies. It also aims to increase production efficiency while reducing costs.
List the components of the service guarantee for the service
In addition, the company invests a lot in staff training, professional development and the level of professionalism of employees, passing them international experience and scientific and technical knowledge.
Identify and list 3 service marketing strategies that would be appropriate for the service
Within the framework of the development strategy, Zeemh Pty Ltd sees its task as making long-term investments. In our country, the company constantly invests in local production, the development of new products that meet the preferences and traditions of Australians, and also processes local raw materials, uses domestic ingredients. This allows us to combine global experience and leadership in the food industry with the needs of the target audience.
Choose one of the service marketing strategies that you have identified and select a service marketing activity associated with it
- List 2 methods to measure the effectiveness of the marketing activity.
Sales for the product
Profitability of the product
- Describe why you have chosen those methods
Consistent promotion. No matter which store you buy products in, their quality is always at its best. Such a strategy helps a lot to promote a brand, it allows you to win a loyal attitude of consumers. In stores were opened with excellent design and beautiful interior. In them at any time you can meet a lot of buyers. The company has ensured that customers had an opinion about their products as a premium, with a high status. Buying it, they are confident in its impeccable quality. Even the packaging of goods is very attractive. Opening the box, customers feel the satisfaction and joy of shopping.
Briefly describe the 7 Ps of marketing
Research trends in service delivery and marketing and briefly describe one trend that would apply to the service that you have chosen. (Min. 50 words)
The company’s credo is to improve life by producing balanced and high-grade high-quality food. Without a doubt, Zeemh Pty Ltd is one of the most successful modern companies. Zeemh Pty Ltd has not only millions of fans: it emulates a lot of people. The company’s products inspire its followers to develop new devices. Here we can mention the company Microsoft: it is believed that it has become successful thanks in large part to Zeemh Pty Ltd.
Service marketing strategies
Zeemh Pty Ltd always prioritizes the creation of the best customer service in the world. Management believes that the company’s marketing strategy is very important, and if you implement it correctly, you can achieve excellent results. In detail, the content of this strategy is unknown to anyone. Nevertheless, we give a general description of the company’s marketing strategy: If the company did not strive to improve the quality of its products, then all this would have turned out to be impossible.
Service marketing activity
Quality. To consistently overtake competitors, Zeemh Pty Ltd chose a difficult path. For example, Zeemh Pty Ltd Store stores cannot boast of cheapness, their development took a long time. However, all costs were justified by the effect. For the first time, consumers could not only look at the product, but also try to work with it. Since Zeemh Pty Ltd products were created user-friendly, they received only a positive impression from the exploitation of the goods that had not yet been purchased.
Trend -description
Competitive advantages of the company are competent marketing and innovation. Choosing the right development strategy, achieved success and became the leader of soft drink manufacturers. Its brands are known worldwide.
Research services and their characteristics in a specific industry context
One of its principles is the search for opportunities in everything and everywhere. Here are some compelling examples: The enterprises of the company located in more than 200 countries of the world produce over 2,800 product items. Every day, the company’s research centers are developing new flavors that will give consumers .
Identify the marketing mix for services
The priority should not be the primacy of the company, but the uniqueness. A common mistake of organizations is copying competitors’ strategies. No need to seek leadership in your industry. It is better to become an irreplaceable company for your consumers.
Characteristics of the service
Evaluate the consumer behaviour in relation to services and implications for marketing strategies
The task of the company is to successfully cope with its tasks at all stages of the sale of goods / services. That is, concentrating directly on the product and ignoring the level of service or delivery is the wrong way. It requires a competent implementation of a marketing strategy. For example, the company Zara was able to successfully go through all stages of the marketing strategy and gained recognition from consumers (Baker, 2014).
