Work Health And Safety Management Plan For Expansion Of Head Office Of BizOps Enterprises

WHS principles and regulations in Tasmania

Task 1

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List of WHS principle in Tasmania

The principle WHS regulation and law in Tasmania contains Work Health and Safety Act 2013, assisted by work health and safety regulation 2012. The Work health and safety act are assisted by principles of activities that offered supervision in obtained the necessary customary of health and wellbeing. The principles of these act are accepted by Tasmania are registered down on the web portal (Wetzel and Thabet 2015).

Health and wellbeing activity

The WHS act 2012 has widened the dimensions who has a sense of care and reposnisbilty. In this context, managers and supplementary individual are authorised with conducting business and take part in responsibilities to maintain dangers that are imposed on all the members of the part that has a place to donate for sustaining successful organisation of office (Gurcanli et al. 2015).

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Health and protection risk are rising from work, which needs to be efficiently handled by abolishing and limiting the risk for preventing the workers and other employees from adverse events and harm caused to health and welfare.

Bizops Enterprise is dedicated to offering a safe working atmosphere for all of its employees in regards with the legislative obligation. However, providing immediate actions for the unhealthy and adverse situation is an evaluation of commitment towards workplace (A Aldunce et al.2015).

All the employees working within Bizops work for managing health and safety within the workplace. In this aspect, training and communication of health and safety practices are provided to all the employees. Moreover, health and safety representatives are appointed in accordance to the state and territory of legislations. Therefore, health and safety authorities has the authority to manage the legislation of the state (Clothier et al. 2015).

In the context of Tasmanian legislation requirement all the employers and employees of Bizops enterprise needs to  discuss and collaborate with the management employees within the workplace to consult over the risk taking place within the workplace (Wainwright et al. 2015). This will be done to prevent the health and protection of the workers who can be at a risk within the workplace. This legislation are applied in all Tasmanian workplaces.

Task 2

  1. a)Bizops Human resource manager

The project of Bizops Enterprise consists of human resource manager, which is Gina Harris whose duty is to report to the Managing director of human resource Sayo Yoshida for dealing with issues associated to human resource. The roles and responsibilities of human resource manager is to train and manage the employees (Chang et al. 2015). They are accountable for offering a complete range of services related to human resource. This is one of the major skilled duty in the HR working in the back office of Bizops wherein the administrator managers all the data entry and updates of the employee files by preparing the necessary documents for the managers and staffs (Hale et al. 2015).

  1. b) Bizops WHS manager

Roles and responsibilities of employees in managing health and safety risks

Bizops Work health and wellbeing manager is responsible for managing health and care standards by supervising health and care risks of the staffs employed within the enterprise. Their role is also associated with providing training to all the staffs in managing them in dealing with workplace and safety principles (Lewis et al. 2016). A necessary role of workplace health and safety manager is prevention of the workplace from occurrence of disaster and provide support during emergency management plans.

  1. c) Site manager

  The site manager in the Bizops enterprise manages and supervises the regular day-to-day operations thereby ensuring that the work has been done in a safe way, done on time within a required budget (Fernández-Muñiz et al. 2014). This job role also allows to maintain the appropriate quality standard of the workplace.

  1. d) Site supervisor

The responsibility of the site supervisor includes the monitoring and administration of the site operation in accordance to health and care principles. It is the duty of the site supervisor to analyse the hazards of the sire, determine the risks, perform a regular inspection, and maintain an effective safety program (Tan et al. 2015).

Task 3:

Hazard description

Workplace hazard

Hazard medium

Example of harm caused

Harmful substance




Wet floor

Slips and fall

Source of energy


Shock and electrocution


Frayed electrical cords

Electrical shock





Almost possible

It is almost possible to take place and is estimated to take place in majority of the cases



There is a possibility of occurrence within the circumstance



May take place at certain time


Not likely

Could not take place at times



Might take place in terms of  extraordinary circumstances



It cannot be foresighted about the occurrence





Not significant

Null injuries

Minimum monetary loss


Minor Hazard

First Aid treatment

Average financial loss

 The injury has been immediately sustained


Average Hazard

Required clinical intervention

High loss of finance

On site exposure sustained with the support from external assistance


Major risk

Widespread injuries

High loss of finances

Offsite release with no

Harmful impact



Loss of production capacity


High financial loss

Toxic release  at external site

Risk categorisation Matrix







































H high risk provided with detailed research and planning of management that are necessary for senior levels of management

S potential risk, management accountability that is required to be specified

M Average risk, management accountability that is needed to specified

L Limited risk that can be managed by daily process.

