Would A Successful Extra-terrestrial Spacefaring Civilization Have To Be Truly Pacifist And Communist?

Pacifist and communist – the background importance in civilization

The progress and the development in the inerplanetory travels for the human are not very far. The species of the planets from the various galaxies are coming closer for the aim of being colonized (Lingam & Loeb, 2018). Through out these journey, many violence, wars and aggressive acts have followed that though did not hinder the technological process but instead brough the human civilization to a new and innovative informative age. The extra terrestrial space fearing civilization has been debated long as either pacifist or communist towards their achievement of the technological procedure. There lies several factors encircle the decision making of the civilization for the management and the development of the space travel like the external influences and the ow caibilities of the species (Hegde et al., 2015). The essay will highlight whether a successful extraterrestrial space faring civilization would require a pacifist and a communist approach towards the accomplision of development without any soet of internal and external conflicts, competition and war. The essay furthermore illustrates the limits of the development of aggressive and violent society both in case of reaching out for the space and more.

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Pacifist and communist  – the background  importance in civilization

The concept of pacifism lies in the theory that peaceful rather than the belligient or ciolent relationships among the civilizations should govern the intercourses arbitrationg, migrating and resolving the disputes. As much of the element of the thinking of the west with the notion of the just war theory, the philosophy of pacifism requires the examination of various aspects of the broad proposal together woth the investigations of the upcoming consequences (Georgiou & Deamer, 2014). In the context of the impact and importance of pacifism in the development of the civilization of the human race, it is to be noted that the very word pacific meaning peace making or a broader commitment towards the making of the peace. In case of the rising era of the development of the civilization, the context of pacifism is essential since it denotes certain factors. Pacifism includes several different categories enhancing the idea of violence, war are unjustifiable in nature (Gabriel, 2014). The concept of pacifism lies in setlling the conflicts in a peaceful way. It is essential to see the difference among the morality of pacifism sinc it applies  to the individual and the application of the morality to th behavior of the nation state. To summarize, the concept of pacifism is importat and should be maintained while development of the civilization.

The context and importance of the Extraterrestrial life civilization

One of the major form of socialism, the concept of communism is an essential factor in case of the development of civilization. The concept of communism includes putting the control of all the roperty in the hands of the government. It is basially termed as one of the bloodiest forms of the government targeting to enslave the entire population and rule the entire civilization through the means of fear. The concept of communism and the successful communist tends to destroy the property rights.Though supposed to expected to produce endless and limitless wealth, the communism harms the society. In the context of the rising civilization and the violence and war in the connection, there are soe of the major benfits of the practsie of the communism (Georgiou, 2018). In the theoretical basis, there have been many of the benefits that needs to be achieved by the maens of a communist society or any civilizaio following communism.  The ideology of communist supports the widespread social welfare of the universe. The communist ideology is directed to the productivity and the development of the rising civilization. Together with the emancipation of the technological advances, the benefits of the communism lies in the advancement and progress of the society.

The current findings about the spce explains the existence of more than 400 planets. A planet almost similar to the earth has also been noted rsising thee questions regrading the technological civilizations in the galaxy. The extra teerestrial intelligence project that has been conducted by the scientists still is in search for signals for transmitting by the extraterrestrial life that is licated out of the solar system (Crowe, 2015). In the context of the Extraterrestrial lifeand ther civilization, it is to be noted that the research regrading ther existence is still ongoing and it is assumed that the civilization that made  it to the galaxy or the soace could initially have been a warring category of civilization that eventually scrumbled towards the singular power for becoming docile.

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The ongoing search for the Extraterrestrial life has made the researchers to summarize the expected civilization of the Extraterrestrial life. The scientist assumes whether violence, war and the factors of conflct can be one of the factors that constitute the civilization of the Extraterrestrial life. Life occusting our of the earth or the alien life is a form of a hypothertical life ranging from the basic prokaryotes of the beings towards the extend of the civilization towards far more advanced as compared to human race. According to the Drake Equation,  the existence of the intelligent life and the Extraterrestrial life in the universe is a topic of speculation (Wright et al., 2014). Commonly known as the exobiology, the concept of the Extraterrestrial life had a major impact of the culture in the socience fictions.

The need for pacifism and opposition to communism for the successful extra-terrestrial spacefaring civilization

Accordng to Schulze-Makuch and Irwin (2018) due to the presence of the complexity that has been evoving in the speies on the planet, the level and the rate of the predictability of the Extraterrestrial life elsewhere will have some of the tendency to prject similar pater of life in the pattern. It has furthermore been suggested that the assess of the capacity and the technological advancement of the Extraterrestrial life civilization itself reflect the density of the information of the planatory environments. In the context of the Extraterrestrial life civilization that mey exist according to the predictions of the scientists, the extra terrestrial space faring civilization may need to be pacifist but not communist for the promotion and the development of a successful civilization and race without internal conflicts, competitions and war.

The context of pacifism lies in peace and plege union. In case of the extra terrestrial space faring civilization , it is thus important to maintain pacifism in the civilization for the development since  violence and war are only synonyms of harm and destructions (Wright et al., 2015). As per the scientist, the galaxy includes many of the planets and existence of the Extraterrestrial life has been found which are technologically far more advanced as compared to the earth. Hence lack of pesimst view will only end up in some of the technological destruction in the galaxy in the name of the technological innovation. It should be considered that though conflict, war and  violence are sometimes considered as essential for the protection of the race and own civilixation, but the cost of the destrtion caused by the interal conflcts are too vast (Michael, 2016). War and conflict may tend to bring freedom to a civilization but at the cost of the other civilizations residing in the planet which may result all of the planets in the galaxy to push to a big dark hole  of demolition.With the invention of the new technologies and innovation it is the tendency to colonise other planets and initiate planterory wars. Thus it is important to carry and practise pacifism. In the context of communism, the extra terrestrial space faring civilization should not have a communist attitudes since it will only end up in inter personal conflicts and violence among the ace itself or among the civlization thus hampering the grwth and the development of the civilization as whole.


Thus it can be concluded that it is necessary or essential for the extra terrestrial space faring civilization to attain eternal peace and carry a communist attitude for making themselves capable to travel the space. Ther lies several factors encircle the decision making of the civilization for the management and the development of the space travel like the external influences and the own capibilities of the species. It is thus important for the civilization to find a way to gauge their powers and decide their innovation and technological advances and growth with the help of harvesting drones of robot. The essay explains that a civilization could potentially be exreemely violent, aggressive and perform what they want towards seeking complete and achievable greater technology and innovation through the means of exchange of powers.


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