Workplace Safety Climate Perceptions And Health Care
Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data
Discuss about the Workplace Safety Climate Perceptions and Health Care.
The paper chosen for the study is titled “Maintaining Health and Safety at Workplace: Employee and Employer’s Role in Ensuring a Safe Working Environment”.
The purpose of literature review is to search and assess the already existing literature that is related to the subject or the area that is chosen for the research. It aims to survey the literature and helps to synthesize the information (Hart 2018). It also helps to critically analyse the information that is collected by identifying the gaps that is present in the prevailing knowledge regarding the research topic. In terms of research proposal, the review of literature is required in order to place each work in a field that is related to its contribution in the understanding of the research problem that is being researched. It is essential to find out the location of one’s research within the context of the already existing literature (Aveyard2014).
Through the literature review different types of models of safety was identified like the “careless worker” model. This model fails to explain the cause of occupational illness that can be toxic substances and badly designed work systems. Another model of “‘shared responsibility” illustrates that in order to reduce the levels of accidents and diseases that are occupational, the major focus should be on the operation of the employees and the employer both. The disciplinary frameworks were also identified through the use of literature survey that are essential for the development of concepts and insights of theory into the Occupational Health and Safety. The findings were made for effective were by the results of workplace surveys which was a result of the industrial relations specialists that successfully drew attention towards the importance of legislation strategies. Through a study on employee welfare facilities that was undertaken at Bosch limited, which involved 100 employees, it was observed that 65% of the respondents showed that they were provided withsafety instruments in the organizational setting, whereas in 35% of them it was seen that there was no provision of safety equipment by the organization. The researcher was able to conclude that because of theelevated percentage of individual reported that the company was successful in providing safety equipment in the workplace, the company then successfully provided safety apparatus during work, to all the employees (Jonathanand Mbogo2016).
For the research 50 public secondary schools in the district of Mbooni Sub-County was included in the study. The Deputy Principal was selected along with the teaching staffs to make a total sample population of 40. Both of the simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used to carry out the study.The technique of random sampling describes a method where equal chances is provided to each and every individual of the population that is to be included in the study. There was a random selection of the 10 public secondary schools. Whereas purposive sampling refers to the process where the sample may not represent the population. This method of purposive sampling was used in order to draw participants from the administrative committee.There were a total of constituted 40 teachers, 10 administrators to make a total of 50, which was the total sample population. A questionnaire guide was used for the study and an observation protocol was utilized to collect data. There was a use of descriptive statistics in order to analyse the data obtained. The data that was analysed was represented through charts and tables (Bazeley, 2013).
Discussion of alternative research strategies
The statistical reports showed that number of the male teachers along with the deputy principals resembled to the totalof the female representing a 51% and 49% respectively. The ones who responded were mostly between 20-30 years, which was responsible for 53.1% of the total sample. Those who were between theage group of 30-40 years were few in number, who were represented by 14.3%. Whereas those above 40 years of age represented 32.7% of the totalsample. From the data it was evident that the highest number of the respondents were the assistant teachers who were able to provid information on health and safety within the schools that were selected. It is was seen that the teachers were mostly degree holders (77.6%). Some were also diploma holders (14.3%) whereas the others hadmaster’s degree or were pursuing the degree represented 4.1% of the total sample size. It was deduced from the data that most of the respondents could be placed above the minimal criteria of academic requirement which is the Diploma level, in case of this teaching. This data led to the expectation that these teachers had better idea of the health and safety in their workplace and that they will be able to provide information that is appropriate. Most were having an experience of 5 years old in the teaching profession, although some have less than 5 years of experience. This data reflected the fact that those who were less experienced in the service were represented as well as those who showed a longer length of service. However, the data was found to be skewed towards the sample population those who were younger (Clemence, Doise and Lorenzi-Cioldi, 2014).
Priority should be provided by the Government with the help of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for the benefit of implementing programs for safety in the workplace. Researchers confirm that health promotion programs has a positive impact on health of the employees. This helps to increase the staff productivity and reduces absentees during work. The Government works through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in order to establish a policy to support the “Emergency Response Plan” in each of the school (McCaughey et al. 2013). This is implemented to ensure urgent response in emergency cases that they clearly deserve. The authors also suggested that the government thrives to organize framing of manual for the training on the safety of the teaching staff as well as create training forums in all of the 47 countries. ‘The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology” should work towards the incorporation of the staff in committees that are required to acknowledge the challenges of the safety procedures of their own. There was also a suggestion of creation of safety committees by the administration in each school for the investigation of ways to implement the existing policies on safety, and creation of new policies in schools. It is the duty of the teachers to successfully ensure their own safety. This can be done by participating in meetings, both of formal and informal nature and going through the safety information that is present on notice boards and manuals on safety provided as guidelines (LaMontagne et al. 2014).
Some of the research topics in the context of safety, health and environment includes
- Balancing motherhood with career among breastfeeding mothers.
- Evaluation of Cross fit exercise program for office desk workers: Risk to injury and health concerns.
- The role of perceived safety of working environment in job satisfaction and turnover rate.
- The role of creative ownership: Fatigue of workers doing specialized job in comparison to those creating a complete products.
- Are night shift workers at risk of high blood pressure? A research on UK national sample.
- The effect of fire fighting on the physiological and cognitive response: A combined effect of emergency and heat.
- Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines for Freelance Workers: The Self-Evaluative Approach.
- Psychological therapy of witnesses of industrial accidents and victims: An insight into gaps between policy and practice (Vincent, Burnett and Carthey, 2014).
Aveyard, H., 2014. Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK)
Bazeley, P., 2013. Qualitative data analysis: Practical strategies. Sage.
Clemence, A., Doise, W. and Lorenzi-Cioldi, F., 2014. The quantitative analysis of social representations. Routledge.
Hart, C., 2018. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Research Imagination. Sage
Jonathan, G.K. and Mbogo, R.W., 2016. Maintaining Health and Safety at Workplace: Employee and Employer’s Role in Ensuring a Safe Working Environment. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(29), pp.1-7.
LaMontagne, A.D., Martin, A., Page, K.M., Reavley, N.J., Noblet, A.J., Milner, A.J., Keegel, T. and Smith, P.M., 2014. Workplace mental health: developing an integrated intervention approach. BMC psychiatry, 14(1), p.131.
Loeppke, R.R., Hohn, T., Baase, C., Bunn, W.B., Burton, W.N., Eisenberg, B.S., Ennis, T., Fabius, R., Hawkins, R.J., Hudson, T.W. and Hymel, P.A., 2015. Integrating health and safety in the workplace: how closely aligning health and safety strategies can yield measurable benefits. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 57(5), pp.585-597.
McCaughey, D., DelliFraine, J.L., McGhan, G. and Bruning, N.S., 2013. The negative effects of workplace injury and illness on workplace safety climate perceptions and health care worker outcomes. Safety science, 51(1), pp.138-147.
Vincent, C., Burnett, S. and Carthey, J., 2014. Safety measurement and monitoring in healthcare: a framework to guide clinical teams and healthcare organisations in maintaining safety. BMJ Qual Saf, 23(8), pp.670-677.
Yoon, S.J., Lin, H.K., Chen, G., Yi, S., Choi, J. and Rui, Z., 2013. Effect of occupational health and safety management system on work-related accident rate and differences of occupational health and safety management system awareness between managers in South Korea’s construction industry. Safety and health at work, 4(4), pp.201-209.