Workplace Effectiveness In Ford Motor Company
Establish team Performance Plan
Discuss about the Workplace Effectiveness In Ford Motor Company.
Ford Motor Company is an American automobile corporation which manufactures cars and their engines and their cars are distributed across the globe. The company was founded by Henry Ford and it was registered in 1903 and their headquarters is situated in the Dearborn, Michigan. This organization has also sub owned the organizations like Troller which is a Brazilian SUV car manufacturer and an Australian car manufacturer FPV. This organization was also involved in the operations like manufacturing of trucks and tractors. The main vision of Ford is to provide adequate facilities to its customers through delivering effective vehicles which could help them to feel luxurious driving. Ford Motor Company is included in the top six car manufacturers amongst the world. This organization believes in the team work and for this, they used to develop effective strategies which help them to achieve the desired goals. For each department, the separate team is responsible and the policies are so efficient that people involved in the organization do not take a back step for taking responsibility for any fault or for any mistake found in the car.
Planning processes of the organization are built up through the ideas shared by all the team members to develop an effective planning process in order to attain certain desired goals and objectives. Strategies of the organization explain that the contribution of each team member will be equal and the main objective of the organization is to achieve the goals together and it will lead to the achievement of individual goals. Execution of certain policies and the strategies are performed on the basis of team consensus (Beal & Ghandour, 2011).
Apart from this, Ford has adopted the strategies for achieving the adequate growth in the automobile market through providing effective training measures to its employees. These employees are asked to share their views on improving the technologies so that desired goals could be achieved. On the basis of majority, an appropriate and effective technique is adopted in order to attain adequate growth in respect of the Ford Motor Company. The workplace environment of the organization must be set up in such a manner which could help in the agreement of all team members and management on the adaptation of an adequate strategy for the betterment of the organization. Management and the leaders need to adopt some policies in relevance with their behavioral pattern so that fair decision could be taken in the situation of disputes. The policies adopted by the organization should also contain the clause under which appropriate person should be capable enough to take the responsibility for their work performed.
Develop Team Cohesion
Appropriate quality standards need to be developed so that organizational cars could pass the quality test conducted by the government in order to attain the trust of the consumers. For instance, Research and development team member’s needs to focus on the adaptation of the unique and advanced technologies of the automobile industry which could help the organization in terms of producing effective and efficient cars. Departments of the Ford Motor Company i.e. production, design, R&D, sales, and marketing, etc. need to focus on their work only rather interfering in other department’s work. An interruption in other’s work will lead to the generation of disputes as well as it will also affect the overall performance of the organization (Klingner, Nalbandian & Llorens, 2015).
After evaluating the goals and the objectives of the organization, it is analyzed that organization is facing a lot of issues in the workplace such as disputes arising due to lack of communication, lack of participation from all team mates, etc. With the effect from these issues, team leaders and the management has taken some strong steps in order to attain the organizational objectives as well as to resolve the issues arising within the workplace of the organization. For resolving these types of issues, management and the team leaders invented some ideas such as group meetings and they asked employees to participate in the meeting conducted to re-create some valuable ideas.
In order to resolve the issues within the workplace of the organization, it was analyzed that employees need encouragement and the reward individual programs so that people of the organization gets motivated and perform their best. In addition to this, management has introduced various reward and incentive programs to attract the employees towards enhancing the organizational performance. Motivational techniques, reward programs, incentive schemes, etc. are also introduced in order to attain the objectives of the organization (Mitchell, 2013).
Apart from these steps, an organization may use the idea of providing adequate training measures for improving the quality of the organization. This will help the employees to perform even better as compared to their prior performances.
There are a number of issues present in the workplace of the organization and these arise due to lack of effective communication, lack of managerial control, etc. To resolve these, leaders of the organization adopted the strategies such as brainstorming, mind mapping and consulting.
In brainstorming practices, all the team mates are asked to join the meeting conducted to share the views in relevance with the solving the particular issue. This helps the employees to understand their importance in the organization as they are involved in the decision making processes and their views are also considered relevant. In addition to this, they were asked to share their issues so that adequate strategies could be adopted in order to remove them for the attainment of effective goals for the organization.
Issues faced by organization
The mind-mapping strategy is quite similar to the brainstorming process. It helps the organization to develop the adequate workplace environment for employees through taking suggestions from them only. Under this procedure, a central concept is analyzed and all its relevant factors are analyzed in order to cope up with the organizational expectations.
Apart from these two methods, organizational management adopted the strategy of taking individual sessions in order to analyze the personal issues. Declining organizational performance has various aspects such as collective disputes, individual disputes, and harassment, etc. These are some of the factors which could be held responsible for declining organizational performance. Consulting strategy helps the organization to analyze the issues arising in the workplace and its effect on the individual performance, these need to remove from the workplace in order to gain the efficiency.
