Workplace Bullying And Employee Relations In Pinkberry

Personal and Human resource management

Describe about the Workplace Bullying and Employee Relations?

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In this assignment the human resource policies, roles and responsibilities of the managers and the management processes are discussed of the company Pinkberry has been discussed. Pinkberry is an yogurt company which is well known all over the world because of their new ideas and refreshed quality and tastes of their products. In the whole assignment we will get to see the working process of the human resource (HR) management and the other managers that how they deal with the different scenarios that occurs in the organization (Robertson,and Cooper,2015).

Pinkberry, a genuine brand that has invented totally new category of frozen yogurt along with a totally new and refreshed taste. The company is always dedicated in giving the best quality of their product to the yogurt retail world. In 2005, the company opened their 1st store and with their 1st opening only they got connected with their customers emotionally. By now they have opened 250 stores and operating in 19 countries (Klotz, Motta Veiga,  Buckley, and Gavin, 2013). As a company Pinkberry is expanding their business both nationally and internationally and there is huge scope to grow as a company all over the world. As the company is globally known so they have an experienced team who are handling the work and very supportive. They train their franchisee to operate successfully so that the company continues to grow (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012).

AC 1.1- Personal management, an administrative function in an organization that provides the personnel factors which are needed in the activities of an organization which manages the relationship of an employee with their employer.

Human resource management sees the capital side of the organization so that the company can reach their goals without any complications. The employees of an organization are the “human Capital” in an organization who helps the organization with their attitude, skills and knowledge to reach the goals (Robertson, and Cooper, (Eds.).2015). .

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Human Resource management is the new version of the personnel management. There is no such big difference with these two components of HR (Klotz, Motta Veiga,  Buckley, and Gavin, 2013). Few differences are- Personnel management mainly follows the traditional approach whereas human resource management follows the modern approach (Robertson and Cooper,2015). Mainly the personnel administration is handled by personnel management but human resource management handles the allover human resource management of the organization. In personnel management the employees are the inputs and the work they are delivering are the output but in human resource management the employees are regarded as the most valuable asset for the company. In personnel management the employees are not provided with any training where as in human resource management  the employees has to go through a long process of training ( Lacey, and Groves, 2014).

AC1.2- In human resource management, the management team is suggested to work strategically where the employees are managed as the resources for the organization. The employees have to manage the recruiting and selecting the employees, suggesting the employees in strategizing the training and development of the organization (Robertson and Cooper,2015). These are the roles of the HR managers and consultants to distribute the work among the employees so that the goals are easily achievable (Klotz, Motta Veiga,  Buckley, and Gavin, 2013).

Expansion plan and growth strategy

The different functions of HR are-

Collaboration-In Pinkberry, the collaboration between the employees and the managers are very much needed for the betterment of the work. HR heads advise their supervisors and managers that how they should divide the work pressure among the employees so that they can work freely in the organization environment and give best output. The company Pinkberry is so collaborative with their employees that the employees are always looking forward to give their best for their company (Robertson, and Cooper, 2015).

Commitment Building- Every HR heads should have a good commitment rapport with every employees of the organization. The commitment building with the employees starts from the recruitment phase only. The employees, who are being selected, should be committed with the organization and also with their jobs from the beginning (Klotz, Motta Veiga,  Buckley, and Gavin, 2013).

Building Capacity- The human resource team has as advantage to develop the business which includes the capacity building of the organization which helps by offering services to their customers. This type of capacity helps the organization in building an effective human resource and so that they can compete with the other companies in the field of talent of employees (Vaiman, Scullion, and Collings, 2012).

AC 1.3- Line managers are those who are manages both the individual employee and also the teams. Line managers have to report to the higher top level management about their own performance and also about the performance of the employees (Klotz, Motta Veiga, Buckley, and Gavin, 2013).