Identify factors influencing customer satisfaction with services
Stability should be one of the main qualities of the strategy. When developing a marketing strategy, management should not doubt the chosen methods of obtaining high income in a short time and gaining customer loyalty. The nature of the company’s marketing strategy should be long-term. It is not excluded that it may be necessary to take a forced step – to abandon part of consumers in favor of competitors and part of income, than to ensure a stable profit for your company.
Identify a range of strategies to market services, appropriate for the organization
If the company’s management is competent, then it spends a lot of money and time on analytics. After a marketing event, it analyzes its results, reveals the pros and cons. The findings will be useful in the future, because for the correct selection of optimal solutions in the field of marketing there is only one way – experienced. Therefore, no need to spare the power to learn lessons.
Analyse market trends for service delivery and identify opportunities to market services
Being in the first place for every client will fail. It is necessary to determine the limits of the organization. In addition, indicate what the company will not do to meet the needs of customers who are not particularly willing to cooperate.
Identify previous services marketing strategies in the organization, and analyses successful strategies and areas for improvement
The most suitable principle for small businesses is “to be simpler.” Stories of great success began with the simplest concepts. The consumer only wants to hear a story about the product of the company, its points of sale and competitive advantages. More they do not want to know anything.
Select the most appropriate services marketing strategies and activities which fit the organization’s strategic and marketing plans
It does not matter the frequency of status updates on the company’s social network page or the number of publications in print per month if the visual image of the project is bad. Faded windows, broken signs with blown letters create a negative impression. Taking care of the external parameters of the organization is as important as about the internal ones. Everything should look good, from the facade of the building to the shape of the workers.
Consumer behavior specific to the service
Investments need to be done correctly to maximize return. How you will develop your business, think after achieving the above goal.
Common mistakes in developing small business marketing strategies
When a company equals an industry leader, this can be called a kind of game: it releases almost identical commercials, conducts similar actions, adjusts the parameters of goods to the standards of a successful competitor. But often such copying (sometimes up to company colors) does not bring the desired fruits. It is impossible for one small enterprise to work at the expense of another. Do not keep pace with anyone, engage in the adaptation of your marketing activities to your target segment, while taking into account their wishes and suggestions. Develop a competitive marketing strategy for the company.If the management of the company is not adapted to the realities of the present, then it causes certain inconveniences for consumers and makes the business less successful against the background of competitors that keep up with technical progress.
Traditional marketing rejection
However, do not deify the digital world. Traditional marketing, although a bit old-fashioned, is time tested, and has not been canceled. Effective methods of conveying certain information to customers are still brochures, billboards, advertising on the radio and in print media. Many companies after the formation of the client base begin its active use. But if you often call, send SMS, emails, reminding of minor events in the company, then consumers will be annoyed. Remember that any communication must be timely and reasonable. If the sent messages will not be in the interests of users, then they can cause the loss of a part of the loyal audience.
Ignoring competitors
Although first of all you should focus on the activities of your company, do not ignore the actions of competitors. Anyone who has a smartphone, before purchasing a product, can compare prices in different stores, view reviews and turn around right before entering the store and go to a better outlet. That is why it is necessary to observe at least those competitors who are closest to you.
The data obtained in the process of studying the market, are the basis for the development of the marketing strategy of the insurance company. The strategy makes it possible to develop an optimal system of market actions for an insurance company, taking into account the state and dynamics of the market. It is the embodiment and concentration of all its marketing efforts aimed at harmonizing the relations between the insurer and the insurer, which implies the insurer’s satisfaction with the size of the profits and the insured with the quality and nomenclature of insurance services at a reasonable (from the insurer’s point of view) insurance premium.
Components of the service guarantee
In the process of identifying the problems of the company’s operation, it is necessary to identify the main contradictions in its activities that may lead to negative consequences.
The definition of the mission means the establishment of the main meaning of the existence of the insurance company, its purpose, role and place in a market economy.