Risk control/ treatment



Impact on the employees(injury), impact on the organisational services (productivity and finance), impact on some internal public relation

Control measures/ treatments

Control measure



Injury treatment up to almost 1 year, admission for the treatment

Immediate treatment

No prior planning

Financial investment


Limited cost

Regular supervision

Effective technique

Limited employees

Effective management control

Effective technique

Lack of training

Risk and Hazard supervision techniques

Effective technique

Lack of equipment’s

Impact of risk/s on areas outside your responsibility

The risk may lead to the failure of the project, and result in conflict in between various employees engaged with the HR manager IT employees and trainers (Wilhite et al. 2014).  These could also lead to huge financial loss due to the in completion of the project’s

Personnel involved

Site supervisor, HR manager, site manager, project team lead and executive manager

Expected outcomes of risk treatment plan

Risk treatment pan will help in limitation of the likelihood, negative mishaps associated with the risk. The risk treatment will therefore help in identifying the risk and help in taking effective measures to prevent the risk (Epstein 2018).

Action required:

Recommended control(s):

Need to obtain instructions and training before utilising the harmful equipment’s

Consulting with the supervisor

As for help for fixing the wet floor

Consulting the plumber

Employer needs to monitor the hazards caused due to electricity

Electrician is needed to consulted

Heavy objects are needed to be lifted and removed

Supervisor needs to check it

Job request raised:    Yes   No                        Job no. (insert as appropriate)

Person responsible

Human resource manager and supervisor

Controls to be completed by:

January 2019

Approved by organisational unit head/officer

(name)                 (signature) (date)

Completion verified by health and safety representative (HSR)

(name)                 (signature) (date)

Implementation plan

Hazard description

Summary of the impact: in order to ensure that the project is completed an inspection checklist will be prepared for reporting it to the project manager for developing a procedure for dismantling the project. This is to ensure that risk of collapsing of project and that it is acceptable.

For management use

· Bizops Company will be contacted and will be advised that they are required to complete it and submit the project to the project organisation for starting the onsite construction (Purdy 2009).

· Development of procedure for pulling it to pieces, the project need to act in response to the intolerable technical issue

Risk: collapse of the project

Required resources

  • Time for the project organiser’
  • Accessibility of Computer
  • Telephone and mobiles


Duty of the project organiser is to communicate with the company manager, gather the checklist from the technical supervisor and develop the dismantling processes. The site construction company is needed to be contacted in regards to the changing stages of technical issue.

Controls to be completed by:

· The process of implementation is required to be completed before the project release event

· The other company involved with Bizops Enterprise is required to be notified for managing the checklist requirement before the starting of project (Zou et al. 2017).

Approved by organisational unit head/officer

(name)                 (signature) (date)

Completion reviewed by health and safety authority (HSR)

(name)                 (signature) (date)

Task 4

Construction equipment



Hearing preventing device such as ear plugs

 Australian manufacturing suppliers


Eye and face protection devices such as safety glasses and face shields

Australian manufacturing suppliers


Safety helmets

Australian manufacturing suppliers


Fall arrest harness equipment’s while working at heights

Australian manufacturing suppliers


Visibility vests and  rubber boots

Australian manufacturing suppliers


Task 5



Methods and procedure



 A problem with temperature of air that is encountered at one level of the office block that may not affect the levels of work and safety of workers in other levels.

Health and safety representatives

Consultation with the employees and other shareholders that does not need to be documented unless under the WHS regulation.


Help in ensuring that all the workers are well informed about the issues that could affect their health and safety (Wilhite 2014).

Conflict and confusion about the issue amongst the employee.

Health safety committee

Storing records for determining the compliance with the necessities of consultation.


Records will help in integrating the effective management of health and safety in future situation.

Task 6




National Disability service

This service exists to improve the quality of disability services through the provisions of safe working practices.


FCB group

This company takes an interdisciplinary approach for WHS, so that they can provide business along with full spectrum of services.



Consultation on health and safety issues to provide an opportunity for adding value while making decisions


Task 7



Workers(plumbers , electricians, carpenters)

Supervisor( site manager, manager, h/r)



Training and supervising the employees in understanding the legislative requirement

Training them about the Hazard safety and prevention mechanism for analysing the effective of the process

Supervisors and managers will be conducting the induction and training for all the employees before the starting of refurbishment work,

Specific emphasis needs to be given for ensuring the familiarity with local standard of operating process


Identifying their relevant duties and accountabilities

Participate in the training and process of induction

Reviewing and upgrading the procedure in accordance to the criteria of the WHS document

All the employees needs to be well informed about the project and to reduce the occurrence of injuries while working with the equipment’s.