The roles and responsibility a line manager has to perform in an organization is to mange people daily, managing the operational costs of the organization, providing the organization with their technical expertise, allocating the work to the employees and also rotating the employees by giving different work in the same domain so that they can become an all rounder their own field, the line mangers has to deals with their customers and clients and also have to calculate the performance in the operational section (McGregor, and Simon, (Eds.).2012). .

The roles and responsibility of HR managers in Pinkberry is highly demanding and important. Their main role is to look after the allover work of the organization. Managers of any domain have to discuss with the HR managers before taking any decisions for the organization. But now the line managers have taken a lot of work from the HR manager. They look after the recruitment and selection process (Klotz, Motta Veiga,  Buckley, and Gavin, 2013). There is collaboration between the line managers and the employees so that the decorum of the organization is maintained and so the work flow remains. Line managers keep a direct link with the employees and the higher authorities. So, if there is any problem the line manager can be directly contacted for solving that (Cowling, and Mailer, (Eds.).2013). .

AC 2.1- Human resource planning mainly looks after the present and future condition of the human needs required by an organization to achieve their goals. Human resource planning mainly acts as link between the strategic planning of the organization and human resource planning.

Human Resource Planning is an active process which easily identifies the best among the allocated resources and also adapts with any employment changes (Klotz, Motta Veiga,  Buckley, and Gavin, 2013). The purpose of HR planning is to assign the employees with their respective work and also looks after that the work has been done effectively or not. HR planning is a positive aspect for the organization but there are certain negative aspects also (Leon, 2014). .

The efficiency of staffing and managing the talent are both positive aspects of an organization. In Pinkberry, efficiency of staffs and also managing their talent are important aspects of HR planning. Staff efficiency is an essential part in HR planning. An effective planning can increase the work force with correct amount of work force in correct location with perfect jobs. HR can decide this by seeing the working style of the employees (Klotz, Motta Veiga,  Buckley, and Gavin, 2013).. 

In HR planning, talent management plays an important role. Talent management list out the needs of the employee and then decides the strategic objective of the organization. HR heads often discusses with the executives about the new strategies which they can use for the growth of the organization so that the goals can be easily achieved.

AC 2.2- Establishing a competency in architectural and dictionary which will be supporting the human resource planning strategically. Each group will be allotted with their work roles according to their domains because this will help the organization to identify the employees that who are efficient in which field.  The competencies will be internally used with the planning of the human resource i.e. human resource information management system, forecasting models etc (Jiang, Lepak, Hu, and Baer, 2012).

Totally a new set has to be build for the planning of HR tools, processes and templates which will be used in determining the elements need to be used. The trained managers are needed to involve themselves in planning the HR corporate processes. If the processes, systems and tools are continuously improved and monitored then it will bring a large change in the HR planning and this will help the organization to grow (Dent, and Whitehead,(Eds.).2013). .

AC 2.3- Recruitment is done by attracting the candidates towards their organization when there is a vacancy. Selection is the process of hiring the perfect candidate for the organization at right costs. Recruitment process is followed by the selection process (Armstrong, 2014).

Pinkberry and Sainsbury are two retail organizations. Both the organizations are leading companies in the retail field.

Pinkberry mainly focuses in the local agency and in-store advertisement.  They mainly choose their staffs through online conference as they have their operations all over the world and this style of recruiting is favorable to them. Pinkberry has allocated the line mangers to build up the recruitment process and take all the decisions regarding this matter (Garner, 2012). .

The recruitment and selection process of Sainsbury is almost similar with the Pinkberry. Sainsbury gives special attention in treating their staffs. Sainsbury mainly focus in dealing with their candidates and also keep in their mind that there should be no discrimination among the candidates. All the candidates need to be treated equally.

For organizations like Pinkberry and Sainsbury, workforce planning is one of the important aspects to meet the demands of their staffs. They train their existing staffs in such a way that they cover up the place for the vacancies also. Both the organization has effective and talented employees who can improve the performance of the organization with desired results (Berman, Bowman, West, and Van Wart,2012).

