Workforce Planning For King Edward Vii College: Objectives, Requirements, And Strategies

What is Workforce Planning?

Workforce planning is defined as a gradual process of assembling the needs and priorities of an organizations in line to its workforce to meet service and production requirements as well as the legislative, regulatory and objectives as prioritized. It enables workforce strategies based on evidence.

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  1. Avoiding disruption and unexpected costs

Workforce planning helps a company in identifying and anticipating issues early and assist in identifying critical roles and skills of the workforce. This will help to avoid disruptions and unexpected costs within a company, which would in turn lead to losses

  1. Determining staffing level

Since a workforce plan is not limited to hiring new employees or determination of staffing level, it helps to identify training needs and development initiatives for employees by identifying a gap in the workforce (Ono Lafortune and Schoenstein 2013).

Options for the scope of workforce plan

  • External recruitment and hiring
  • Alternatives to developing

Workforce process takes stock of the current workforce, forecasting for the future requirements and identifying gaps. It covers current profile, training and making development programs. It involves eight steps, which include the scenario question, proximate environment, driving forces, judging importance and uncertainty, composing the story, sub-groups and reality checks, implications and strategic visions and oracles (World Health Organization 2010).

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  • Developing and analysing data that identifies HR need
  • Developing response to the identified needs

Purpose of labour market information portal

Information portal is developed by the HR as an online resource and its purpose is to help people understand their labour market. Example of the information included in the portal are the employment projection, vacancy, report among others (Collins et al. 2010).

ABS labour force survey

They are statistical surveys carried out about labour market in most of the countries especially those in European Union. The purpose of the surveys is to calculate the international labour organization and its use in workforce planning. it is to determine the rate of unemployment (McDonnell et al. 2010, p.150).

National skill need list

This is a list of labour market research analysis and its purpose is to identify traditional trades that affect national skills.

Part II

Research workforce requirements on King Edward Vii College

The organization requires top skilled employees like receptionist especially in the new established campuses to effectively manage the workforce and achieve its objectives.

The employers of King Edward Vii College should consider workforce issues such as the school strategic plan, workforce changes, and demand for workforce maintenance to attain strategic work planning.

To meet the overall strategic objectives, the school should set some workforce objectives such as defining needs, managing costs, setting standards and maintaining competitive advantage.

Purpose of a Labour Market Information Portal

King Edward Vii College should employ skilled workers with qualifications, not so old in age, both male and female of different cultures.

Factors that affect workforce supply especially in the educational sector including the economic growth, lack of skills among the employees, and competition for workers should be looked into.

The establishment of King Edward Vii College is to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth of the country by building effective industrial relations framework. This is through strengthening the industrial relation with the school framework.

The purpose of the workforce plan is to develop strategies of achieving the overall objectives.

Objectives and key workforce requirements

  1. To be a leader in vocational education and training
  2. To establish and maintain high quality infrastructures for supporting both clients and staff
  3. To ensure high performance, profitability and accountability

The future workforce plan needs include establishing additional campuses, which would commence in October and in 2018 and employing new manpower

Environmental factors

Factors that influence King Edward Vii College to achieve its objectives include recruitment of workers such as marketing managers competent accountants and analysis of government policies for example the taxation policies, among others and internal environment like poor selection of workers, incapability of workers and many others.

Current workforce

The college currently employs 24 staff members including the marketing, human resource, finance, administration, and academic managers, the CEO and receptionist.

In future, the college is expecting to employ other receptionists, student services and trainers in the newly established campuses (Cahill and Sedrak 2012, p.3).

Gap analysis

Comparing the available and future workforce, the college expects to get more skilled workforce to boost on the existing ones.

Workforce plan objectives

The college is set to retain every employee who performs well his or her duties and will work hard to attract and diversify the staff. Moreover, the college manages multi-cultural environment that requires high interpersonal skills

Key workforce plan issues

The key workforce plan will include strategic plan, workforce changes, and demand for workforce maintenance.

Contingency plan

In case of unplanned events, the college will ensure that it has employed skilled personnel for such pitfall event.

