Workplace Diversity: Approaches, Laws, Benefits, Challenges And Solutions
Approaches used by Organizations to Implement Diversity in the Workplace
Definition of work place diversity and description of work place diversity in today’s corporate context
The work place diversity refers to the diversification that comprises of race and ethnicity. The diversified work place is considered as the most innovative and competitive in comparison to others, since the skill base could be broadened effectively. When the organizations strive in improving the competitive advantages within market, it is highly required to successfully manage a diversified work force (Hakim 2016). Work place diversity is quite common in today’s corporate context. This is mainly because of the benefits that are being obtained from a diversified environment. The importance of diversity could eventually maximize the productivity level and ability of each and every individual.
Identification of different approaches used by organizations to implement diversity in their workplaces in relation to employees from various cultures, beliefs, traditions and practices
The different approaches that are being used by the organizations for proper implementation of diversity in the work places in relation to the employees from various cultures, traditions, practices and beliefs are as follows:
- i) Brand Image: This approach creates a brand image for being an organization, which brings diversification (Flannigan, Samson and Miller 2016).
- ii) Affirmative Action: This approach helps the company for providing equal opportunity for people from diversified backgrounds.
iii) Culture of Acceptance: It values and appreciates employees from different cultures.
- iv) Maximizing Performance of All Employees: Productive output of all people is being raised to maximize performance.
Role of Australian Human Rights Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsman in workplace diversity formulation and implementation
As per Australian Human Rights Commission Act, there should not be any discrimination in respect to work place employment. Hence, work place diversity is majorly welcomed with this particular Act. According to C111- Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958, every individual, irrespective of race, gender and creed has the right to work in an organization and thus work place diversity is enhanced (Ellemers and Rink 2016). According to Fair Work Ombudsman, there should not be any complexity regarding work place diversification. This particular statutory agency of Australia investigates work place complaints and even enforces compliance with the laws of national work place.
Explanation of four Victorian Laws related to workplace diversity with features of Multicultural Victoria Act 2011
The four Victorian laws that are related to work place diversity are as follows:
- i) Racial Discrimination Act 1975: There should not be any discrimination of race for employees.
- ii) Fair Work Act 2009: The employees from different cultures and backgrounds should not discriminated (Riccucci 2018).
iii) Disability Discrimination Act 1992: There should not be any discrimination regarding disabilities of employees.
- iv) Age Discrimination Act 2004: There should not be any discrimination regarding age of the employees.
As per Multicultural Victoria Act 2011, the parliament recognizes and values the racial, linguistic, religious and cultural diversity of people in Victoria. Moreover, there should be opportunity for participation in the political, economic and cultural life of Victorian people.
Four federal laws related to gender equality and disability discrimination with an understanding about equal employment opportunity in Australia
Australian Human Rights Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsman’s Role in Workplace Diversity Formulation and Implementation
Four federal laws related to gender equality and disability discrimination are as follows:
- i) Civil Rights Act 1964: As per Civil Rights Act 1964, employee harassment should be stopped on the basis of gender, race, religion and colour.
- ii) Disability Discrimination Act 1992: As per this particular federal law, there should not be any discrimination regarding employee disability.
iii) Equal Pay Act 1963: As per this law, each and every individual should get equal pay irrespective of the gender and culture (Selvaraj 2015).
- iv) Sex Discrimination Act 1984: There should not be any diversification or discrimination regarding employee’s sex or gender and equality should be maintained.
Codes of Practice and National Standards that apply to development of diversity policy with national standards for disability services
There are codes of practice and national standards are properly applied to the development of diversity policy with the national standards for the disability services. These are as follows:
- i) Rights: The service eventually promotes individual rights towards freedom of expression, decision making and self determination and it actively prevents from violence, harm, neglect and abuse.
- ii) Participation and Inclusion: It works with families and other individuals for promoting opportunities for active inclusion and meaningful participation within society (Aggarwal et al. 2015).
iii) Individual Outcomes: Few services are assessed and reviewed for building on individual strengths and enabling for reaching goals.
- iv) Feedback and Complaints: This standard is used for informing individual improvement.
Benefits to the organizations for implementing diversity in workplace with a minimum of three specific examples from three different organizations
The major benefits to implement workplace diversity are increment of productivity, increment of creativity, profits and employee engagements and reduction of employee turnover.
Three specific examples from three different organizations are Sodexo, Johnson & Johnson and Accenture (Richard et al. 2017). These three above mentioned organizations have embraced diversification in work place and have employees more than 375,000 and hence workplace diversity is enhanced.
Four different challenges involved in implementing diversity in work place with examples
Four different challenges involved in the implementation of workplace diversity are as follows:
- i) Language and Communication: The first challenge is language and communication. Since there are employees from different backgrounds, language and communication are different and hence issue arises.
- ii) Gender Inequality: The gender inequality is the next significant issue, which is required to be removed (Greene and Kirton 2015). For example, it is often observed that female employees get more payment than male employees.
iii) Ethnic and Cultural Differences: There is a difference of ethnic, religious and culture between the employees in an organization.
- iv) Accommodation of Beliefs: The diversity in the political, spiritual and cultural beliefs also pose challenges within the diversified workplace.