AC 3.1- Motivational theory used to explain the behavior of those employees who influenced by the performance of other member in the organization (Lim,and Envick,2013). Motivational theory can be of two types i.e., content theory of motivation or process theory of motivation (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012). Content theories explain what is motivational theories are, on the other hand process theories explain the actual procedure of motivation (Robertson,and Cooper,2015).

Reward is that employees accomplish throughout their job. It can be monetary when the organization pays according to employee performance and it can be non-financial when the organization rewards employees by promotion, accomplishment and praise (Robertson,and Cooper,2015).

Maslow describes the five stage of human necessity which helps the workers to fulfill their work. Maslow mention in his theory , manager need to follow this theory which help them to redirect their consideration by offering corresponding pleasing contact, more attractive employment, and more chance for self-fulfillment (Robertson,and Cooper,2015).

According to Herzberg theory of motivation, Suggest two basic needs of human being i.e., motivational factors and hygienic factors (Fugar, 2007).

McGregor’s theory of motivation, says manager need to follow two theory that is theory X and theory Y. Under theory X, employees are de-motivated toward their job and under theory Y; employees are motivated toward their job (Fugar, 2007).

Example- Pink Berry, used both Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theory of motivation. Company used Maslow’s theory since it suggests the organization if they accomplish one level then it motivate them to accomplish the after that (Lim,and Envick,2013). Pink Berry motivates their employees by good quality communication, by giving accountability and connecting workers in decision making (McGregor, and Simon 2012). 

In Pink Berry they reward employees according to their workings skills because it keep encouraging them at work and will hold on apply special motivation theories at occupation (Lim,and Envick,2013).

AC 3.2- Job evaluation is an organized process for major the comparative value or range of jobs inside an organization, in order to set up inner relativities. It provides the origin for conniving a reasonable score and pays structure, grade jobs in the organization and also manages the job and their pay relation (Yeh, 2014).

                                                                           Figure: Process of Job evaluation (Yeh, 2014)

Job Analysis- Job analysis is the process which gave the detail information about the various jobs. It can be divided into two part job description and job specification (Vicente Pardo, 2014).

Job Rating- it is also the same procedure which explain JD and JS method in order to allocate a relative value for every job (Vicente Pardo, 2014).

Money Allocation- After allocates a relative value for every job, which establish the pay structure and the money allocated to every job (Vicente Pardo, 2014).

Job Classification- Under this process they concerned with the category of jobs as per the pay range (Robertson,and Cooper,2015).

Factors that determining the pay are:

Pay, is and reward for job, can be partial by a variety of factors and it create a few dissimilarity between the role and the association (Lim,and Envick,2013). The following are.

Industry sectors.

Skills and experience.

Size of the organization.

AC 3.3- Reward system, combine of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards offer by the manager.  Moreover, rewards system also consists of the incorporated policy, process, practice and organizational events for execute the system contained by the structure of the human resources (HR) policy and the total organizational system (Wulfram, 2010).

There are two types of reward system one is financial and other one is non financial.

Financial Rewards

Non- Financial Rewards

Pay structure

Career opportunities


Recruiting& selection

Employee benefits

Satisfied customers


Job sharing

Performance related pay

 Job Enrichment

Employees share ownership scheme

 Job enlargement

                                                                                            Figure: (Wulfram, 2010)

For Pink Berry organization financial and non –financial rewards both are important, because financial rewards build up an important development on business performance. And also help the employee’s motivation toward their job (Lim,and Envick,2013). On the other hand non-financial rewards help the organization process such as job sharing, recruitment and selection, satisfying their employees. Reward system also increase revenue, where organization has superior option to make return since employees works truthfully and suspiciously. It also helps to convey positive emotional agreement between workers and the organization (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012).