Offering participation for recognition and resolving issues in WHS system of management

Ensure all the operating vehicles, plant and equipment as a part of training plan

Maintain the coordination and delivering of general HS training.

Before the staring of the refurbishment project, contractors are needed to complete the online form of induction for the contractors.

Responsible person

Possible hazards

Actions to be taken


Hazard caused by lead fumes and particles along with welding fumes

Environmental control are necessary to reduce the impact of the hazard within the workplace


Caused by wood dust, heavy loads, and injury occurring due to repetitive motion

Need to be careful while lifting heavy loads, and need to protective mask


Injury due to heavy metals in solid fumes, awkward posture and electrical cords

Need to fix the electrical chords, need to wear protective jackets and needs equipment for lifting heavy metals,

 Task 8



Responsible person

How often( frequency)



Supervisor and manager

One week



Finance Executive

One month



Operational manager

Two weeks





Task 9

  1. Data collection policies

Data collection policy consist of both operational collection of Data and date repositories, the purpose of the Data collection policy is to manage and regulate the development of data collection in Western Australia Through strategic initiatives within WA health.   Safe work Australia collects information for various Australian WHS legislation (WorkSafe Queensland 2018). However, business owners of the Bizops organisation have legal obligation for securing the data and safeguard the privacy of all the employees and customers’ information. In order to protect the online customers of the company the organisation need to comply with laws on protect and spam. In this context, the company needs to follow the electronic Transaction Act 2001 and Australian Electronic transaction Act 1999.

Task 10





Responsible Person

Required Resource



Supporting the risk management process for hazardous tasks done manually

Safe and healthy places

Creating lease with work and health plan for adopting participative program for ensuring reduction of risk

By December 2018

Workplace safety manager

Committee member

Developed risk management process, worker feedback

Evaluation report on learning

Promoting group activities

Safe environment

Development and adoption of 12 team challenge with improvement within workplace.

Jan 2019

Workplace wellness committee members

Members of the committee

90 of the employees maintaining and completing the tasks

Registration of database and recording them

Reference list

Aldunce, P., Beilin, R., Howden, M. and Handmer, J., 2015. Resilience for disaster risk management in a changing climate: Practitioners’ frames and practices. Global Environmental Change, 30, pp.1-11.

Chang, Y.H., Shao, P.C. and Chen, H.J., 2015. Performance evaluation of airport safety management systems in Taiwan. Safety Science, 75, pp.72-86.

Clothier, R.A., Williams, B.P. and Fulton, N.L., 2015. Structuring the safety case for unmanned aircraft system operations in non-segregated airspace. Safety science, 79, pp.213-228.

Epstein, M.J., 2018. Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental and economic impacts. Abingdon: Routledge.

Fernández-Muñiz, B., Montes-Peón, J.M. and Vázquez-Ordás, C.J., 2014. Safety leadership, risk management and safety performance in Spanish firms. Safety science, 70, pp.295-307.

Gurcanli, G.E., Bilir, S. and Sevim, M., 2015. Activity based risk assessment and safety cost estimation for residential building construction projects. Safety science, 80, pp.1-12.

Hale, A., Borys, D. and Adams, M., 2015. Safety regulation: the lessons of workplace safety rule management for managing the regulatory burden. Safety science, 71, pp.112-122.

Lewis, K.A., Tzilivakis, J., Warner, D.J. and Green, A., 2016. An international database for pesticide risk assessments and management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 22(4), pp.1050-1064.

Purdy, G., 2010. ISO 31000: 2009—setting a new standard for risk management. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 30(6), pp.881-886.

Tan, P.L., George, D. and Comino, M., 2015. Cumulative risk management, coal seam gas, sustainable water, and agriculture in Australia. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 31(4), pp.682-700.

Wainwright, D.J., Ranasinghe, R., Callaghan, D.P., Woodroffe, C.D., Jongejan, R., Dougherty, A.J., Rogers, K. and Cowell, P.J., 2015. Moving from deterministic towards probabilistic coastal hazard and risk assessment: Development of a modelling framework and application to Narrabeen Beach, New South Wales, Australia. Coastal engineering, 96, pp.92-99.

Wetzel, E.M. and Thabet, W.Y., 2015. The use of a BIM-based framework to support safe facility management processes. Automation in Construction, 60, pp.12-24.

Wilhite, D.A., Sivakumar, M.V. and Pulwarty, R., 2014. Managing drought risk in a changing climate: The role of national drought policy. Weather and Climate Extremes, 3, pp.4-13.

WorkSafe Queensland. (2018). WorkSafe. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2018].

Zou, Y., Kiviniemi, A. and Jones, S.W., 2017. A review of risk management through BIM and BIM-related technologies. Safety science, 97, pp.88-98.

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