Part III

Assessment 3

King Edward Vii College is committed to recruiting diversified and highly qualified experienced staff who will be able to put the school at a higher standard. Selection decision will be made with a lot of care to avoid any discrimination and selection to base on competence. Advertisement for vacant posts will be publicised in press and interview will be conducted in an appropriate time (Lyon et al. 2011, p.240).

Assessment 4

Career Development plan for Jackie as a human resource manager

Start date

Completion date

Skill, experience, knowledge to be gained

How it will be gained


Jan 2018-

march 2018


Organisation of workshops on human resource

Human resource department

March 2018-

April 2018

Human resource skills training

Internal human resource seminars

Human resource department

April 2018-

June 2018

Monitoring and supervision

Compiling with the work done and assessment

Managing director

July 2018

Sept 2018

Monitoring progress

By setting aside regular appointments

Human resource department

Sept 2018

 Dec 2018

Learning and improving natural abilities

Committing to ongoing learning environment

Supervisor or any expert

ABS Labour Force Survey

King Edward Vii College located in Melbourne was established five years ago and has over 500 students enrolled in different courses and wishes to erect two more/ additional campuses in Brisbane and Sydney.

Aims and policy

For employees who are re-deployed or made redundant, proper procedures are set up with a good reason to be followed to ensure continuous coordination of the staff.

Key principles

In case of redeployment or unavoidable redundancy, employees will be assigned to other vacancies that is only if available, a suitable career development plan is drafted for that specific employee, and effective communication is ensured throughout the whole institution (Dussault et al 2010).


Redeployment means a staff member or any employee transferred to another post as a result of redundancy (Wieck et al. 2010)

Re-deployment procedure

Notification in a written form, selecting a vacancy, carrier development plan, and organising interview

Redundancy procedure

Exploration, notification to staff, understanding terms and conditions and carrier guidance.

A survey

Survey questions about general satisfaction with workplace at King Edward Vii College

  1. What best pleases you working with this college?
  2. What are the sources of stress when working with the college?
  3. What do you hate about the college?
  4. What changes and innovations can you bring to the college
  5. What if you were the CEO, what can you do to the college?
  6. What makes you like your job?
  7. How do you see this college in 5 years to come?
  8. Why do you sometimes put extra effort?
  9. What could be done to create teamwork among employees?
  10. What hinders teamwork in this college?
  11. What makes you admire your work?
  12. What if you are mistreated, would you quit work?
  13. What brings frustration at work?

Employment area



Academic staff including trainers









Workforce characteristics

For the year 2018, the workers are of more mature age and the gender remain balanced with different backgrounds.

Government policy  

Policies of the government such as imposing heavy taxes and implementing strict laws have seriously affected labour demand and supply.

Focus group results

In overall, according to the answers to the focus group questions, the employees are satisfied with their jobs and committed to work.

By increasing on pay and creation of more job opportunities, it would prevent employees from leaving their jobs. This will help in improving job retention in the college


Cahill, T.F. and Sedrak, M., 2012. Leading a multigenerational workforce: Strategies for attracting and retaining millennials. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 29(1), pp.3-15.

Collins, F.S., Glass, R.I., Whitescarver, J., Wakefield, M. and Goosby, E.P., 2010. Developing health workforce capacity in Africa. Science, 330(6009), pp.1324-1325.

Dussault, G., Buchan, J., Sermeus, W. and Padaiga, Z., 2010. Assessing future health workforce needs. Copenhagen: World Health Organization.

Lyon, A.R., Stirman, S.W., Kerns, S.E. and Bruns, E.J., 2011. Developing the mental health workforce: Review and application of training approaches from multiple disciplines. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38(4), pp.238-253.

McDonnell, A., Lamare, R., Gunnigle, P. and Lavelle, J., 2010. Developing tomorrow’s leaders—Evidence of global talent management in multinational enterprises. Journal of world business, 45(2), pp.150-160.

Ono, T., Lafortune, G. and Schoenstein, M., 2013. Health workforce planning in OECD countries.

Wieck, K.L., Dols, J. and Landrum, P., 2010, January. Retention priorities for the intergenerational nurse workforce. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 7-17). Blackwell Publishing Inc.

World Health Organization, 2010. Models and tools for health workforce planning and projections

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