Requirement of commitment of managerial teams for implementation of diversity in workplace plan
Commitment is highly required for the proper implementation of diversity in the workplace plan. This type of commitment helps to enhance the overall team participation of each and every employee. Hence, an effective and efficient management of team is highly required here. The role of the management team is extremely high and should be maintained properly (Barak 2016). For example, personal performance could be easily evaluated without any issue.
Possible workplace solutions for diversity implementation with five solutions
Five solutions for diversity implementation in the work place are as follows:
- i) Defining the Issues: The first and the foremost solution is defining the issues. After understanding the problems, it would be easier.
- ii) Development of Policies: Several policies should be developed after aligning to company goals.
iii) Communicating Policies: These developed policies should be communicated with the employees.
- iv) Holding People Accountable: The employees of the company should be held accountable and hence diversity would be enhanced (Rao and Tilt 2016).
- v) Continuation to Evolving: Diversity also continues in evolving through human resource and legislation laws and rules.
Description of three paradigms of diversity management
The three paradigms of the diversity management in work place are as follows:
- i) Discrimination and Fairness Paradigm: As per this paradigm, there should not be any discrimination and fair work is maintained.
- ii) Access and Legitimacy Paradigm: This particular paradigm of diversity management is used when business case is presented for work place. Legal methods should be used under every circumstance (Barak 2016).
iii) Integration and Learning Paradigm: The perspectives as well as experiences are being shared and with this specific paradigm, work place diversity is the major resource for learning.
Main weaknesses of discrimination or fairness paradigm and access or legitimacy paradigm. Differentiation of integration and learning paradigm from other two paradigms
Laws Related to Workplace Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity in Australia
The main weakness of the discrimination and fairness paradigm is that there is a specific pressure for assimilation. Without this type of pressure, it is not at all possible to maintain equality in work place. Therefore, this is not at all pleasant for the staffs, who might feel alienated and thus productivity is highly affected (Aggarwal et al. 2015). The main weakness of the access and legitimacy paradigm is that careers of the employees are marginalized. This is mainly because of the fact that diversity within this particular paradigm is utilized for connecting with the respective clients of the company.
Integration and learning paradigm is different from the other two paradigms since in this paradigm, only differences are being discussed and no details are being shared eventually.
Stakeholders in a company and reason they are important to consult for implementing the diversity policy. Few ways to consult and communicate with stakeholders
Stakeholders are extremely important for all organizations and they are majorly responsible for bringing changes and consulting for the implementing the diversity policy (Rao and Tilt 2016). Since, they are responsible for bringing major changes in the company; it is extremely vital to demonstrate the entire scenario of implementation of diversity policy to them.
The few ways for consulting and communicating with the stakeholders are as follows:
- i) Face to Face Communication
- ii) Conferences
iii) Slides and Presentations.
Reflection of diversity in work place and checking of visibility, advantages and improvisation strategy
According to me, work place diversity is extremely important and significant and hence it helps to maintain an utmost better environment. I have been working as a part time job for 1 year in a reputed organization in Australia. In my company, I have seen that various people are working from different diversified environments (Riccucci 2018). The culture, gender and race are not considered for work and this is extremely vital for the work environment. It is visible and beneficial for the work place since it enhances ideas from different background people. This could be improved by regular meetings and conferences and let the other employees know about the importance of work place diversity.
Procedure of business operations getting impacted by diversity policy and plan with four operations
Work place diversity policy majorly involves the creation of a major work culture, in which people with the various race, genders and nationalities are being blended together and could work in harmony. The creation of a more diversified work environment and diversity policy could eventually impact the business operations and management is required for it.
The four business operations that get impacted by this diversity policy are as follows:
- i) Service Business: This business operation depicts that there should be diversity in services.
- ii) Financial Operation: The financial services should be diversified with the policy and plan (Flannigan, Samson and Miller 2016).
iii) Manufacturing Operation: If there is a diversity in the policy, manufacturing services are changed.
- iv) Proper Maintenance: The maintenance of business equipment is also impacted with diversity policy.
Aggarwal, I., Woolley, A.W., Chabris, C.F. and Malone, T.W., 2015. Cognitive diversity, collective intelligence, and learning in teams. Proceedings of Collective Intelligence, 1(3.1), pp.3-3.
Barak, M.E.M., 2016. Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.
Ellemers, N. and Rink, F., 2016. Diversity in work groups. Current Opinion in Psychology, 11, pp.49-53.
Flannigan, B., Samson, R.A. and Miller, D.J., 2016. Microorganisms in home and indoor work environments: diversity, health impacts, investigation and control. CRC Press.
Greene, A.M. and Kirton, G., 2015. The dynamics of managing diversity: A critical approach. Routledge.
Hakim, C., 2016. Key issues in women’s work: Female diversity and the polarisation of women’s employment. Routledge-Cavendish.
Rao, K. and Tilt, C., 2016. Board composition and corporate social responsibility: The role of diversity, gender, strategy and decision making. Journal of Business Ethics, 138(2), pp.327-347.
Riccucci, N., 2018. Managing Diversity In Public Sector Workforces: Essentials Of Public Policy And Administration Series. Routledge.
Richard, O.C., Stewart, M.M., McKay, P.F. and Sackett, T.W., 2017. The impact of store-unit–community racial diversity congruence on store-unit sales performance. Journal of Management, 43(7), pp.2386-2403.
Selvaraj, P.C., 2015. The effects of work Force diversity on employee performance in Singapore organisations. International Journal of Business Administration, 6(2), p.17.