The goals and objectives of the insurance company should reflect not only the level of customer service, but also create motivation for people working in the company. Analysis and assessment of the external environment is a necessary stage of strategic planning, which provides the basis for the development of the entire strategy of the insurance company. This analysis assumes an assessment of the main factors affecting the company’s activities: economic, social, political and technological (PE5T-analysis).
Analysis and assessment of the internal environment allows you to determine the internal capabilities and potential that the insurance company can count on in the competition in the process of achieving its goals (Hansen, McDonald, and Mitchell, 2017). At the stage of developing and analyzing alternative strategies, choosing a strategy, decisions are made on how the insurance company will achieve its goals and realize its corporate mission. The selected alternative must be definite and unambiguous and shared by all employees of the insurance company. The implementation of the strategy consists in the implementation of the strategic plan, which is a clear action plan for the implementation of the strategy and providing all the necessary resources.
At the stage of evaluation and control of the strategy, feedback is provided between the process of achieving the goals envisaged by the strategic plan and the goals themselves. The main task of such control is to find out to what extent the implementation of the strategy leads to the achievement of the goals and mission of the insurance company. At the same time, the adjustment based on the results of strategic control may concern both the strategy and the goals of the insurance company.
The marketing strategy is embodied and implemented in the following set of tools:
For a competent and effective implementation of a marketing strategy, all of its tools must be considered in conjunction with each other, as well as taking into account mutual influence. The criterion for the optimality of the insurance company’s marketing strategy is to maximize the profit or financial result in other terms when using the entire set of marketing tools.
Service marketing strategies
The conditions of the current socio-economic situation in Russia impose special requirements on existing insurance companies. Obviously, only those insurance companies that can make qualitative changes in their activities, translate the “look” at the needs of policyholders, as well as build their activities on an effective marketing policy, can achieve economically justified functioning.
Features of marketing strategy, its planning
This concept is the goal of marketing. As for his tasks, the following should be included: develop a marketing strategy itself, and then a set of tools aimed at its implementation.
In general, a marketing strategy should answer two specific questions:
- How will the company remain in the target market, and then take a leading position?
- How can you profitably increase the market share of the organization?
Features of marketing strategy, its planning is to properly develop a marketing plan, you need to know about the features that are characteristic of a marketing strategy. These include:
when completing the planning of the marketing strategy, the general directions should be specifically set, in which the company should move on to strengthen and grow the business;
choosing operational management decisions, the head of the company, as a rule, uses sufficiently complete information that he needs. Forming a marketing strategy, you have to get by with less voluminous information;
When developing a strategy, you need to be prepared for the fact that there may always be new information, and the decision will need to be changed. Changing the original goals, their constant adjustment – the characteristic features of strategic planning. That is why the whole process of developing a marketing strategy should be cyclical; in this development it may be difficult to determine the numerical indicators of the benefits of the selected solutions Here, the rating system used may be subject to adjustment. The reason may be the sum of the cost of cash.
Basic marketing strategies
- leadership strategy. It is based on cost savings;
- differentiation strategy;
- specialization strategy.
Differentiation strategy – working on the distinctive properties of the company. The consumer should immediately select for himself the goods of this company, since they are significantly different from the products of competitors. These include the appearance of the product, packaging, company image, service, and more.
Phased marketing strategy development
As in the preparation of any plan, the marketing system also consists of several stages, namely:
As an example of a marketing strategy, you can focus your attention on the French company Auchan, which has mastered the fast-paced Australian competitor
It is exactly the chosen strategy that allowed the company to reach such heights: a thorough analysis of the Australian market, a high level of products, an analysis of experience and continuous training of employees. Marketing strategies: formation factors play suppliers. For each company, it is important to find a supplier who will offer quality resources at a lower price, and nowadays practically nowhere to do without intermediaries. They also need to be chosen wisely and at lower cost, it is important to thoroughly study the entire process of the enterprise’s production activities, perhaps the introduction of new technologies, it is necessary to analyze economic and social factors. Companies need to be clear about what the consumer needs. You should also study the prices of competitors for the selected segment, the capabilities of the company itself, how the organization moves in order to achieve (Menon, Bharadwaj, Adidam, and Edison, 2015)
One trend that would apply to the service
Planning, as is known, consists of two parts – strategic and current planning. A strategy is a general program of action that identifies problem priorities and resources to achieve the main goal. The results achieved under the strategic plans are monitored, i.e. evaluated and analyzed for appropriate corrective action.The mission of the company is the specific goal of its creation. Often, it can be presented in the form of a program statement defining the scope (or areas) of a firm’s activity in servicing specific groups of consumers and meeting the needs and demands of the market.