AC 3.4- Performance management is a procedure by which administrator and workers work jointly to plan, supervise and evaluate a worker work objectives and generally donate to the organization (Katou, 2015).

Method used by Pink Berry organization to monitor their employee performance. Pink Berry uses observation and feedback to check their worker performance (Katou, 2015). In this Pink Berry hire somebody to check the performance of the worker, following this individual offer some undemanding feedback. By monitoring and give feedback, Pink Berry can provide an ideal summarize to the workers of what is projected from them (Katou, 2015).

Pink Berry use performance standards method is one of the employee performance monitor process where performance has been compare with the principle and employee wants to achieve this principle Robertson,and Cooper,2015).

Performance appraisal is one more method that can be used by pink Berry to establish the real job performance of a worker along with selected performance standards. Pink Berry can also use 360 degree appraisal, which assist the stakeholders to estimate their employee’s performance and also help them to offer feedback (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012).

AC 4.1- Contractually termination- To terminate a contract refers to finish the contract proceeding to it individual completely perform by the party (Lim,and Envick,2013). While, proceeding to the party performs by their entire individual obligation necessary by the agreement, their duty to carry out this obligation cease to survive. Termination can be of two types Termination for convenience and termination for cause (D’Cruz and Noronha, 2010).

Reasons for

examples in Pink berry


It is the main problems in Pink berry organization, were employees can leave the organization due to certain cause like they are not satisfied with their job profile and employees think that they can get the better job

Lay off

If the Pink berry organization is facing financial problem and might the exact job is not essential or not required then the company can layoff worker. So this procedure will be taken below the legal regulation

Poor performance

It is one of the major reasons of worker termination when worker doesn’t accomplish their job promise and fail to fulfill with the situation. Before terminate the worker, company will give the instance to correct the shortage performance and known time frame to maintain it. 

                                                                              Figure: (D’Cruz and Noronha, 2010)

AC 4.2-Employment exit procedures used at a Pink Berry organization and Sains berry.

Employment exit procedure is the termination of employ. It varies since different organization and nation to nation (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012). But the privileges of workers must to be ensuring by every type of association. The employment exit procedure structure must be especially reasonable and detailed. As per the labor right company must make sure the fair income of employment exit procedure (Rocha, Carneiro and Varum, 2015).

Employment exit procedure of Pink berry is extremely very good comparing with other organization. First of all it informs the worker officially about termination. Secondly it gives instant to worker to place his or her disagreement beside the pace taken by organization. If worker is not intelligent to put his or her quarrel in favor for their employee, organizations officially inform him or her lastly. The Pink berry fulfills the complete condition due to the worker (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012). Then a termination certificate is send to the address of worker. While compare with the other we can acquire an model of Sains berry, like we can observe the name of Sains berry, the exit procedure of employ of Sains berry vary from the Pink berry is small extents in conditions of provide information procedures (Rocha, Carneiro and Varum, 2015).

AC 4.3- While sustaining the regulatory structure at the point in time termination of employ is very necessary for corporation of the company world (Garoupa, 2008). Every organization should contain some terms and circumstances of termination and exit procedures of employ (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012). HR believe some confident agreement of employ in Pink berry it is seen that the termination process of Pink berry contest all the necessities of lawful issue (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012). Pink Berry never tries to break any terms and situation which are resulting from lawful structure. From the conditions of Pink berry it is recognized that, Pink berry never try to bounce any article and stipulation of labor law and labor privileges in conditions of termination trial (Rocha, Carneiro and Varum, 2015).


While concluding from the overall study, human resource management (HRM) is a constantly working matter so it plays an important role on organization general performance (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012). If an association desires to increase complete advantage from the starting human resource management it must pursue all the section of HRM. Organization like Pink berry there might be a small number of people which are recruiting for its every day process and performance. Pink berry never favor favoritism in conditions of staffing and selection procedure that ensure the efficiency and competence in conditions of performances (Marchington, and Wilkinson, 2012).


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