The organization has adopted the strategy of effective communication and this helps the organization to make the transparency between the employees and the management of the organization. Effective communication techniques such as internal communication system could be adopted. This is the process through which organization could create a healthy environment within the organization. Apart from these benefits, managers could easily convey their message to the employees and these employees also have this facility to convey their message to the management directly. This improves the working procedure of the organization. Along with this, an organization will be able to take strong action on unethical practices followed within the workplace of the organization.
Under this procedure, organization analyses the issues present within a workplace and this helps the organization to increase the productivity as well as to enhance the performance of the organization. Management of the organization adopts various strategies under which individual’s issues, as well as the collective issues of the employees, could be determined. Apart from analyzing the issues, evaluation of the methods to resolve those issues is very necessary. This step will develop confidence in the employees. Employees will be motivated as the organization will build the trust amongst the employees in relation to taking actions to resolve the issues of the organization.
Being a leader, his duty is to resolve each and every issue of its team mates in order to make the team more efficient and effective. The team leader is the responsible for bringing out the best of every employee. For this, leaders need to adopt various attractive strategies such as providing adequate facilities in the workplace, providing incentives for extra work done, adaptation of motivational techniques, etc. The best strategy for improving the effectiveness of the organization is the adaptation of motivational techniques. Motivational techniques help the employees to perform in an adequate manner and along with performing, organizational objectives become the first priority for them and this also fulfills their objectives. Adaptation of these types of policies and the strategies by leader helps the organization in maintaining the adequate working environment as well as employees treats their leader as the role model (Stefanovic, Prokic & Rankovi?, 2010).
Effective Communication Process
Consulting with manager
As discussed in the previous assessment in relevance with the issues faced by the organizational members, furthermore these will be discussed with the management of the organization in order to evaluate adequate resolutions. The organization is suffering from numerous issues and declining team performance is one of the major issues within the organization. Apart from this, numerous issues have been faced by the organization which is impacting it on the performance directly. Lack of effective communication strategies, lack of managerial control, lack of dispute handling policies, etc., all these are the factors which affect the performance of the organization as well as it also decreases the brand value of the firm (Unsworth, Dmitrieva & Adriasola, 2013).
Team performance needs to be improved in order to improve the organizational performance. This will help the organization to achieve its desired objectives and goals. For resolving the organizational issues, numerous types of methods could be used such as an adaptation of effective communication objectives are the major sources through which organization could enhance its performance. Adaptation of effective policies will remove communication barriers within the organization hence; it will raise the performance of the organization and it will directly impact towards the team performance and reach the goals and the objective would be easier from the organization’s perception. Manager of the organization evaluates various aspects in relevance with improving the performance of the team. Team performances could be improved through various measures such as execution of motivational techniques, barriers of communication needs to be removed in order to enhance the performance of the organization. For instance, there is four team available in an organization i.e. production, marketing, and sales, finance, HR. Hence, if they all will perform equally better, it will be the great situation for the organization and if one team’s performance gets declined then the whole organization’s performance will get declined.
Management of the organization has adopted the methods such as brainstorming, mind-mapping, and the consultation in order to increase the performance of the organization. Along with these methods, an organization has adopted the process of building effective communication strategies. Through this strategy, an organization is able to remove barriers between the managers and the employees and this helps the organization to deal with big issues in an adequate manner.
Organizational management has adopted the strategy of updating the requirements of the employees in order to maintain the consistent performance of the organization. Making the policy in relevance with the participation of the employees is compulsory in the decision-making process is reliable as well as it helps the organization to analyze the most adequate and the reasonable ideas to resolve the issues or for adaptation of any advanced technology. For instance, while adopting the communication techniques, it was analyzed that mostly all employee, teams of the organization were involved and they were asked to share their views in order to adopt an adequate strategy (Whitney & Cooperrider, 2011).
Beal, D.J. & Ghandour, L., 2011, “Stability, change, and the stability of change in the daily workplace affect”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 32 (4), pp.526-546.
Klingner, D., Nalbandian, J., & Llorens, J. J. (2015). Public personnel management. Routledge.
Mitchell, G., 2013, “Selecting the best theory to implement planned change: Improving the workplace requires staff to be involved and innovations to be maintained. Gary Mitchell
Stefanovic, I., Prokic, S., & Rankovi?, L. (2010). Motivational and success factors of entrepreneurs: the evidence from a developing country.
Unsworth, K.L., Dmitrieva, A. & Adriasola, E., 2013, “Changing behaviour: Increasing the effectiveness of workplace interventions in creating pro?environmental behaviour change”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 34 (2), pp.211-229.
Whitney, D. & Cooperrider, D., 2011, “ReadHowYouWant. Com”, Appreciative inquiry: A positive revolution in change.