– The business portfolio development plan is central to strategic planning. Here we are talking about the assessment by the management of the company of all the activities of the company.
– The growth strategy of the company reveals what kind of production it would be desirable for the company to acquire in the future, in which areas of the market to direct its efforts.
The main elements of internal planning in enterprises are forecasting, setting objectives, adjusting the plan, drawing up budgets, concretizing the plan. At the stage of setting the tasks – the development of programs – the specification of the dates for the execution of the plan takes place. Linking between the individual stages of the program, supplies, production and sales operations.
The financial analysis is carried out in three stages. The first is the preparation of baseline data for a comprehensive evaluation of the production program.The second is the preparation of the initial data used in financial analysis.The third is the calculation of indicators of the financial analysis itself, their interpretation and comparison with similar indicators obtained in previous years, or with standard values ??(if such are given). This approach is designed for the conditions of complete self-financing of the enterprise. In cases where the role of the parent company is manifested to a large extent in the financing of production activities, the company forms the baseline data used for financial analysis, in conjunction with the relevant functional units of the company’s headquarters.
The formation of the budget, in the first place, provides for the determination of its revenue part in accordance with the structure of expected revenues. Enterprise incomes are generated from the following sources:
– the sale of goods, works and services for the main production activities;
– sale of goods, works and services in other types of production activities;
– realization of assets;
– income from participation in the activities of other enterprises;
– income from non-operating transactions.
Describing the importance of strategic planning, it should be noted that it is the only way to predict the emergence of new problems and opportunities in the future.
Marketing planning
The strategic plan of the company determines what kind of production it will be engaged and sets out the tasks of these industries. More for each of them it is necessary to develop their own detailed plans. The stages of marketing planning. For this purpose, benchmarks are used, the review of which allows senior management to quickly understand the main thrust of the plan. A review of the table of contents of the plan is placed on the review. Description of the current marketing situation. The first, basic section of the plan describes the nature of the target market and the company’s position in this market (size of the market, main segments, customer needs, environmental factors, competitors, distribution channels).
Threats and opportunities
The purpose of this section is to provide hazards and opportunities. A threat is a complication arising from an unfavorable tendency or a specific event, which – if there is no targeted marketing effort – can lead to a breakdown in the survivability of the product, or its death. Challenges and problems. Tasks should be formulated in the form of goals that the company seeks to achieve during the life of the plan. At the same time, problems that may arise in this case are evaluated. Once approved, a budget can serve as a basis for organizing production and for conducting marketing activities. (Solomon, Dahl and Polegato, 2014).
Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015. Marketing: an introduction.
Baker, M.J., 2014. Marketing strategy and management. Macmillan International Higher Education.
Hansen, J.M., McDonald, R.E. and Mitchell, R.K., 2017. Marketing Benchmarking, Triangulated Isomorphism, and Firm Strategy. In Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends (pp. 533-543). Springer, Cham.
Menon, A., Bharadwaj, S.G., Adidam, P.T. and Edison, S.W., 2015. Effective Marketing Strategy-Making: Antecedents and Consequences. In Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 224-224). Springer, Cham.
Solomon, M.R., Dahl, D.W., White, K., Zaichkowsky, J.L. and Polegato, R., 2014. Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being (Vol. 10). London: Pearson.